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Did you see a tweet where she said she wasn’t going to stop til she got what she wants, and that she always got she wants? It was the same night as the hat IGs. Deleted obv and I didn’t screenshot. No one else has mentioned it so I am wondering whether I was hallucinating AE tweets which would be… weird.
That comment was on IG in one of the replies (or at least it sounds like it) last week

I’m not sure if she’s just hoping that her putting out there how wonderful she is as a person and mother is also just trying to get another man to become interested in her so she has her next victim lined up. It feels like the men she has been with are just there to serve her, financially and mentally and there is minimal work on her said - she wants to be a kept woman.
no sane man would look at her twitter and say "yep, I want that"
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Two thoughts - Alice never gave a rats ass about any other woman’s marriage difficulties- now wants to be a spokeswoman because she’s a victim.
If anything happened to IG - serious accident/illness God forbid death she would be back to wailing about how wonderful he is. And she’d want to be chief mourner.
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Another one who doesn't understand her end aim. To get him back? Fat chance after outing herself as a nutter. Ruin his career? Short sighted thinking there. Improve her own career options? Good luck with that. Alienate the kids? Doing a good job so far.
Her stamping her feet and screaming ‘he’s abusive, a narc, gaslights me, and the other stuff (I don’t want to type out the words tbh) but actually I want my life back how I want it where he pays for my to stick toys onto bags in my nice house with hired help and I part-time look after my kids!’ Just shows that she’s an adult baby having a big tantrum.
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That interview is actually painful :( That is someone trying very hard to convince themselves that what has happened is ok, normal and even maybe a little funny. It's none of those things. I remember doing similar about my abusive ex, it's the cognitive dissonance speaking.

The host sounds super uncomfortable too.
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If the roles were reversed, and it was a higher profile wife with a ‘known’ husband, who kept putting (at times unflattering photos) on his social media with captions like “she begged me not to put this on”.
I remember Russell Brand took an unflattering photo of Katie Perry when she had just awoken, no makeup, etc., and posted it on social media as a "joke." I didn't follow them as a couple but even I was like, "dang, I guess that marriage is about to end" because it was so clearly an act of cruel passive aggression. Sick stuff when Brand did it once, sick stuff when Alice did it again and again and again and again.
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She's not trying very hard to stay off
The ironic thing is the people she thinks are “haters” are the ones that her probably giving her the best advice long term (apart from those trolls). Even her own lawyers have told her to stay off social media.
She doesn’t seem to want advice. She wants to moan and people agree with her. If you don’t then you’re blocked. Then she announces that everyone agrees with her 🤣. No Alice anyone with a sane opinion or advice is blocked.
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She does have one interesting, and in my opinion, strong angle that she could go on. The social fabric of marriages and careers has changed over the last 50 years, divorces are at an all time high. It used to be that traditionally the woman would forgo paid employment to concentrate on rearing the children/house, with the expectation that they would reap the benefits of the husbands salary into old age. They would undertake unpaid labour vs his paid labour but in the end both be protected as marriage was for life.

Slowly, societies attitude towards the permanence of marriage has changed and now we see women being divorced by the husband (and replaced by the oh so cliched younger model) and he takes not only his earning power with him but the woman is left with a 15 year gap in her CV.

If she was able to articulate herself clearly she could go on Lorraine and talk about this phenomenon. What did her and IG decide back in the day? If one of them was to give up the career was it automatically assumed to be her? Was there a conversation about how she would be protected if she was to concentrate on raising the children? What does she feel she is owed now?

There is obviously no right or wrong answers to this, it’s a conversation that would generate debate, maybe some new ideas and she could lead it. But I genuinely don’t think she can get out her own way.
Doesn’t really work for me when they had a housekeeper AND a nanny. Who could take her seriously as a spokeswoman for this? Unless he forbade her from working which is a whole different story. As far as I can see this is a prolonged tantrum from a rich white woman who pays less advantaged POC to actually do the work. Give me a break.

This conversation would be interesting from someone I had any respect for admittedly.
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It’s ok AE I have a career, kids, family, go to the gym, roof over my head that isn’t going to be taken away from me. Don’t worry about me pet. Focus on doing your thing.

