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I just noticed while cleaning up my hard disk two tweets from a few days ago I missed, which make me laugh a bit

Just to get this straight: wouldnt it be much easier to say awful things without that App? Things you say on there can be used against you, in-person not. That app also appears to have a negative sentiment score system. She somehow uses the opposite logic for him about the things she complains about for herself, but then again are we surprised after we saw what sort of communication gets her triggered? Does she define saying awful things as him letting her run into the trap because he knows what he needs to say without sounding unreasonable to make her angry on there?
(also that's one interesting definition of trying to shut your mouth lol)

Later she said that she doesnt like using that app because you pay for spur of the moment angry reactions with your livelihood in court. If there is no risk of him going this far what's the problem then?
Even if she didnt agreed using it, in a high conflict divorce (where anything that is said will be spun) the court will expect you to use it, otherwise it will be (rightfully) seen as you refusing to communicate, not him.
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Will be actually interesting to see how his career develops from here. He has the face now to play more diverse roles and he is mostly doing roles with his natural accent now (I only briefly saw bits of his last show in Oz: he does need to cut down the overacting, but then again Scott Caan proves that this doesnt always matter LOL). He obviously will never be more than a c-list actor, but ignoring his personal life for a moment he does still have potential.

Three of Alice's friends have said so far that the day of reckoning will come for him and they've all hinted at big reveals via books and whatever, so I assume Alice does plan to drop the big accusations at some point (unless those are just empty threats of course), and she will probably underestimate the impact it may have on job offers (they are massively luckly that no one picked up the CP innuendo the other day, alone the accusation would have been the end for him), unless her plan is it to do it once she has financial security over a new relationship.

So this might be a moot point anyway. It might be actually even now: For his status as a relatively minor actor he is lucky that he still gets a decent role despite appearing (albeit briefly, because they all stopped caring half a year ago) on all big tabloids with the accusation of being an abuser that left his family. Might also be an indicator that us internet trolls are not the only ones who dont buy anything Alice claims without thinking, though.

The success of F4 seemed to go to his head
didnt that actually flop even? At least the 2nd movie

I know this thread is about the divorce but I really just need to discuss this further.
you can discuss anything related to them here, dw. Might even fill some gaps.
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Just briefly watched the first episode of this Squid Game and had to stop at the green light-red light scenes. Just wanted to know what you are talking about. I would NEVER EVER let my 12yr old daughter watch such a sick violent TV show! I would have had nightmares, had I watched something like that at her age! Don't wanna know what impact on mental health this might have on kids. Absolutely irresponsible as a parent! She shouldn't rant about this on SM but take better care of her children!! There's parental control on Netflix - really easy to use.
I'm watching Squid Game and I'll watch the rest. I already see a message about human nature. So I don't find it completely appalling as an adult. But yeah, I would never let my kids watch it until they got older and could make the decision for themselves. This is how we all get desensitized to violence and other adult content.

Speaking of nightmares, had a nightmare the other night, be prepared I'M SERIOUS!... The FMs were after IG in a maze like game and we were all there fighting them. The FMs had squares, triangles, and circles (like workers on SG) on their vests. Of course I laughed when I got up.

I saw that too 😡 I haven’t seen Z post negatively about them but I have seen them post negative things about Z multiple times. For being women in their 60s they are very immature. Fixating on an actor and his young fan (Z). They seem unhinged
Right! We see for ourselves who people are based on the only thing we have to base them on in this case, which is their sm. I see AE and the FMs tweeting hateful and defamatory things about IG and his followers and attacking them with false accusations, plus talking about the people here and threatening to find out who they are then who knows what.

But I see the people they are throwing hate at being totally appropriate. IG is silent when he could be slinging insults an accusations right back at AE. Z being totally a grown up about the situation and not even engaging them. And I understand that she is in her 20s. Who are the more mature people in this situation? It's clear to me.
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I see AE has posted a photo of her girls and their nanny. The youngest with no pants on. The excuse is that she would miss the school bus if she took the time to put some on. I thought AE did the school run, often making a big deal about it?

The older E often looks depressed to me. I never see a full on teeth showing smile. Even before the split. Anyone else notice this?
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They all remind me of a band of miscreant middle school bullies!
Alice being the ring leader. Cos If I were her I’d be mortified by my fans/friends saying such things esp if they were doing it to support me which they seem to think they’re doing. The fact she let’s them says a lot about her character. claims she’s been bullied online for ages but is now allowing bullying to happen on her behalf
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I don't understand her tweet either. Please try that again Alice. What letter are you talking about?

