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O. M. G. I made it. I started reading the first five threads thinking I’d catch up easily. I was mistaken 🤪! In the end I’ve managed the first five and last fifteen. So I’ve been lurking for a while. Been a tattler a while, usually found on other threads like the Caroline Hirons or Sarah Akwisombe ones.

long time IG fan, watched Hornblower when it was first on and have always loved it, through to Liar and Harrow. Hope they do a series 4 of Harrow because it was just getting tricksy for his character! Lots of unanswered strands to the show that need answers! I hope this business and AE‘s nastiness hasn’t ruined it for him. I guess we will see.

anyway this is me putting my head above the parapet and saying 👋🏻

now I’ve caught up it’s time for bed and come tomorrow morning I’ll be another thread behind I’m sure 🤪
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Well it looks like any questioning of BW or her behaviour (including but not limited to her support of someone particularly vile on Twitter) is not allowed so I'll shut up and go away.
Nobody is saying this, I see that some people are more inclined to defend BW than others and that’s fine. Likewise those who want to question her motives and say why. It starts dragging into weird territory when TD is brought up again and again, because we’ve been told on multiple occasions not to discuss these people. It’s not like joking around about FMs, it turns into a whole thread and people start getting very heated and arguing. That’s all. I personally value everyone’s opinions (within reason) I just don’t like it when arguments start brewing on here. We all have different opinions and they’re all welcome here. There’s just no point arguing as the thread will get closed, that’s not to say it should turn into a Twitter esque echo chamber, with only one POV allowed to prevail or else. I can just see it heading in a bad direction if AD & TD are getting discussed again
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
In my opinion, @welp, yes. If someone doesn't shut that shit down, don't consort with them.

One whole part of my family was wiped out in Auschwitz. The youngest was six; the second youngest was nine. They were bundled into cattle cars reeking with despair and human waste and dragged across Europe against every fibre of their will. They were rounded up on arrival and sent to the gas chambers. They suffocated beneath the corpses of friends and brethren. Any gold would have been wrenched from their teeth; their murdered hair would have been taken to line seamen's gloves. Some may have been tortured; all died. They were rendered into fat and ash that floated like moths on the flesh-scented air. And every day the murder persisted. On, and on. In a drive to erase us from history, so that we were not even a distant echo; so that it was is as if we had never been.

If BW knows about this and hasn't called Tamika out, then I judge her completely. If she needs to educate and judge, then she should do so. Capitalising on tragedy and throwing about glib statements about the gas chambers is horrific and inhuman. She hasn't just evoked Godwin's law, she's gone with an example of one of the most astonishing instances of utter hatred and inhumanity in history. BW should think about the company she keeps. She should consider whether she wants someone defaming the murder of six million people on her side.
Putting a like against your post just wasn’t enough. To be flippant about the murder of six million human beings is beyond words. I am so sorry about your family, so very very sorry. Every time I think about the holocaust my whole body wants to weep.
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This is what I don’t understand, seems so desperate to find flaws when the evidence is literally not there 🤷🏼‍♀️

Me too 😉
Yeah this is me too. Bashing BW for having an affair when there is zero evidence. I just don’t get that. And I know I seem really BW sided lately but I just need to stand up for that one point
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Fuzzy Slippers

Active member
I always scroll past all the TD stuff. Just going to add my one comment on it. Bianca has said she doesn't use Twitter much. I don't either. I doubt she is in a new relationship, and just sits around on Twitter all day. I don't think she has any idea what Tamika says online. I can't believe that this discussion about Tamika is back on here. The mods said to drop it. Why would BW be on Twitter policing every thing, any of the people she has ever known, says on SM? I rarely use SM and once in a while post a cute pic of my pets or kid. Then I don't get back on for weeks, I definitely do not go scrolling through acquaintances or friends timelines reading all their comments.
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Especially now with how much Alice has trashed him and spread rumours. Plus the knowledge that any future projects he is involved in will come with Alice kicking off and even potentially threatening the cast and crew. He's not a bad actor but most productions will likely decide it's not worth the headache to hire specifically him (and all the ire and baggage that accompanies him now) when they could just opt for someone else and save the hassle. 🤷
Because when even his 'official fan club' apparently hate him, what appeal does he have left to justify a decent paycheck?
His IMDB star meter is doing ok. Down by a very small amount. Hers, on the other hand, has plunged. I don’t think this drama is as big as we think and I don’t think his career will suffer as a result. In fact, I think it may actually help him as she is not going to be turning up on sets or causing chaos to get him home. He doesn’t seem to have anything lined up imminently, but that could be deliberate so he can be in LA to take care of the issues with his kids and the divorce.
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oh what?