I don’t know both IG or AE well - I was a vampire diaries fan actually, not an Ioan fan.

as a mother and a woman, I am shocked by AE’s lack of self awareness and utter disregard for her kids welfare. Anyone know anything about my kids? We literally have a running commentary on yours. How is this relevant to your latest cause? How is exposing your kids lives going to benefit them?
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Jesus the level of abuse being levelled at an innocent party (Ella Newton) is truly grim. I’d be seeking legal advice if I were her. It’s painful to see. No one should be getting that shit thrown at them. She’s done nothing wrong, nothing at all, and Alice is completely delusional in her defence of why it’s OK to fat shame (which she absolutely is doing). What an absolute shitshow.
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I rather doubt that it went literally like Alice tweets it
Not even a doubt. A certainty, considering her pattern. I believe that conversation never went down like that. He probably very casually threw in Bianca's name once, or, most likely, she had her daughter primed for questions. Was it with Bianca? Who did you eat with? "Friends." Was Bianca there? Yes. That conversation could have gone down ten different ways, but it's zero percent it came out like she says. She is really a manipulative person. Sometimes you want to feel so sorry for the loss she's feeling, but then you see how she is manipulating her daughters to hate their father and twist their minds emotionally for her own satisfaction, and it is absolutely disgusting. More than that, it is frightening.

And the way she has gone after his young co-worker showed to me that she will go after people in cruel ways below the belt. I've known a few women like her before. So charming and outgoing, but then out of nowhere saying something vicious to someone, or to you, because of a perceived slight. And those people are not to be trusted, because they will do it again. I keep my distance from women like her. She's going after anyone in his orbit and hitting them below the belt with exaggerations and mistruths and cutting remarks. She wants to punish the person and punish him, and I don't believe her.
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Chatty Member
They might not have been HER therapist though, just a therapist watching the shitshow and trying to help from the sidelines.

That's what I noticed. Says 'designs' but there is no theme so not really a design. Unless its like 'pink random'.

I do actually feel kind of sad for her now. Being a SAHM didn't work for her so she really should have got out and done something in those school hours. Plenty of other women do the 9-3 shift. Looks like the craft stuff was a way to fill bored hours. Surely she could have found other things, useful things, to do with her time. As someone said, giving lessons in other languages. Even teaching English to immigrants. Not just sitting at home, drinking, and feeling as if having a nanny is some sort of charity effort. I'm pretty sure Gloria could get another position as nanny if Alice decides to let her go.

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Also if designers do this sort of thing, they kind of lay some over the others. So flowers partly over top of each other. And group all the baby stuff together in one corner. I have no designer training or interest in design but even I can see this is no good. So I do now feel sorry for her because clearly she has been struggling for a while now. Its a pity there is no clear path for a member of the public to make a mental health report. Someone needs to intervene but with no family on the same continent and her friends having given up (can friends even make a report?) she's on her own.
I'm trained in design and textiles... This makes me very sad (to see how hard she's tried but its not really working) maybe if she went and done some courses in design she could be really good. Learned the basics, and could try make a living from it. I don't like to criticize other peoples work, and I'm not, I just think some foundation knowledge might help and she could create some really nice stuff. At the moment it's a bit all over the place and a few years ago there was a trend to stick those cabochons on everything (converse, phone cases ect) but things have moved on. Learn a specific design craft Alice and I bet you'd do really well as you do have talent. (I know others may disagree with my opinion. I also do think she could put her energy into this and it can be very therapeutic)
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Due to Alice’s prolific tweeting we have a brand new glittery thread just like Alice’s bags on Etsy!
Congratulations to @House of Tea for the excellent suggestion!
Alice still so bitter, all over Twitter! #6

Here goes nothing!
On the last episode of Malice in Wonderland Tattlers started out by being treated to an avatar of sex crazed Flying Monkey #1 with a drawing of a purple wiener on her head. Some Tattlers were initially frightened before 🤣
Thank you @What’s Your Point! And thank you @FillinTheBlank for the additional longer purple wiener on the older Flying Monkey photo! It’s an improvement of her looks!

Malice has slut shamed BW relentlessly, calling her the mistress, it, acrobat Instagram girl or something like it. Alice’s mind runs like a Tasmanian devil on crack so I struggle to keep up with her nasty cracks. Tee hee hee!

Alice thinks she’s all that using disengenious all the time but she’s not as smart as us Tattlers. No way, Jose’! We have all the receipts and way better memories and narc family members to boot! And we wouldn’t be caught dead with one of your ugly purses. At least I wouldn’t.
They are way overpriced and tacky as the glue you used to cover them in bling. Maybe it’s time you started designing for My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding!

Alice’s “friends” on Twitter help Alice’s narrative that every thing is Bianca W’s fault, and she’s been controlling IG for three years with a remote cattle prod to his balls. That’s why he left her. Not because she tweets like a mad woman, drinks, lays in bed, posts ridiculous looking selfies of herself and him whenever she could. And keeps a messy house with dog poo on the bed.

Alice slagged off IG’s co-workers, parents, siblings, BW, and even had the nerve to say he was jealous of Matthew Rhys! Them’s fightin words AE!

AE is set to go on Lorraine and make a fool of herself. Surprise surprise! She did an interview in front of her house wearing her black scarf. She keeps moving her neck around like an Iguana or something but I think it’s Twitter neck. She’s not used to facing anything but the keyboard.

