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Just had a read through of the old board I think welp linked us to pages back. These caught my eye. AE says IG would be foolish to take her to court for what would come out. Could something like this be it?? Though swinging? Can’t see it! She seems bunny boiler jealous to me (as I keep saying. Sorry about that 😆)
I can’t imagine that she would ever let IG out of her talons “willingly!” 🤣
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Take a look at what weirdo alicescarf posted. Methinks she doth protest too much or she herself is projecting as she frequently makes sexual comments about IG. I’m thinking this must be exactly what is going on with her rather than the fans she’s accusing. 🤣😈🤪

When she first announced that he said her husband is to leave his family (*eyes roll*) "next week", then it was deleted, then she alleged that he deleted it? That debacle?
Yes, that debacle. Drama Queen to the max, wouldn’t you say?
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Insect is an excellent description of these people, especially as irritants. And if they smell blood they’re instantly there.
For example FM 2 “Deb” tagging AE as soon as she saw IG on the red carpet yesterday. Thanks for that Welp.
Anyway I thought, why do that? It’s only going to upset AE so why do it? I don’t call that friendship. I call it triggering.
Not that I’m defending AE but you get what I’m saying.
I'd assume that they are instructed to do that. Remember how Alice mentioned that one thing that bothers her is that she doesnt know where he is/what he is doing after they were sharing everything for 20 years, etc. Not very healthy though.

She mentioned today when somebody praised how she has dealt with the last couple of months that today is a particulary difficult day though but she cant say why. Might be unrelated, but may well be upset about it (every thing your ex does what he used to do with you tends to be another stab, last time it was him not talking to her while travelling, this time not talking to her - or even going with her - when preperating for a event like this, it may seem like simple stuff, but this hurts a lot)

As for AE, she’s gone quiet on the IG front. It’s good for her. I’d probably relax on the speculation on Madonna’s opiate use though.
Agreed on both things. But on the latter she probably has at this point not much to lose from making controversial (well, there is a decent likehood that she is right lol) statements about other celebs, and it's unlikely that anything unrelated to him that she tweets will still impact his future potentially since he cut ties with her, so her acting like a normal twitter user makes now at least a bit more sense than it previously did. But then again she deleted those as well after a few hours LOL

I was going to judge her for allowing her 12 year old to watch Squid Game (she has been ranting about that series tonight though, so that's redeemed her in my book on that matter lol), but then I remembered that even primary school kids watch this sort of thing now.
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Of course it's ok. Be a fan again! :) Now that he's away from AE perhaps he'll see the real him again. That sweet guy that we know he really is. Let's just pray that his next love interest won't be as desperate and insecure as AE.

I was just watching interviews of various celebrities on various talk shows about their critics on social media and haters and mean tweets. They all have them. It's impossible for celebs to NOT have critics of varying degrees of nastiness. Most of them say they know that those extreme posts are not even worth reading, they ignore them and hide from seeing them. Some are apparently strong enough, thick skinned enough to read them and keep scrolling. Emmy Rossum said she ignores bad posts about her and others and mostly doesn't engage, except to those she feels she needs to chime in on to protect someone, a family member or other.

Everyone is going to have critics. And some are going to be nasty about it. But trying to stick up for yourself in defense is a slippery slope. Others have said here that they respect Ioan's silence and I do too. It shows that he is above throwing nasty insults back at AE. I know he's not religious now but I feel like the good parts probably stuck, stuff he learned as a young boy from his parents and his faith like: "return evil for evil to no one." :)

She's had a couple of suiters on Twitter or IG, I can't remember. One was pretty persistent and asked her to check her DMs. She finally posted a friendly reply and said she'd check them.

I think that most of his fans or any fangirls of any celebrity are fans for many reasons, looks and charisma probably at the top of the list. It's only the cuckoo ones that believe they actually have the belief that maybe, just maybe, they have a chance with him. That's pretty creepy and scary. They let their fantasies overcome their reality: Obsession. It's sad but it does exist. I don't blame IG for being upset over obsessive comments but I don't know what the comments were. Maybe shutting the old site down was extreme but I'm sure some celebs have had to publicly demand that the bullying stop. I remember Sam Heughan having to stick up for MacKenzie Mauzy when comments online about her got out of hand.

