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I haven’t paid any attention to any of this till today but have read this thread and some of the coverage from between my fingers.

My husband’s ex was like this. It she had had access to social media, it would have been hell. She tried to get ‘her’ story published in Take a Break, tried to get Max Clifford to take her on as a client, wrote to his boss to say he should be fired, told everyone they knew all sorts of nonsense. She’d been emotionally abusive to him throughout their marriage but claimed he’d had constant affairs and other really horrible things. She made her children refer to me by an obscene phrase that they were too young to understand. We still live with the consequences of it all over a decade later.

Separately a really lovely friend of mine was asked out by IG twenty years ago, when he was first very famous. She turned him down! She’s a clever, funny switched on woman with a great career, so he lost out there.
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Ohhh Alice! You know if you've not got a bra on you can easily tell, you'd be able to feel it on your shoulders and around your back I don't really wear bras they annoy me even if she wears strapless you can still feel it around your back, I've not got a massive chest but you can still bloody feel your not wearing one 🤣🤣🤣 she probably fancied the sound guy, I'd probably do the same thing to Sean Bean 🤣🤣.
Yes that story didn't make any sense. (Like all AE's stories)

It's a bit like the one where she forgot she was engaged to Olivier when she was shagging IG.
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Just caught up - wow. That tweet about getting her own back, I’d be seriously scared if I were IG. She’s fucking nuttier than squirrel’s jobbies.
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I love how the shart is pretending to be baffled by Twitter like they’re new. You have 17,000 followers you utter tit. Stop talking shit!

They’re trying desperately to deflect the argument from “prove how you know BW and that she had an affair with your ex”. Backpedaling so fast their legs are a blur and the Benny Hill theme tune is playing.
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I just remembered the video of Alice saying, get a room, to her own daughter! My Mom started getting jealous of attention our Dad showed us, because he was not showing her affection anymore. She would also say things like, you are ugly, just like your dad, and accuse us of being on his side. (We were lol). I sure hope that AE has been an amazing mom, for those girls sake.
That video jumped out at me, it was so inappropriate for Alice to sexualize affection between a father and their small child in that way. I am sorry you experienced it too
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She always was nasty - life challenges show you who you are. Perez Hilton is #teamalice all the way btw. Another twatty FM rubbernecking this shit show.

It's not hard to imagine. He has better support than AE does though. It's obvious he really loves his kids and was a hands on dad when he was there. The kids rejecting him must be heartbreaking. His support is real life people not twitter randoms. His Insta reveal photo is getting lots of #teamalice crap right now but I noticed it got 14,521 likes? The FMs are very noisy though, just like their mistress.
Perez Hilton is a scumbag so it's no surprise
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I wish I could be there when her lawyer gets emails from AE in all seriousness regarding Mr Woofington and a wet fart asking them to find a law to get her a better divorce/ban BW from the US/0 custody to IG based on some mad tweets of which she has no evidence are from BW or IG 😂
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I really wish we'd get away from Alice's narrative that he left her for someone else. One minute AE claims he had a 3-year affair and in her latest Instagram post IG and BW didn't meet until 2020 - she's not well!

She clearly emasculated and violated his boundaries for years. He communicated this to her, she stepped it up a notch instead of respecting her partner as an equal rather than her possession, and eventually, he left. He still wanted to be a father to his children. He is still the main earner and that job requires him to travel sometimes.

What does and doesn't happen with BW doesn't change the fact he was unhappy in his marriage which he began ending 18 months ago! Nothing confirms he cheated. Any mutual friends of AE and IG are supporting IG. AE's own family has even cut ties with her. She is showing us with every tweet and post that she's ruthless and doesn't care who's lives she burns to the ground as long as she is the queen of the ashes.
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Fuzzy Slippers

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If you look at IG SM, he was never big at posting. Probably had to some, for work reasons. My husband HATES all things SM. If we divorced, he wouldn't ever put anything on SM.

