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I agree it doesn’t really look child friendly. The gardens are more decorative than practical, it doesn’t look like there’s space to sit or play for example - they’re just pretty to look at from the apartments.
I used to have a very dear friend who lived in a garden building much like this one, not far from this one. He was almost 90 when he passed several years ago, and his neighbors weren't far behind. I look at this place and I think, retiree. Which I guess is kind of fitting for Alice.
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A big factor in Ioan and Bianca’s relationship and plans is whether she wants kids. 30 is relatively young but with a progressive illness she certainly won’t want to wait and be an older mother. Ioan’s age is also a factor.

The parental alienation may backfire on Alice. Whilst I think Ioan will continue to try hard for a good relationship with his girls, if Alice succeeds in keeping them apart he may be more likely to try for more children.

Alice is not as smart as she thinks. I think a great relationship with his daughters and seeing them regularly and them taking much of his time and attention would have put more pressure on his new relationship.

Whilst I hope the girls find happiness with their father in their lives, I won’t be sorry if it all spectacularly backfires for Alice.
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Toxteth will win the next title but here's a suggestion anyway.

Alice: Location, Location, Location. Ioan: Bifurcation, Bifurcation, Bifurcation
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I have btw figured out how Alice will justify it besides donations. She'll probably claim that she had little time to find something, and that was the cheapest available otherwise they would be HOMELESS. Shame on Ioan etc.

to come back to child support: the impression I'm getting from the judge (although we saw very little) is that he is by the books. I hence dont expect him to accept Ioan claiming that Alice destroyed his career which he may use to cancel 2021 and before as a income baseline (though the amount of times Alice said it herself could bite her in the arse) nor do I expect him to accept Alice's claim that Ioan can easily earn 1 million for year when Alice will argue to take 2018/19 as a basis. All too hard to prove anyway. I therefore expect a very factual approach. It really always depends on the judge. there are even cases where judges cancel child support due to parental alienation (it has often to be complete estrangement btw, which is why it would be smart if Alice would allow at least some visitation), hence why most just settle out of court, and they will likely too.

it makes no sense is basically Alice's whole life

exactly, hence all hard to say
Ioan got the restraining order in part precisely because of how she tried to destroy his career and he can prove that. So yes, I think a judge may consider it. The restraining order will also factor in to how much (if any) spousal support she gets. And the prenup could further limit that.

As for visitation, on paper Alice IS “allowing” it but she’s never actually permitting it to take place.
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BIB - I know it’s early, but can we have this as our next thread title. I think it’s fitting to one of our dear Turds and no truer words spoken! Maybe we can bump it up later in the thread?
Agreed. And it would be good if we could work Toxteth into the title somehow.
Such achingly sad news. We were all so hopeful when she went into remission a few months ago. I’m praying for her very hard.
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I wonder if the celebrity tour bus will be going by there now that the star of The Christmas Card is living there :unsure::ROFLMAO:
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May 31, 2021: "I want full custody. I want the house. I want spousal support and child support. I want my medical bills and insurance paid. Car insurance too. Half of your life insurance. Half of your savings. Half of what you earn in the future. I won't give up. You'll have to sue me."
Let's break this down...
Full custody....Not going to happen

the house. ....sold

spousal support fucked that with the DVRO

child support..... To be determined based on his last three years earnings. Nice one fucking that up Alice

medical bills and insurance paid....your responsibility

Car insurance's that going?