I'm of two minds when it comes to the definition of bullying. I don't know how stating an opinion ABOUT someone but not addressed TO them is bullying. Unless it is a threat, that's different. For example, I don't think anyone here has bullied AE. There have been a few comments like, "if you're reading this", but never anything bullying.
The only thing I have to say about the website is an old tired cliche.’ One bad apple don’t spoil the whole bunch. Or don’t throw out the baby with the bath water.
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Has anyone actually thought that, perhaps he was having an affair and has now left her for someone else? I mean...,,they are never going to reveal it before the divorce (it’s very bad publicity for him and would alienate alot of female fans). it’s also possible, she suspected for a long time he was having an affair and he Always denied it. That would drive someone mad since, they would feel something is wrong but, be faced with denial and he being 6000 miles away or whatever.
I appreciate she has ‘appeared‘ like the crazy one due to social media. But, there are a few people that, really believe he is with someone else. I mean ......not taking sides at all. I’m just saying he’s handsome and plenty of actresses would love to go with him especially as, he is fairly successful?

Furthermore, one of his daughters is refusing to see him (apparently). I appreciate that everyone thinks it’s because Alice has poisoned her against her dad. But, in reality, it’s very hard to poison your child against their dad unless he’s done something very wrong.
my friends dad had an affair. When my friend and her sister found out they stopped speaking to their dad for ages. They obviously forgave him. But, they were angry.
Just made me think that, he could have also done something to make the daughter upset with another woman perhaps?
I'm just presenting an alternative point of view.....considering how mad AE is with him and his daughters refusal to see him’s not outside the realms of possibility. Plus, a lot of men who comment on this always state that he would not have left unless he had someone else to go to.
in a years time ....he’ll probably announce the new relationship and stress that it started after the divorce (exactly like Brad and Angelina did). Just sayin....
I believe anything is possible. However, no matter how I personally feel about "cheating", it's a moral matter and not a legal one. Also, cheating hurts the significant other/mate, and kids are likely angry at the offending parent for it but even in that case, it's up to the parents, BOTH of them, to comfort the children. If the children hurt because the injured party is hurt, then the injured party has the (added) responsibility, especially if the children are with that parent more than the other parent, to make sure the children know that she/he will be ok, and that because dad/mom doesn't love that parent anymore, that doesn't mean that he/she doesn't love them/the children. When you see your child's feelings are hurt, don't you feel awful and want to comfort them? Don't you want to protect them from that? It's a horrible situation, I know, but if your mate cheats on you, you DON'T share that with your kids! Unfortunately, you have to work EXTRA hard to make sure your kids know that you're going to be ok, that your feelings are hurt but that you'll be ok. I just don't get how that is not common sense!

If a husband cheats, its sad and mad and hurts, but he didn't cheat on the kids, he cheated on his mate. I know the cheating causes everyone pain and potentially breaks up the family (the other woman known as "home wrecker"). So all of that is horrible but if one wants to say that the offending parent is horrible for doing that, fine, say it's his fault. But the why would the offended parent WANT TO MAKE IT WORSE?! Frickin makes me livid! :mad:

We may be doing what AE's sm followers do which is just assuming that what AE says is true.

I can't think of anything anyone can say to me that would make me change my opinion or to convince me that AE didn't play an active part in older E not wanting to see her dad right now. If that's even the case. We know that he left for France on July 31. I may be wrong on the timing of some of this, please correct me if I'm wrong...So didn't AE say that she found out IG was leaving a couple of days before he left from one of her daughters? Does anyone know if AE said this was older E or younger E? So if both of the girls were with him for a visit just before he left, how is it that older E doesn't want to see him? If older E wasn't with him then, I wonder how much time there was between the time older E spent time with AE and July 31?

Bottom line for me is, as a parent AE's behavior should be in spite of IG instead of because of him. AND I will add that if a parent does something illegal such as harming someone else, a child/other parent/stranger, the "victim" parent should STILL PROTECT THE CHILD. There are loving ways to handle this or selfish ways. It could be explained to the child that the other parent "is sick and needs help" or "made some mistakes and has to go away for awhile" in the case of a parent who has to go to jail; but that he/she "will always LOVE YOU!" If a parent has been abusive to his own child, obviously therapy would be likely mandated but doesn't "your dad/mom is sick and did some very bad things but your going to be ok and it will never happen again" sound better than "your dad/mom is a horrible person, and crazy and is going to jail and must not love you or me because he did this."

Anything other than showing your child love, no matter the circumstance, is neglect in my opinion. And if one isn't a smart enough person to know this in their number of years being alive on planet earth then they should at least listen to experts who know about this stuff or the reasonable people who keep telling her the things she needs to hear on sm.

In my opinion, there is no situation in which AE should be behaving the way has been, no matter how IG has behaved or is behaving. Assume all of her accusations are true. Still no excuse for her behavior!

OK, I haven't had to engage in conversation here much lately so I apologize you got an earful.

