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Okay, slightly off topic again, but... I'm just now realizing that AE is fluent in 4 languages, thus clearly must have a real talent for learning new languages, and she centred her entire life around a welshman who speaks Welsh as his native language for 20 years and never learned it? How!? Did she reject the language he speaks to his folks so she could maintain her little conspiracy theories about his mother? Seriously, in 20 years you'd think she'd at least pick up the basics from being around when he spoke it, especially as someone attuned to language already. Such an odd little detail.
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See, a mistake Alice's crew always makes is assuming that anyone supporting Ioan are people who want to be noticed by him, this says a lot about your own motivation if that's the first thing you assume, eh?

Lin, having different opinions is no harassement, what you do on the other hand though on a regular basis by tagging Ioan and insult him THAT is harassement. The only reason why your account hasnt been shut down yet is because we are entertained by your stupidity rather than bothered to report you.

Is this going to be her trick now? Insult everyone she wants and then claim she is just quoting her husband?

YOU ARE THE ONE WHO MAKES SHIT UP. Her Ella Newton quote is entirely made up too

yep, that's why I dont talk to you

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Did Ella really say those things though?
Nope, it's YET ANOTHER lie - Seriously, I REFUSE to believe that her supporters are THIS dumb. That ANYONE can be THIS dumb. They are 100 % supporting her for attention/entertainment. Anything else would reflect so badly on them
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Surely Alice is unable to keep up with her lies at the moment, it must be so tricky but they will keep coming back to haunt her!
I honestly don’t think she cares about keeping track because she has no sense of guilt about them. She just says whatever she needs to say in the moment which suits her best and gains her the maximum amount of fawning sympathy. If anyone points out an inconsistency she just bowls over them, or twists it, or calls them vile names and blocks them. She genuinely doesn’t seem to have any kind of a conscious. She’s a bit scary honestly, I wouldn’t want to work with or for her. Gloria must have Stockholm Syndrome.
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The social media cleanse is going really well, I see :rolleyes:

I wonder how freely around the house she uses that four letter word? Did you tell your friends they're home-wreckers? Are you still friends? They said only attracted to married men so how does that then become children losing their stable home? Marriage doesn't necessarily mean children are in the picture.

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Alice is going off at someone who seems to be taking a facts based view. Because Alice likes debating and discussing with people, right?
You can only get between a long term couple when there's a fracture between said couple to get into. You know what IG thinks of everybody, does that include what he must think of you? Is that why you're acting like a bull in a china shop?

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We're back to you were blissfully happy together until the day he up and left? So not he's been cheating for three years and there were all the signs you kept pushing away?

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Because attempting a discussion is "making * up"? You could've just ignored her to begin with.

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Usually if you quote someone you say "they said" or, y'know, use quotation marks. You don't make a vague statement which could be taken any which way.

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Wait, Alice is going to prison? What? Oh, are you likening your family home with a pool where you are with your children, dog and nanny to a prison? Then why don't you look for a new place where you can have a fresh start? You might NEED to talk to him, to reassert your dominance and control over what's going on, but honestly, everyone on his side will do everything to keep you far away now especially after everything you've been saying.

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"Never" body-shamed...?

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Omg she actually got her on the fat shaming Ella thing . I Love this lady!
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What's your point

VIP Member
Love it when she mentions tattle because you just know it will send people here and they can see ALL the receipts for all the lies she has told. Anyone in their right mind can see that she changes her story to play the victim she should have a nose like pinocchio!

As for her enablers they dont have her or her kids interests at heart because if they did they would tell her to shut the F up and let the lawyers do their jobs.

If she hadnt been such a grade A twat then IG might have felt bad enough to give her the settlement she wants but I wouldnt blame him if he gave up work and buggered off to Oz with Bianca and left her to sell her shitty embellished bags to earn a living instead of hoping to have the rest of her life paid for by her ex.

Also wouldnt blame him if he went for more access to the girls because at this point even across seas he is the more stable parent.
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Just put camera’s in her home every night and call the new show - I’m a ‘car crash’
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I have to imagine IG lawyers feel the same way about their new breakfast routine. Easiest money they'll ever make! They just crack their knuckles and screenshot to their heart's content.

