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Ena Sharples

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I’m going to write to the Queen. The more I hear of AE the more I think he deserves a fucking Knighthood for services to the male population for keeping Alice off the dating market for the last 20 years.

He could start pushing pensioners into oncoming traffic now for all I care, he’s permanently secured my vote.

Arise Sir Ioan we salute you!!
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Hi all! Long term lurker, first time poster, I’m quite excited to join this little community and hopefully find some like-minded people on this issue!? My thoughts are:

I don’t believe IG was having an affair, from snippets I’ve read I believe he genuinely agonised over ending his marriage.

If he was having an affair however, which was wrong of him, did he not attempt to rectify this by ending the marriage rather than having his cake & eating it too? If you are having an affair and wanting out your marriage, it seems like he made the only appropriate step?

as someone who has personally been through a highly contentious family court battle, Alice’s behaviour won’t be looked upon favourably, my barrister advised me at the start “sit on your hands if you have to, don’t text or post anything you won’t want a judge to see”

tellingly, my ex’s new wife was very vitriolic about me on facebook and the Judge tore him a new one for it (she said it created “toxicity” for the child) and it was written in to our family court order that we couldn’t nor permit anyone to denigrate the other on SM

hope my first contribution has been a good one!
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Can I just say, Polly, not sure if you read here but bloody hell you are doing God’s work. “You old soak” - absolute classic.
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Although I loathe the DM I have to admit this is exactly what I thought after the Lorraine interview too
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There’s a wonderful reply from “Colin” on the Mail site

“Perhaps therell be a remake of the film Misery and she can start working again.”
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Ughhhhhh if one more person (on SM, obviously doesn’t happen much here) says that those questioning AE’s actions “need to be a bit more sympathetic” I’m going to scream. There’s no justification for this behaviour, there is absolutely nothing reasonable or rational about what she does and says, and there is no excuse for hurling threats and insults at people for disagreeing with her. You can’t control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond. For the love of god, can this woman grow up?

“Horse teeth”, “ho”, “too fat”, the comments about beastiality, “Instagram acrobat”, “not a home wrecker 💫”, alluding to CP and then playing dumb like “Oh how could you possibly draw that conclusion 🤪”, asking people if they’re mentally challenged, just to name a few from an EXTENSIVE list. She’s actually abhorrent.

It’s a victimless crime. Sorry not sorry, doll. If you hate him so much, sign the papers. If he’s “broke”, get a job. If you “put your career on hold” instead of having your career decide that for you, go back to acting (lol). If he is such a crap father and husband, celebrate the fact you don’t need to be married to him anymore. If you can screw the door back on the hinges, stop using house maintenance as an excuse to talk to him. If communicating through lawyers is expensive, use the bloody wizard.

It’s actually tiresome now. “Hell hath no fury blah blah blah” According to AE math, I’m HaLf HeR aGe and even I - a ✨millennial✨ - can see she’s wayyyyy overboard.

ETA: Obviously the victims are the children but you get what I mean.
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Wild how Bianca and IGs relationship is developing in this thread, according to us they are DEFINITELY or maybe DEFINITELY NOT having kids, she’s probably going to really struggle to launch a career in LA (even though we don’t know if that’s actually her intention) and they are unfortunately probs going to break up from the pressure. 😂 Shame, I was rooting for them.
I’m honestly sick of talking about BW. I don’t care how they got together, when they got together, what her intentions are, did she go after IG, or anything else. All I care about is Alice being found out for what an abusive hateful human being she is and for IG and his daughters to be happy.
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First I want to acknowledge that many, if not most have had sadness to deal with but Alice Evans claiming her situation is Every Woman's Worst Nightmare infuriates me. I got married at the very young age of 20. At 24 I had my first born, a son. Second son came along when I was 26. When my beautiful first born was 9 he was diagnosed with leukaemia, sadly he died aged 10. My husband died 12 year later, the same age Ioan is now. Over 20 years have passed since the death of my son and 10 years since my husband died. I am not playing top trumps but just putting some perspective here. I am also not looking for sympathy, I have grieved. My grief is the price you pay for love.