I really wish AE would look at her tweets over the past couple of years an compare them to the behavior of others that she says are bullies. She is really shining more of a light on herself and the more she does that the more people are going to see how unreasonable she is being and that she is herself doing the things that she is accusing others of doing. It's very unreasonable.
AE is referring to the letter IG wrote to the fans on his website about shutting it down for dissing Her Royal Highness.
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Is the house up for sale?

Where is this from?

Well she was on them before the split.
Yes, she was. And she admits to having an addictive personality. When speaking about Madonna and opiates she said that she personally can’t have opiates in her home. Now when someone needs medicine for chronic pain I understand that. But evidently she can’t handle it. I very much wonder if part of the break up involves substance abuse.

Very troubling.
This is what gets me every single time about AE. She did not have to go public. She chose to out of pure selfishness and ego. It’s all about her and not another single person. Who cares if others are hurt? Not her!
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What’s Deb on about? All I’ve seen said (and said myself) is that neither she nor Lin have met AE or IG which is true. So what’s the issue?!

Her saying DM me if you have questions is RICH considering the way they jump down people’s throats for daring to question their Queen Alice or say ANYTHING that they don’t deem fully supportive.

Part of their MO has always been to make it seem like they were above other fans. They acted like gatekeepers, as it’s been said here. They allude to knowing the “full story” (when AE says even SHE doesn’t know what happened 🙄) but when questioned they shoot people down in the name of protecting AEs privacy (which is hilarious considering what an over sharer SHE is). Puh-lease.

I think it’s been said by another poster but worth repeating. At this point no one cares how “close” they may have been with IG because he cut ties with them and they take every chance they get to bash him. No ones impressed. Think everyone just wishes they’d zip it (and encourage their “bestie” to do the same) because all theyre doing by sticking their noses in and making comments about the man every chance they get is making themselves look obsessed and obnoxious.
From what Lin said they appear to have been blocked by some of his loyal fans on twitter and may badmouth them. Dont think they refer to this place here but then again based on how good they are at spotting alt identities (lol) they may think that they are here. But no lies were told here: they were always nasty to fans with not the same views on his acting career and gatekeeping obsessively (and now that he dumped them they look pretty silly), I dont care if Ioan approved of them, he was an Idiot then and rightfully pays the price now.(even if they were good he would be still an idiot for building any sort of relationship with fans, as much as I think he mismanaged the website stuff years ago at least there he understood that it's unhealthy to be close to fans, has nothing to do with being "jelly", it's the plain truth - but in fairness it always looked to me like Alice was behind this approach, getting this time fans to like her too as his partner etc.)
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Had never heard of that incident before and did some google to find out about the backstory. Seems following this incident he attended the Bafta with heavy makeup over his eye and
"As he collected his award, Ioan praised his clumsy wife, saying: "Love you baby angel."" Just from this phrase alone one can see that he was so deeply in love and completely detached from reality, living on a big pink cloud with big pink sunglasses that didn't allow him to see through...
Looking at the pic - no surprise that he now doesn't want to be in a room with his "baby angel" anymore - who knows how she might react now 🏏😉😂
He did seem to be completely naieve and easily influenced by anyone and anything. It’s really sad to imagine him putting up with abuse and why he would allow it. But what he did to his fans at IOL and to the moderator, as well as marrying someone like AE? Just, wow. I personally think that’s what tanked his success. Not the Weinstein incident.
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I agree that in case there is another woman she is not the main cause (they never are when somebody breaks up a family with kids), but I think we need to be careful to not normalize cheating.

Only thing I can think of is the bit with "all my kids friends have a dad" etc. where she complains about various things like doing the school run.

We speculated it at some point because Ella had some weird captions on her SM that implied bullying ("im sensitive, dont be mean"), but she seems hyper active in the Genshin Impact fandom so I think it had more to do with this lol
You're right about normalizing cheating. I certainly wouldn't want to be cheated on. It's certainly not a nice thing to do.

