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Mad Betty

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Alice is so self entitled. She says ‘How can I work when the dad’s away.’
FFS! Really Alice? I am a single mother to a 7 year old and 1 year old ( whose dad has never been involved, his choice, his loss)! Yet I manage to work full time, 5 days a week as I use childcare! Yeh it’s bloody hard, yes I feel guilty, yes I struggle finically… but that’s called living in the real world. Who the hell does she think she is? Her kids are school age, can go to after school clubs, she has their dad who WANTS to be involved. Yes it’s shit he left, it must’ve been soul destroying but shit happens, it doesn’t mean she shouldn’t have to work because she’s accustomed to a certain way of life. Get a job you lazy cow!!!!

Sorry. Rant over!!
I am truly inspired by strong women like you joining us and not holding back.

We are a self-service establishment so be prepared to bring your own beverages and snacks. And one person's rant is another person's rave.

Thank you and welcome. ❤
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Just William

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The person who hurt Alice was Ioan.
I agree that we don't know IG/BW timeline & probably never will or what he did/didn't tell BW, etc
I don't mean to come across as being pedantic quoting one line of your post but your last line jumped out at me.
The person who hurt Alice was Alice.
She hurt Ioan repeatedly for years & he told her that & he also gave her chances to change her behaviour but she chose not to.
She's now hurting the girls (& him) to punish him for leaving her with her PA.
I'm not saying he's perfect, far from it, nobody is, but (imo) she brought this all on herself.
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But it isn’t genetic, so even if her uncle was a narcissist … can’t see that having any bearing on AE or her mother.
I think narcs can come from all walks of life. It's not really obvious to me what makes someone a narc. I just recognise when I see it due to plenty of experiences with them.

Speaking of narcs, Medusa has reared her head again. She always amuses me. I suggest no one gets upset at her nonsense as she enjoys that and it encourages her. Pantomine villain, I see you 👀

Medusa: Poor Twattle Life crowd getting in trouble. They cannot shut up about non celebrities. Told repeatedly by moderators but I swear a dumber box of fecks I’ve never seen. They may be the slowest group of old women alive. They miss Alice.
Thank you for giving me daily ammunition to take them down. You, however, matter not. Just a sad tool i manipulate. Keep yapping. Going to cost Lime Goss if you yap. $$$$$. Lot of ad revenue there. If a Tattle user is unable to entertain themselves in their chosen cesspool, they seek a thrill with actual humans unafraid of light.

LOL. Still waiting for my lawyer's letter M😘😘
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Both sides are in the wrong.
Alice is as much to blame for the break up of the marriage as Ioan is.
Bianca isn't innocent either but she doesn't deserve all the shit she's had slung at her by Alice & the FMs. Some of them have felt very threatening to me.
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Well it looks like any questioning of BW or her behaviour (including but not limited to her support of someone particularly vile on Twitter) is not allowed so I'll shut up and go away.
It’s not about BW, it’s about discussing the people the thread is about. The thread got shut down before because of arguing over AD and TD. The mods have said that they can come in and shut down the thread permanently and without warning. And the when did they get together question is like beating a dead horse.
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I’ve spoken before about moving on after the breakdown of my marriage, I didn’t put any of it on social media until my children had met him and they were happy with the situation. I also didn’t mention the pending divorce on social media so it was a surprise to a lot of people on there.
I got the feeling IG was forced into the reveal. Wether it was by you detectives finding it out or AE posting about it, I think he also wanted AE to know he wasn’t coming back to her. If he was the victim of domestic abuse, it’s about taking back his agency and controlling the narrative. Sadly the children were/are collateral.
They are all to blame for that. IG & AE being the parents should have handled that better. As some have said, she was always going to lose her mind no matter the timing.
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Chatty Member
OMG you'll never guess what I've just discovered or how relevant it is. This photo from Alice's instagram:
Now you remember we were discussing how a narc is grown? Nature or nurture? Etc.
Well I decided to a deep dive. Alice's mother was Janet, nee Dowell, born to William and Elsie in 1940. They were married in 1934.
Elsie was born in 1900 (took some time to find that out) so she was 34 when married and nearly 40 when she had Janet.
Still haven't found out her date of death yet so if I can make a joke of it, the vampire genes run strong in that family.
ANYWAY I figured that if Janet was an only child, born after difficulty to aging parents who thought they'd never have a child that might explain the start of the narcissism. That was yesterday's work.

But for that explanation to work I had to be sure there were no other children. That is this morning's work. Guess what I found this morning? Janet had an older brother. And not just ANY older brother. NOOOO. Janet's older brother is emeritus professor at University of Birmingham He's a physicist. In Hamburg, he helped develop detectors for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Geneva and was involved in the ATLAS experiment which discovered the Higgs boson.

