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VIP Member
Well said. A relationship ending is always going to suck but I would forever respect someone if they had the level of honesty to say hey I just do not love you anymore I’m sorry. It would at least provide some firm closure on the matter than taking some mincing avoidant way out.
It looks like IG tried to make the marriage work for years, stayed for the kids, told her many times in many ways for a few years he didn't like and couldn't live with aspects of the person she had become, or he had realised she always was, even possibly made attempts to leave her before, but that she never believed her would ever dare leave HER in reality. I think eventually it had to come down to those very blunt honest words, and even then she didn't believe him. I know she lives most of her life online but who really live posts a breakup as it's happening if you really believe that it's a genuine break up and are truly shocked and heartbroken?
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That bed wetting comment is possibly one of the cruelest things she’s said ☹
she’s already said that the oldest is on social media. Which means a bunch of other kids and/or their parents will have seen that comment. She’s setting them up for bullying at school.
If my mother had put it out to the entire globe that I was wetting the bed, I would be absolutely mortified. She’s a fucking disgrace of a parent. 🤬
I agree. It should never have made its way from her mind to keyboard but she doesn't let anything get in the way of bigging herself up. It's private. It can be upsetting for kids. And what is so unusual and deserving of praise about cleaning up after bedwetting anyway, it's what parents do! There was no need to highlight it. Horrid.
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I'm getting really mad at AE rn. Claiming that the children are desperate to see him but are refusing unless it's in their (AE's) house. You just KNOW she has forced that idea onto them. She's said herself he's desperate to speak to the kids. So a loving parent and two young kids who are desperate to see each other but AE is deliberately, maliciously keeping them apart unless IG plays it by her rules, in her house where she obviously thinks she can reinstate her control over him. :mad: :mad: :mad:
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Chatty Member
They look like they could almost be related in that photo of the two of them - possessiveness and negging photo aside, they look to be of a similar attractiveness here. Ageing, esp for women, is haaard. But by all accounts (including his) it seems like IG works hard to beat it - he seems into his fitness, plus what AE disdainfully refers to as his “orthorexic” food prep, the boringness of no longer drinking, the makeup (which he admits to!) Unfortunately whatever plastic surgery she’s had hasn’t been very good, and yeah, unfortunately booze and not sleeping don’t help. I’m not going to fat shame her but it’s pretty horrid of her to be so rude about his attempts to keep his looks, especially when - vanity aside - she knows how much his career depends on it.
I think this was an emotional abuse tactic for her. Rag on his looks and vanity to keep his self esteem down thinking he can't do better than her and better never leave. The flip side is, as a narc, if he had let himself go she would be too embarrassed to recognize him publicly and would be making snide comments about his appearance at all times since his appearance is a reflection of her, not him as a person.
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The butt kissing on her Instagram is making feel queasy. Trying not to bite....
I refuse to look. I will not let her ruin Instagram for me.
Instagram for me is for pictures of baby hedgehogs in beanie hats, not Disney Princess JarJar Binks.
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AE: I am also scared of my ex-husband’s response to the fact that I commented on his sudden decision to serve me. I know he will be angry. (he is always angry – he was born angry)

Funny in March he was her ex-hub, now it's November and he's the "hub" lol
Sudden decision lol - it was entirely predictable.
As for the anger with AE's broadcasting the divorce drama - he has a right to be and he wasn't "born angry." FFS

And back in March she was laying the groundwork for PA with Elsie and now the kid won't talk to him. :mad:

AE is a lying POS. AE is a lying POS. AE is a lying POS. AE is a lying POS. AE is a lying POS. AE is a lying POS. AE is a lying POS. AE is a lying POS.