No it’s neither of their faults. Marriages do come to an end sometimes and both parties will be at fault. It’s a shame she went public mainly for the children and also for her. Since, she comes out looking worse when, in fact that may not be the case. I’m a fan of Ioan Grufford bizarrely. Even though I am critical him here but, I hope they work things out over time so, that they can be civil to eachother, Plus, I really hope she meets someone else too and is eventually happy.
It is likely that when a new man comes into her life, she will, again, act inappropriately. Possibly let him meet the girls too soon and involve him in their lives too soon, and talk bad or make passive-aggressive comments about IG to him in front of the kids. If she doesn't under stand this huge principal in parenting, she is sure to continue unless she LISTENS. I also predict, she will NOT be happy because she will be forever trying to punish IG which will likely get on the nerves of any potential boyfriend or husband.
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huh, didnt heard this before?
Me neither. I thought AE said that Big E saw it in a "paper". Newspaper? Online newspaper? ??? Anyone know?
I don’t have any receipts for this because at the time, didn’t realise I’d be on a forum discussing it later and it went as quickly as it came 😅 I’m certain I read AE saying the kids at school led E to the article. Admittedly, I’d assumed that was in the form of bullying but that was mere speculation so I’ll put my hand up and retract that part. I’m sure she mentioned the kids at school though.
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Please vote for the thread titles if you haven’t yet. If you have a suggestion for a title post it. We’ll soon be at 1000!

I just found a bunch of interesting comments on D-listed. This was from 9 mos. ago when their break-up happened and here is one from the D-listed article referring to the selfie of AE and IG after returning from Oz.
Speaking of grumpy, poor Alice might need to get her eyeglasses prescription checked because from looking at her Instagram (Ioan’s has been set to private, along with his Twitter), she missed a lot of writing on the wall. Her feed is resplendent with smiling, happy kid and puppy pictures. And almost every picture she’s posted of Ioan includes a caption that suggests he’d rather be anywhere else.
I don't think his sm were set to private that early. I don't know for sure when that happened though. Anybody have knowledge on when this happened? I thought it was when they split or shortly after. ???
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to be fair the way I understood it is that due to frequent lockdown threats in school (she mentioned at least one occasion last year on her kids school) they are used to gun violence at least (would be still no excuse for me, but whatever). Being puritans about sex is just natural upbringing in America lol.

In other news she just (harmlessly) joked about his red carpet appearance over the weekend on her twitter. Might be not everybodys cup of tea, but I take this over her rants.
Wondered if she’d comment on his appearance at the Festival esp after one of the FMs tagged her in a post about it. Weird she didn’t respond to the FMs tag but to another comment left under a post the former admin made. Is she keeping tabs on the ex admin/his fans? Or just him? Maybe both?
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She mentioned on IG under a post (in French) to somebody asking if Ioan takes care of the kids that he pretty much doesnt. and he is to stay in France for 6 months (pretty sure it's 4) and has no interest to hear about any issues at school and home etc. He left them and he doesnt talk to her and she finds that stupid and cowardly (she said that one nicer, literally not very brave)

I already wondered this with that algae story: but it would be indeed very weird if he didnt ensure a way for her to contact him easily (even if it's just indirectly) for certain issues. This is something you should keep up, even if generally no contact is the way to go in an high conflict divorce. You can always cut the call if Alice does start to talk about something else after all 😀
When I read this I took it to mean that she was supportive of him and helped him through the panic attacks, and that they both shared these moments of self doubt and lifted each other up. Maybe not though judging by her recent behaviour 🤷🏼‍♀️
I remember reading once that he said it was a really difficult time not being able to find work. Personally I think he’s an amazing actor but he’s more cut out for nitty gritty roles than Hollywood.
Yeah, I get that we dont have the greatest opinion of her, but certainly not everything was bad. They were very long together, and seemingly happy, after all. Bit unfair to reach that conclusion, even if it's possible.
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You mixed sth up: he called HER "Baby angel" while she called HIM "Angel". "Grown-up" versus "Baby" - this obviously never changed until the end of their relationship (and beyond) 😆
I checked with the Craig Ferguson interview. He called her angel on that. After all she wore the pants so he was the baby in the relationship.
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Yesss. She's the one spewing all over the internet. He has some class.

