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I heard Schofield's voice for the first time tonight and I am pharoahly shooketh. How on earth did he ever get a job where his voice was involved?? I think the Prius rat would be less nasally and squeaky than Schofield. And a morning show?? I'd shoot my own ears off if I had to listen to that atrocity in the am.
He was great when I was a kid on CBBC and Going Live. At one point, This Morning with him seemed like Going Live grown up. Similar wit and chat. It's gone downhill terribly.

Anyway, to keep on topic a bit, this song is what Big Al thinks she is. Kaputnik by Pet Shop Boys.
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I wonder if Alice has threatened to call the police on the girls if they misbehave/ don't do what she wants? Ella didn't look too concerned about the police potentially hightailing it after her in that set-up pap video where she walked away from Ioan.
Just clutching at straws to justify what the “two years” of abuse were before this incident
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There is the possibility the girls agreed to the overnight visit with Bianca present but their mother riled them up so much beforehand and caused this.

Probably something along the lines of - if you stay there with that Bogan you can fuck off forever or threatened not to be there when they got back. Ella then pulled the stunt to get the visit cut short.

She couldn’t say that in a statement without dropping Mommie Dearest in it for PA.

There’s so much off with her account of events and it fits with Ioan’s statement in the court filings about previous overnights.
I think even if this wasn't explicitly said to the girls that day this is basically what Alice is saying to them, probably verbally but definitely by her actions, on a daily basis. They're terrified of her but probably just as terrified of losing her. People say they should be happy to walk away from her, to run to Ioan, but she is their mother and that is a deep, complicated and powerful bond, even more so when children have been parentified and even abused.
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Nadia Vulvokov

Chatty Member
I'm hoping Ioan will confirm soon that the meeting with Bianca was prearranged with his chaperone as a witness.
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Maybe they have been though, weren’t they sent home with food parcels from B ages ago after a visitation? Sorry I’m so shit at posting/quoting!

The girls should have been introduced to Bianca a year ago. The whole tantrum was deliberate and stage-managed by Alice, the longer they get away with this ridiculous circus the worse it gets. It’s time a sane adult called the shots and that’s what he’s trying to do.
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I don't know who uploads the docs to the wikis and don't spend much time looking at it, but I feel like this divorce has become the parlor game of a segment of the world.

Can there be some notation that the pictures of Ella have been removed bc of her privacy and that Alice allowed it to be published. I am also thinking of taking the advice of others and taking a breather from this bc it's just so sad.
Thanks for downloading them. I hope the wiki fairies can add them x
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It’s clear that Ioan has to have an independent person with him when he sees the kids so that there is a witness to what goes on. That is inconvenient to Alice and her proxy Ella. Ella has now objected several times to the chaperone - the way she has just behaved proves the need, and will also mean the arrangement will be in place for a long time.

I am not a parent, so I can‘t imagine the despair Ioan feels at being denied his children for so long, and then when he does get access, he can’t see her in a normal way in case she accuses him of something. Alice and Ella really want to accuse him of sexual abuse - that is where this is heading, why they need him to see her on his own. Alice signposted this back in the day when he had the audacity to leave her, this is the desired outcome for sick Alice.

As I say I am not a parent, but I would give up on Ella. Let her know that the door is always open, try and get external help and away from Alice as much as possible. For now I would concentrate on Elsie. But even that is doomed to failure because Alice and Ella will be at her all day long - trying to get her to be the new Ella or by accusing her of picking Team Ioan.
The problem with giving up on Ella is that child agencies move heaven and earth to keep siblings together so Alice only needs Ella to act out. They won't separate the siblings unless absolutely necessary.
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Ninas purse

VIP Member
I appreciate your comment. I agree that Ioan isn't that famous in the US, but the most recent development has still been shared on Page Six, Perez Hilton, Reddit, a few others, as well as online tabloids. So unfortunately people are hearing about this and talking online about it. Maybe the New Yorker and Vanity Fair are too highbrow though, I agree.

Alice also has media contacts and has managed to appear on several TV shows spouting lies, as well as getting front page exclusives in the Daily Mail. She's broken the law (several times over), and is probably manipulating her older daughter into doing so too. So actually I don't think this is a run-of-the-mill celebrity divorce, I can't ever recall such a publicly acrimonious divorce between two famous/semi-famous people. Even Brad and Angelina's divorce was not as publicly acrimonious.
All those online sites you mention are so low down the food chain, they don't even get picked for quotes by the regular newspapers. Alice don't have media contacts over here that is why she has to use the DM. She is amplified because we amplify her nonsense. Ioan is somewhat famous because he played the first Mr. Fantastic and was in Titanic. Alice... Meh.
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That's exactly what courts don't want. The want facts by people who know what they are talking about not 'pictures' which are far more likely to be bullshit.
Not true, otherwise all accounts of abuse without eye-witness would be automatically dismissed and that is never the case. I have many years of experience within the legal system and false statements like this are so damaging to victims who believe they cannot prosecute because of lack of eyewitness' and evidence.