Also, want to add that my Mom is a recovered alcoholic. As a child, I didn't understand what was happening, as she slid into addiction. But the time IG was mad she was "asleep" (passed out?) at 11pm, and Gloria thought she wasn't breathing, he said she was in bed all the time, and he asked her to "change her ways"....are all red flags.

Last point, before 6 more pages get added 😆... I watched a video of IG, saying he was a naive virgin at 18, thinking of going into the church instead of college, my Dad was very religious and it crushed him to leave my Mom. Took years for him to accept that he had to, for us kids... that could have been in play here? All of us kids chose to live with Dad. My mom would say horrible things to us, hit or shove us and have absolutely no memory of it, the next day. She was a great Mom sober. Who knows what she says to those girls? Eek I don't think Alice realizes that in a few years, her kids will be pre-teens and may start resenting her over this.
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All of these comments about horse teeth. I'm really fighting the urge to comment this under one of her tweets

"Horse teeth? A bit rich coming from someone with a Hippos neck"
The thing with AE is, there is actually so much to discuss about her personality, behaviour and actions that we truly don’t even need to mention her appearance.
She has nothing on BW beyond feeling slighted by her, so jumps straight to looks. In a similar vein, she has no idea how to respond to rationale arguments and common sense, which naturally means the people behind them must be fat or a sock.
We (as a collective, I’m not trying to dress you down so I apologise if it comes across that way) don’t need to insult her appearance, her behaviour is the real embarrassment.
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brie l

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But that is pure surmise. A lot of people here agree but they are at least open to remembering that it's an opinion and not a fact yet.

And she was very much aware he was unhappy in the run up to him leaving, it's been discussed there was a progression over the course of months before he finally left the home for good.
Well said.

Seriously. What is the point of marriage counselling? The point is to have a mediator, a therapist and a translator and he could even manage with that help to be honest with her. Why are you making excuses for him? How old are you?
OK Knitwit, I'm just going to put this out here (for better or worse / for peoples judgement). I was desperately unhappy in my very controlled first marriage and I had an affair. My now ex husband and I went to marriage counselling and I never once admitted to being unfaithful. I was trying to make the marriage work and no good would have come from dumping that on him. So IF and it's a big IF as we don't know, he was involved physically with BW during the counselling, that doesn't mean he had to tell Alice. I don't excuse infidelity but if I had been happy (as I am in my 2nd marriage) there is no way I would have had an affair. PS I'm not making an excuse for him as everyone's story is different and I'm in my 40s. ❤
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seriously hard nonsense to follow (edited as I learnt how to resize images - sorry if that took up loads of space before!)
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After reading these threads, I googled Betty Broderick as I hadn’t heard of her. Wow. Soooooo many similarities.

Were I IG,I’d be sleeping with one eye open and a carving knife under the pillow.
I’m very afraid for IG, BW, and the two daughters. And the little pupper even. I was dying laughing last night about Ashart and went to bed. When I woke up I find just how low AE has sunk overnight and it frightens me. It isn’t funny anymore.

She’s likely kicking off for numerous reasons. IG coming home, worry that BW is coming with him, the holidays, the trouble she’s landed herself in, having to share Elsie, and thinking of how she’s going to have to downgrade her life.
Then as you all mentioned the fact that Ashart didn’t work out for her. It’s very troubling to me.
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Thanks for sharing. I really appreciate you and your opinion here, so please don’t stop posting for her sake. And the bullying and smear campaign are the things that definitely need to be highlighted. Ioan has taken the high road, and she doesn’t like it.
Thanks. :) I won't stop. I absolutely agree that Ioan is doing the right thing by staying silent. He could be involved and we would be watching an intense tennis match. But instead, we are watching Alice dig herself a deeper and deeper hole.

Ioan is doing the right thing because of the girls and I respect that so much!

I can just picture it years from now, "Dad, why didn't you get online and say bad things about mom when she was saying bad things about you?" Because it's the right thing to do (or not do in this case) and because he's not that type of person.
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