it's sexist if you think it's not a good thing to reduce yourself to sex only?

(I dont think Britney was a good example here, she was a mess for other reasons, but he was definitely right about Paris back then)
I think it's not for me to decide how Britney and Paris (women, not girls) should dress. It's certainly not for a man decide how they should dress, how they should act, that they need to be 'role models' and then call them tarts when they make choices he doesn't agree with. And as an actor who's done his fair share of sexy/half naked photoshoots, it's hypocritical.
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1. My school holiday ends in 10 days. Someone come take me with them so I don’t have to swim through term papers and endless readings.

2. I had my teeth fixed last month and I just bit into a toasted sandwich and my fuckin front tooth randomly chipped so I’m crying now, rest in power, toothie.

3. Every time someone mentions Alice being capable of working due to numerous reasons I feel re-inspired to shake her by the fucking shoulders and call her a lazy ass-chicken. Like last week I tried to train my cat in 2 minutes how to retrieve my pajamas from the floor as I laid sprawled pantsless on my bed, and even I can’t wrap my mind around such loafing.

4. I keep thinking of that pair of photos Alice posted of Ioan to Twitter—the first one of him looking somewhat bewildered, and the second of him smiling, because he first thought she was angry with him and so he was relieved she wasn’t. It’s kinda painful for me to think about someone being so startled by their spouse’s anger, and I think those two photos are so special because they actually depict his alarming emotions in such a personal interaction. Like Alice didn’t even know it at the time but she had just posted, what seems to be, proof of some form of a “conditioned trauma-response,” if that makes sense.
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yes, Alice either deletes them or starts fights about every negative comment. this is really so much better

newsflash: that is probably one thing he hated about her
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I still think the reveal was either because they had already been discovered or knew it was likely to happen. Putting your own picture out rather than having paps do it and start all the ‘who is the girl with IG?’ speculation gives the gossipers less to work with.

I’ve also said it before but it made sense to announce it and give time for the dust to settle before they got to LA.

He would have known AE would be difficult but even after knowing AE for 20 years I do not think even IG could anticipate the depths of vitriol and craziness.

Yes, AE was public before but without the next level Marjorie videos and Twitter rants Daily Mail etc would not have been interested in papping IG and BW dog-walking or buying a lottery ticket. BW hasn’t created or engineered this level of publicity - AE has.
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I dunno, I don't think much of Piers but perhaps when you know him 'off screen', he's different. He's definitely being shady as fuck to Alice, though. I like it.
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Chatty Member
Yep!! I still can’t comprehend the fact that they live where they live. We’ve said it before but IG could have been a bit more of a national treasure on the UK tv circuit - I think it speaks to the arrogance and ego of both of them (although I am inclined to think it is more to do with AE wanting to appear that they were a Hollywood power couple) that they live in LA - just live in a leafy suburb outside London fgs and get on the BBC, you’ll do fine
Ioan has said some weird shit in interviews about how much he was paid (that 2002 one that someone posted earlier) and seemed a bit enamoured at the thought of himself living the Hollywood life with the nice car etc…I don’t doubt he wanted it too but likely got a bit ahead of himself. I get a weird vibe from some of the stuff he was said. But I totally agree that probably ten years ago they should have pronounced it a failure and explored other career paths for both of them, while Ella was at least young enough to move back without much disruption. What’s the point of having a house in that area when AE is a shut-in and Ioan never works in LA?
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Just want to say, I don’t want anyone to feel like they want to leave because of the atmosphere in here of late. It’s only natural that people are going to gravitate to certain opinions because we’re slightly invested in all this drama, and I can see why people like / sympathise with Bianca. I can also see why people are skeptical of her too. So, please don’t feel like your opinions aren’t valid. I love hearing from you @NarcRage, your input is valued ❤ Also, I was a newbie a few months ago and everyone was welcoming and lovely, so I love to see new members and hear fresh perspectives.
I won’t say group hug! because I don’t want to be cringe, but I’ll express a similar sentiment
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I was looking at an old gossip site Crown Princess MarieChantal of Greece and found this.

