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Mad Betty

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Piers just said he wouldn't charge for a video, perhaps he would like to say hello to the Tattle Turds? ;)
I think that was intentional. He knows perfectly well that Alice is on Cameo. He's good friends with IG. I am appreciating his passive-aggressive dig. Well played, Piers.

I'll see my way out. 😎
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re: BW. My issue with her is still much more her possible intentions rather than how this relationship came to be or not (for the reasons I stated). Of course those two things can go hand in hand, though

There are many things about this story that strike me as odd, we've all discussed this before: whether it's the involvement of her friends or the timing with her trying in Hollywood (perfect publicity in this case, no matter if it's good one or bad one). Those arent the most obvious read flags, but there are some small ones waving.

The timing of their announcement still strikes me as the biggest mysterium: I cant imagine Ioan doing this without checking in with his PR people first, but unless they got warnings that there were about to be revealed this whole thing didnt made much sense for him (yes, telling Alice first in private wasnt going to happen with her nature to live tweet shit first to get the narrative under control, but he left his kids a month with somebody that was going to poison their ears left and right, so that should have happened when he came back from France). Though perhaps Alice was nagging him so hard to come back that it made the most sense to take that hope away, we know now that Alice thought she would get an invite to France. I dont think it's the case but if Bianca is the one that wanted them to go instaofficial at that point it would be a huge red flag.
We're all making suppositions about their relationship - when did it start, was he separated, was she separated, was it during or after Harrow filming, before France or in France? etc, etc,

Another supposition about their relationship could be that it became more of a reality, more serious, much more quickly when she lost the use of her legs in France for a couple of days (I think I've got that right).

Reading and talking about how an illness affects you and may affect your burgeoning relationship is one thing, an actual event like this is quite another and the stark reality of it all may have had the effect of concentrating the depth of their feelings and focusing their minds on making decisions sooner rather than later.

AE and her FMs have spent months piling stress upon IG and BW, possibly in the hope that it may cause stress in their relationship and cause them to break up or shame him into returning to his failed marriage. The stress they caused, and continue to cause, probably affects BWs health and it's possible that this is actually making their relationship stronger, binding them together than forcing them apart.

In the end, we just don't really know the whole story - not even from what AE says on social media because she lies and changes her "truth" so often.

We, on the whole, try to be fair and balanced but are inevitably influenced by our own personal morals, ethics, experiences and emotions (anger, frustration, disgust, shock, outrage, fear, concern, happiness, joy, hopefulness, and even compassion) - we are, after all, only human.

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I like that the $hitcoin bag is in each photo :)

Definitely a bit 'Annie Wilkes' scrapbook' though.
I had a friend for many years, we met at primary school and despite going to different secondary schools, and having our own friends, we were always close. Sadly, she developed alcoholism quite young, but she functioned well, always worked, bought her own house etc, etc.
She did marry and had a kid, although she's divorced now.

I've been married twice. She has spent lots of time with both of my husbands over the years. It wasn't until many, many years later, after I finally got her out of my life, that I looked back at old photos and realised that I only had pics of her with my husbands, there are literally no photos in existence of me and her together, apart from old school class photos. We once attended a wedding of a mutual friend, and she is almost every photo with my (ex) husband, there are none of me and him without her also being there.

When she decorated her house, she put up one of those heart-shaped picture frames with lots of little photos in it. Every single photo was of my (now) husband, along with either her, her mum or her kid. A couple of the photos had other friends in there, but there wasn't a single picture of me, despite her always telling eveyone how I was her "oldest and bestest friend"!

The photo montage was a bit of a joke amongst everyone, although a couple of our friends told me that they were a bit concerned, and that I should watch my back. I'm quite easy-going, so me and my husband just laughed about it, although I know that he was a bit pissed off, he started to try to avoid her, and was quite rude to her face several times when she started hanging off his arm, or following him around at a gathering etc.

It all came to a head eventually, I called her out on it when she was draped all over my husband yet again, whilst someone was trying to take a photo of us. I don't blow up very often, but she got both barrels that night. I yelled at her for a while, then told her to fuck off out of my house. I haven't seen her since, and the rest of our friends distanced themselves from her too. I did feel a bit mean afterwards, but I feel much better now that she's gone. I don't know why she was so resentful of me, my life isn't wonderful just because I've got a man in my life, other things make me happy too, it's just such odd behaviour. And it's not like my husband is Brad Pitt or anything! 😂
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Mad Betty

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How does she parent if he is away? Has she lost her gin soaked mind? I have an answer for her. The way millions of single mothers do it everyday. She need to get off that gigantic ass and start finding a job. Her kids are at an age where they can be placed in after care while she works. Millions of single mothers do it on less. That what you get for ignoring legal proceedings. Go on and git.
Who are you and what took you so long to find us? Because damn.👌🏼

