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So the spousal support will last until the youngest is 18? I suppose without seeing the prenup we don't know. Does community property mean the house would be split 50/50?
Oh no, much worse.

In California generally Spousal Support lasts half of the time you were married (so if you were 8 years married you will get Spousal Support for 4 years, etc.), unless you were married for more than 10 years, then you have to pay spousal support forever, unless the income of your ex spouse changes so much that she could afford her life standard herself or if she remarries. And yes, house would be split 50/50. Generally everything would be split. Child support would be indeed paid until the children is 18, no matter what happens (the rate can obviously change, depending on how much both parents earn, that applies to spousal support too, in theory it can even flip if suddenly the one that earned less earns more now etc.)

There are many people who when they plan to get divorced from their spouse, formally spend a couple of months in California, so that they can file there. that's how beneficial it is for the income weaker party.

Obviously here this will be different (except of the child support) because a prenup does seem to exist, although I suspect that she could be succesful if she would take this to court. AFAIK the smallest procedure error when making the prenup leads already for it to be torn apart in court. And if one or both were earning significantly more back then (likely?) this will be taken into account too. If I was her I would at the very least threaten with this in order to get a better settlement.

I'm surprised he waited too. He knew her real age and obviously wanted kids too. They were lucky to be able to afford the IVF.
Well, he has the nice advantage of being a man.

So if he proposed on New Years Eve 2005 that’s essentially 2006. That’s still a long time for someone with a biological clock ticking to wait. And she did require IVF ultimately.
And essentially it’s harder raising a child the older you are. Also there’s a higher risk of losing a parent in childhood.
Like Bridge of Sighs I’m surprised she waited.
All true, but Ioan was somebody that before her only had one serious girlfriend and a rising star, you cant really expect somebody like him to propose asap. Neither dropping him and just start all over again for a third time. I personally think she just waited long enough. It's also pretty common in Hollywood for a woman to not get kids early as the roles tend to dry out once you reach a certain age.
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Exactly! I don't know how many bad apples there were compared to the good but apparently enough, according to AE. Using our knowledge of her and how she exaggerates or simply turns everything around, I'm sure it was even close to as bad as she claimed it to be. Like all of us here have been stalking and bullying her for 20 years! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Exactly. A perfect analogy is someone who would take a huge garden hoe to a tiny non venomous snake and hack it to bits. She needs to get rid of any perceived threat to her as she’s deeply insecure. And I can’t muster up any sympathy for her anymore.
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Thread Title Suggestion:

Ioan Gruffudd & Alice Evans #3 Off to Talk Thru Wizard, Lawyers Lie Behind Curtains
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What truly surprises me about the fiancée that ended up being gay is that she didn’t pick up on that? Wasn’t she with him a long time?
Weren't they engaged for 5 years with no wedding in sight?

New here! And Alice’s carcrash Twitter sent me here 😂
Her Etsy store is the stuff of legends.
Where was her Etsy discussed? To be fair she did manage to sell some stuff but it's not really to my taste.
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Wowza, that’s passive-aggressive as fuck. Sure wish I had so little to do with my time on this big spinning rock that I could be a lapdog to a Z-list “celebrity” (arm-candy doesn’t really count) with severely manipulative tendencies and zero emotional coping strategies. Well! We can’t all be so lucky in life, I guess! 🙃
I honestly wonder if these crazy women hate men and have an agenda against them because they’ve been wronged, in addition to other serious issues. And again I feel that some of them perceive that IG dumped them as well as AE. And now they’ve gone vigilante!

Well, the end justifies the means: based on one of her imdb entries, he'd probably well adviced to take a box with him and open it there.
"Suffers from tipulophobia, an irrational and sometimes crippling fear of crane flies." Source: imdb
Problem solved and she leaves him in peace.
PS: Honestly, why would somebody ever publish such information on SM?!
I’m confused and not as knowledgeable as some Tattlers. Do you mind explaining to me? My coffee hasn’t kicked in yet. 😉
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to be fair the way I understood it is that due to frequent lockdown threats in school (she mentioned at least one occasion last year on her kids school) they are used to gun violence at least (would be still no excuse for me, but whatever). Being puritans about sex is just natural upbringing in America lol.

In other news she just (harmlessly) joked about his red carpet appearance over the weekend on her twitter. Might be not everybodys cup of tea, but I take this over her rants.
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Thanks for the recap!

Speaking of Reddit, I’ve just seen this. Do we think there’s any truth to it? IG discussing his marriage in TMI detail to two total strangers? Almost 6 years ago (this comment is nearly a year old was he even in Australia 5-6 years back)?
I’m not positive but I don’t believe he was even there at that time.