Also I can't believe he isn't checking up on her stuff online. After all he knows other people are and he might be asked about it or it might be used in the custody battle. Despite the block, there are ways to do this ;) I imagine it must be awful being called a narc, etc, when you aren't and I don't believe he is. No evidence apart from an unreliable narrator's word. Maybe she is trying to put off potential girlfriends? LOL

Also the marriage lasted 13 years. There was a very long courtship phase of 7 years.
I just bet she’s trying to put off potential girlfriends. It’s more of the get revenge strategy for him daring to fall out of love with her. She’s enough alone to put anyone off going anywhere near him!
And you’re exactly right that 7 years was more than enough time to figure out that he was a narcissist ffs. But I suppose saying this is her way of saving face. Oh well, he was a narcissist anyway. 😒
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AE seems very conflicted about this. I think that is why the divorce is causing meltdowns - so much of her identity was tied in with his. I think she is bitter her career fizzled out while his has improved now after the jobless post marriage years. How will she get on the red carpet now? Her only way of getting media attention at this stage is SM meltdowns and actual car crashes. She needs to reinvent herself. Even her etsy page has his photo on it.

Despite being intelligent, she presents this "damsel in distress" image on SM a lot. She can't call the plumber or the water guy? It's IG's job apparently even though he doesn't live there anymore.

As for nuking his following, she did just that again on his "official" unofficial FB page. It has now turned into an IG hate site and is a total embarrassment for him. He severed ties with the 2 Admins there. Ironically he made two nice videos for his fans there which he never did for IOL. How much that would have been appreciated back in the day?! Instead all he gets on his FB page is his ex-fans saying how fake he is in the videos he did for them which they previously liked. :unsure: 🤡
Those comments in that group about his videos really have me steaming!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

One last thing. Who else thinks that word salad came from swmbo? “She who must be obeyed.”

After everything I’ve read “every single post on both threads” it’s crystal clear that the delusional fans could see what IG could not see or refused to see. Until it was too late. I often wonder if he thinks about that?
"Love is blind."
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In an interview, directly after she gave him the black eye, he called her "baby angel"... But that it used to be the other way around - yikes, that also says a lot about their relationship 😖
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So the spousal support will last until the youngest is 18? I suppose without seeing the prenup we don't know. Does community property mean the house would be split 50/50?

I'm surprised he waited too. He knew her real age and obviously wanted kids too. They were lucky to be able to afford the IVF.

Also her mother died at 59 of a heart attack. That's only 6 years off AE's real age. :unsure:
Her wiki says 1971 🤥
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omg I started to laugh in a packed train when I saw this. bahahaha 🤣
AE Would probably love publicity like that, thinking it would revitalize her acting career 🙄 though I doubt anyone would care enough about either of them or this to put her on a major magazine.

She says she doesn’t want to ruin his career since his income is what she lives on, and doesn’t feel she’s jeopardizing his career, but she goes off on Twitter out of “desperation” accusing him of cruelties and articles are written about it by tabs that come up when anyone searches for him 🤦🏽‍♀️
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Ok so I will give a virtual crisp high-five to any gem in here who can direct me to the car park rant video. I should have earned a driver's license ages ago and my loved ones are pressuring me now so I'd just like to prove to them how bad an idea that would be, THANKS.
Go to the first thread on them. It’s post 231. Or look it up on google. 😉

Sorry I don’t have it readily available.
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Shouldn't the divorce be finalised already? It's been 6 months. Also why is AE so quiet? Scared of Tattlers? :unsure:
6 months is the minimum period. Most take 1-2 years. in theory you can get formally divorced without a settlement being in place yet, but that's what happens in endless divorces usually.

After reading everything on past posts to do with AE and her instagram etc. Im really not sure I can believe anything. I just did not want to make her out to be completely mad’s getting difficult
I’m not saying he must be a cheater either, Even if, he has got another women. It’ll be because the relationship already broke down. He does not strike me as a serial cheater or a womaniser or anything like that. Ioan appears to me, to have been pretty devoted to his family for quite some time. I’m pretty sure he is still devoted to his children too, I know there are rumours of his flirtations etc. But, it’s harmless and he also appears to be a very friendly and personable guy. He’s probably that way on set. It must be very hard to have this break up. Although AE’s reactions have calmed down recently. Thankfully!

I wasn’t trying to upset anyone, I simply did feel sorry for her too. She was obviously very in love with him and for whatever reason, did not see it coming. I know she has not handled things the right way. But, it’s so much easier for people on the outside to critisize her and forget that, emotionally, she is fragile and no one thinks straight when a huge life event occurs. I really think she has calmed down now, hopefully she’ll move on and get her life together.
nah dont worry. I too drop here and there in a territory where I feel more sorry for her than that I judge her. It's just hard for me to even remotely take her side because I just witnessed over the years - and how she is retelling it - that she lies so much (whether intentionally or not, she may genuinely have gaps), so I have little reason to believe that she is doing this differently in her divorce, which she already proved with a number of contradictions.

Obviously you never really know, and a unreliable party being involved makes it easy for you to look good, which is why I'm not prepared to call him even remotely innocent here either.
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