Ahhhh. Feel better now. :giggle:
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Just William

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Was just on YouTube, this came up in my recommendations. I know Ioan's an actor but he comes across very well, I think

Lovely hearing him speak Welsh! I think it's really sad for him that AE wouldn't learn what is his first language, with her skills she surely wouldn't have found it hard. Maybe just another tactic to keep him 'down'? The interviews I have seen he comes across as a nice guy!
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Also Alice can fuck off with this “I’m giving Gloria money I’m such a good person” bullshit. It’s a job, lady. You’re an employer, she’s providing a service in exchange for a paycheck. You’re not some saint for paying someone a living wage when they’re working for you. Employers aren’t doing employees favors, it’s an exchange
Plus it's Ioan who is paying Gloria, not Alice
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"It's so disgusting I don't think I can ever speak of it"
Yeah pretty sure she can speak of it. Pretty sure there's nothing so disgusting our Alice couldn't spill her guts about it.

An interesting summary.
She’s not read any of them , a Google search of high brow novels about adultery will have thrown this up . AE isn’t capable of anything else except twitter/ Instagram & constantly looking for things online to rip BW and her family apart

Bed wetting 😢 at their age is possibly something to worry about , and concerning that she just throws it in there as though it’s normal
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brie l

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2.30am in LA and Alice is tweeting. But sounding quite normal and calm. All the aggression seems to have gone, even in the middle of the night tweets. So unlike her. Yeah, I reckon she was gagged.
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Our girl is back, she is just saving the nasty comments for Insta.
JFC!! I would much rather have a partner have the balls to tell me outright they didn't love me anymore and the relationship was over than this soft soap her supporters are suggesting. Telling your partner you "need a bit of space" and giving them hope to keep holding on and trying to make it work when you really mean you want to leave is far crueller Imo than telling the truth. I feel sorry for some of her supporters but honestly at this point it really feels like a lot of these women don't want to look at their relationships honestly, take responsibility for any mistakes they made or just move the fuck on. It's all wallowing in self-pity and blaming everyone but themselves.
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She has lost the plot. It boils down to “how dare he leave me”. Plain and simple. Those poor girls need out of that household now.
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Oh god yes I wrote the wiki and didn’t even name her kids in it. I absolutely am worried about them. But she’s a really awful human. Who the feck responds to a poor broken woman like that mememememe and basically wishing IG was dead. Who would pay your bills then Alice
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I'm really curious how this case is going to end. One thing is certain it's yet another proof for how easy it is to manipulate people. She has managed to make her "fans" thinking that all the things she herself claimed at some point came from Ioan and are lies and that he is the one doing a public campaign against her, not her (LOL). It's bloody shocking that she has any support.

And it would have been so easy had she just kept it very modest (see, I'm not even saying that she should have kept silent). Everyone had already assumed that he was cheating, and he would have been found out at some point probably. Then she would have had all the support she wants. But most see what she is like and cant even blame him.
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Alice does the bed wetting? Or the cleaning up after? And who is wetting the bed. Both girls should be past that now. And Emma would not be wetting the bed if she was cared for properly.

View attachment 884583
Alice does the bed wetting! 🤣
Seriously Alice you twat! Out one of your girls on Sm that she wets the bed. Just for more pity for poor poor you.
And anyway how hard can that be? They make pull-ups for kids to wear to bed and there will be no bedding changes. And if there are I’m sure Gloria will be doing the laundry.
Some children wet the bed longer than average. There’s a genetic component. Unless it’s secondary enuresis which begins after being dry at night and is caused by illness or stress. 🤔
And she does the nights? What do you have to do at night with two school aged girls? Put them to bed? She stated herself that the little one does everything and puts herself to bed, shower included without prompting.
Making someone’s rent? 😡
Coordinating the two schools during a pandemic? Call the wambulance! 🚑
She’s so full of shit her eyes are brown. Sorry, but I’m so angry at her.
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These interviews make more sense, shes been watching The Crown hasn’t she
Oh a car crash in a Paris tunnel. I see ......

Possibly, but I feel more likey she is too lazy to work or just plain unemployable
Unemployable. And lazy too. But mostly unemployable. Prob well known in HWood and made Ioan mostly unemployable too by association.
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