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I am raging that anyone is going to give this spiteful hateful woman a platform to speak about anything! She does NOT support other women and she’s no role model.
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What I think will happen is that she will stall this divorce forever because what she demands (the house and full support) just wont happen. The most she will get is 50/50 if they get to court and they invalid the prenup, but in that way she wont keep the house because she doesnt earn the kind of money to afford the mortgage and pay off his part too even if he pays full support. So it will be one of those endless divorces and for the duration it takes she will both stay in the house and can continue to call him her husband, and thus prevent Ioan from getting re-married (and having kids without being side eyed for it as a legally still married man). This will not end before Ioan gives in completely or she gets admitted.
She is definitely trying to stall the divorce but she can't do this forever. Surely his lawyers can move things along without her consent. There has to be time limits even with collaborative divorce otherwise people like AE could abuse the system indefinitely??? It's also possible that IG doesn't want collaborative anymore if she is just going to abuse it and drag things out.

Also she has no grounds to invalidate the prenup so that will stick.

I know this is controversial as there is a lot of judgement here on the BW / IG Insta reveal, but I am glad they did it. It's a big FU to Alice and I bet with IG tiptoeing around Alice for so long it's a massive relief to be able to do that. I too think he was verbally and emotionally abused by her (not physical) and probably stuck with her for too long because of the kids.
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Oh, and I can't believe I missed this one, but... a lot of the unhinged conspiracy theories she ends up believing completely originate from her so called "supporters" playing internet detective and making wild claims and connections, just to get a lil pat on the head from her. Meanwhile they're pushing AE to spiral even further because with the "help" of her own #TeamAlice what is probably just a regrettable case of a loveless marriage reaching its end has in her mind become a grand conspiracy in which social media likes are portents of a grand multi-year campaign against her by pretty much everyone she knows. She's completely paranoid, and all her supposed supporters are just adding fuel to the fire because they think they're burning IG, when really the ones who'll suffer the consequences are AE and her kids.

Us "haters" can only aspire to that level of cruelty.
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Kinda sounds like he’s trying to normalise Bianca’s existence for the girls to help them adjust rather than pretending she doesn’t exist.

Also what do you want him to say AE? He can’t say she’s his friend, you say that’s cruel. He also can’t be honest and say he’s spending time with her, that’s also cruel. Somehow I feel like the only answer you have is for him to send her on her merry way? Funny that.
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No one's going to like this but I'm gonna say it anyway cos I'm messy.
I think it's extremely hurtful for gay men to use women as their beards/lavender wives without telling them. The sister of a friend of mine discovered a couple of years ago that her husband of 16 years was gay and she was devastated. The way she found out was by finding the gay dating app Grindr on his phone. She asked if he'd always known he was gay and he said yes. She asked why he'd married her anyway and he said he'd wanted biological children (they have 3) and he was afraid to come out because his parents were very homophobic. He is very conventionally attractive and she is rather plain so she'd been very keen to marry him and settle down, believing for many years that she'd won the lottery, as it were. My friend (her brother) now sees it as him was preying on a woman who didn't think she could do better than him (gorgeous god that he saw himself as!) and getting 3 kids out of her. She basically had a nervous breakdown in response. They're Jewish and there was a big stigma in their particular community about marriages ending so she even asked him to stay until their kids were a bit older but he said he'd "already missed out on so much" by being with her for so long and he left. Not saying he should just stay with her for the sake of the kids, but to view his marriage to her as having "missed out on so much" is beyond insulting. He chose to "miss out" by being with her. She was none thewiser.

Now, obviously, Alice's situation is very different. She wasn't married to Picasso and they didn't have kids. He was probably dragging his heels on marrying her (weren't they engaged for ages) because deep down he knew his sexuality and didn't want to do that to her. But as Alice was a very beautiful woman in her prime, I'm sure there was a big social cache to having a beauty like her on his arm and her presence would've quietened down any murmurs about his sexuality in Parisian society. That irritates me. Is it fair to use a woman as your beard in public despite knowing your sexuality? He was in his 30s when they were together, there's no way he didn't realise he was gay in his 30s. Not being in bohemian, artistic Paris. It's hardly like he was raised in a monastery!
I'm not defending her cheating on him with Ioan, but I can't roundly condemn her for it either. Can you imagine the anger and bitterness you'd feel after discovering your fiancee of 8 years was gay? There's a clip of a French tv interview with Alice from around the time 102 Dalmatians was released and the host asks her who has ever made her feel love at first sight. She takes a moment and then says "Olivier" very softly and wistfully. (I'm translating using my high school French but you can see that he was special to her.) I believe the whole situation hurt her profoundly.
You’re making a huge amount of assumptions about Olivier and what he knew his sexuality to be at the time. Yes people can be and are confused about their sexuality till they are older than you think thanks to societal prejudice. Also although he most likely is gay, he’s never actually said that, he may be bi with a stronger preference for men. Even AE said the other day he’s not technically ‘out’. She also said she didn’t find out about his sexuality till after she left him.

She said shortly afterwards that it was like a father/daughter relationship and he offered money and security so I’m not convinced she was in love at first sight in the slightest. She just says whatever suits her at the time she’s asked.
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I’m going to jump in here and say my piece. AE could drive the Pope to commit murder. My narc sibling is the only human being I have ever met that has made me so upset, so angry, and so devastated that it was a good thing I never had a weapon handy. And I’m the sort of person who refuses to kill spiders and puts them outside instead. I have called this sibling every bad name you can think of. The worst. But she drove me to it.
No doubt AE has done the same to IG. Maybe that’s it. Whatever it is, this let’s you know that she doesn’t give a rat’s ass about anyone but her nasty self.
Agree. #teamioan

Now FM1 🍆 wants Andrea Deaton's fan account deleted.
"Friends of @AliceEvansGruff please report Andrea Deaton and this account. She has made a YouTube video bashing Alice and calling her supporters ‘flying monkeys.’