He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1986[2] and a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2003.[3]
In July 2002, a symposium was held in his honour, as he retired in September of that year.[4]

Now lets go back to Alice's father, David Evans a British applied mathematician noted for his contributions to water waves and acoustics. He is an emeritus professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Bristol.
He is known for the Bristol cylinder, a wave energy converter.
The 21st International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies 2006 was dedicated to Evans on the occasion of his retirement.

So Janet's brother went on a distinguished career in physics and academia and her husband had a distinguished career in applied mathematics and academia. Janet was an English literature teacher.

I don't know much about narcissism but interested in what those of you who do know about it think about this family background.
Then I have one question. With a gene pool like that what the hell happened to the Evans children because they are dumb as f@#k. Older brother encouraging her bat shit behavior instead of talking some sense into her. Alice just completely ignoring the looming disaster. Now after all that crazy behavior of the last year, wants to portray herself as levelheaded. SMDH.
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
Yes, apart from the boob jiggling I liked the videos too. I would say the recipients liked them too. At the end of the day, they are the paying customers so that's what matters.

It's a hell of a lot better than her drunken or maudlin rants that she does for free. Just stick to paid videos Alice!
I think some of her customers probably liked the boob jiggling bits the most.
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And her friends parents
I couldn’t believe it when I saw that post.

She’s genuinely risking the parents of Ella’s friends not being happy for them to spend time with Ella any more in the future. Imagine having your kid filmed and then put on an account filled with insanity, bullying, that attracts press attention and is currently involved in a contentious divorce? It wouldn’t be okay without permission even on a regular person’s account but it’s much worse when it’s hers imo.
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I doubt you would ever tell a child you'd never have another girlfriend again especially if you already knew that was a lie.
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Thanks Welp, brilliant tittle Claudia as always 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
I doubt anyone here hasn’t had a messy house from time to time especially with kids and work, and so long as their clothes are comfy and the other kids aren’t taking the mick who cares?

It’s also not the swamp that bothers me. That can go green in just a few days and it can be drained and cleaned in a couple of hours. Anyone with a pool has had that happen too.

What gets me is the mess inside. She commented a couple of months ago that she would pay Gloria her full 40 hours herself although she “doesn’t work half of that “.. So G hardly bothers showing up but AE doesn’t care because one, it’s not her cash and two, she can’t be arsed with the effort of hiring new help? The “Gloria is family” story will end the very day Gloria stops working.

It seems that IG was trying to keep G in line from Aus, he was paying her full time so the girls have a nice clean home and clean clothes (and a sober person driving them to school) but AE didn’t like the criticism it pointed at her so sabotaged that by accusing him of making G cry etc. i believe she still has a budget for a cleaner but hasn’t bothered employing one. I don’t think G is still there and if she is, then nothing changed, the house should look a lot better.

I’ve been having a nosy at the background of pictures and clips, the surfaces are always full of clutter. Instead of nice pictures of Christmas and thanksgiving dinner it was just pealing some spuds then eating Mac n cheese. I really do think Ioan meant it when he said the house was a pigsty, not only hasn’t she bothered to do anything to make it nicer she didn’t even bother making sure G put her hours in.

People who think the E’s will have trouble reconnecting with Ioan are underestimating how difficult it is for them with AE. Just making dinner, baking a cake together, having a clean and tidy room, fresh sheets on the bed and even doing housework together in a home that’s not a total dump will be a comfort and a relief for them both.

Hopefully when she moves house she’ll get rid of all the junk and be able to keep a nice home with a cleaner once or twice a week. I think feeling overwhelmed and not being able to get on top of things is causing part of her depression.
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Alice Evans has spent most of her adult life portraying herself as a vulnerable and hapless woman who needs constant support and enablement. Ioan got thrust into the saviour role until he ran away and hid from her. But she has surrounded herself with a group of people all to willing to believe her lies and feed her need to unquestioning support and adoration.

But it is completely evident that it is a calculated move to ensure she never has to adult by herself. If this was simply about MH she wouldn’t have the insight to edit and delete her social media. The Cameos are a continuation of the image she wants to give out. That she is abandoned, vulnerable, distressed and alone. She has been peddling that role all the way through this and from before. But we have had enough mask slips to know it isn’t true. Yet she persists with the narrative of the victim and is going to keep that up.

