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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member

I’m settled a bit more. I do have to re-factor in her unacceptable behaviors, of course, because nice cameos don’t excuse egregious actions, but once again, if you were to ask me what I thought of that cameo and nothing else, I’d say I liked it

BIB. That made me smile in agreement. That’s where Alice gets me every time. I start to feel sorry for her or I give her her due on something, then she does something shitty again and I’m back to where I was before.

I wonder if that’s why Ioan stayed for so long. She could be great and then an absolute mare.

Someone said something yesterday that really resonated (please put your hand up because it was great). They said something along the lines of who you were at your core was what mattered the most.

Alice has chosen to share her absolute worst self on SM, is that her core or just who she is under stress?

I think she’s done herself quite a lot of favours staying off SM. A lot of people forgive and forget. She could use Cameo to raise her profile in a positive way now and maybe get some other work off the back off it. I hope she changes her focus now, I do love a come back kid.
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She’s read the posts about her hair on here and is answering via her Instagram. For what it’s worth, I have hair loss too, a thyroid issue.
I wish we spoke about it more in men and ladies. My fiancé shaves the rest of his off and it really suits him, he also has a beard.
It really affects my confidence, I have very fine hair and don’t grow eyebrows but in the last few years and all the 99 pregnancies and b’feeding them all, it has gotten worse to the point I worry about my hair for my wedding.
I’ve found hair pieces and wigs too itchy.

Sorry for the merail!
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Alice Evans has spent most of her adult life portraying herself as a vulnerable and hapless woman who needs constant support and enablement. Ioan got thrust into the saviour role until he ran away and hid from her. But she has surrounded herself with a group of people all to willing to believe her lies and feed her need to unquestioning support and adoration.

But it is completely evident that it is a calculated move to ensure she never has to adult by herself. If this was simply about MH she wouldn’t have the insight to edit and delete her social media. The Cameos are a continuation of the image she wants to give out. That she is abandoned, vulnerable, distressed and alone. She has been peddling that role all the way through this and from before. But we have had enough mask slips to know it isn’t true. Yet she persists with the narrative of the victim and is going to keep that up.

She has a low cunning but that doesn’t mean she is not strategic. Narcs succeed with low cunning and bad lies because they don’t care about the truth or consequences. They can blatantly persist in the lie and suck people in because they want to believe. Everyone one else is too civilised to confront or challenge them. Look at Trump, his lies are obvious but his supporters want to believe him. His opponents struggle to openly call him out. And those in between start to believe the persistent lies because the truth is obscured.
From what I have gathered, Alice has predominantly lived off men most of her adult life. She did a few nondescript acting jobs, nothing worth mentioning, and not nearly lucrative enough for her to live off of. She lived with her fiance for 8 years, then straight to living with Ioan for 20 years, counting the years they lived together before marrying. That’s 28 of her 53 years she's spent depending on a man to feed, clothe, and shelter her. She claims she's a feminist, strangest feminist I’ve ever seen.
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Hi. Just wanted to check in on you and your dog. I hope you are both doing OK and learning to navigate the blindness. 🐶 ❤
Thank you for checking on us!
He is deaf but it was funny last week I came in the house and he had his back to me looking at someone else and as soon as I put my key in the door and I opened it, it makes a noise he turned round at that second and ran to me? So did he hear that?
Also my mum came over to sit with him one day and he was on the bed and she was sort of tapping the stairs so he could feel the vibrations but also shouting of him, he was standing up on the bed looking to see who was coming up the stairs! So it makes me think he can hear a bit. Or maybe I’m clutching at straws?
But thanks for remembering us 💐

Here he is looking tuff in his gold necklace ❤


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Mad Betty

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Alice tweeted she was to look for a $300,000 property and 10% alimony I think. I’ll look for receipts.