Since AE loves to talk about her mediator, I'm wondering if IG could approach them and ask for some sort of injunction to keep her from violating the girls' privacy? There's a reason articles about kids often employ fake names and don't show their faces, and that's because media attention has been shown to be harmful to them and safeguarding their privacy is considered serious business. Both AE and IG are public figures, and by denying them any right to privacy she's making their pain a matter of public record, which... I don't imagine any court anywhere in the world would consider that to be in their best interest. She'll cry censorship, I'm sure, but I think IG has a pretty clear shot at it. And if she wants to keep doing it, she can face the consequences.

Personally, I think "stop exploiting your children's pain on social media" is the world's lowest bar, but I'm sure to AE it'll be the end of the world.
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I don't think my liver would hold up tbh

LOL. Someone mentioned pot but that is legal in CA. I reckon she has recorded some arguments and is threatening to release them post divorce to make him look bad. It's quite possible he shouted at her, maybe called her a few names. So what? I bet there was massive provocation and that bit won't be released of course.
I’m going to jump in here and say my piece. AE could drive the Pope to commit murder. My narc sibling is the only human being I have ever met that has made me so upset, so angry, and so devastated that it was a good thing I never had a weapon handy. And I’m the sort of person who refuses to kill spiders and puts them outside instead. I have called this sibling every bad name you can think of. The worst. But she drove me to it.
No doubt AE has done the same to IG. Maybe that’s it. Whatever it is, this let’s you know that she doesn’t give a rat’s ass about anyone but her nasty self.
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House of Tea

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If she alluded that he has done something illegal or unpalatable to be out in the public domain, that reflects badly on her too. He may have sniffed a bit of coke or had a drink problem in the past, something of that nature, and she thinks that will paint him in a bad light. I call bullshit on this one. It all feels like blackmail. I have said before I kind of feel sorry for her, I think she is ill, but she is a very unlikeable character. Her scattergunning her misery around all their associates, drawing them in, insulting and insinuating, is too far now. She needs to be stopped, she won’t on her own.
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She does have one interesting, and in my opinion, strong angle that she could go on. The social fabric of marriages and careers has changed over the last 50 years, divorces are at an all time high. It used to be that traditionally the woman would forgo paid employment to concentrate on rearing the children/house, with the expectation that they would reap the benefits of the husbands salary into old age. They would undertake unpaid labour vs his paid labour but in the end both be protected as marriage was for life.

Slowly, societies attitude towards the permanence of marriage has changed and now we see women being divorced by the husband (and replaced by the oh so cliched younger model) and he takes not only his earning power with him but the woman is left with a 15 year gap in her CV.

If she was able to articulate herself clearly she could go on Lorraine and talk about this phenomenon. What did her and IG decide back in the day? If one of them was to give up the career was it automatically assumed to be her? Was there a conversation about how she would be protected if she was to concentrate on raising the children? What does she feel she is owed now?

There is obviously no right or wrong answers to this, it’s a conversation that would generate debate, maybe some new ideas and she could lead it. But I genuinely don’t think she can get out her own way.
I agree. I actually think she’s articulate and intelligent but I don’t think she has the self awareness or introspection to write anything like that.

I would, however, read a book that was written by the nanny.

She reminds me a bit of Paula Yates and Sadie Frost (not personality wise) and others like that. Talented and beautiful women in their own right who give it all up to play little wifey when they meet a bloke who they think the sun shines out of. She’s a lesson not to let yourself yourself be subsumed when a man comes along, however amazing you think they might be. Not only is it good to keep your own independence and interests, but I also sort of feel like the burden on the man who becomes the centre of their lives must be immense (not that that’s an excuse to have an affair). It also makes the bloke think he’s some sort of god. Best to keep them down a peg a two, imo 😆
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Chatty Member
I don’t know why Alice says ‘my friends’ when she clearly means Gloria the Nanny and her daughter.
She clearly has no friends as a good friend would have wrestled her phone out of her hand and changed her passwords.