Half of your life insurance. Nope

Half of your savings....You took all of them so you owe him

Half of what you earn in the future....not going to happen. That's his money

I won't give up....more fool you

You'll have to sue're getting what you wanted with this one at least.
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Alice is crafty and always manages to grift something - mark my words she has hatched a plan with someone - probably her real estate friend. Her giant ego keeps writing cheques her reality can't cash. She is convinced it's just a matter of time that someone will recognise her shimmering personality and cast her in something. Her self delusion is quite phenomenal. Remember how she honestly believed she would 'make more money' than Ioan just from Cameos at $30 a pop. Same as her GoFundMe -she was convinced she would have millions of fans throwing money at her.
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Sorry for no spoiler but it's pretty hard to see what I am doing atm. My vision has stated to go and I just found out my leukaemia has gone to my brain. So no more posts from me. You have been a great community to chat with over the last year or so.
Take care all.
Oh and Alice Evans, get your shit together and appreciate what you do have, which is a lot.
Over and out fellow turds.
I am so, so sorry Toxteth. I was really hoping that trial would work for you. You are an amazing person and you will be sorely missed. ❤
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I look forward to Ioan getting the majority of the custody and Alice paying him child support. I will piss my pants laughing.
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The problem is not really that there is no garden to play. these kids had that luxury all their life (I never had it!) and the eldest is in an age where you no longer give a fuck about it. Although it is in a way problematic because a proper garden at least gives you some fresh air to breathe, it's important when you are all day home...I btw also disagree with the notion that it *has* to be 3 bedrooms: my sister shared a room with me until she was 14, not because it was cool but because my parents couldnt afford a lot more. Of course they arent this poor, but it isnt in my opinion what's most important. The most important is that it's affordable, and sometimes in order to balance both you need to maybe consider moving in a less wealthy area, but she did the opposite.

the problem is more that Alice obviously prioritized the glam biz address over a) what's best financially (which indirectly impacts the kids too) and b) best for the kids welfare. Ioan didnt prioritized with his apartment choice b) either, in fact even less but at the time the eldest was just 11 years old anyway, but he did a) which is what limited his ability to meet the other. It show yet again why she finds herself in this position in the first place. Alice prioritized first and foremost herself.
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Alice called her friend. Arsehole. The girls ages and everything are wrong.
its the same article as earlier, even with the same errors. and just with more recycled stuff.

Alice 100 % complained about not getting a big story.

I like the photo choice

Comments so far very against her, pointing out that she should work
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The place is 3,000 square feet. LOL, It's way larger than their home was. The electric bill will be much higher than their home was. I'm not a fan of it all, but the outside underneath part is good for her daughters, especially the little one, I guess. I hope this is just temporary. I mean, she has kids and has to think about where she can rent affordably long-term as far as where her kids will go to school and be settled. So I am hoping her plans are after the divorce settlement she will be moving in time for the kids to be enrolled in a school in the fall, because she cannot afford to stay in Beverly Hills. Although, I can see her saying that's the plan and then putting her head in the sand and doing nothing and still paying the 6,500 a month and enrolling them in school in the Beverly Hills public school system after summer and just run through her money.
a few weeks ago she started following a elementary school in BH, this is how we were suspecting her moving there in the first place. I dont think she plans to move out of BH anytime soon.

at the end of the day it's her choice. it would be very funny if she argues in court for custody based on better living standards. I look forward to how she will simultaneously run to her minions with a narrative that makes her broke, almost homeless and that's all Ioan's fault.
For those in the know, in Beverley Hills, is that a luxurious abode in a better neighbourhood than her old house? Apart from its not detached and has no pool, it seems more spacious than the house. It doesn’t feel like a forever home. Her mate, the real estate person seems to have come up trumps, and her other mate the UK accountant, clearly stashed the money away good and proper.

Alice has lost weight and the bloat. She moves easy for someone with all those health issues.

Maybe she has got her shit together after all.
I dont think showing that you've lied about health & financial situation is getting your act together at all. Or making poor financial decisions.
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Then she will looking at a huge tax bill as that is considered a gift by the IRS. She probably hasn't considered that aspect🙄
Expect her to change her bio to

"I have received nothing from strangers or friends, I don't know what you're talking about 🙌 🙌 🙌 "

any minute now. Bet that will fool the IRS!
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I wonder who Alice updated her address with first, her bank, lawyer or uber eats...

Wouldn't want that bastward panda express going to the wrong place now would we 🤣
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I mean she could play Julia Roberts Granny in the remake of Not a pretty woman, just a bitter old cunt these days. Title needs work, I think.
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I don’t really judge or blame her for not working during the marriage if that was the decision they made
Ioan claimed no such agreement was made. Also AE did work a bit after the eldest was born eg VD.

Gloria and the housekeeper did the main work - again IG says it was him and Gloria that did the parenting. She deserves credit for absolutely nothing after she pushed them out. Also she constantly criticised IG's parenting skills and even mocked him for helping Elsie with her reading.

Alice is still a cunt.
Loan is an arsehole, and is more than likely hiding cash and assets
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Well the fucking about by Alice is to delay the divorce. She's clinging on for dear life by her fingernails. she doesn't want to be the ex wife and for him to be free to marry bianca.
It's true that once he's finally shaken her off the custody / financial settlement may be easier. Although nothing will be easy with her.
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