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More Daily Fail comments
I don't even know them and can tell just from reading what SHE says to the media that... I don't understand how he lasted with her for as long as he did. OMG! What a waspish bitter hateful woman. Heartbreaking about the children, but frankly... they'd be better off and end up with more sanity if they were with their dad instead of her. No wonder he said he could finally smile again after he found this now lady. I'll bet he hadn't smiled for ages while with this shrew of a wife. I'm team Ioan, as they say.
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Three hours of homework on Thanksgiving Week. Yep, that sounds believable!
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Almost Bianca

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I actually believe she earned / is earning a chunk of change from the interviews. A friend of mine did a “cheeky” calendar with her women’s rugby team for charity, and the DM asked to feature it - they paid around £5k (which all went to charity), this was in the early 2000s. Quite the role model for your kids, AE, monetising their trauma and having your bad behaviour rewarded! (The acting gigs though - not. A . Chance)
On separate note, can we all get together and do a calendar and sell it to DM? We could add screen shots from A’s tweets to get them interested.. could do with some extra money right now…
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I toyed idly with the idea that the whole 'romance' with Bianca could actually be a paid acting gig. Get her exposure to advance her acting career, and give him something to hammer Alice over the head with, to make her get the message. Would make them both smile, for different reasons.
Anyway I need a nanna nap so I'll check back later to see if Alice has seized upon this thought of mine and taken it to Twitter.
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The bed wetting?
My kids are the same age. You don’t really have to do shit all they are old enough to do most things themselves. I’m more of a taxi these days. The most you deal with are mood swings and feeding them. Look if they were toddlers different story but Jesus they are 8/12.
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That is the nuttiest thing I've heard! Who would want their husband back on a weekly basis after they've been sleeping with someone else that week?! Well your friend obviously but that sounds totally twisted for all three parties.
OMFG I have the perfect solution - AE and BW can timeshare IG!! What could go wrong? :ROFLMAO:

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If a man behaved like this about marrying me I’d just tell him to fuck off, he obviously didn’t want to…
That picture is a joke. Probably not that funny anymore to IG though considering AE and her "WE'RE STILL MARRIED" nonsense.

I think AE could have done much more than just watch Gloria do the housework, tweet crap and fill her glass all day. She got lazy and complacent and as she said herself she was a "smug married". As she got older her looks faded, work dried up and she got increasingly bitter about IG still being interviewed and working as an actor. He got the limelight she craved and the narc in her got very very bitter. She has to take responsibility for that but instead blames everyone else. BTW, being a SAHM is a luxury many women would like but they don't have a choice. People like Gloria.

BTW IG grew up in Cardiff and then moved to London before LA. So not really a country boy when he met AE. No doubt she seemed the catch back then but maybe he should have listened to his parents! AE called them racists lol just because they didn't like her. Because it's always someone else's fault when people don't like her, because she is just so sweet and nice. 🥴
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eh, dunno if that's an unpopular opinion but as terribly as Alice is handling this I find the meme-ing a bit too much considering that the situation is overall sad 🤷‍♀️
I think the memes and a lot of the black humour on these AE threads are from people who have experienced first hand the sheer devastation and destruction narcs like AE cause. Unless it's something someone has personally experienced I doubt many can even imagine the agony but also the sheer batshit craziness of a narc in full flight and often times humour is the only thing that helps you to cope. I think pretty much every person who has posted here, regardless of their opinions on AE, are genuinely worried for and hoping for the best for the three E's, IG and Gloria and are quite anxious about what might happen.
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I find this comment spot on too

God she's boring. Her entire identity is ''wife'' - even when the husband has disappeared. She's like a 1950s domestic drone in meltdown.
Yes she's just discovered that the man can leave and there's like, a whole divorce court thingy to go through, and lawyers and stuff, and the house might have to be sold, and he won't be paying for her upkeep the rest of her life and he might be able to see the kids without her and - oh how will she ever cope??!!
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That Lupine creature actually thinks he’s friends with Alice. Mate, you’re just another commodity who carries out Alice’s dirty work for her. You brought Ella back into it by demanding evidence. When shown that evidence you twisted it round to AE “haters”. Ask yourself, who brought Ella into it in the first place?
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Because she's deleting any comments that don't fit her narrative
Very likely, this is a woman who can scroll through hundreds (if not thousands) of negative Daily Mail comments, find just one that suits her narrative, screenshot it and claim it backs her up.
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Thread suggestion

Another tall story to sell, cos I’m up there with Princess Di and Adele
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Tabitha D

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Blimey, she’s really spiralling out of control isn’t she.
TBH I still think that she’s trying to provoke Ioan into a reaction. It’s obvious she’s desperate to speak to him, cos she thinks she can persuade him to come back. Which is deluded, obviously. And he is only communicating with her via the co-parenting app, probably on legal advice, for reasons that are all too clear.
So she’s making up increasingly bizarre stories, throwing out the most disgusting insults to Ioan and Bianca, all in the hope that he’ll finally snap and call her. This latest thing is consistent with this: she wants him to get furious and ring her to ask what the hell he’s supposed to have done.
She even referenced this the other day when she said something like Ioan had tried to call the girls 12 times but they refused to speak to him. She then said he should call her, not the girls. But he won’t and nor should he.
I hope the first thing Ioan does when he gets back is catch up with his lawyers.
She’s a dangerous woman.
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
Is she implying that Bianca killed somebody to be with Ioan or that they are planning to kill her? (sorry, that's all I remember from Therese Raquin LOL) Or incest?
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Alice: it’s SO disgusting I don’t think I can ever speak about it.

Oh come Alice, after a few of your nightly bottles of vino you’ll be squealing like a stuck pig.

She really doesn’t have any foresight does she. If she ruins Ioan she and the girls will be literally on the street. If she plays nicely, Ioan can be her meal ticket until at least the eldest is 18.

She can earn a bit of money now because she is providing a ‘freak show’ for her audiences but interest is already beginning to wane. Give it a couple of months and her earning powers will have diminished. I think she is kidding herself about returning to acting, she got the roles when she was younger because she was easy on the eye not because she could act. She is no longer easy on the eye and she still can’t act. She has also shown herself to be extremely argumentative and is an alcoholic. They won’t touch her with a barge pole.

She really is biting the hand that feeds her and then will scream blue murder because she’s hungry.
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