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Madge Harvey

Well-known member
This is a fuckton I'm sorry lmao.

I'm really curious how people feel about this video. I don't mean to imply that there's "something there" that needs attention, but y'all have consistently provided some really stellar, well-thought-out commentary on her behaviors that I just figured I'd pop this in somewhere to see if anything is odd or concerning.

Here's my deal: I watch this and I think she's very cute, tbh. I watched it when I supported AE earlier on, and then I actually watched it again AFTER ending my support for her and I still thought it was cute.

Remember I told you about that BPD behavior I have called "splitting"? I struggle to broadly judge people's characters--if they do something upsetting one minute I'm likely to demonize them, but if they do something nice the next minute I'll likely think they're absolutely amazing. (DBT helps, been doing much better these past few years.)

So like...I watch this video now and it makes me split really, really hard, man. I don't know if it's totally me or if she's just kind and lovely for the cameras, but it kind of throws me for a loop. She's so vicious on social media but then she's so lighthearted during an interview. Idk, when you split it's very hard to be able to hold those two traits together at the same time, like you can only see black or white.

Does anyone have commentary or opinions to share on this? Completely understand if it's just a normal interview and there's nothing really there to be concerned about. I personally notice that they're holding hands, it seems. I do believe that AE is right in that Ioan is concerned about image (spousal abuse will do that tho), so I wonder if that gesture is something he preferred they do for the cams or if Alice wanted them to do it or if it was just completely natural...? It doesn't seem natural, like throughout the interview they just won't let go lmao.

All I see in that video is what I see in every footage of the pair of them. The interviewer asks him a question and she jumps in and doesn’t let him answer/finish what he was saying. Can you imagine that everyday for 20 years.
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This is strange logic - she says if these accusations are true, only BW would know. Then she accuses the person of being BW. It reads to me like a tacit admission that they are true!
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I’m more psyched than ever for IG to get his happiness finally and for the swivel eyed loon to be called to heel. And for IG to be with his daughters and repair their relationship.
I’m also feeling sad for him to not be with Bianca because he no doubt needs her.
I’m worried that the SEL has drained all their finances by her not allowing the divorce to happen.
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Alice says she vomits every morning and it’s her body’s reaction to his betrayal.

So nothing to do with the 2 bottles of wine she necks every night and all of the drugs?

I’m going to remember that one next time I’ve had a skinful after a night on the lash. As I cup the toilet bowl and chuck up my intestines, ‘this is just my body’s reaction to being dumped by my first boyfriend when I was in the lower sixth.’
It reminds me of the time I went out drinking all night, at about 17 and still living at home. I came home drunk as a skunk and the next morning I said to my mum 'I think I got food poisoning'.
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Almost Bianca

Active member
interestingly, her instagram seems almost totally devoid of outdoor spaces pictures. Sometimes when they travelled, yes. But there is no greenery. Even her own garden is not really a garden, shrubs are just for screening. I have never seen anybody less interested in nature or plants or outdoors. No beach photos with kids, no walkies with the dog. Nothing to do with any privacy Im sure as she - well, we all know she has no concept of it.. living in LA surely you would want to walk on the beach and take at least a couple of pics of sunset or something?! No wonder her dog poops on the floor as it appears she is not being taken out regularly… its all so weird and she now really disgusts me, with her vileness and meanness and hideous threats, "she cant save him now" - you vile bitch! Im off to look at Charles Dowding garden on instagram, and Juniper the fox, and do some work and then go walk in the garden with me cat! Fuck you, Alice, WE ARE ON A BREAK! Love to all Tattlers, be back in the evening :) x
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
One thing about the bed wetting - it's something that can happen when a child has gone through trauma or severe stress.
Gosh, I wonder if the daughters are feeling stressed about their home life.
Alice, by saying that, not only are you sharing something that shouldn't be shared, but you're making obvious the fact that they're not being protected from your raging emotional rampages, like you claimed. Have you considered that they are aware of your ranting online in the middle of the night? Of some of the awful things you call your ex-husband, who is still their one and only father? For pity's sake. Stop being so bloody selfish.
I was thinking exactly the same.

The girls witness Alice starting the day puking her guts up after the previous night’s alcohol binge. She then spends the rest of the day trying to gather evidence for her divorce that will never see light of day. This activity winds her up into a total frenzy of rage which spills over as soon as the girls come back from school. She welcomes them home clutching a large glass of wine and a ‘you’ll never guess what your fucker of a father has done today’

Those girls must be absolutely terrified of her and no wonder they are wetting the bed. And how totally shameful of you for sharing that about your daughters Alice that is beyond the pale. You truly are a sick individual.

IG needs to get those girls away from her to protect them. She is doing them untold damage now. Divorce is extremely painful but when you have children their wellbeing comes first.
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It’s very romanticised.

Alice girl, go save your man from himself. He needs you to step in. He’s been totally corrupted by a poor, uneducated, bendy young Australian woman. This woman is clearly using an ageing, fairly quiet seemingly inoffensive maybe a little boring Welshman with limited funds in the middle or a high profile divorce for a career in Hollywood and a visa.