I would think Alice may be like a couple of people that told me after my husband died I was LUCKY! At least he hadn't left me...
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Thread title. Ahem, based on “102 Dalmatians”:

Ioan Gruffudd & Alice Evans #9: 102 Divorce Reasons
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So I haven't been here for a bit and am trying to catch up. I have an alert for my name and for and got a few of those. So I decided that I wanted to speak freely here and for me that meant not hiding my identity because I would feel stifled. I definitely think it's good to stay incognito but I want to do what my son calls "dump my receipts". In order to do that it will become obvious to Alice and FM1 and FM2 who I am. So I run (account names removed as self promotion isn't allowed - keep it on tattle) on instagram. After what Malice & Co did to BW yesterday, it's time for me to speak out and I think it's best to keep my sm accts to just sharing IG stuff. Although I have shared on sm about getting shut down and some other personal opinions, I hope those who follow those accts (very small amount right now) don't want to leave because they don't want to get involved. I have had one person recommend that.

So I will be sharing some opinions and a few screenshots along with them.

Alice talks so much about sharing her story and what a horrible experience it's been for her and that it's good for her to talk about it. Well I think it's important to talk about cyberbullies and calling out those who do it. I have experienced what Alice is going through. Twice. What I have NEVER experienced or seen, until now, is the immature, evil smear campaign lead by Alice and her "friends". I also have never seen so much lying in all my life! It's shocking!

Thanks for listening!
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I'm really starting to hope that Malice actually gets her day in court if IG goes for full custody and a draconian restraining order. I want to see her allegations and constant lies laid out for the world to see and for everyone to see what an abusive lying narcissist she is. She's threatened and abused Ioan, his family, his friends, his colleagues, Bianca, her family and friends, random people all over the Internet, and, last but definitely not least, given those two daughters of theirs trauma for a lifetime.

I'm 60 and I can tell you that parental abuse, including verbal and emotional, walking in eggshells in your house, listening to manic rages, and so on, fucks you up for life, not just while it's ongoing. That's on AE, solely.
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Didn't AE accuse Tattlers of being into bestiality...


AE had a run in with a journalist who sees her for what she is, a narc. Hopefully he or someone will write a tell all piece on this shit show.

@editorialz "Allowing an 8 year-old to access Instagram while you scoff your way through Waitrose? Puhleeezzz. You really are quite the parent. Never forget, every accusation by a narcissist is just a confession.
Never, ever, divorce or criticise a narcissist. They will be your worst nightmare for the rest of your natural life. Alice, grow up. Don't drive someone out the door and then play the victim. Sort your shit out and shut up.

Never forget, every accusation by a narcissist is just a confession 👏👏👏
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Seriously. What is the point of marriage counselling? The point is to have a mediator, a therapist and a translator and he could even manage with that help to be honest with her. Why are you making excuses for him? How old are you?
Who are you anyway? You are grilling Tattlers like a damned lawyer! And they’ve been patient and respectful and now you’re being offensive as well as derailing the thread. I’m suspicious of who you really are.
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Even on my darkest days after he left, with my young children and £2.13p in my bank while their dad went on a jolly to Spain… even then… “Daddy is going to be so excited to see you on Wednesday and tell you all about his exciting trip! And you can tell him all about your special school assembly! I’ll try and take a sneaky pic so you can show him” as I cried myself to sleep behind a closed door. Please tell me I did the right thing? Alice?
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Oh dear, this whole situation with Alice is very triggering for me. Sorry if I have been going off on one. I totally get her and where she is now emotionally and I hugely sympathize with her. I look back on me and I cringe and I kept it on the down-low other than venting to friends and family. Weirdly what Alice is going through is helping me process shit that I chose not to revisit so I wouldn't dismiss her speaking out. We are all talking about it and why shouldn't we? Perhaps we should think about why she is being shut down, why it makes people uncomfortable. I think this is a wider conversation about women becoming redundant that perhaps women who are younger don't even realize is a conversation
I don’t know if responding to this is worth my time? 😂

it is actually ok and normal to be angry and devastated when your marriage ends. You will need to grieve. You will rant. You will cut him out of photos.

