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I agree the whole thing is really sad but doing so only makes the situation far worse, particularly for the children.

I don’t know if anyone else recognizes these traits of possible domestic violence against IG, but public humiliation of a spouse is one of the symptoms. And there are actually many more.
I know nothing but I can believe the possibility of her taunting him to try to get a violent reaction out of him. A common tactic by narcissistic women who feel they need more attention than they are getting from their husband or anyone else.
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Ioan was 26 when they met I think. Almost 34 when they married. Not surprised he wasn’t chomping at the bit to get married and have kids as she was (being older than him especially), as I find a lot of men aren’t ready until their 30s, but doubt it meant anything sinister. They did seem quite happy and in love early on (aside from her drama abut the fans) and he did say he went and got the ring the day after she essentially said “I want to get married and have children. If you don’t, i need to move on”

For the prenup yes I would absolutely think both parties would be given a copy!!
Ah ok fair enough. Thank you for the additional context I was missing!
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So basically she told thousands of ppl on social media that Ioan is regularly brushing his teeth (referring to her nasty posting). This interpretation makes it much better. 😆
I think she actually left something out about work he’s had done now that you mention teeth. He’s clearly had porcelain veneers, which I wouldn’t fault anyone for getting if they can afford it.
But a friend had a chemical peel once and not only it was very painful but she ended up with complications. I’m glad I don’t live that sort of life.
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No, the youngest one, you're referring to is the only one who didn't join their rants and stayed loyal to IG (that's why they cut any contact to her lately). For the main monkey FM1, you can multiply the 26 with (at least) 2.3 - that comes closer to the truth (judging from the pictures I know of her)...
And tbh, do you really think that AE, who lies about her own age, used the correct age here?
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One thing I wondered (and I know some of you have been following A and I for a long time) but why didn't A maybe go visit him or stay on location with him, the children and the Nanny?

Not perhaps every time, but some times or even for a little holiday/break/long weekend?

It feels like she's felt alone with the children and left behind, so I couldn't understand why she didn't go with him on location (I know other actors/actresses do this with their families and bring Tutors for older ones).

Oh and also, how long would this divorce take?
I wish I knew the answer to this question myself. Probably as long as AE can drag it out and still survive financially. 😁

They actually visited him. I know that they did for at least one season (out of three) of Harrow for a few weeks, and both seasons of Liar. He also flew back during Forever after every other weekend back home and they visited him on set a few times too (was in New York, so much closer).

One example: between October 2018 and june 2019 Alice kept saying that he is 9 or 10 months straight gone, but in reality he was back home for christmas, then another week in march (between projects) and then they visited him in april for a few weeks. And before he went away they spend the whole summer on holidays in Italy and France. That's all things you can gather from her twitter and IG. She always made his absence sound more dramatic than it actually was (even if he was gone a lot, obviously)

I guess properly going with him everywhere was not an option. Tutors are pretty damn expensive for such a long time and it's uprooting the kids too much probably.

Divorces take at least half a year in Cali, but the average in California is more like 1.5 years.
It sounds like AE has been embellishing the truth for a while now.
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I know nothing but I can believe the possibility of her taunting him to try to get a violent reaction out of him. A common tactic by narcissistic women who feel they need more attention than they are getting from their husband or anyone else.
I actually do although my situation is very different.

I actually do although my situation is very different.
I’m not suggesting that happened but public humiliation of a spouse or partner, or child, or parent, or sibling makes it more likely that abuse is going on and not necessarily physical. It can be mental, emotional, coercive, even worse.
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AE has calmed down a bit since getting triggered by IG on the red carpet. I wonder what her next trigger will be? I looked at some photos of that event and although he looks very good I decided he also seemed stressed and uncomfortable. He kept his hands out of view which makes me wonder if he bites his nails when under stress. If this seems like I’m looking for things that aren’t there I’m not. I’m just notice things others may not.
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some little (mostly irrelevant) corrections on that one: the "I think I dont love you anymore" was september 2020 (recently she implied it was already in august, but whatever, Lin once said that he started being a dick when he returned in August). The statement asking for privacy was after she announced their break up at the end of january 2021. The post about her fighting against him leaving and them still being friends was about 1-2 weeks after that, so a few weeks before he filed for divorce

she also had a pretty ugly meltdown on Instagram a few days after christmas about him, that's when he probably properly broke up with her (would also be exactly in the "almost 10 months that he is ghosting me" frame)
Thanks! I couldn’t remember the exact order of the events/posts (and didn’t feel like going back and looking) since it all happened one after the other.

