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Alice does the bed wetting? Or the cleaning up after? And who is wetting the bed. Both girls should be past that now. And Emma would not be wetting the bed if she was cared for properly.

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Why does she talk like she deserves a medal for that? Most parents do that on the daily anyway, it's in our job description.
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I have debated long and hard about posting this in case it was a step too far.

I read the below article earlier around their IVF journey and as far as I am aware they have not shared publicly why they followed this route? (Nor should we expect them too. It is intensely personal) I'm really hoping they did not have fertility testing done before going for IVF and just went for it due to their ages. If there had been an issue with Ioan I'm sure Alice would share online which would be excruciating for him or if there was an issue with her and Ioan goes on to have further children (which is likely) it will be a knife through her heart. There are no winners in this situation. (I hope I have phrased this sensitively I realise how painful this subject can be for so many sadly)

These threads have evolved as things have escalated as much as we all enjoy the memes and the humour we also realise there are real human beings involved and Tattlers are actually very kind people who wish nobody any ill will.

I feel sorry for everyone involved in this mess.

I feel for Alice (as much as she makes it extremely difficult for me). She clearly idolised her husband and her life revolved around him. She is not capable of the self-reflection and understanding where she went wrong. She is clearly blindsided and can't make sense of what has happened.

I feel for Ioan as I have no doubt this was a toxic and abusive relationship that he found hard to get away from and he was unhappy for a long time.

I feel for Bianca who at the age of 29 probably didn't appreciate the enormity of what she was getting into. It worries me that MS is exacerbated by stress. I hope she is okay.

I feel for Gloria who probably doesn't know what shitshow she is walking into from one day to the next.

I feel for the dog and that fucking bark collar.

I feel for Ioan's parents who seem like lovely people and are no doubt completely mortified and would probably love a closer relationship with their two grandchildren.

But mostly I feel for those two lovely girls who are obviously much wanted and much loved. I fear now we are past the point where they can leave childhood unscathed emotionally.

Alice writes beautifully in this article she is clearly very intelligent and articulate she could really be a powerful voice for women if she channelled her energy in a more positive way. I would love to see her get her shit together and for her and Ioan to have a positive co-parenting relationship. It's so sad that I doubt that will happen.

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Can't remember who said it (thread fatigue & still early in day here) about a lot of us all glued to this due to bad experiences with narcs (in whatever form, as someone else said many diff types) for me this is fascinating (poss wrong word as young girls sanity at stake here) hope you know what I mean - this very much is a helpful & friendly thread, have learnt so much that helps me personally (thank you for sharing) & so many of you are funny, poignant, & right on the button snarky. Possibly not many people understand the level of humour required to deal with this shitshow, that has been shoved in our faces by SEL herself, the fact she did that doesn't make me feel bad discussing it. I would imagine IG will need a long time to come to terms with fact he "chose" her the fact he tried so hard for so long speaks volumes. As someone who's father was 1st class narc/many other things I strongly feel IG isn't (of course I don't know anything for certain just my hunch). Hope wanting to be there for his kids gives him strength to get out other side🤞. Was late in my life when I realised I needed to cut myself off from dad (not that it bothered him anyway) & suck up fact that my own bad choices were driven by unprocessed feelings regarding his parenting then be grateful for all I did have. Now I truly feel sorry for him as I know he'll never be happy & that's his choice, not my fault. I rejoice that a lot of people here know how hard won happiness within yourself is worth👍😘and wish everyone strength with daily struggle to keep on track.🫂
NB sorry about that sentimental rambling. Need to access snark mode I feel a lot coming up any day now😱. Anyone want to start a book on how many threads this dire situation will take? 30? 50? 150?! *bangs head on empty coffee pot *
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AE has clearly never been suicidal in her life if she can call it cowardly.
I won't bore you with my story because who fucking cares about a COWARD like me.
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Chatty Member
Also Alice can fuck off with this “I’m giving Gloria money I’m such a good person” bullshit. It’s a job, lady. You’re an employer, she’s providing a service in exchange for a paycheck. You’re not some saint for paying someone a living wage when they’re working for you. Employers aren’t doing employees favors, it’s an exchange
Also she’s patting herself on the back for spending his money when realistically she doesn’t need to. I would be pretty fuming being Gloria and looking after an adult baby woman who is hungover and just fucking lazy rather than actual children even if I was getting paid ‘to make rent’.
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Chatty Member
She's not silly enough to threaten his life outright
No but she will agree with and like psychotic posters who talk about lying in wait for their exes, and not in the legal way? What in the actual F am I reading? He left even though she did nothing wrong? PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED TO LEAVE RELATIONSHIPS
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House of Tea

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I used an unusual phrase in one of my posts quite a few threads back. AE used the same phrase in one of her tweets a few days later. It was too coincidental- I think she reads here.
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God. This thread is embarrassing. He is criticising Ioan for praising Ella Newton (3 years ago), implying that this was all part of his evil plan to torture his wife.

