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brie l

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If the oldest child has previously been to therapy with the concern of parental alienation, imagine how much a therapist would be looking for it now that Alice has really got going over these last couple of weeks.

In true Alice form, she is incredulous that perhaps it is her who is guilty of PA. Her self awareness is ZERO. Her righteousness on the other hand ....


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Ena Sharples

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She doesn’t want to be divorced from him does she. Even after he has humiliated her with BW. She has a lot of her identity and status wrapped up in being Mrs IG.

Once the divorce is finalised she will just be that deranged woman who snogs dogs, sells stuff she makes in art therapy and was once married some Welsh actor.
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WOWZA, I didn’t know that people having negative emotional responses to bad situations is a good enough reason to support them even in cases where THEY ARE THE ONES RESPONSIBLE for harming others, but that’s cool, Lorraine, you jerk!

View attachment 864973
Lorraine needs to be careful.
IG is (imo) doing exactly what he's been advised to do. Going No Contact means exactly that. Do not respond in any way shape or form. If and when his side of the story comes out and AE is proven to be a Narc it could be seen that anyone giving her airtime was complicit in abuse.
Not a good look for a person/programme .
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This whole thing with the two weird (lesbian?) women who used to run the fan club (particularly the one who looks like a bloke/serial killer posting videos from her room in some sort of in patient facility) has a kind of Tiger King 'bumfuck oaklahoma' feel about it
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God Bianca is just the greatest gift to her isn’t she - removes any necessity of self reflection and the part she may have played in the break up (yes I said it, BREAK UP) of the relationship. Instead it was just a home wrecker’s fault, IG without agency and AE blameless and blindsided.

And tweeting BW’s (former?) agency? That’s just totally normal behaviour. Multi-tasking!

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Oh dear, this whole situation with Alice is very triggering for me. Sorry if I have been going off on one. I totally get her and where she is now emotionally and I hugely sympathize with her. I look back on me and I cringe and I kept it on the down-low other than venting to friends and family. Weirdly what Alice is going through is helping me process shit that I chose not to revisit so I wouldn't dismiss her speaking out. We are all talking about it and why shouldn't we? Perhaps we should think about why she is being shut down, why it makes people uncomfortable. I think this is a wider conversation about women becoming redundant that perhaps women who are younger don't even realize is a conversation
If she had discussed the separation with a partner / husband with some emotional intelligence, nobody would be trying to shut her down. What she is doing is emotionally traumatising her children. She is also not discussing with an open mind to understand different viewpoints, others experiences or with a means to grow and evolve from the situation. She is just intent on destruction and doesn’t care who she hurts in the process - including her kids. This isn’t ‘speaking out’ she is just attacking.

I’ve been the child in this situation (no social media though) and it ruins the relationships you have with your parents. Your parents are supposed to keep you safe, they’re not supposed to expose you to the things these girls are being exposed to.
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What a stinking old mess. Taking fault out of it (of any of the three of them) IG should have dealt with it in private and in a more respectful way to his children. If he has no respect for his wife then at least for the kids. Whatever AE has or hasn't done during their relationship and since him leaving her, him posting that post about smiling again was wrong in my opinion. His children deserve more. AE seems unhinged and is also going about things in a worringly damaging way. That post made a dig at AE (who he may have every reason to despise) but she is his kids' mother at the end of the day. He should have risen above it and not posted it.
But he did try to do it in private re the break up. She's the one who has put it all over SM
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Yes, you are being naive and somewhat misogynistic. Why was it up to her to second guess? She went to marriage counselling to help the marriage. This was Ioan's opportunity to be straight with her and he wasn't. They were in a forum where someone was supposed to help and 'translate' and he chose not to come clean, how is that her fault?
You're assuming he's been cheating because Alice says so
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I think I have to go out. I can't sit here all day doing this.
Congrats, she thinks you are Bianca


It's all things you have said on Social Media, girl LOL

She has a weird understanding of breaking up
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I think it is perhaps accurate to say he is grey rocking rather than stonewalling, which is exactly what he should be doing according to dealing with Narcs 101.
BW’s focus on mental health and the kind of positive thinking matrix - as eye rolling as the secret specifically is - was probably a refreshing change from the toxic behaviour patterns of AE - social media addiction, “you’re boring because you don’t drink” etc etc. I mean sounds like Bianca is going to fit right in in LA!
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She has MS you dumb fk Alice. The first thing affected is vision. Fk I can not tolerate Alice. Sorry for my outburst ....
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Friday night here - omg what entertainment! But seriously at this stage I don’t care if BW shagged every man in town - what difference does it make to anything? Thanks for the serious wit an humour tattlers, you are all on fire 🤣
But Alice is GaThErInG ImPoRtAnT EvIdEnCe

Of what I have no idea. She seems to think she can somehow prove he’s spending money on his ~~mistress~~ therefore something something she wins the divorce?
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Wet fart just deleted their tweet about having voicemail/email/video evidence so maybe.
Or the narc wants to keep the existence of the (non existent) evidence a "secret" so she can maintain the element of surprise when she flounces into court like Alexis Carrington off Dynasty as a last minute/surprise witness in the imaginary court case which she will orchestrate when she re writes California no fault divorce law.....