This is completely off topic compared to what we were discussing but does anyone have a photo of AE before she had her nose fixed?
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The psychologist may be a respected Professional but unless she has actually spoken to Alice (or Ioan) and understands all the facts of the situation, her opinion of Alice could be misleading.
I think that everyone on here including the psychologist all agree, that Alice should not have played this out publicly. Though she seems acted out of hurt and anger. I can understand that but, I really hope she gets therapy. Unfortunately not everyone is capable of seeing how they appear to others. It must be really really bad if ioan refuses to talk to her at all though.
It doesn't matter what facts there are that we don't know about or understand. The only facts we KNOW for sure are the ones we can see for ourselves. The fact that she is obviously sharing divorce matters and publicly insulting and accusing her husband of horrible things (even if they ARE true) are facts that we and everybody who follows her social media (or anyone who searches her or IG's name on the internet) can see. We all can have an opinion on that and I think that's why we are here. Right?

An opinion may or may not be misleading. I think that's why it's an opinion. There is a difference between an opinion and an accusation.

Those facts lead me to the opinion that AE should not be trying to publicly shame her husband because the girls are either seeing it or will see it in the future. That is damaging to the kids. If you don't know why, maybe you can read a bit about it. I think the psychologist is spot on. There are scores of psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, who agree and whose opinions can easily be found online. Not to mention that because of the damage is does to kids, some states have laws protecting kids from it. In the states that don't, the "best interests of the child" language in their laws mention it.

The psychologist may be a respected Professional but unless she has actually spoken to Alice (or Ioan) and understands all the facts of the situation, her opinion of Alice could be misleading.
I think that everyone on here including the psychologist all agree, that Alice should not have played this out publicly. Though she seems acted out of hurt and anger. I can understand that but, I really hope she gets therapy. Unfortunately not everyone is capable of seeing how they appear to others. It must be really really bad if ioan refuses to talk to her at all though.
None of us here, that I know of, have spoken to AE or IG about their divorce. Are everyone's opinions here misleading? I sincerely don't know if I'm reading your post correctly but your second sentence and your first sentence seem contradictory.

huh, didnt heard this before?
Me neither. I thought AE said that Big E saw it in a "paper". Newspaper? Online newspaper? ??? Anyone know?
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I still feel sorry for her. I believe she really loves her children and I think she was madly in love with Ioan. I know she has behaved badly but, it appears that she has absolutely no support from anyone i.e. no parents or sisters or true friends. I’m NOT excusing her behaviour. But, she’s is a bad situation (temporarily) and it’s hard without any family who could be there to advise or just help you feel supported. Hollywood is a cold place by yourself !
I still say that all of that, no friends (apparently), no family, that still doesn't make it OK to involve your kids in your divorce, and to try to humiliate your husband on sm where the kids can see it. I feel sorry for her too but when I saw her tweets about being surprised, that this was "out of the blue", THEN read various tweets from the past several years where she insults him...nah, changed my mind.

Imagine the excuse one might say to a therapist: Well I don't have any friends of family around and I haven't worked in years, and Hollywood is so mean, I just had to involve my children in my misery and talk to them or let them hear me talk about their father in a horribly negative way to make myself feel better. That's ok right?

There is a nice saying: "You can tell more about a person by what she/he says about others than you can by what others say about her/him". I'm following AE on SM for some years now. There were these really funny anectodes with her kids I liked. But on the other hand also very disturbing postings, which showed a really mean and bad character. When she called her husband a pussy back in 2020, I couldn't believe my eyes. Some of you are saying that she is now reacting like that because she still loves him. No, when you love somebody you wouldn't humiliate him publically in front of thousands of people. I honestly don't care what kind of person he is and if it was also his fault - it's also not possible to judge him as he stays quiet (clever guy). All I see is her behavior in public and towards him which got worse and worse over the years - culminating in this complete sick attack on "Horse whisperer" last year, her rants against everybody who didn't share her political views (or any view), and rants against her own husband after he asked her to take a Twitter break. Of course she always listened to the (bad) advices her "friends" on SM gave her, like" he doesn't love you anymore when he forces you to quit Twitter". Well done... After reading this entire thread here I have the feeling that most people here really want to help her (stop SM is probably the most valuable advice in her case) - in contrast to these ppl she's calling her friends and who make things even worse. The screenshots are from last year.
PS: Thanks to her advertisement, I discovered tattle - had never heard about this website/forum before 🤔😳
Oh, I LIKE you! I can't believe she would condone flipping off an elderly couple for any reason. Nice morals.

Christmas will be interesting. I wonder how close his parents are to her.
Probably not close AT ALL especially now. She recently called his mom a cun+. That was it for me. No reason to do that. And what a roll model for her daughters. smh
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I think Lupine once said that love is a hormon induced illusion and that people should always go for identity over family. So I'm not really surprised that he prefers somebody to make a point ("Silence Breaker") even if it means completely destroying themselves (embarassing yourself, humiliating the kids and their father in public, possibly cancelling the fathers income, severing relationships for good, etc.)
Haha, right! So doesn't he know that applies both ways? Doesn't Ioan deserve his own identity?

