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Oh Alice, don’t you get it. We don’t care what you think of us. We just want to expose your hubris and abuse. We like to do it with satire. Over here without you and your bizarre brother.

It’s a great big group. You can’t join. So there.

Enjoy your search for more weird, bitter and deranged tweeters. They suit you.
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Alice was more cray cray on imdb than now, you are not making yourself look good admitting that you defended her lol
View attachment 1973011
actually the freaky imdb stuff was mostly before she got married, had kids, and her career...well, yknow was not really hot (not like being married and having kids ever stopped her ever from craziness, granted)

the thing is the imdb one cannot be denied, because she had her actual email on those and she accidentally had linked every of her socks to the original account from what I remember (dw Alice, I was not posting at the time, just reading with amusement)
View attachment 1973010
yes, a person with a twitter bio "likes do not equal endorsements" should not be read into it at all when they like things related to her custody case 🤣
View attachment 1973022
actually, I get notifications (not only for this BS though). Does that mean that Alice's trolls manually switch between sites all day though? Jesus, that's some time waste indeed 😱

I must say I feel flattered that everyone wants me so badly. Maybe I'll post my middle finger one day, does that make my opinion for abuser trolls 1 % more valid? 😱

PS: pls as if Alice has looked only twice, she lives here
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she went offline shortly after Bianca posted, and only now resurfaced. I reckon it's from today.
"A bot with exceedingly manly hands"

I see she still doesn't understand what a bot is. ALICE A BOT DOESN'T HAVE ANY HANDS, MANLY OR OTHERWISE.
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View attachment 1967093
I work for myself. I have reported myself to myself and think I am doing an excellent job, and that I deserve a raise/regular champagne and lobster deliveries (also truffles of both types). Myself also reported back that Malice is a Cunt.
I work for a multinational bluechip, and quite frankly I could play the fiddle naked on a mountain all day as long as I get my job done in the time it needs doing. I think I'll start putting "Alice is an abusive cunt " in the fine print on some reports just to see if anyone notices 🤔 😅
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Chatty Member
And she's oblivious to that child gazing up at her. 🤮 I needed a cig and G&T after my wedding. But I didn't even let more than a few guests even see me. Marrying her must have broke the Gruffuud's collective hearts.
Ha, at my wedding last year, my dress had pockets (yes, actual pockets 🤩) so I was able to keep my cigs and phone to hand. At the drinks bit after the ceremony, I snuck off round a corner of the hotel, with my glass of champagne. Found a quiet spot, lit up and had a good slug of my fizz. Only to turn round to look in the window and see a table of about 12 having an afternoon tea. I can only imagine they were like "Oh how lovely, there's a wedding on. Oh look there's the bride, awww. Oh..."

But yes, at least I tried to be discreet.
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What's the difference between a professional troll and an unprofessional one 😂
Ummm. An unprofessional troll misses trolling quotas, is late to troll meeting? Forgets to wear the Yobee T shirt?

I can’t with these people though. I alter between pointing my finger and laughing at their stupidity and being shocked at how lighthearted they are about murder...and all they go on about is how someone wants sex with them. Their fantasies are equal to Al's dreams of a 30 inch waist.

I don't understand how Ioan could ever...anything, with her. She's just so disgusting.
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Get in line Alice. We all want to sleep with welp.

(This sudden onslaught of lust has nothing to do with welp mentioning money.... )
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Tony drinks a lot of liquid for someone on dialysis. Even his food has a lot of liquid in it, see the pot noodles. A close family member was on dialysis for many years and there’s no way she could have had the diet he has.

And how did get Janna the cunt get from the obvious revulsion and distain for her in our posts, to we all want to sleep with her? She is a very strange woman. Genuinely, what mental gymnastics did she do to end up with that as her summary of us.
It’s because she’s homophobic and insinuating that we’re all lesbians who want to fuck her is the worst insult she can think of. She’s very much stuck in the 90s with her attitudes to pretty much everything, but her racism, sexism and homophobia stand out the most.
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Mad Betty

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I agree with this - I think Ioan's team have to provide clear evidence of mental instability and substance abuse. That they haven't to date, with loads of SM evidence is worrying. I think because the narrative will be he could not have been that worried given he left them in her primary care for so long without putting in emergency orders for mental health/substance abuse issues. WE know what has gone on because we have had a running commentary on what she has been doing day to day, from her own SM. But Ioan's team have not included this as a primary factor - only legal evidence of isolated incidents (video during breakup) and then hearsay of isolated incidents by Ioan. We know she lies in bed, we know she drinks, we know she spends her life on SM. But the Judge needs solid, incontrovertable evidence of long term persistant issues, and Anne has not provided this.
Good morning. ✌🏼

I believe Anne has this evidence but is saving it for trial. I suspect what has been submitted as evidence thus far is just a taste of what's to come if this progresses to trial. I think they're playing their cards close to the vest to pull out at the appropriate time. I also think the goal is to avoid a trial because everyone loses if that happens. There goes every last dime of the house sale money.