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It's perfectly possible that he met Bianca and began falling for her during a friendship as it began to be obvious that Alice wasn't going to change her ways despite him threatening divorce. He begins to see what life could be like with someone else, the fog starts clearing and the emotional support from Bianca gives him the courage to go home and tell Alice that he didn't love her any more. Alice herself said that he slept in another room and spent long times in the bath (only door with a lock to keep Alice out!), thinking presumably. They go through marriage counselling as a last resort (perhaps in an attempt to save the marriage for the girls's sake but I should imagine that Alice wouldn't be able to see what was wrong with her behaviour in the first place) but on screen so there's no safe space and he still has to live with Alice in the meantime. At the beginning of January, he walks out and finds his own place, spending time with the girls. Alice never seems to go anywhere so perhaps he didn't get the chance to pack for fear of her wrath (and recommendation is that you move out when the abusive partner is out of the way), leaving with only the clothes on his back. He no doubt spends most of the summer talking to Bianca online and perhaps they then decide to give a relationship a go, starting when he is in France and Bianca tentatively looking for work in LA.

I don't see any evidence of a long-term affair such as Alice talks about. We know that he had told her for years that her behaviour was making him unhappy in the marriage but she took no notice. It's possible that he then went on to form an emotional bond with a work friend very different from Alice and who had also gone through a marriage breakup before trying one last time, failing and then walking out. It's also possible that there was already an affair in the summer of 2020 as he came to terms with his marriage collapse.

But we don't know. And neither does Alice, despite the fictions she states as fact.
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Knight of Galador

Chatty Member
Yes, you are being naive and somewhat misogynistic. Why was it up to her to second guess? She went to marriage counselling to help the marriage. This was Ioan's opportunity to be straight with her and he wasn't. They were in a forum where someone was supposed to help and 'translate' and he chose not to come clean, how is that her fault?
I'm sure Ioan is no angel and has genuinely said and done some crappy things in the marriage but I still feel iffy taking it as fact that he was having a three year affair. It's certainly possible (Hollywood actor leaves wife for younger women is cliche for a reason) but I'm a big innocent until proven guilty kind of person and nothing Alice has put forward as evidence is remotely convincing. Putting aside accusations of infidelity he was definitely up front in how he was unhappy and repeatedly threatened to leave her for two years unless she changed.
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Girl code, really? She swears and insults any women that disagrees with her, no sister does that. She can shove her girl code crap..
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Just William

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@IHateHadargoyle & @EssieMay - wishing you both all the best for your Ops, hope all goes well. 💐

Took ages catching up on #7!
I can't watch the video of Emma (not on IG) but the pic speaks volumes. Poor Emma. I think I read somewhere (?) she has a bark collar on, if true, she gets an electric shock whenever she barks, they're so bloody cruel. (I really hope IG had nothing to do with getting that vile collar?) That poor dog must be so stressed, not surprising she pees on the bed. Sadly, if one day she bites, whilst it will 100% be on AE, it will be Emma who pays for it. AE will use it as yet another chance to play victim on SM & include her fave line of "I don't know why?"

Whilst on certain sites support is dropping, it sucks that many will take her TV interviews at face value & won't delve further. No doubt for many women it strikes a painful chord. (And I say that as someone who was cheated on.) I don't think she will ever be publicly challenged about any of her behaviour. Those on Twitter ignore her lies, contradictions & constantly changing her story, no calling her out on her long term SM abuse of IG, her abusing his appointed FT with his daughters, her vile descriptions of other women, the unwarranted attacks on Andrea (& Tamzin) & the lies she spun to 'justify' her nastiness. I thought online bullying was now against the law?

Speaking of bullying, that mass pile on from AE supporters attacking BW & her family, (incited by AE) was disgusting. I don't know how IG maintains NC? It must be so frustrating to stay quiet but he's clearly trying to take the moral/legal high road, (plus it's pointless trying to engage with an enraged narc) but I wonder what it will take for his lawyers to finally step in & take action? Or just giving her even more rope to hang herself with?

As for her speaking out for all the other women who have been betrayed, (& it's still not even been proved) how she keeps a straight face while peddling that BS is beyond me? She couldn't give a fuck about speaking out for/supporting/empowering other women. The only woman she cares about is herself. They say 'the truth will out' but sadly I'm not so sure. Those poor girls & that poor dog & Gloria!

Can't help but wonder if BW is asking herself whether IG is truly worth this gigantic shit show? Esp' with her having MS. It's certainly not going to get any better. If I was BW I would have run in the opposite direction! As much as I have sympathy for IG, (IMO) no man is worth this utter crap fest.
Thanks Tattlers for all the receipts! I'm off to play catch up again, lol! This shit show is strangely addictive!
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I think it might actually have been dangerous for IG to tell Alice pretty much anything face to face - been there, suffered that.
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Fuzzy Slippers

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I just remembered the video of Alice saying, get a room, to her own daughter! My Mom started getting jealous of attention our Dad showed us, because he was not showing her affection anymore. She would also say things like, you are ugly, just like your dad, and accuse us of being on his side. (We were lol). I sure hope that AE has been an amazing mom, for those girls sake.
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