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Chatty Member
To be honest, I really do love tretinoin and my skin has never looked better than when I was using it. I used to get it from dermatica, I never tried 'skin and me' but Im guessing it's basically the same. I got pregnant so I stopped using it and I haven't started up again because... idk really, I love skincare so much so even though I honestly do think it's a "wonder product" I like the ritual of doing a 10000 step skin care routine and when you're using tretinoin you basically only use that and a moisturiser so. I'm sick of every influencer and their mum promoting it though. I don't even believe they use it either because if they did I'm sure a lot of them would have much better skin.
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I'm sooooon glad her upcoming vlog is VERY realistic and not just a realistic one. 🙄

Her ad agency looks terrible. Also, most the companies she claims to have done "paid work" are generally companies that give pretty much all their customers a referral code to entice friends and family in. There's nothing unusual or unique that she has had. The Christmas pyjama one was probably the most unique one. Will be intresting to see if they choose to "work" with her again. I mean she claims try make realistic and relatable vlogs then shares a company that most people may struggle to afford. Even if they can afford it, they may not want to pay a ridiculous amount for kids pyjamas that will only get worn for a handful of times.
I bought my LG some Next ones for Christmas and even that was more than I wanted to spend but did because she wanted one with penguins on and there were the only one I could find. 😅
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Chatty Member
Yeah that's what I was saying. It isn't if you have a few family members to give to. I assumed the £1200 was just for gifts, not all family outings, food etc. which can add up. I'm lucky in that my husband's family do all the cooking so I don't have to worry about those costs 😆
We saw 2 santa's last year for free, but my little ones were so scared of him there was no way I was paying to see better ones 🤣
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Does anyone else notice that since she picked up the baby walker, H is just positioned in front of it to stare at constantly? I’ve noticed it on vlogs, stories and reels 😂
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Has a one watched to vlog and found out why the current week was so damn hard?
Watching it now while I get set up for work. Part of me can't stand her moaning but the other part feels sorry for her cause she literally is a single mum with two kids. I wonder if Ash has ever taken the two kids to soft play himself. I know he doesn't want to be on camera, but she just seems like she's with the kids all the time.
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Compound interest grows over the years, and averages around 7% growth (inflation adjusted) per year historically. Some years are less, some are more, but the way she has it set up means he’ll have a decent amount by the time he’s 18. We put in 150 per month for our daughter. Shan’s just rubbish at explaining it 😂
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I agree, her husband seems to not do anything, although we do only see certain bits maybe she chooses not to share some stuff. But does he ever get up with the kids in morning? Why doesn't he take G out on weekend have some father son bonding? Or take both kids so she has break? Even if it's having a coffee in her bedroom alone while he entertains the kids. That's proberly why she feels how she does as she is like everyone said in a marriage but clearly doing 100% everything.
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One of mine went through a 4am wake up phase and we stuck YouTube on for him because 4am is too early to be doing anything. Then he started waking up for YouTube specifically asking for it so we had to ride it out and get up with him, run him ragged all day and early to bed. A 3 week cycle was broken in about 3 days! They get over stimulated by it and it becomes all consuming. My kids never ask for cbeebies because (I think) it's more gentle on their minds but YouTube they would do anything for.
My role as a parent is to let them enjoy what they enjoy but to keep it safe for them. We do hand over the tablets for an hour on Saturday morning and evening but the rest of the time were playing with them, out in the garden, walking the dog or just involving them in day to day life. Halles food needs clearing up (sorry I keep going on about that 😅) then give G the dustpan he would love it. All my kids love mundane tasks like that. I'm always taking them out to sweep leaves or rake grass they can't get enough of it the lil weirdos 💜
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Well-known member
She blocked me on ig a few weeks ago so this latest vlog is the only thing I've seen, I'm 12mins in and i can't watch the rest. That little boy has no rules or boundaries the whinging at everything and then the "i want" for his toy, i might be picky but I'd be correcting that straight away to "please can i have" especially after the whining. And her asking him to get dressed and he got distracted and she instantly gave up instead of telling him no and to come back. She 100% permissive i dont understand how she hasn't driven herself mad and got to the point of having enough and just saying no. Also he's nearly 4 maybe if she told him to get dressed himself he'd be more inclined i know with my son who about the same age the first night asked him to try and put his pjs on he was rolling on the floor fake crying acting like it was the hardest task in the world but after that when he realised he could do it there was no problem he doesn't like me helping anymore. She needs to realise hes growing up and it will all get worse if she doesn't change her ways now and his future teachers will be the ones who get the brunt of it too.
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Well-known member
Oh agreed - it is such hard work when it’s dropped. Especially going in the car anywhere after 11am 😂. My eldest is literally days younger than G and the nap was completely dropped by June last year I think at 2y 9m and that was after a few months of transitioning to no nap. Like you said though, it’s really tough and it means you have a child with you at all times when they’re at home (and I suspect she misses the alone time having had another child) but you do these things because they are right for your child, not because you miss arsing about on your phone like she does.