the ‘wider conversation’ as a mother of girls myself as to what is not ok in this scenario is as follows:

- Never speak to your children as if they are adults giving you therapy and validation
- don’t stay up all night drinking for a year on social media, so tired you can’t take your kids to school or function
- Never ask your kids to take sides, or say nasty things about people that might affect their emotional well-being
- never give up everything for a man however much you love him
- Make sure you have your own money, friends, hobbies and interests and are financially secure where possible
- do not become a distressed damsel. Women can fix toilets and we are not a stereotyped stepford wife
- destroying everything around you in a fit of rage and pain will have repercussions down the line that don’t matter to you now… but they will later
- being a massive bitch to other women on SM whilst claiming to be a feminist and wanting the best for women is a ridiculous claim and makes you look stupid

What is there to really talk about. Will people really stop cheating on each other? Will this change laws? Does this behaviour really drive any change in the behaviour or other humans? No. This isn’t BLM

She is talking about it a bit too much, and has veered over into being vindictive and encouraging a pile on. She is hurt and frightened but some of her activity online is full on abusive. So, even though I occasionally feel sorry for her, and I am not blinded by IG’s smile (think he is a cliche, middle aged man, woman 20 years younger, and I believe that the affair has been going on for a time before they split) I do think she squanders any good will towards her. I don’t think BW is a sweet innocent woman, she knew he was married, but she doesn’t have wrinkles and a fat neck so some people think she is just living her best life and she has done nothing wrong, although AE calling her horse teeth and encouraging online bullying is repulsive.

But your final sentence rings true. A lot of younger women do not realise just how much society puts a value on their youth, and despite it being 2021, a lot of females currency is about being young, looking young. Once that has gone women are supposed to put up, shut up, be invisible. Just the liberal scattering of the word Karen is a word designed to shut an older woman speaking. There are young women reading this who are thinking, this won’t happen to me, but it will. For all the advances that women have made with regard to equalities, it is still a man’s world. So there are elements of misogyny when people talk about AE. But she really is feeding into the misogyny herself. Speak out for sure, but don’t be so batshit crazy and nasty about it, in kind of feeds into a trope. The point is we don’t know what goes on in a marriage. They are both narcissistic in my view, they are performers after all. I think they deserve each other.
Women should be raising girls to know their worth without a man though shouldn’t they? I am now 40yo and I have always positioned myself to want (or often not 😂) a man, not need one. There is no way I would bring up my girls to even consider that their femininity is their currency. Their minds, personalities, intellects are their currency. Looks fade. But then I am not an actress and I have never needed to use my looks to find a job. I work in a predominantly female led industry and I am surrounded by fucking privileged white Karen’s all day sometimes. Women are their own worst damn enemy 9/10.
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It had nothing to do with another woman. It was to do with her behaviour. She has even said this.
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I'm just now catching up and I'm just completely thrown by the fact their nanny has cancer and is still expected to keep working. I know she has mouths to feed, but if AE loves her as much as she claims and is financially stable enough to keep paying her wage (though she oscillates between destitute and perfectly capable of employing the nanny independent of IG depending on how she needs to come across at the moment), I don't think Gloria should be expected to work an 8 hour day still. AE doesn't do shit all day, she can take care of her own kids fine. So weird that this woman she supposedly loves so much is expected to work full time through cancer whilst AE does nothing all day. And if she IS with her kids like she claims, then why is the nanny even needed at this stage? They're not toddlers anymore, and if you don't wanna be responsible for keeping kids entertained through the day, maybe you shouldn't be a parent.
Also what right does she have to announce an employee's medical condition to the world?
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