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It saddens me when someone twists a comment to make nasty accusations. I wasn't morally policing IG although tbh I do side eye BW, but looking at the speed of their relationship from an emotional angle. Having had my own experience with narcs and abusive relationships, I personally find it surprising and moving really freaking fast to get involved in a serious relationship with someone with so many other serious issues going on - both for IG with BW's health and past abusive marriage, and BW with IG's very acrimonious divorce and custody issues. Maybe it's the seriousness of their issues that is the impetus for the speed of their relationship. Personally I find it surprising and extremely unusual that 2 people with such profound baggage have chosen to jump headlong into a committed relationship, especially when IG's divorce and custody is ongoing. Not from a moral viewpoint but from an emotional one.

I mentioned in my post that TD had re-tweeted the picture. No offense to Tracey C Cruze, I just find TD re-posting it creepy, given that she knows BW and has involved herself in this drama as a BW friend and supporter.
I wasn’t quoting you so please don’t twist my words or have a go at me , I’m as entitled as you are to an opinion about the whole thing

I was engaged within 6 weeks and married within a year, I know someone who re married within a year of her husband and new husbands wife dying, sometimes you can’t help who you fall in love with
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Hi so I'm not sure if this has been posted but I found some clippings of newspapers regarding IG and AE back in the day.



Not sure of the date but it must be 2002, cause the movie The Gathering was released that year.
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I think if this situation shows anything, it’s that life is messy. They didn’t have a perfect marriage from which he strayed. She is rumoured to have cheated on him. Her public behaviour has been appalling. He posted his new relationship on social media. BW seems determined to be positive about her diagnosis and her approach to her life, but even positive people have dark angry days. And on and on and on. I’ll admit I’m having trouble seeing the good in AE based on her public actions but there must be some there or he wouldn’t have gotten together with her. As to why he stayed or even why he left … no one will ever really know.

I guess those are my takeaways. It’s not a black and white situation and we will never really know the truth. I suspect even the main players are having a hard time sorting out everything.
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Not excusing the Hitler comments in anyway. It’s all pathetic, I just felt context was important. No one comes out of that exchange well.
I also don’t forgive the FM’s name checking some of us and deliberately going after su*cidal ideation and personal circumstances. Or Alice and the infertility/illness tweets. There are subjects that are off limits and those are amongst them for me.

I’m not particularly team anyone, I want the children to see their beloved daddy. I’m against the whole parental alienation thing even *if* he cheated.
I don’t think that excuses not letting him see the children.
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Title suggestion by @kingseven / @claudiarocks

Read up on the wiki by clicking the pink button.

Please pop sensitive or off-topic stuff behind a spoiler.

Remember to suggest titles when we get to 900 posts. Also please vote for them so we don't have to go trailing through pages to find the winner

Alice has published her first cameos: a practically abandoned pool & own rather unfortunate appearance inclusive. She is also back on IG but so far controlled herself. Meanwhile Ioan & girlfriend were spotted on a papwalk.
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It may well be 2022, but some of us (myself included) think that having an affair with a married man in order to ‘live your best possible life’ is a really shitty thing to do.

I refuse to update my opinion on this one just because we live in the century that we do. I could not hurt another woman and her children just because I’d set my sights on a man I fancied shagging.

I’m not on board with this whole positive thinking, spreading kindness and living your best life if it involves hurting other people just so that you can get your needs met.

I know I’m in the minority but that’s not my kind of kindness at all.
Nah, I don’t agree with cheating. I’ve been on the receiving end of it, and it is shit. I certainly don’t think you should go after someone because YOLO and because it’s what you want, especially if the guy is married with children. It’s been discussed on here quite a lot, and I think most people agree that cheating isn’t nice, but sometimes it happens due to circumstances - if you’ve been abused and someone is offering a shoulder to cry on, I can see that happening. Not saying it’s morally right, but we don’t even know what actually happened
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That is proper freaky. Imagine your mate having their entire Twitter dedicated to you and your partner. With pics like that posted on there. Just weird.
At this point I'm starting to wonder if maybe BW doesn't know what TD has been up too and wanting to warn her! Like noooooo BW! Stay away from the crazy girl! 😂 10years from now she'll be your own personal Deb and Lin.
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@ReturningthePearls @TheNotoriousManzana
I adore Maida Heatter and this is my favorite recipe of hers. Pretty easy to make and looks harder than it is because of the way it’s iced with chocolate (basically you pour it over the top). You can use ground almonds from the grocery store if you don’t feel like toasting and grinding them. Also a good trick when you ice it - put strips of waxed paper or baking parchment around the cake, and once you’ve poured over the chocolate, you carefully pull away the paper (where the excess will pool) so it’s neat looking.