AE made a sarcastic disengenuous apology to BW on Daily Fail. Commenters are generally not impressed unless it’s the band of Flying Monkeys who comment on there.

Blind Gossip printed a story of alleged cheating by AE while on Vampire Diaries. But you know if true it’s no big deal because Alice gets a free pass for everything! Not us mere peasants. Oh no!

AE claims that in hindsight she can now look back and see that IG behaved like he was cheating because she could see it in his eyes. Her feeble minded minions agree. I watched the video and I never even saw his eyes! 🤔

Alice is doing her damndest to turn her daughters against their father.

Alice got drunk as a skunk and stayed up all night posing in her wig and eating it, and wore a silly hat and IG was worried for his girls, calling the nanny. Nanny Gloria said AE called her at 6:00 am to do the school run.
I think Gloria the nanny is not neutral and is covering up for AE. It pissed IG off ”naturally” because I think he knows something is rotten in Denmark. And Gloria cried because IG was mean and said you work for me. AE will get a job to pay her salary! ROTFLMFAO

AE is special for giving Gloria a job. 🙄

I know there’s more but Alice is wearing me out and if I were IG and BW I’d move to Australia. Or Mars.
Oh, and Alice. This is you girlfriend. 🤥
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AE: I'm focused on where I'm going to live, how I'm going to make money, where my kids are going to live, what the next threatening letter from his lawyers will be and how to protect my kids mental health. She doesn't even make the top 20 of my focuses.

I thought she "CAN'T work" and she does fuck all to protect the kids mental health. Plus the obsession with BW is unreal - probably her No 1 focus right now. The self delusion is hilarious.
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Just seen the clip where Lorraine said about “two sides of every story” and the way Alice blew out air and then said “Yeah, yeah” as if to show how utterly understanding and reasonable she is, was my fave bit! She’s made it very clear through her Twitter rants there is only HER side story! Bet she was fuming!!
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Just William

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I had some sympathy briefly, esp' re his poss' cheating, (been there, got the t-shirt & it hurts like the devil) but her rants,
lies, contradictions, spite & self absorption (& lack of proof!) makes me believe like others that IG was emotionally abused by
her for quite some time. I imagine he stuck it out for their girls as long as he could until he couldn't take it anymore. It's
telling she admits he told her to change her behaviour or he would leave but she clearly didn't believe him. I do wonder if he was
cheating, as I recall a post by BW's sister (?) after IG posted that photo, saying along the lines she was happy BW was being loved
as she deserved to be & I thought at the time it's a bit early to mention the L word - unless IG & BW maybe had an emotional affair
first? If he did cheat then yes, that stinks, but at the same time I do have some sympathy for him & don't know how he lasted so
long with her histrionics & lack of boundaries even before he left. To mock him for his not wanting their private life
splattered all over SM & doing it anyway, shows a complete lack of love, regard & respect for her so called 'soul mate'.

As for the damage she's inflicting on her children, incl' parental alienation, shame on her. I was Ella, my mum (not a narc
like AE or anywhere near as bad) was loving & kind but damaged by abuse & was emotionally dependent on me for 40 years (from when
I was 13) sharing stuff no parent should share with a child, making me her confidante, an adult before my time, making me feel I
was responsible for her emotional happiness, all of which affected my feelings towards my dad. It damaged me hugely. I lost myself
in her. I became a peacekeeper, a people pleaser & our relationship, whilst loving, was (in hindsight) dysfunctional & co-dependent.
She's hurting their girls but seems way too self absorbed to see it. It took me, as an adult, a lot of years to come to terms with
my childhood & our relationship. Those poor girls. And I feel some sympathy for IG. Hell hath no fury like a narc scorned.

Btw, can anyone tell me what happened to reduce him to tears & then speak to his mum on the phone in Welsh for which I read
she slated him for? Seems nothing is sacred to her or too personal. Everything is fair game to be posted on SM. Appalling.

I had only ever seen her in the film 'The Christmas Card' & vaguely remember IG in a film someone posted a clip from where he was
mistaken as a hitman offering 'wet work', lol! Forever looks good, I might try to find that!
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Someone said he will be going back to LA on 23rd November, is that right? Well I will be recovering from surgery that week so I'll be able to spend much of my time following the goings-on. It will give me something to think about other than how sore I am. So nice of Alice to do this for me.
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The new gf has knocked her back.
In some ways it is the thing that will help her get over him. She won't have to examine her own behaviour or accept any blame or responsibility for how she treated him. She now has the person who is to blame and she can continue to believe that she is perfect in every way and not to blame one iota.
First rule of being a narc...It's always everyone else's fault.
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