This dude is completely disconnected from reality

PS: she was dragged into this by Alice. But he could never blame her.
He’s trying to get Alice off the hook for attacking her on Twitter. Not going to work Lupine. We didn’t do it either. Alice did.
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Be interesting to see where the next few days go, that's for sure. Hope he gets the girls away from her for a while, I dread to think what being in the splash zone for their mother's turmoil all these months has done to them! As for what made her react this extremely, I think she just... did not have a life outside of her husband. At all.

And I'd like to point out that she's making this out to be completely normal for an actor's spouse, and it's just not.
Ironically Ioan came onto my radar again because I'm a big fan of one of his Hornblower costars, and though that guy's been the breadwinner all this time because of course he makes the most money, his spouse has always been gainfully employed. As I recall she was a university lecturer in Bristol (where they live) for decades, and well respected in her own right by her own peers. Kind of a tangent, but I just wanted to point out being an actor's spouse with kids to raise doesn't immediately mean you have to give up all sense of self. Yeah she was home with the kids whilst he was off working but she had a life of her own and wasn't just waiting for him to come back.

No wonder she seems so warped now when most of what she considered her sense of self was wrapped up in "Being IG's spouse". And she can make that seem like his "fault" for being the most bankable out of the two of them, but it's ultimately on her. She didn't have to basically stop leaving the house in his absence and renounce all semblance of a social life outside of them as a couple. She chose to. She became her husband and then he left and now woe is her because clearly there's nothing more for her here... what a waste of tremendous privilege. She's had months to pick herself up and do something constructive, she chose not to. And the saddest thing is that she does not understand she is in fact making choices. She has agency, she's always had agency, but if that's true then maybe she's not wholly innocent in everything that's happened and she can't have that.
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The eldest is 12. I was going school alone at that age for years already, and the school was miles away too

She strikes me as a helicopter mom, that also explains why she completely refuses to leave the kids without both parents for a week at friends or the nanny to at least take a guest role or something.
Possibly, but I feel more likey she is too lazy to work or just plain unemployable
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her behavior hasnt changed. She is still writing shit on IG. Her getting back and forth between being angry at Ioan and melancholic about him is also nothing new. Over the past 10 months she constantly is in the first 2 stages of grief (denial/anger), then often jumps to the 4th stage (sadness) for some time, and then goes back to the first two lol. She claimed yesterday that with Ioan's IG reveal she had to start her grieving process all over again, but she seems to do it constantly.

Since she made her recent tweets on phone she probably just doesnt have her laptop right now, limits her probably. Also you are at some point running out of material to rant about. Ioan offers her pretty much nothing.
She’s really just repeating herself at this point. She’s neurotic and emotionally incontinent but beyond that she’s loud, vulgar, overbearing and annoying and her voice absolutely grates on me. - Apart from that she seems quite nice. 😉
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Probably not ideal to admit your dog shits wherever it wants
Probably shit on the floor because it’s neglected and no one let the poor thing out. I guess Alice was comatose as usual. No idea what the lisping was about - hadn’t put her teeth in?
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I think it’s fair to her brief sober spell has come to a dramatic close and she’s back on the booze/morphine or whatever it is that pickles her brain and makes her paranoid and/or psychotic. When will they find her a facility?
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I might need to bring my IG ping bot back if she really mostly using this now lol











he has stopped calling them because they dont want to talk to him after all the PA you fruit cake
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As much as I hate it, I have to do some real life stuff as Thanksgiving is tomorrow. I should have known that damned Alice would kick off. Narcs always do at holiday time, especially Christmas. Also at births, funerals, weddings, etc.
Alice should thank her lucky stars she has two healthy whole daughters at this time and food on the table put there by IG! Unlike those of some families. 😞
You’re a mean one, Alice Grinch! I’m sorry but I couldn’t resist. 😆
You're very right, Alice can't see past the end of her own altered nose, shes very ungrateful. Some of us would give our right arm for what she had and destroyed, or indeed what she still has, and still fails to recognise, i.e. Two healthy children, plus things she would fail to even acknowledge.

My ex would always cause disruptions at events/important dates etc, even when I was looking forward to going to the cinema, we had travelled around 50 minutes by car to the cinema(our nearest one), yet 2 miles before we arrived he caused a major argument, on completely baseless accusations THEN furiously turned the car and raced us home - And I was in the wrong?? Same behaviour at Xmas, birthdays, (or even if going away - or being on holiday - sometimes I'd have to get a separate room, or plan flights home early/alone). I did that for 4-5 years, dread to think 20.
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wow Alice, that’s what parents do. Do you want a fucking medal?

also, your money?

ugh! I have no time for this !@#* today!
I love that she sees paying someone to pick up dog shit and do her laundry or whatever the hell Gloria does as her “helping” them by generously giving money. She’s fucking earned that money you absolute twat.
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