@CantieQuine From the first thread x
I remember these Tweets. She and IG created that prenup together. They agreed to the terms of it. Now she's saying he somehow manipulated her into it? This is why I can't respect her. She takes no ownership of her own actions. What was once perfectly agreeable is no longer good for her so it must trickery. 🙄

Additionally, she says she can't work while IG is away working. That's bullshit. She could absolutely work with two girls ages 8 and 12. No, she chooses not to work. She can't do that now. And she can rent a place until she's making enough money to buy. Sign a one year lease on a house or condo in a less expensive area that still affords a reasonable drive to get the girls to school (Studio City, Culver City, Koreatown, etc.) and reassess next year. It would give her space to sort things out. It's what people do when they're going through a divorce.
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From what I have gathered, Alice has predominantly lived off men most of her adult life. She did a few nondescript acting jobs, nothing worth mentioning, and not nearly lucrative enough for her to live off of. She lived with her fiance for 8 years, then straight to living with Ioan for 20 years, counting the years they lived together before marrying. That’s 28 of her 53 years she's spent depending on a man to feed, clothe, and shelter her. She claims she's a feminist, strangest feminist I’ve ever seen.
A feminist that viciously attacks and slut shames other women…. 😵💫
The only woman Alice truly cares about is herself, I honestly believe she would throw anyone under the bus if they didn’t bend to her will
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Even IF they did have an affair Alice has admitted the marriage was nearing the end and it certainly does not excuse her behaviour online. Especially as it turns out she was at least flirting with MITH on twitter and god knows what in private messages.
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I believe at the time the prenup was made she felt she was the rising “star” and went with the lowest earner getting 10% thinking that would be him. There’s also talk of her “childhood money”. How I laugh now.
I think she rather thought that Ioan will earn so much that 10 % will be a lot.

or she didnt thought at all. she didnt think her baby angel would ever fly away after all.
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
Well it looks like any questioning of BW or her behaviour (including but not limited to her support of someone particularly vile on Twitter) is not allowed so I'll shut up and go away.
I would much rather you stayed. I really value your input and you gave one of the funniest line ever in the early days. So much so that whenever I need to lift my spirts I remember it and laugh out loud all over again.

I think for me it's about being respectful of those that have different opinions. And to to put those that want to lay into you on ignore. People run out of steam when they try to argue with an empty room ;)

I think the majority of regular posters here agree on the following:

Alice is a fucking nightmare
Ioan was right to leave her
The girls are suffering due to parent alienation
Both dogs are cute
Gloria could do with picking up a duster
The pool could do with a deep clean
Alice needs to pay a visit to a decent hair salon
Ioan seems to like to to keep busy assembling flat pack furniture

For me? I just want to be able to say out loud without getting laid into:
  1. I'm am sorry Bianca is suffering from MS but I just don't like her.
  2. People who make flippant remarks about the Holocaust are cunts
  3. I think Alice is an absolute mare but I hope she turns her life around for the better.
  4. If I really had to choose, I rather shag Boris than Ioan, the latter is too pretty for my taste.
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Not tone policing, not moderating, and I understand that people get frustrated with the discussion. If so, then of course step back. There is no need to announce when someone is leaving or say (in what can be interpreted as a bit of a flounce) that‘s fine, since my opinion is being disregarded I am out of here, etc. In fact, I believe it’s against the rules.

In the past few hours, I’ve tried a few times to post about the main players but it has veered back to AD/TD and people’s hurt feelings about seeming to be shut down. I haven’t been here as long as a lot of others but the group has been good at managing disputes and staying on track. All of the “my opinion is being disregarded and I’m out” posts just make me want to stay away from the discussion completely. Just saying.
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Oh, I agree that Tamika engaging was stupid, but I just dont see why this means BW is supporting her opinion just because she didnt quit their friendship yet (lol). Should behaving like a dick online really overshadow how that person is in real life? This seems a tad too desperate to find flaws in her. Although you can have suspicions based on that one DM, but this was about tattle where Tamika was tame.
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oh yes she probably more likely stumbles loudly into their rooms in the middle of the night, switches on the light and shout-whispers “I love you my baby-wayby and your long luscious hair”

*shudder* I am having flashbacks, minus the baby talk
Poor IG, bet she used to do this to him too - ‘are you AWAAAAKE baby angelllllllll - I wuv you soooooo much, why are you in the spare woom AGAIN. I just woke up on the floooor, how could you LEAVE me down there? I know you’re awake GRUFFFFORD, my finger is jammed up your nose and I can feel you pretending to snore”
Even when he escaped to Oz he would’ve been on high alert:

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It may well be 2022, but some of us (myself included) think that having an affair with a married man in order to ‘live your best possible life’ is a really shitty thing to do.

I refuse to update my opinion on this one just because we live in the century that we do. I could not hurt another woman and her children just because I’d set my sights on a man I fancied shagging.