Posted here under a spoiler!
Thank you! We've got it all here, skincare, rat talk and now even cake recipes!
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Bianca is trying to pull the old sleight of hand trick. I'll distract you over here and use my other hand to do what I really want to do over here. I'm long enough in the tooth so see through a disarming smile and a fresh blowdry.
BW met a man while she was single. They made a connection, she went to France to see if it was a relationship or not. They connected, they came out as a couple in France, she moved to LA as she had taken up acting and I guess writing that Ray of Sunshine thing. They moved in together. Seem very happy and content. What has she done wrong? I need it spelled out to me. Has she made some witches potion or something I don’t know about?
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Chatty Member
Precisely this. What planet is she on? Their kids aren't little babies, they're in school and she is perfectly capable of working just like very other normal person has to in order to be able to survive. As for the finances, I just don't get why the girls were ever sent to an expensive private school and why a housekeeper was brought into the mix. An actor's incoming work is unstable, and Ioan was never acting royalty. As for Alice, I wouldn't really call hers a proper acting career. It was very naive to enrol the girls into this schooling when you can't guarantee you can sustain that for 14 years of education each. I get that Alice didn't have the brain cells to think it through, but reflects on Ioan as well tbh.
Yep!! I still can’t comprehend the fact that they live where they live. We’ve said it before but IG could have been a bit more of a national treasure on the UK tv circuit - I think it speaks to the arrogance and ego of both of them (although I am inclined to think it is more to do with AE wanting to appear that they were a Hollywood power couple) that they live in LA - just live in a leafy suburb outside London fgs and get on the BBC, you’ll do fine
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Tamika was over the line on twitter, but certainly not as bad as Alice and her minions. Alice baited her by unblocking and replying to old convos much more than the other way around. And after the initial weeks she did slowed down significantly (do wonder though if she instead went for alts).
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I think BW was tame to occasionally like some of TD’s things and not unfriend her. I’m sure there’s a list somewhere of all the horrific names AE called BW that I don’t feel like repeating. TD has her own agency and own agenda in this. Her sister could have lost her job allegedly, Alice is relentless and I believe she would have tried.
Alice actively encourages the FM’s with a clapping hands and like, I wonder how they’re feeling now she’s completely abandoned them and they’re having to pay for “cameos”. All this “I’ve been silenced by the trolls” i.e. us! Is a lot of utter nonsense.
The tweet about dreaming of BW killing the girls is probably the worst thing I’ve ever seen someone publish on to Twitter, that has to have real life consequences.
BW has never publicly mentioned Tattle. The message to TD was to confirm she knew her identity to allow her to post on here. That didn’t happen. No-one could confirm it was actually BW.
Whereas AE has been spewing vile for years.
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Just William

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He is sooooo desperate to speak about AE. You can see the steam coming out of ears!
There will definitely be an exclusive with IG once everything is settled and the divorce finalised
I would be really surprised if IG spoke out publicly for a few reasons but primarily for the girls sake. He's also a private person. I imagine it was very difficult for him to come out about her abuse but felt he had no choice. I can't see him wanting to share all the gory details beyond what she already shared on SM. I doubt it would make him feel any better & it would definitely set her off on another Narc rage against him.

In a perfect world everyone would see her for what she is/what she has done, so she wouldn't be able to muddy the waters on SM (for some people) with all her lies & contradictions, but sadly that will never happen. I hate the injustice of it all. I just hope she will face serious consequences for her PA (which is a form of child abuse) if not the abuse of IG as well? Time will tell.
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Piers has a timing recently for criticising something that Alice has been doing lol

He is sooooo desperate to speak about AE. You can see the steam coming out of ears!
There will definitely be an exclusive with IG once everything is settled and the divorce finalised
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Ally Pally

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And her expression is almost, er, well is, grotesque!
I'm reminded of Alice calling BW out over one of her IG photos accusing her of being practically naked. BW was nowhere near naked she had a strappy top on and was holding Bubba Bear. Wow, Alice certainly likes to hold others to account whilst projecting that she's Mother Teresa.
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Mad Betty

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I apologize. That was me. I'm sorry if I upset you. I chose the way I thought to express my feelings and opinion best. I guess I didn't do a good job. I sounded whiney.

What I truly wanted to express was that I really appreciate that most of us, historically, have opinions based on what we have seen in the behavior of Alice and her FMs and all involved. I appreciated that, for the most part, that sort of "telephone game" (I don't like referring to it as "Chinese Whispers") that is so common in Alice's circle was not common in what I've read here. I'm particular when it comes to forming an opinion based on having as much evidence as possible. (The history of Alice's, Ioan's, FMs, etc. behavior.) Like I said in a previous post, there are obviously pieces of the puzzle we don't have and some we never will have. Nor should we.

I also appreciate that all have the right to express their opinions no matter how they came to have that opinion. Again, my apologies.

This story, the marriage, parenthood, and divorce of Alice and Ioan is unfortunately so public that people are fascinated by it. I have just never seen behavior like Alice’s and her FMs either in person or on a public forum. It blows me away, the level of evil that exists there. After seeing as many tweets and Instagram comments as possible made by everyone, it shocks me to see one of a few scattered comments that have been out of line in criticizing Alice's camp, be compared to what Alice and her FMs have done are doing. There really is no comparison...In my opinion. 🙂

PS Lupine is listening and all of the FMs are watching and "gathering evidence". Of what? I don't know. Somehow they think that posts here will be useful to Alice's cause. If anyone hasn't seen exactly what that entails, please see the following Twitter thread. It's not evil but it is crazy.
No one is abusing Alice here on Tattle. We are in one place talking amongst ourselves with the information she herself has presented to the public via her own socials and articles she's either written herself, or have been written about her. She's also repeatedly directed people here and likely also been here herself on a regular basis, IMO. Lupine is utterly nonsensical. It's more magical thinking, something that he shares with Alice. Judges don't want fan letters and I assure you the point will be made by IG's lawyer that Alice's superfans and minions, the ones she has encouraged to defame and attack him and his new love on SM, are the ones sending any letters to the court. It will do nothing more than work against her, IMO. I'm quite sure IG's lawyer has her interns filling folder after folder with evidence of Alice's online behavior. What Lupine is trying to do will do more harm than good.

My opinion.
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