She probably wrote it and made him publish it. It has the same dramatic flowery language she likes to use.
She's been accused of that but claims that even though she's written stuff for him before she did not write that one. :rolleyes:
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Yes and FM3 is Lupine. They are cray cray. AE won't get any more acting jobs unless she is very very lucky. Of course AE hates drama that's why she is still directing people here. :LOL:

Also I think the FMs blocked IG after he blocked them.

Is body shaming ok if it's done to men?
I suppose it is okay since they are “special and unique” and rules don’t apply to them. That’s so hateful, cruel, and unnecessary. None of you seemed to mind the bald spot before he dumped the lot of you. I thought he looked good.
He looked like a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Hint hint.
I’d like to see all of them in their suits at the beach. 😉

Can we agree on "FM squared"? 😂 I always considered Henryscarf as FM1 - and Deb as FM2. Since Henryscarf was always the loudest and nastiest of the two... Btw, looking at all those rants welp posted above - she really should think about getting a new name:
Lin, don't you think that "Alicescarf" would be more appropriate now?!
Or how about “KissAlicebutt?”

Okay, “Alicescarf” is far more appropriate. I was so annoyed I wasn’t thinking straight.
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Good morning, family. 😀 I am LATE returning to this message board and need to catch the hell up, but from what I’m seeing, she has slowed down on attacking us. Am I correct? (I blocked her IG from my profile, I truly have no idea what she’s up to at this moment—might use my other account.)

This, too, is late but the more I read from y’all earlier about IG having panic attacks and being somewhat emotionally unstable in the past/on film sets is breaking my heart. It’s weird—I don’t know this man. I’ve never spoken to him. My very first recollection of him was when I saw him as Fifth Officer Harold Lowe in a boat looking for Titanic survivors (and it was an instant-crush btw…listen 7-year-olds are allowed to have crushes, too, OK??? 🤣) But regardless of that, I’m in a place right now where I’m investing so much of my faith in his (overall…OVERALL…) innocence. I can’t describe it well. It’s like the more I learn about him, the more sympathy I wish to extend. In the beginning I tried holding space for the possibility that he was indeed as repulsive as AE made him sound—at least to some extent. Now, though, I think that his potential shortcomings can’t hold a damn 🕯 to the massive disrespect and inappropriateness of AE’s behavior. I really, truly hope he is taking care of himself even more now than he had been earlier (he mentioned in an interview that he sees a therapist, stopped drinking, has gotten into yoga, reads mindfulness books, etc...all EXCELLENT habits). I just don’t want him to suffer during this chaos, is what I’m saying. I’m sure y’all would agree.

Also-also: it is such a treat reading y’all’s jokes and wisecracks in between the thoughtful posts. I had this tab open during a Zoom class last night and cracked up like a fool in the middle of having to answer a question about something super-sensitive. 😆 Y’all need to cool it—that or we need to put a warning label on this thread for people reading this in public scenarios, hahaha.

Have a great day!
I’m happy you came back because I enjoy hearing your take on the threads. I was wondering if you’d been scared away again. 😱
Did you lol about the pooping demon comment or AE naked on the toilet? I know I did and it’s rare for me to do that these days. 🤭🤣

Also does anyone know where all these people are coming from on the threads? Twitter or Instagram? I don’t follow her although I’ll occasionally check out Twitter. There’s 132k watching now.
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It’s the timing 8 ish this morning and midnight in LA.
She won’t be getting any sleep tonight.
Why now wonder what was in the pipeline for him to jump the gun.
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For someone who claims to be pragmatic - it’s not the case at all.

It’s rare for a relationship to last - for many reasons, the people who are with someone for x amount of years and still happy are rare.
We fall in and out of love, we can be in love with someone and then one day you don’t feel the same way.

But for some people it’s EGO - how dare this person leave me ? How dare they fall out of love ? How dare they move on ?

The ego dictates the emotional response - depending on ego size.

I have never read on any thread, this or anything where threats have been made towards anyone (and some people on these threads have done so horrific things - but I don’t see any threats, doxxing or anything which these people claim have seen written on here)

Ps I have never thought of her or her husband previous to this. Never crushed on him, or any celeb to be fair - in case, I am accused of being OBSESSED by him or her.

I have commented on this thread after seeing her Twitter feed & her attempts at doxxing. An opinion is an opinion - like an arsehole, we all have one. So it attempt to threaten because you do not like what people are saying about you on a public forum - then I suggest lock your social media. Simple.
This post deserves a heart and a lol!
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Thread Title Suggestions:

Ioan Gruffudd & Alice Evans: Divorce Sucks, any way you look at it.

Ioan Gruffudd & Alice Evans: Too much, too little, too late...


@welp When were all those conversations under your spoiler? Were they very recent?
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