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Dear God. Are these excuses because you are a huge Ioan fan or hate Alice? What do you think the point of marriage counselling is or does it not count for men? Where did common decency and sense go?
It’s because we love Babycakes Gruffudd! Tee hee hee!
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I hope all the law team supporting IG are aware that each and every one of AE now deleted lying and poisonous tweets/IG have been documented here
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The only thing Alice hasn't said as the vengeful ex-wife, is, If I can't have him, nobody can. She seems like a toddler having a tantrum - she bullied him out of the marriage and now wants to bully him back. But she didn't value what she had, anyway. Revenge is utterly pointless and, as others said, it doesn't change how he feels or what he chooses to do next.

I think some men like domineering women and it offers them a strange sense of security/familiarity, particularly if they're insecure at heart. Maybe she suited him 20 years ago but he's wised up to how controlling, destructive and erratic she really is. Strong personalities can be beguiling, but Alice obviously has a very dark side to her nature. This is not a normal or healthy reaction to a break up. He's wised up, he's gone and he won't look back.

I imagine Alice does have people trying to give her advice but if someone attacks you when you tell them what they don't want to hear - you have to let them learn the hard way.

Those girls should be removed from this situation. I think when Ioan returns things will change, big-time. It can't happen quick enough. Hopefully a gagging order, rehab/hospitalisation and sole custody for Ioan.
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So happy at Polly, you go lady, all the while keeping control and telling only the truth! Pity carcrash Alice can't maintain any of her lies
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Tabitha D

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If she was so good at getting him jobs, why hasn't she been able to get herself jobs for so long? It's almost as though people were pissed off with her before all this.
Quite. And as if Ioan had to depend on her amazing contacts (🤔) to keep him in work.
I just don’t think, based on the evidence she has herself provided, that she was ever an easy person to work with.
I also wonder whether she ever harassed the staff on Ioan’s movies/TV series, or his female co-stars. She seems that controlling, that I can see her phoning the directors/producers to harangue them about perceived slights to her personal property (i.e. Ioan). Like a helicopter parent to a pre-school child. And god help any attractive female that he had to work with. I can only imagine.
It’s quite telling that the blue-ticks have largely (if they dare) been coming out for Ioan. Whereas Alice is stuck with the weird obsessive basement-dwelling superfans who she’s never actually met.
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The way she responds to anyone who challenges her or doesn’t outright appease her on social media is so awful. She responds as an utter bully, going straight for their looks or their perceived lack of intelligence. She’s not below going after family or trying to smear reputations either. That is her on the surface, her public face, her best foot forward as such. If that’s how she is in the public eye, there’s a reasonable chance her behaviour at home and away from the public eye is far, far worse.

She seemed to revel in alternating between belittling IG, asserting ownership, highlighting any flaws or failures or making it clear he didn’t want certain things on social media and that she had no respect for those wishes or boundaries. She’s already mentioned threats of self harm more than once to do with random online altercations and him pulling away from her so again it’s not unreasonable to think she may have used that with him to keep him in place over the years.

She can’t seem to decide whether they had a perfect marriage or he (and his family) were awful all along. And god forbid you challenge her on her switch between narratives or try to hold her accountable for any of her own behaviour.

Why does she get to hide behind the wronged woman label with all of this? Would we excuse this behaviour by a male public figure nowadays? To sympathise with her is a stretch at this point, to excuse it in such a public forum isn’t really acceptable anymore with how far it’s gone and to those that celebrate her behaving like this and egg her on…this isn’t a game, stop baiting her into escalating this. Really, it’s disturbing.
I have reported her to twitter for targeted harassment so many times , I think there is someone in the banning accounts department who secretly loves the drama of this shit show , as many have been banned for less 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Active member
Thank goodness smart Tattlers have screenshots.
Yes! They're great to have since it's hard to put pieces together with all the "this tweet has been deleted" parts.

Just a note on screenshots:
  • Try to include the time stamp. There are so many people in a time zone, it's not possible for someone to know who you are by the time stamp on your screenshot. The only indication will possibly be the day first vs month first and there's no way to find someone just by that info. It may just indicate that you are from the UK vs US. I don't know how it will show up from other countries.
  • If you are concerned about geographic info being imbedded in your photos or screenshots, there is a way to put your settings to not include that information. You don't have to turn off your GPS.
  • If you are screenshotting a thread, be sure to include the last line on the previous page so that your SSs can be strung together when you (or someone else) needs them. :)
How to do this:

I know you didn't ask but I thought I'd throw it out there. :)
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She seems to be so completely stuck in this rage and this moment. No foresight for anything that might be ahead. Life moves on, people including children get terrible diagnosis, cancer, MS, MND, people have accidents. Amazing things also can happen and your whole life really can change as a result of something good or bad. If you learn from experience you can ride the roller coaster with grace and teach your children how to navigate the choppy waters and to enjoy the good times too. I don’t understand why she wants so much sympathy - I’d be really embarrassed if people felt sorry for me and coudln’t see past the things that have happened to me - nobody should be defined by their problems but that’s all she is. That American tv clip was so awful and so dramatic and her hysterics - she looked dreadful - how could anyone be proud of presenting themselves like that. I’m shocked at all the positive comments she has on Instagram from people saying they saw her on Lorraine, I really wish there was something we could do about that. It’s bouyd her up now to keep going - hence the unforgivable picture she posted on IG last night of him with the girls trying to pull in more sympathy for herself. How dare she use his daughters to try and shame him about something she doesn’t even know is true - and what bloody difference does it make to the end result for her?

Also Alice seems to have no awareness for all her supposed intellect of her digital footprint. These days everything you say online can be traced back to you. A younger BW would have that awareness - not that I think for one second she would be bothered engaging in any antics that Alice thinks she gets up to? Why would anyone? I do hope BW is enjoying lots of acrobatics with IG, someone deserves to. And I really think none of us know what sort of relationship that is - it’s crazy to skip ahead casting her has stepmom etc.
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I wonder if IG has left his Instagram account open for comments as evidence of what her slander has done against him. I see no other reason. Other than he doesn’t care, but he must as it doesn’t look good.
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He kept asking her to change her behaviour. Alice herself said he'd been making those requests for a couple of years. He went home in Aug 2020, told her he didn't love her but tried MC anyway. Finally when that didn't work he left her in Jan 2021. And no we don't know when he got mixed up with Bianca but clearly Bianca wasn't the cause of the separation. It was Alice's behaviour that was the problem, and TBH we are all witness to how crazy her behaviour can be.
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Ioan Gruffudd & Alice Evans #9: she’s got 102 problems. 99 of them are made up scenarios and drunken tweets
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Just reading her tweets is making me feel so angry, and when she picks on Bianca's looks, it really does show what type of 'woman' she is.
The thing is, i reckon she would take him back in a heartbeat if he asked her!
It's pure jealousy. At this point BW is the better looking of the two so she has to attack her looks. The video with Lorraine shows what she really looks like - she can't use her Instagram filters on that. There is nothing wrong with BW's teeth btw. She may have had veneers but she is no Jacinda Ardern. Alice's desperation is pathetic.

Oh and yes she would take him back. For 20 more "perfect years".
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VIP Member
Dear God. Are these excuses because you are a huge Ioan fan or hate Alice? What do you think the point of marriage counselling is or does it not count for men? Where did common decency and sense go?
Let’s move on.
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Malice is a nasty BITCH - and she looks like a woman bloated by too much drink and overindulgence.

The thing is her ego is so FUCKING LARGE it’s unable to feed it, so now she’s went down the BITTER AS FUCK BITCH who takes others down.

Maybe he just went off you ALICE, maybe he thought I can’t fake my attraction anymore, maybe he couldn’t handle her inability to be discreet during their marriage - maybe he got sick of living with a woman who is just exhausting.


so sick of the pity party, the longest FUCKING pity party ever. In 10 years she will still be the wounded woman who can’t let go …

And all your little sycophantic followers who hang off your every word. But hey, ALICE is the only woman in the world who has been through this, and EVERYBODY should know NOBODY has had it worse than ALICE, she is the most hard done by woman ever. EVER.

And I don’t feel bad about 1 thing I have wrote on here at all: she’s a nasty bitter CUNT who is drinking the poison expecting others to die from it.
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Today from Lorraine. Even Lorraine is now worried enough for Alice to advise she gets off social media.
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What's your point

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I also think it highlights that she actually isn’t as smart as some of us were fooled with previously. Surely if you’re a smart liar you understand the technicalities of something before formulating a lie around it. The fact she’s gone on television performing an interview which is now documented and archived without actually knowing how an Instagram account works but made a lie, with such certainty, that this is how events happened shows how deeply flawed vast majority of her bullshit is? Like I said last night, every story is embellished but in such a lazy way to suit her narrative because she can’t go more than 2 seconds without the rush of hitting ‘post’ on Twitter and waiting for the notifications to flood in.

ETA whilst she is an educated woman, it doesn’t make her smart. The lack of tact is mind blowing.
She has what my dad would call spaniel mentality.. clever but no common sense.
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One of the most telling things in this whole sorry shit show is that Super Nanny Jo Frost wrote them an ‘open letter ‘ I suspect it was mainly directed at AE and did she listen 🤦🏽‍♀️ Absolutely not one jot of a brain cell took any notice of some very sincere professional advice , relating to the damage being done to their children 😡
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