I totally think you’re right here too. I’ve said it before but I really think she thought nursery would just do the leg work for her since he was in 4 full days per week but they are there to support training, not facilitate it.

It’s always a case of her cutting corners when things are tough. I think it shows her immaturity. She’s still letting him nap now because she gets quiet time for herself immediately but then pays for it all evening, causing herself tons of stress because G rightly isn’t tired. Same with the toilet training. She didn’t want to put in the hard work for a few days but is paying for it long term. Goodness knows what it’s doing to his self esteem by having accidents most days. Imagine if he was what, 10 days younger? He’d be starting school this year! She’s fortunate that he isn’t. It’s obviously very common for young children to have toilet accidents but not daily for a child who allegedly was trained so long ago. She just can’t seem to see that she makes life so difficult for herself in the long term because of poor choices in the immediate.
My little girls been trained for nearly a year now, but not at night, she was dry for 6nights in a row at night, so we tried her for without nappy 2 nights she was dry then 2 nights she was wet so we put her back in nappies for the night & will try again she has just turnt 3. Those 2 nights changing bed sheets was mental so how shan does it most nights Is beyond me, she really needs to rethink potty training, she just seems like she's waiting for him to one day just stop having accidents without her actually intervening & trying to correct it. Its been that long now he proberly just thinks its normal 🙈
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VIP Member
She doesn't have a bedtime routine so reading books isn't part of it. It would actually be so nice to see a post about favourite books to read. That would actually be quite mature, rather than shoving them in front of the TV all the time.

She only does the Q&As to make extra money not because she wants to share anything with her followers. I reckon she feels the pressure now with not having another job and she's gonna spam the hell out of us with adverts left and right so she can buy more hellofresh and do more videos 😫

I saw that story and I thought how immature she was 😂 If she had a job at 14 it was not a serious job. Didnt she work at Weatherspoons? Many of us had summer jobs as teenagers, hardly a big deal.

Buying a house or getting married doesn't automatically turn you into a mature person. You just become an immature person with a house and kids 🤣 And we all know that's just Shan in a nutshell.

Maybe being 'boring' is her definition of bring mature?
Q&a will probably bump up her engagement aswell so she's seen by more people
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Chatty Member
I felt the same. That’s passing out from pure exhaustion. And to think that the melatonin was meant to be a magic cure! If she stuck to a rigorous routine for a week she’d get his night time sleep sorted. I think she lets him nap because it gives her a short term break. I did the same yesterday - let my one year old have a three hour nap instead of two hours and he wouldn’t go to sleep until almost nine at night 😂. I knew I’d pay the price in the evening! Trouble is, she seems to let it happen every day with her son that’s way too old to need a sleep.
My 2.5yo had a 2 hour nap yesterday instead of his usual 1 hour, he was then up from 1am til 3:30am and up for the day before 6am 🫠 she should know that past the age of 2, naps are SUCH a delicate matter! 🙈😂
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Chatty Member
They'd get someone in on loan/secondment to cover while she's away. If her role wasn't there for any reason in 12 months then she'd go somewhere else at the same grade but they'd usually hold it for you. My mum is civil service and was loaned to universal credit for 12 months and then went back to her job at ONS and was still managing the same team.
There is already a guy in her role who has been there a few months with no indication that he is on a secondment/maternity cover. More experienced than Shan. When/if she returns, they'll have to either offer that guy a new role or her.
How does she only spend £200 a month on food and that includes Hello Fresh?! I’m sorry I don’t believe that for a second- I bet that’s what she THINKS she spends on groceries.
She gives her kids breadsticks and rice cakes for snacks instead of fruit, that's how! 😆
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I just can't see her going back to work. In a year if her YT is still making some money, is she really going to go back to working and commuting even if it's just twice a week. No chance! I don't know why she keeps pretending it's what she wants to do.
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VIP Member
If Halle isn't even rolling yet, it basically means she has very little trunk stability. That's something tummy time is really beneficial for. Shan claims she does tummy time but if Halle genuinely isn't reaching those developmental stages, it basically shows us she hasn't done enough or any actual tummy time.

My LG never crawled and went staight to cruising and walking. But then about 3 months after walking she decided she wanted to crawl crawl 😂
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I wondered if she was still signed up with her agency and I came across their Instagram page. She has two campaign videos there: (the last one and one on the 6th row). As I dont watch her videos I've never seen these snippets before - they are AWFUL. She can't act to save her life and she just isn't convincing. How does anyone believe anything she says?

In one of them, advertising a rather expensive mattress, she talks about the little sleep she gets as a mum of 2 HAS to be good quality sleep. But as if she bothered getting a top of the range mattress if she was paying for it herself - BS! She is an awful liar. The HelloFresh ad is even worse.

In another video on row 7, with the Chrismas PJs, she is clearly showing her two kids' faces. So she is totally ok with selling her children's privacy for a price.

Her engagement on TikTok is appalling as well. I have no idea what kind of an agency would take her in, even as a microinfluencer.
I find it so irritating that she constantly looks away from the camera.
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