Cases like this are pretty much based on hearsay and comes down to who the court feels is the most credible and well presented and that's why Ioan should be safe.
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Well-known member
The way the court is catching up this week has in a way worked in Alice's quest for maximum bad press. You got last week the request but somehow no documents were available, still enough to run the story. Now you have the documents for Bianca's case. Probably Ioan's case will catch up in a few days as well (though cant be too different to Bianca's, but perhaps she'll moan about previous visitations). You get 3 different articles with a few days space between them, basically enough to revive the story as soon as people start to lose a bit interest and also keeping the story vague enough at the start to speculate the worst. Normally it would be just one article. And then you soon would get the respective responses, then the hearing comes a few days later. And then she also has to file her custody response a few days later (deadline is a week after the RO hearing) where she probably somewhat continues the whole show, then you have the two custody hearings (I skip the bifurcation as that isnt interesting). Basically she keeps the whole faux abuse story a whole month alive this way, and kinda drags it then another month even if it gets dismissed.

Obviously the contents reflects horribly on Alice/Ella, but the headlines associating Ioan with any domestic violence is worth the trouble I reckon.

jesus christ, is anyone there proofreading?

I doubt it. This is the Daily Fail writing about mAlice we're talking about...

And yeesh. Any journalistic integrity (ha! What's that, amirite?!) Got thrown out the window for this botch job. Reeks of desperation for a paycheck!!
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Something odd is happening. I saw several comments that were against Alice and there was a comment calling Ella a brat. And now these all have vanished and instead, there is a message: "No one seems to have shared their thoughts on this topic yet".
Is Piss-off deleting unfavourable comments in the middle of the night?
Probably, malice is probably calling her everytime she's see a comment not in her favour!
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The “psychologist friend” that Yo seems to have had as chaperone during visitations, instead of his friend/neighbour Iris. Cos Iris made Ella “uncomfortable”. By existing. 🙃
it would help matters to have someone the girls know and trust? am thinking this old guy not known to the girls didn’t help the situation. I canimagine there were some anxieties over the overnight stay after such a long time.

the girls have a right to be heard, too many children in this world have no voice.
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How did Elsie get out? Did she leave first or second? Is Ella saying bianca slammed the door against her (Ella) repeatedly then opened it again to let Elsie out? It doesn't actually make sense.
Yeah where exactly was Elsie in all of this as she's the only sole witness for Ella and I don't think she will lie 🤥
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Ally Pally

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She doesn't even want to spend one day a week with him. He has a live-in partner who is ill and who has zero relationship with this girl. Believe me, he doesn't want Ella full-time. It would blow up. That would be an untenable situation for all parties. He wants a normal co-parenting relationship, but that isn't going to happen with Alice as his ex-wife. Ella is getting close to the age when she will refuse to see him and it won't be forced anymore.

It shocks me how much she does not seem to love her father, but it is getting harder and harder for me not to come to that conclusion. I get that she has a lot of anger towards her dad and it takes time to work through. I get that having some third party there on their visits observing feels intrusive and is awkward, especially to a teenager already going through a lot hormonally which affects your moods, and it doesn't lend to developing close, bonding moments when he is with Ella. I get why he has the third party, though.

But her behavior towards her father goes so much deeper and further than that. She has become an extension of Alice: the hysteria, the tantrums, the out-of-control anger, the manipulation. It is very clear it was planned that Elsie wouldn't have her leotard with her. That whole paragraph says it all about the manipulation that was going on by Ella and Alice.

"Elsie had forgotten her leotard, so I suggested multiple times that we could go back to our apartment which was a 10-minute drive away, since the dance class was still an hour away. The Respondent refused and drove us to The Grove. The Respondent insisted we get a new leotard. I was overwhelmed by the number of people at The Grove, so I went back into the car. I told him to please leave me in the car and he could go get Elsie a leotard. The Respondent told me that he couldn't leave me alone in the car, so I would have to stay with his psychologist fiiend in the car. I had never met this man before, and he is approximately late 70 to 80 year old. I texted my mother because I started to have a panic attack."

Obviously, the plan all along was to get him to drive to her mom's apartment. "The respondent refused." He's your father. He's not your fucking subordinate or hired lackey. He's your father. You aren't the mother of Elsie. Elsie is his child and he was handling the situation with the leotard as the father, just not to your liking (nor Alice's). Plan thwarted.

Ella can't handle The Grove? She wants to stay in the car alone, and because he won't allow that, she has a panic attack? WTF? The histrionics all come from Alice's behavior. Ella is modeling it, sadly. And then little Elsie has a panic attack also? She had one because Ella was creating a scene and drama. It's clear little Elsie has become Ella's pawn in this game, just like Ella became Alice's pawn in her vendetta against Ioan.
This 100% all day long.
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