I believe she will end up with a record after the criminal hearing and likely get fined and a long probation. I doubt she'll get jail time, though the judge might choose to make an example of her, especially given her terrible attitude and sheer defiance of the DVRO. And let's face it: every judge in LA knows about Betty Broderick and how far she went. It's clear how far someone can go when they are that defiant and unstable and have total disregard for the law. 😞

I hope they sell the house quickly and work out a settlement. I think 50/50 custody is a given and she may lose it altogether if she doesn't change course.

This is make or break time.

My opinion.
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I know we’ve seen it before, but that wedding pic is just the most depressing thing. No one looks happy at all (though it seems at least Tone can’t tear his eyes away from the blushing bride 😬). And yes it’s normal to have a drink (and a fag) at your own wedding, but at least put them down for the photos - jeez.
And she's oblivious to that child gazing up at her. 🤮 I needed a cig and G&T after my wedding. But I didn't even let more than a few guests even see me. Marrying her must have broke the Gruffuud's collective hearts.
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Apols if it’s already here but I think it’s important to note….
This is exactly the type of commentary from Al that made me realise there's something significantly wrong with her. No one has said anything that would indicate being excited about sexual abuse. No one is a pedalo. This is entirely made up by Al. She is the one constantly sexualising everything. She needs to get in the bin. Or an asylum.
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my employer kinda knows, I told them casually ages ago about a crazy c-list actor's ex-wife going crazy about me screenshotting her abusive tweets, and then her putting a $500 bounty (lol) on me and her minions threatening to find my IP address (lol lol). Given that my job is in IT security (yet unlike a Alice minion I have not threatened to make use of this) we all had a good laugh about this. Holding people accountable and discussing their criminal behavior isnt abuse lol (Alice is obviously not near that category, but jesus christ, is Putin off-limits too then?! Sport teams?!). What is questionable is supporting an (soon convincted) abuser though, now for that I would be certainly ashamed :p
View attachment 1967093

Pretty sure by the end of this or next month (unless something was paid again) the process would start. they have missed several payments already.

What I wonder is if the bank would hold it off in the knowledge that a court has ordered the sale already or if it's listed already. I have no idea if they are willing to cooperate on these kind of cases
I hope they call my Mommy and Daddy and complain about what a heartless, evil bitch I am. First they would say "we know" and then hopefully they would put me in a time-out. Quite frankly, I could use the rest. 😏
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Reading this and its like you right back in middle school during recess. She has the emotional and mental maturity of a 12 year old bully.
It really is. Like calling someone stinky is the height of wit to this crew. And her fave pedalo accusation. Alice, why do you have this kind of thing on the brain so much?? It’s not normal.
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Chatty Member
Respecfully disagree. Bianca is his futue and even if she wasn’t, he needs to server ties from Alice and the past asap for everyone’s sakes. Show her she has nothing, absolutely nothing, he covets. Just be done with it I say and move on. Life’s too short for all this legal shit and being in and out of court throwing away his parents’ hard-earned (and limited) cash supplies. Might be different in situations where money’s no object but it seriously is in this one. Prioritise.
I do get the point you’re making and this is absolutely not meant to be argumentative; however in order to do what you say it means he has to walk away from the girls. As a parent, I’d do anything other that this and he has had years of close relationships with E&E compared to 1.5 - 2 years of this, so I don’t believe this would even be an option for him st this point.

Unfortunately Alice does have something he covets and that’s his daughters who he loves fiercely. She will continue to use them as a weapon because of this, as we all know. Sadly, I do agree with the rest of your assessment and unless he gets full custody she has achieved her goal of ruining his relationship with the girls and the only hope is for when they are grown up.

It makes me want to sob at the evilness, the unfairness and the years of trauma remaining for Ioan and the girls.
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Well that photo obviously wasn't taken by Tony because he's never awake during daylight hours.

And Malice trying to convince herself that "trolls" absolutely must be Yo/Bee will never not be hilarious.
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So Tonya hair is way more receded and thin than Ioans - funny that. What a bunch of dick heads. JC imagine taking the piss out of your BIL for days over his hair when yours is in worse shape. Tonya was a mistake btw but I’m leaving it there.
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