First of all it was a link to a YT video on flying monkeys - she didn't make it. They can't handle the truth 😄

^^ Agree with this 100%
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I have to say I had to laugh out loud when one of Alice's fanatics said that we need hobbies (look in the mirror, darling). I have plenty of them, thanks, and a well-paid, high level job in comp science (talking about woman empowerement, eh?). that's why I'm able to think rather than to follow everything a random semi-celeb that I never met and that spends almost all day on twitter serves on my plate.
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I suspect a lot of things that she says Ioan said were more likely things that Alice said and either henpecked him into agreeing with or he just hid in the bath drinking bourbon and she took his silence as agreement.
Speaking of poor Ioan in the bath drinking bourbon and her barging in, I imagine that the bathroom door that’s broken was probably done by AE. And I personally wouldn’t doubt that she has gotten physical with him.
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I’m not sure how Ella got pulled into this drama so spectacularly. I feel bad for her. I took this screen shot last night cos I thought how can she go around accusing people of being Ella. Surely that is some type of harassment.
Poor Ella liked the gf announcement on Instagram and said glad you’re happy. AE attacked her and Ella answered that she was happy because Ioan is her friend.
Alice acts like an idiot.
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Chatty Member
This thread is wild I can’t keep up.. so I’m just going to throw it out there because by the next time I look there’ll be a new thread up.
Please can the title be:
Alice evans - socks at dawn
But if it gets chosen credit needs to go to @plinky who made this comment the other day!
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We've had already three pointers that Ella's behavior is very very unusual and concerning for a 12 year old

1. The youtube post on the parking lot incident before the divorce (assuming she wrote it)
2. Her blackmailing her father into coming to the house by refusing to see him elsewhere
3. Screaming, crying and calling her mother to escape her fathers house (assuming he didnt abuse her)

There is also sending provocative texts to a parent apparently, although you can excuse this with puberty

This is what makes me the most sad about this whole thing, perhaps it's not even caused by the divorce (1. was pre-divorce), but this divorce certainly highlighted it. One of the kids has already adopted some of Alice's destructive behavior patterns, which is just sad. And since her father hasnt shown to be the greatest role model either she is likely to grow up like this.
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Love it when she mentions tattle because you just know it will send people here and they can see ALL the receipts for all the lies she has told.
Don’t underestimate her. She knows exactly what she’s doing with that, that’s how I found Tattle. She needs people talking about her, she’s provocative on purpose, she has an eye on the media circuit, perhaps TV guest appearances or reality TV gigs? She has to have public interest and pulling powe to do that. Making people mad is the lowest common denominator for media attention So she’s going with that.
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ffs why is she always slagging off other women? Even if your husband was having an affair, it’s the not the woman’s fault, your husband is the one that broke your vows.

If he was cheating on you with other women throughout the marriage, learn from it and discover what you might want in your next relationship rather than just lamenting a marriage that has died years ago. It’s just making me pity her.

Jesus Christ this woman needs to build a bridge or be sectioned. Fucking loon
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God I hate that "sociopath" became a buzzword. It's an actual personality disorder and the internet has co opted it to mean "anyone who commits kind of a d*ck move". The most likely scenario here is that IG mentioned BW once in the context of his day and AE completely fixated on the mention of her and thinks the conversation was entirely about her. Bear in mind that AE wasn't privy to the convo and is hearing about it second hand from an eight year old.

As for her listening to her lawyers - she's been doing everything they told her not to and has called them just about everything under the sun at this stage. I think that ship has sailed, especially considering her SM pages are an archive of various coaching behaviours and parental alienation on her own part. An 11 year old doesn't act like Ella does on a visit unless A) she's under direct threat of serious harm, which AE has never alleged and we all know she would if she could, or B) She's having her head filled with all kinds of things she's too young to process and being coached to reject her dad by a mother who has basically completely adultified her.

If she wants to play that game with her lawyers she should be mindful of the copious amounts of ammo she's given IG's lawyers in turn. I have no doubt any court appointed evaluator she calls in to have IG's "abuse" noted would sniff out the coaching in seconds - I imagine it's fairly routine in contentious divorce cases. She seems intent on embarking on things that simply wouldn't go her way.
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I'm wondering how Ioan handles this in the privacy of his own company. Scrolling social media in his flat. Lying in bed just before lights-out. Like, I can't imagine he doesn't read any of these internet takes on his divorce, and I am REALLY itching to know if he ever slips into these forums for a quick read. Surely, he must be monitoring Alice's Twitter.

If I were Ioan—reading glaring lies about my personality, my motivations, my behavior towards others and particularly my children—I would pop off. That's just one of my personal, tragic impulses; if I witness something that seems unjust to me, I don't hold back. I can't tell you how many times I had to go do some brief, impromptu meditation sessions or stress-eat Cheetos or some shit to keep from firing back at one of Alice's tweets.

How this man is quietly watching her set fire to a good chunk of his reputation by outing his personal cosmetic decisions (I'll still never get over that), revealing private conversations between the two of them, and slandering his character and especially his title as a good father to his children is incomprehensible to me. I know—the guy has lawyers who advise him to stfu. I know—he naturally avoids confrontation. But there are lines you don't cross, and Alice has hurled herself right over them, again and again, so I can't believe that strong legal advice will always prevent the victimized party from losing their shit. We all have a threshold.

I assume God just blessed him with a saint's patience!! Because I would have combusted by now!! At Alice, and at her winged primates, too, like GOD I am never watching The Wizard of Oz again. 👠👠
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