She has a low cunning but that doesn’t mean she is not strategic. Narcs succeed with low cunning and bad lies because they don’t care about the truth or consequences. They can blatantly persist in the lie and suck people in because they want to believe. Everyone one else is too civilised to confront or challenge them. Look at Trump, his lies are obvious but his supporters want to believe him. His opponents struggle to openly call him out. And those in between start to believe the persistent lies because the truth is obscured.
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"What you see is what you get" isn't an excuse to treat people like shit.
Don’t get this comment either. I’m a bit taken back at the extent to which AE’s behaviour is minimised and called sympathetic when it isn’t. It is criminal in my opinion. Meanwhile any small misstep or vague notion that BW is [insert shady characteristics] is jumped upon because she might have been involved with IG before it was morally appropriate.

There’s a difference between what we see AE do and what some people imagine BW might do.
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Are you kidding me? You worked this out by watching instagram? You are good - I tip my pointy hat in your direction.
it was remarkably easy. he started following her that day. one google search and you knew she is from Brisbane and was in Harrow (that credit disappeared a few hours later). Her feed had recent pics from the place Ioan's new series was shooting, and she had a pic where she bid farewell from her dog in september for 2 months, which is exactly the date his shooting would have ended. If their plan was to only reveal it a few weeks later they are pretty stupid.

I actually only hinted here that I might have figured out who he is seeing out of fear that the girl is innocent, then somebody else who had the same thought revealed it instead. then one of Alice's trolls tagged her with screenshots from here a few hours later. She went to BW's insta & left a few comments on there, then a few minutes later the relationship drop happened. you can re-read the whole mess in the last 3 pages or so of the 2nd thread lol
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Chatty Member
Those names or acronyms mean nothing to me I'm afraid!

Unless someone has 10k followers on social media they're generally off limits unless the person is sharing them on their own social media (so this bianca is ok to talk about as he's posting about her) - especially small accounts that insert themselves into drama for attention and want the promo from tattle. This is to stay out of grey areas for everyone's sake as tattle is talking about public figures, rather than members of the public.

I'm guessing this thread is a mess because Alice has gone?
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I could not hurt another woman and her children just because I’d set my sights on a man I fancied shagging.

I’m not on board with this whole positive thinking, spreading kindness and living your best life if it involves hurting other people just so that you can get your needs met.

I know I’m in the minority but that’s not my kind of kindness at all.
The thing is: did this really happen?

Even if they had an affair it's in my opinion the responsibility of the one in the marriage to end it or not. The affair partner (usually) thinks that the marriage is about to end anyway rather than to actively try to break said marriage (again, it might be different here, but we dont know). And as much as people play the moral high ground on this depending on what you are being told/see you might engage when being faced with this scenario differently than you would claim in theory.

She might also refer, if she does refer to her relationship, that she pursued a relationship with a recently-or-pretty-much-seperated man rather than meaning that she went for a very married man and helped him break his marriage in order to pursue her own happiness.

I also think that even if she gave me the "pull" to leave I cant bring myself to remark this too negatively. I dont think helping a man leaving a toxic marriage should be seen as negative, even if others are unhappy about it.

The only scenario where I would really blame her is if she a) blackmailed him into leaving, which I just cant imagine or b) manipulated him - possibly when they were only friends - into thinking that his marriage was horrible when it wasnt. Now here is where it blurrs because I do think that she may have opened his eyes (just like Alice's stepmom apparently did to her dad), but again, if it's actually the truth (which obviously Alice's minions and herself dont think because she is the kindest person of the world) I see no wrong with that.

I do think however that the moving in together in the current situation is a bit selfish towards the kids. But then again we dont really know what plans Ioan had if the kids would come to his place, perhaps Bianca would take the high road and rent a place elsewhere for the time being. If Alice denies him the kids outside her house you cant blame them for living together

And that’s what’s bugging me about Bianca. Tamica wasn’t exactly nice when talking to Malice and the FMs. In fact, she was often to the point of trolling. Why didn’t she tell her to stop? Anyway, I know we’ve talked about it before, but I still can’t get over it.
to be fair she did stop at some point, or at least significantly slowed down (she only briefly surfaced again when her mate inserted himself)

While I found Tamika fishy you do have to consider that the majority of her arguments with Alice was Alice necro-ing old discussions between them
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I just don't understand TD getting involved and then the Jimi one also getting involved - I'm defending my sister??? So I'm going to tweet and randomly argue with people and insert myself into this drama for sport and attention. Sending best wishes to tattle from BW like she's her official spokesperson. It's really off.
There are people really hurting in this - the four people involved.
Ffs old are these people???
Alice at least has an excuse because she's heartbroken and hurting.
Everyone else though.....what's their excuse? I don't buy the you insulted my sister rubbish. Ok say one thing in her defence and then fuck off. Don't keep picking fights and getting your friends to start them three months later.
BiB: Sorry, not giving Alice a pass because “she’s heartbroken and hurting.” I think she is just showing her true nature, and is enraged that she has lost her prized possession, and about to lose her lifestyle.
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