I remember the "all my kids friends have a dad" comment. I can't imagine that that's true. Especially in L.A. :LOL: I hope that's not the case here (cheating) but you never know, right? 🤷‍♀️
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I’m confused and not as knowledgeable as some Tattlers. Do you mind explaining to me? My coffee hasn’t kicked in yet. 😉
Just use your imagination.. Obviously she told the media that she has a "crippling fear" of crane flies (these spider-like insects - they are not the most attractive insects, but completely harmless). Somebody had written a comment here on tattle about her possible aggressive behavior when he picks up the girls or brings them back. Just thought when he'd free them in her presence this would keep her busy and distracted from yelling at him... 🏃🏼‍♀️🦟
(Still don't get it why she would tell such personal information in public.)
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Everyone take notice and tread carefully around some of the new Tattlers. I had an iffy feeling about one of them and it appears I was right.
Maybe they were trolling but more likely they are an AE FM, minion, or fan girl or boy. 🧐
who cares, it's a public forum lol
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This stuff about her dreaming is funny. Hopefully she is really on the up as she claims.

but why would they need to when Alice is the best and most reliable source? Especially if you ignore her take of the 20 years before he broke up 😁

I dont understand this anyway. They are always crying over it being trolling if people put negative thoughts on Alice's timeline even if it's just well-meant, but this is fine? Also interesting definition that being an "ass" irl means that you cant genuinely smile. It's not like any of these people are Hitler and shouldnt be appreciated by anyone and can't have good sides (especially in this case where he was apparently wonderful for years)

meh. he is an actor.

i noticed that he dyed his hair tho lol
I can’t fault the man for dying his hair seeing as I have done so since I starting going gray prematurely. ☺
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One thing I keep noticing is how those "very angry unreasonable rants" change over to "sad but not unreasonable reflection" all the time with her. She doesnt seem to go through the stages of grief as most people do

(I'm now sitting here and wondering what exactly she revealed now that she kept for a secret for so long, that they are no contact was known?)

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Of course they would, there’s no way the cast and crew wouldn’t have known
I disagree having worked in a place where we were all oblivious for a long time. I would imagine you have to be even more careful if crew have the potential to tip off the press.
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With how horrendous she is online you can only imagine what she must have been like to be in a relationship with. He obviously didn’t make the decision lightly and my goodness he is better off out of there.

The constant sexualisation of pretty much everything is very bizarre. I can only imagine that the few supporters she does have are like the people in the Facebook group who are obsessed with celebrities and get some kind of boost from having people in the public eye acknowledge them. I do wonder if people who have previously supported her have come here and took the time to read everything and now see that she has some serious issues. Ioan must be so embarrassed by all this, I’m certain it will have got back to him even if he isn’t reading it himself.
Everytime she o
With how horrendous she is online you can only imagine what she must have been like to be in a relationship with. He obviously didn’t make the decision lightly and my goodness he is better off out of there.

The constant sexualisation of pretty much everything is very bizarre. I can only imagine that the few supporters she does have are like the people in the Facebook group who are obsessed with celebrities and get some kind of boost from having people in the public eye acknowledge them. I do wonder if people who have previously supported her have come here and took the time to read everything and now see that she has some serious issues. Ioan must be so embarrassed by all this, I’m certain it will have got back to him even if he isn’t reading it himself.
Everytime she opens her mouth my sympathy for him grows. Whatever he may have done or not done he’s a saint to have stayed as long as he did in my opinion!

I’ve looked at her old posts on Instagram and even back in 2018 she was making very strange comments. It’s almost like she felt threatened that he would leave her even then?
You mean her thinly veiled insults at him?
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No, she's FM2. FM1 is DebfromPA.
Can we agree on "FM squared"? 😂 I always considered Henryscarf as FM1 - and Deb as FM2. Since Henryscarf was always the loudest and nastiest of the two... Btw, looking at all those rants welp posted above - she really should think about getting a new name:
Lin, don't you think that "Alicescarf" would be more appropriate now?!
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well, that's 10 years.

Wasnt San Andreas partly shot in Australia? Would somewhat fit to that 6 years timeframe I guess?

He reminds me of a dude I once knew (a proper abuser who drove two girlfriends and almost a third to suicide) who used to win any argument just by using intimidating vocabulary, but the actual content was piss poor.
Yes Sanctum was filmed in 2010, released 2011, so definitely doesn’t fit. San Andreas did film there but was wrapped by summer 2014. Still seems too early. But I’m sure IG could’ve been in Australia in 2015/16 for reasons other than filming. I think AE has said she has some friends who live there
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