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Piers has a timing recently for criticising something that Alice has been doing lol

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That's me out fer a day or two. Me husband just brought me twin lamb bairns to hae by the fire an tend to. Global warming-Spring lambs arriving early. They are nae ours, neighbouring farm that had several sets of twins early so farmer asked fer help. They are very cute. ❤
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I understand this is a difficult situation for her - but how does she think single parents work and take care of kids??? She is not a parental unicorn, the only one who has to factor child care into a work life. And they have a father. I find this so infuriating.
I raised my child on my own ( the father was not in my child’s life and lived a few thousand km’s away) without child support or paid help such as Gloria. I managed to get my degree, work full-time and keep our home clean and stable. Alice’s argument that she can not work frustrates me.
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Just want to say, I don’t want anyone to feel like they want to leave because of the atmosphere in here of late. It’s only natural that people are going to gravitate to certain opinions because we’re slightly invested in all this drama, and I can see why people like / sympathise with Bianca. I can also see why people are skeptical of her too. So, please don’t feel like your opinions aren’t valid. I love hearing from you @NarcRage, your input is valued ❤ Also, I was a newbie a few months ago and everyone was welcoming and lovely, so I love to see new members and hear fresh perspectives.
I won’t say group hug! because I don’t want to be cringe, but I’ll express a similar sentiment
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I drift in and out of the thread now as I have loads of RL stuff of course if AE was more active I’m sure I’d be in more lol but I also have a lighthearted approach to the whole debacle and always will. Never worry about the TT’s that’s why we are always here for each other cause it’s more than just AE and Co. And defo group hug from me … you’ve all got me through some tough times I just don’t write about it xx much love all ❤💩🕊
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Side-note but I step back from all of this and giggle a little at how we’re painstakingly presenting like 500 theories on their relationship timeline meanwhile they’re just chillin somewhere at a nice LA restaurant casually knowing the whole damn story, haha. It’s like God sitting on a gold throne watching His people bicker while He’s just like “lmao they still ain’t got no idea what’s up here.” 🤣
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Especially now with how much Alice has trashed him and spread rumours. Plus the knowledge that any future projects he is involved in will come with Alice kicking off and even potentially threatening the cast and crew. He's not a bad actor but most productions will likely decide it's not worth the headache to hire specifically him (and all the ire and baggage that accompanies him now) when they could just opt for someone else and save the hassle. 🤷
Because when even his 'official fan club' apparently hate him, what appeal does he have left to justify a decent paycheck?
She has long been a block of cement dragging him down. Word had it she was insanely jealous of Jessica Alba and disrupted filming at FF. And we know that she disrupted Harrow in Spring 2020 by starting an all-out campaign to get him FedExed home because of the pandemic and then a few weeks ago accused practically the entire crew of Harrow of being into cocaine. Does anyone (@welp?) know whether a 4th season of Harrow was or is in the works, or did she successfully blowtorch that for him?

And I've always wondered about FF. I remember an interview with Ioan once saying that it was a 3-film deal, but only two films were made. Anyone know why the 3rd was never made and whether Ioan and the other leads would have gotten reparations for that?

In any case, I hope his solid reputation in the industry - in spite of the batshit crazy wife - will win over her antics. Who knows, maybe he'll even get a break with a new bad-boy image to go along with the more weathered looks. He's had a lot of ups and downs after a really promising career start that began to go sideways right about the time he married her. He has always worked hard, taken supporting and even bit roles to keep himself in the game, and has been doing pretty well the past few years with Forever, Liar and Harrow and a couple of smaller film roles in between.

It would be awful for him if he were to lose his career as well as his children to that nasty piece of work he spent 20 years of his life with.
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Alice thinks I'm a young girl (coz I'm younger than BW), Pfizer thinks I'm a old woman. Something is going wrong here
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It may well be 2022, but some of us (myself included) think that having an affair with a married man in order to ‘live your best possible life’ is a really shitty thing to do.

I refuse to update my opinion on this one just because we live in the century that we do. I could not hurt another woman and her children just because I’d set my sights on a man I fancied shagging.

I’m not on board with this whole positive thinking, spreading kindness and living your best life if it involves hurting other people just so that you can get your needs met.

I know I’m in the minority but that’s not my kind of kindness at all.
Their marriage was over except for paperwork. For Alice to believe that she could treat Ioan like she did and him staying in that horrible marriage shows how actually horrible she was/is. Have you all see the tweets an the pubic shaming she did? We really don't know anything except for what we see. We see Alice being horrible to Ioan publicly as far back as at least Feb 2017. I'm not saying it doesn't hurt and that one wouldn't be brokenhearted but are we really talking about a divorce decree signed by a judge that gives someone moral permission to see someone else?