I’ve seen reference to a video she posted of them on Instagram around Christmas that was awkward? That he seemed miserable in? I never got to see it but I have seen a screen capture in one of these threads from it that had text over it. Would be so curious to see the video itself if anyone has it?


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hm, this is interesting, he put his socials back to public and deleted all pictures of his wife. Alice now features as one of his followers again, so guess at some point she tried to follow him again (lol)

I have a suspicion now re: him cheating, but I dont have enough proof yet 🤔
That’s too damn funny about him deleting all Alice’s pics, and her stalking him still.
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When the ioanonline debacle happened before the wedding. I was thinking that it set a bad precedence as to what kind of marriage it would be. Firstly AE would wear the trousers and secondly if he displeased / left her, she wasn't going to hold back. She would want revenge. In his naivete, he never thought that he would be the one in the firing line. But she shafted his fans, and now it's his turn. He shouldn't be surprised.

Yes, next girlfriend will be lined up for the role of "evil stepmother" by AE (and possibly the kids if AE has anything to do with it). Doesn't matter how nice she might be. It will take a strong person to deal with the shit she will be flinging at them publicly.
Yes, for him that should have been a glaring red neon flag. I find it interesting that it happened once she had a ring on her finger. It was a truly sh**ty thing to make him do. He could have simply made a rule to not discuss his personal life, that it was hurtful to him, and asked for an apology for her. It could have been done with tact and easily smoothed out. That would have been compromise. I doubt she would buy it though and probably raised hell at him. In my opinion.
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An interview is different. He gets to promote his projects and he has to give them some human interest stories in return. It's part of deal for actors. As you said it wasn't too much information unlike this reddit rumour.

Sharing his marriage woes with randoms? Nope. He could score without a sob story anyway so it doesn't make sense. If that's what he wanted to do.

Yes it's an obvious nose job.

I think IG had one too but his is more subtle.
His is very subtle. His plastic surgeon must have been leagues better than hers. Unless that was what she asked for. 😂
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I was convinced of this too (in fact I still think so, he is infamous for flirting a lot and had the distance to do it, although I'm not sure this was all it took for him to leave), but she herself said that she doesnt think that fwiw.

I agree that in most other seperations I would suspect that the woman only appears crazy because she was very badly fucked up, but I have my doubts on this one simply because it's very in-character for her (although there is always a chance that for once it's not that)

as for the daughter: he was barely home the past couple of years and he hinted at cracks between him and his daughters relationship because of that, especially the elder one (who is not seeing him). With her being the primary caretaker parental allienation should happen fairly easy. Plus it's not like the daughter doesnt want to see him: she just wants at their home (and we know that Alice for some reason wants him there too), which I somehow cant imagine can be the way a kid voluntary thinks. And if so it's quite worrying that she has already learned how to apply emotional manipulation :/

But yeah, there is every chance that your suggestion is on the money. I'm personally still convinced that both in one way or another fucked up
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Good God! She's lost it! And I've said that before. But talk about OTT (her claim of Madonna). Sharing that email? DEFINITELY OTT! And she has said, "I'm done" a few times before since Jan. What does she mean? It can be taken so many ways. What do you mean AE?

She did say something like "Did they handcuff him?" in response to pics Z posted where his hands are behind his back. Did anyone catch that?
I did. thought it was interesting she’d respond to Z who the FMs have said sent such a nasty email to poor ole Al.
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From what I read neither child is fazed by violence, only sex and cursing. AE said it herself. I find that beyond concerning.
She seems to allow them far too much freedom for their own good.
Sex and cursing? So shes bringing them up to be puritans about sex and a bit of swearing, when desensitising children to violence is so much worse?!
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