I did feel sorry for her, it’s hard being left behind, but any sympathy has evaporated due to her incessant nastiness.
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I suspect a lot of things that she says Ioan said were more likely things that Alice said and either henpecked him into agreeing with or he just hid in the bath drinking bourbon and she took his silence as agreement.
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He’s absolutely entitled to fall out of love, I just think the way he “announced” it on IG, in synch with his GF, was cringe at absolute best but ultimately calculated, unnecessary and pretty shitty for his kids. Even if they knew about her ahead of the post, I have absolutely no doubt they’re struggling with the changes, and I think they should be #1 priority above everything, including petty Instagram BS. AE is clearly the worse of the two, but I don’t think he’s above it either.

FWIW I don’t buy his “I’m just an innocent welsh boy from the valleys” nonsense either. He’s an actor, he knows the game, he understands how the internet works, how important image is and let’s face it, he was with her for 20 years. Birds of a feather and all that.
I agree that the Instagram revelation was ill-advised. I presume they regret it. I'm not sure what prompted it. They'd have been better off allowing themselves to get papped together.

But we should remember the only facts in this case seem to be that a) he told her he wanted to leave her and move out b) 18 months later he's dating again.

Everything else is Alice's claims, many of which seem like a wild leap, others inconsistent and often defamatory.

I'm purely speculating here - but perhaps AE had been abusive to IG and harassing him for some time and it was an act of defiance.
That's a totally made up scenario, but based on her behaviour it's not inconceivable. Would explain why he doesn't want to communicate with her directly
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Tangerine Cat

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If she alluded that he has done something illegal or unpalatable to be out in the public domain, that reflects badly on her too. He may have sniffed a bit of coke or had a drink problem in the past, something of that nature, and she thinks that will paint him in a bad light. I call bullshit on this one. It all feels like blackmail. I have said before I kind of feel sorry for her, I think she is ill, but she is a very unlikeable character. Her scattergunning her misery around all their associates, drawing them in, insulting and insinuating, is too far now. She needs to be stopped, she won’t on her own.
it will reflect badly on her. We will all know she was happy to keep quiet about whatever it was until it suited her not to.

it makes her complicit. If it’s even true, I suspect it’s something mild.

the insinuation about paedophilia is disgraceful, especially (as has been mentioned) she is the one making nasty connotations.
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Alice, no lawyer is using the word ‘new mom’ in a sentence to you when there is no such thing! A new GF is not a new mother

projecting her adult dislike of her own stepmother much?

what a fucking liar
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brie l

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The narc wants the victim of their abuse to engage with them directly...because that gives the narc her power back. She has bullied him for twenty years and he has finally escaped. She thinks if she can just get him to speak to her she will be able to talk him round /coerce/bully/blackmail/threaten and get him back under her control.
Ignoring her deliberate provocation and not engaging with her in the way she wants him to (ie only through the lawyers) , refusing to set foot in the house or deal with her is driving her crazy because she knows she can't "get to him" anymore.
He's escaped and she has lost control of him.
This is EXACTLY what my husbands ex wife is like with him. You are bang on. She has been at it for the entire 10 years they been divorced. Its all flared up again between them over the last couple of months because of issues impacting their teenage daughter. I suspect the timing of my personal fascination of the AE & IG saga is because I see such similarities in my own life and the drama my ex husband suffered when they split. BTW their spilt was nothing to do with me and we dated a year before I ever met his kids. I would recommend BW does the same. It gives you a chance to really cement your relationship before the crazy ex goes ballistic because her kids actually like the new girlfriend. We have now been married 4 years and it's never eased up. I see a long road ahead for poor IG.
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She knows/thinks that Ioan is reading her feed so I reckon she wants to make it clear to him that his kids arent in favour of any plans he has involving the new woman (in a way it's smart because directly saying this in the wizard would certainly be used against her)
Is it his kids or is it her and the kids are playing along because they don't want to upset mommy? Remember AE has undoubtedly been going on and on about how mistress (what a Victorian word) Bianca has ruined their happy family. Would they dare say they would be ok with a blended family? And make mommy cry or scream?

Anyway it's not all about what AE wants, thankfully. She just thinks it is because she is a narc.
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Tabitha D

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“John Griffiths” indeed. Anglicised version of “Ioan Gruffudd”. And his twitter handle is IG’s birthday. Another sock.
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