I’m not on board with this whole positive thinking, spreading kindness and living your best life if it involves hurting other people just so that you can get your needs met.

I know I’m in the minority but that’s not my kind of kindness at all.
OK, but that’s your moral compass. Sometimes living your best life does inadvertently hurt other people because the choices you make are not the choices they would want. Ioan leaving Alice hurt her so should he just not have done that? Whose need for kindness takes precedence? It’s lovely to try to direct all your actions with the underlying thought of, “Is this kind?” But being kind is not always the right thing to do. It could have been kinder to Alice to stay, sure. At what expense? All decisions are a moral calculus. Some will hurt. And despite being unkind, some are the right thing to do for that person.

No one knows what Ioan told Bianca about the state of his marriage, except her. He may have said his marriage was irretrievably broken down, that he was going to seek (or had sought) a divorce. Maybe her moral compass at that point said, ok, this marriage is over so I can move forward with a relationship with him on that basis. Maybe he didn’t say those things, and her moral compass still felt it was ok to move ahead. The person who hurt Alice was Ioan.
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Liar popped up on a channel I have. I'm watching Liar on Sundance TV on Amazon Prime. When I watched it before, I had no clue who he was.
Two points , a partner working away can have a very detrimental affect on working potential. In my career I need to work 12 hour shifts it was almost impossible to arrange childcare because he worked away. I looked for a 9-5 community post which are hard to find and I prefer 12 hour shifts as I get more days off. I didn't want to switch my career as it's something I love. My partner works from home now and will be picking those jobs over working away thank the lord.

I keep seeing the separate bedrooms thing as evidence of a dead marriage. Me and Mr Vee have had mostly separate bedrooms for 5 years I snore he kicks in his sleep we are still very much intimate in fact our daughter recently said "I hate you going in each others rooms , it's gross when you cuddle" . Separate bedrooms don't mean a marriage is dead.
When he came back in August 2020, after the marriage deteriorating for quite a while, and told her he didn't love her and moved into another bedroom and they essentially had no relationship, beyond the kids, for those four months, until the New Year, that's far different than what you are describing. That is complete evidence of a dead marriage for Ioan. It was over. It was a matter of getting through the holidays for the kids and moving out after.

On a different note, the first time I watched "Liar" I had no idea who Ioan was. I watched the movie and didn't even know his name. So it's on the Sundance Channel on Amazon Prime right now, and I have been watching Season 1 again. I'm just beginning the last episode. Ioan really did a phenomenal job in this show as far as acting range. I just finished the scene where he's upset and talking his kid into lying for him and his eyes are filled with tears, and the kid finally says he will, And then Ioan is hugging him and you see Ioan's eyes filling even more with tears but then also the darkness of his soul showing in his face at that moment, (Shivers.) Well done, Ioan.
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I dont think it's because of tattle. we discovered it because Ioan suddenly started the night before to follow her, cleaned his feed from all pics with Alice and reopened his private account, a few days before BW was editing (and likely deleting) a bunch of pics. This was planned.
Ioan was the biggest star in Brisbane, so the best way to get a ticket to HW. Still him alone wouldnt be enough (as you say), so a massive divorce with loads of coverage the easiest way to raise her profile. although I agree that coming out with MS is not smart then (and it also makes it less likely that she would voluntary put herself through that stress), but perhaps she aims in a different direction
again, it's not necessarly what I think, but given that we dont know her that option shouldnt be ruled out.
Britney was her name I think
I have to say @welp that's an awfully long bow. For 1 thing Ioan was hardly the biggest star in Brisbane. He might have been, say, the biggest name she could easily access. My niece worked at the Emporium Hotel in Brisbane at the time. She was one of the people who had to be tested for Covid after Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson turned up +ve because she was in close contact with them. She drops heaps of much bigger names than Ioan Gruffudd. In fact, I asked her about him and Bianca and she has no idea who he is. She talks about the Hemsworths and Steve Nicks, but 'who???? sorry don't know who that is.'
And you can't engineer a divorce unless there is already trouble in the marriage. So she'd have had to know in advance that he was unhappy, get the job to meet him and then still spin the correct story. I just think that's a long draw there.
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I imagine Ioan turning up at the house to collect his things, noticing the mess and the absolutely scruffy pool and thinking what the hell am I paying for here? The house never looked that bad when he was there, they were always in the pool.
He must have been shocked.
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