"Fantastic Four actor Ioan Gruffudd says Britney Spears and Paris Hilton are bad role models for young girls. He says they pair are setting a bad example by flaunting their bodies and boasting about their sexual exploits. According to he said: "I look at girls like Britney Spears and Paris Hilton and think, they have a responsibility to be role models to their young fans, but, instead, it's all just about sex and selling their bodies. "I think it's tarty. Personally, I enjoy the elegance and mystery of a woman."

ummm ok. Reposting....

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I would much rather you stayed. I really value your input and you gave one of the funniest line ever in the early days. So much so that whenever I need to lift my spirts I remember it and laugh out loud all over again.

I think for me it's about being respectful of those that have different opinions. And to to put those that want to lay into you on ignore. People run out of steam when they try to argue with an empty room ;)

I think the majority of regular posters here agree on the following:

Alice is a fucking nightmare
Ioan was right to leave her
The girls are suffering due to parent alienation
Both dogs are cute
Gloria could do with picking up a duster
The pool could do with a deep clean
Alice needs to pay a visit to a decent hair salon
Ioan seems to like to to keep busy assembling flat pack furniture

For me? I just want to be able to say out loud without getting laid into:
  1. I'm am sorry Bianca is suffering from MS but I just don't like her.
  2. People who make flippant remarks about the Holocaust are cunts
  3. I think Alice is an absolute mare but I hope she turns her life around for the better.
  4. If I really had to choose, I rather shag Boris than Ioan, the latter is too pretty for my taste.
Tell us how you really feel about Ioan. Boris? 🤮
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Hmmmmm. So if the screenshots from Bianca are real, she was giving the ok to TD to engage in Tattle? I can't say I blame her given the crap flying around, but being of an older persuasion I would always say don't don't try bait the fish you can't find. It smacks of trying to mould her own narrative.
the thing is Tamika did next to nothing on tattle. she only once said that BW is thankful for the support (which many of us didnt like coz it wasnt meant to be a support group, that kicked her out). She didnt really campained against Alice or pro BW here (except of making some memes). Which makes me believe that BW didnt encouraged her to post here, but rather she knew that Tamika liked it here, so wanted to help her friend getting her ability to post back.

at least I hope it's that
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I guess they can't win then. Bianca will always be seen in a bad light as the woman who had an affair with a married man. Ioan will be known as the man who cheated on his wife and left his kids with a bonkers scorned ex-wife. And Alice will always be known as (insert your opinions in this space ).

They all walk away from this smelling of shite.
It’s not 1822. It’s 2022. Yes, there are people for whom an affair is a terrible shame. But we are well past the days of adultery meriting a scarlet letter. He isn’t Tom Cruise or George Clooney - and I suspect even they could have affairs and their fans would still support them. Plenty of other big names have. And done worse and still have huge fan bases and get work. I just don’t think it carries the same weight with most people today, though Alice’s FMs sure are trying to turn it into the biggest moral crime ever and insist no one should be involved with anyone else until the ink is long dry on the divorce papers.
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@Mad Betty do you know when the mask mandate started in LA so we can date the bowling video?
Could this have been a private bowling alley? Definitely not AE voice on the recording. I doubt she was there, she is always so loud and yelling.
If she had been there she would have shoved her face into the frame with her mouth open
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