She’s even plotting to kill you off and appropriate your kids in her quest for fame and fortune! He’s been so blinded and entranced by her young bouncy boobs that he has decided to launch a dedicated smear campaign against you online using multiple sock accounts, dripping secrets about you that you have never told anyone.

this is all so plausible I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to come round to it 🤣
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He will want to get this divorce moving asap. *Cue more kicking and screaming from AE*

I found the photo I was looking for from 2001 - notice the possessive body language. ⚠ And the little dig of course, posted in 2018.
Her comments and hashtags :eek: Even all the way back then she was making nasty little "jokes" about him. I'm amazed he came out of that relationship with any self-esteem at all.

Just to waste time, I went to AE's instagram and found telling...he even looks miserable here. And the caption, IG apparently saved AE....
She looks like she's suffocating him!
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I'm going back to the age-old expression of she's so full of shit, her eyes are brown. Suits her well.

Absolutely everything about her divorce is ordinary. Divorce is ordinary. There's absolutely nothing that the judge will be surprised about except what a headcase she is.
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Alice Evans was a babe. Look at her in this video (it’s in French, but the French is very flirtatious in her mouth) - she changed so much that I doubt the woman in that video would recognize the woman she is today

Should have stayed in France, seems like she actually had a decent career there too? It’s fascinating to think how different life choices (who we marry, where we live and that country’s attitudes towards aging) affect how we age. Alice even looked pretty good up until about 3-4 years ago. It went off a cliff after that but I think she could still pull it back. Can’t do much about the personality though.
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The eldest is 12. I was going school alone at that age for years already, and the school was miles away too

She strikes me as a helicopter mom, that also explains why she completely refuses to leave the kids without both parents for a week at friends or the nanny to at least take a guest role or something.
It’s all bullshit. Most people do all the stuff she lists without a nanny and with a full time job. Cry me a river. Also the “never wanting to leave the kids” is very convenient when you can’t be arsed to work and want an excuse for your failing acting career. She happily left the kids overnight for multiple nights when she went on holiday with Ioan.

yeah it’s so odd to me that she considers this an overwhelming obstacle. Schools in America (esp in the area they live) generally have free buses and before school programs for kids whose parents have to drop them off early. There’s def working parents that struggle with school drop off/pick up, but yeah I’m sorry if I don’t feel sympathy for her “struggle” here when she isn’t trying to balance a job and she can afford a nanny for an entire day besides. My guess too that shes a real helicopter person
She mentioned the school bus the other day! She doesn’t have to drive them to school at all
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As much as I hate it, I have to do some real life stuff as Thanksgiving is tomorrow. I should have known that damned Alice would kick off. Narcs always do at holiday time, especially Christmas. Also at births, funerals, weddings, etc.
Alice should thank her lucky stars she has two healthy whole daughters at this time and food on the table put there by IG! Unlike those of some families. 😞
You’re a mean one, Alice Grinch! I’m sorry but I couldn’t resist. 😆
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Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise
I think I read a bit about this after the fact - the Scientology escape, her not announcing Jamie foxx until an anniversary of their divorce- but is there way more that I’ve missed?

she changed so much that I doubt the woman in that video would recognize the woman she is today
Yes I saw this, the most interesting thing is how normal and kind of cool she looks, all in a second language. None of the weird eye opening and squashing her head into her neck that she does now. Plus all the men are wrapped around her little finger. To go from that - what a mind fuck for her. I’ll give her that.
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Omg but I’m still SO ANGRY. Like how do you navigate the world pretending it’s YOUR world and that everyone in it is just an extra?? How did she make it to age 50-what-the-fuck-ever being so narrow?? Sweet Jehovah, she wasn’t even that pretty back then! She had looks but my queer ass wouldn’t exactly buy her a drink at the pub. People really be falling facedown for a thin white blonde whose resume is as spotty as one of the 102 fucking Dalmatians LIKE…?! Oh my god, I hate her now, forget my couple of compliments on page whatever, I take it all back, she and Ioan’s toothbrush in the bathroom can suck my balls.
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Sorry was feeling a bit sensitive.

I wanted to feel sorry for her at the start but it's very hard to buy into her woe is me bullshit when she's treating everyone like shit on her shoe.

Here's a picture of Pixie to cheer people up. She's my favourite photography subject
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They look like they could almost be related in that photo of the two of them - possessiveness and negging photo aside, they look to be of a similar attractiveness here. Ageing, esp for women, is haaard. But by all accounts (including his) it seems like IG works hard to beat it - he seems into his fitness, plus what AE disdainfully refers to as his “orthorexic” food prep, the boringness of no longer drinking, the makeup (which he admits to!) Unfortunately whatever plastic surgery she’s had hasn’t been very good, and yeah, unfortunately booze and not sleeping don’t help. I’m not going to fat shame her but it’s pretty horrid of her to be so rude about his attempts to keep his looks, especially when - vanity aside - she knows how much his career depends on it.
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Finally caught up. This piss poor excuse of a woman/human/mother is actually making me annoyed. Why she saying the kids are getting used to life without daddy? He's not dead, Alice. He wants to see them. They want to see him. When will she realise that he isn't coming back to her and he's left her, not his kids?

She's gonna ruin that dog more than she's ruining her prospects at this point. As for the kids relationship with their dad... I would be surprised if she's not already ruined it.

No wonder he left and no wonder her dad cba with her she's a narcissistic liability who lies too much.
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Is anyone looking forward to the big changes that IG promised? :cool:

He's back this week. There should be some fireworks lol
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Lupine thinks he sounds erudite and fancy but actually sounds like a bot/ weird Google Translate. What an odd, odd person to align yourself with.
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