What if a divorce is dragged on into years without being bifurcated? It happens a lot. Why don't we take it further and say that even if you're divorced but neither has committed adultery or fornication, neither are free to marry? Are we talking morals or religion? And whose? The bible says that only two things break the marriage bond, death and adultery. So if you're unhappy, you stayed as long as you possibly could without wanting to put your head through a wall, you don't want your children to see what an unhealthy marriage is, you still have to stay? That's when REAL affairs happen. A man I worked for has had affair after affair and slept with anybody, female or male, got the mother of his first son pregnant after having 4 kids with his wife. Really horrible guy. His wife won't divorce him because she's catholic. So she just puts up with it. The kids find out one by one after they got into their teens. They're all disgusted with their dad for his lifestyle and disgusted with their mom for putting up with it. NONE of them are happy. Seriously. Seven kids. The youngest starting college in the fall. She's the only one left in the house and she can't wait to get out. She hates her parents and all of them hate religion. So whatever religion or morals they were trying to teach their kids backfired.

Divorce is horrible. For everyone. But if done right...helping the children get through it with as little damage as possible, it can work and the kids can thrive.
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But guys, RD and Pfizer et al think cheating is OK if you’re not married! Alice too apparently! Oh and if your partner is gay! You aren’t however, allowed to have a relationship with a separated man. Or you will be burning in the fiery pits of hell.
Ahhh to be up there with them on their high horses, the very definition of morality and decency. Never mind accusing people of faking illnesses, relentlessly trolling people and calling them ugly and bald. Calling them bogan grifters etc. And worse….
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Also, I know Ioan isn't seeing the girls, but do you think he's at least texting them and perhaps there's an odd phone call?
He definitely was for a while, but Alice has given opposing statements- he won't answer their calls, but when he does call he only wants to talk about Bianca, etc etc. I'd like to think he's still trying, even if it's not directly. My husband kept a journal about his daughter that they read together when they were reunited so she knew that Dad always loved her and missed her, even when he didn't see her.
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Bianca's health challenges would require much more forward planning than simply deciding to go to France to see if she could make a go of it. She has physio twice a week and a neurologist. She would have to sort out a visa, medical insurance, a health team and prescriptions. It appeared that the decision to go from France and then onto LA was already made before she left Australia, from her post about the dog. All of that takes time and commitment to sort out. The one aspect they don't appear to put that much thought into is the children. While Ioan was single, he is in a high conflict divorce with active parental alienation going on. Ella was refusing to visit him, but Elsie was and with them living together the parental alienation has been ramped up and both the children are going to be more reluctant to see him.
The PA though is purely the fault of Alice. I really don't like- and this is not aimed solely at you- the thought that Ioan has erred purely by moving on, especially if you work on the assumption that there was no affair.
I've had similar things thrown at me and my now husband by my sister in law and some of his ex's family. "You shouldn't be seeing anyone right now." "You should break up with her for your daughter's sake." "You should have waited until the custody was settled."
The thing is he had. The PA was just starting when I came onto the scene, before I met the daughter. She broke the parenting arrangement and as I've mentioned it dragged out for literal years in court. That's not his fault and it's not my fault. I'm glad he had me through all that, hard as it was.

Ioan and Alice did have some form of agreement, even if informal, that she's no longer sticking to. That's on her. And Ioan is entitled to a little bit of happiness, and being able to "smile again" even if Alice is alienating his children.

I do understand and respect your opinion and admit that I'm likely projecting, but due to my own experiences, I disagree.
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One of the most vocal advocates for metoo being found out as a abuser herself would be a total disaster, and even if Ioan turns out to be the victim, he will be seen by many many women (or people like Loopy) as the one that discredited their movement (coz no doubt many will think he made everything up/falsified evidence, whatever), especially if he then does a interview about it. Without wanting it he will be quickly seen as the posterboy for misogynists. Also roles in Hollywood will be a lot harder to get as a man who was abused, it's just the truth. Also it would hurt the kids, just because Alice doesnt care about this aspect when s-lagging of one parent, it doesnt mean he should do the same.

I'm sure Ioan just wants to get this shit done with as private as possible and then move on with this live. So far Alice has made this impossible. Just like she made everything she now complains about impossible (like being friends, good luck with that if you s-lag off said friend by every opportunity, or having a friendly divorce, good luck with that if you pull out of the one divorce process that could have achieved this)
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