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If you know he’s going to be tired why not bath him when he gets in from nursery and get him in his pyjamas and then give him tea, play for a little bit and get him to bed early.
The inconsistency in his sleep pattern is why he’s waking so much. And he is also old enough to understand if you wake in the night just roll over and go back to sleep. If he’s messing around for ages at night they need to have 15 minutes cuddling him and if he’s still awake they need to leave him and go back after 10 minutes. My son is 4 and loves to do anything to keep himself awake if we are in bed with him, if we leave him 10 minutes he’s fast asleep.
One of mine went through a 4am wake up phase and we stuck YouTube on for him because 4am is too early to be doing anything. Then he started waking up for YouTube specifically asking for it so we had to ride it out and get up with him, run him ragged all day and early to bed. A 3 week cycle was broken in about 3 days! They get over stimulated by it and it becomes all consuming. My kids never ask for cbeebies because (I think) it's more gentle on their minds but YouTube they would do anything for.
My role as a parent is to let them enjoy what they enjoy but to keep it safe for them. We do hand over the tablets for an hour on Saturday morning and evening but the rest of the time were playing with them, out in the garden, walking the dog or just involving them in day to day life. Halles food needs clearing up (sorry I keep going on about that 😅) then give G the dustpan he would love it. All my kids love mundane tasks like that. I'm always taking them out to sweep leaves or rake grass they can't get enough of it the lil weirdos 💜
Kids love to feel like they are helping. My little boy LOVES using the duster and hoover.
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It's awful!!! It's as if she is using pinterest ideas from 2012 :rolleyes: Black bathroom fittings and herringbone subway tiles are so passé. Has she not looked at any designer bathroom companies catalogues for inspiration? Her whole sense of style belongs to a 40 year old from a small village in Wales. I feel like I am disrespecting them comparing them to Shan too.
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If signal is patchy, I fail to believe there is no WiFi where she's staying. I bet Ash told her to not share anything while they're away because he knows she's already given away in the past where their house is and publicising the house is empty. 😅
I literally just came back from another Forest Holidays site, we go all the time and their free wifi is really good. If she doesn't pay for the premium package she won't be able to cast from her phone and play TV for the kids, she'll only get terrestial channels.

So although there isn't great signal in most sites that only limits some phone calls. You can still make wifi call. So she is talking BS
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I’m 2 seconds in and literally rushed here to say this!!
Me too! 😅

I've only just watched the first few minutes but she mentioned that George had a nap at nursery so he went to bed late. I don't know about other nurseries but my LGs nursery don't do naps from when they get to about 2.5 years and definitely not by 3.5 years!
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I think it just goes to show that her ideology of being mature consists of having “MANY nights out in London”. That’s no big deal at all. If anything, those many nights out in London were because she was a teen who’d just turned 18.

Oh yes, I thought the same. It was a bit heavy on the affiliate links. People don’t like that stuff all the time, it just comes across as greedy. I’m personally not interested in supporting her small business. When I scroll Instagram it’s to let off steam for a few minutes, not to click on every link going.

I do truly believe she thinks that she’s doing it all for her children’s futures and it isn’t - she’s doing it for herself because she wants easy money and to slob around at home all the time.
It's laughable that she thinks a few nights out make anyone mature. I bought a house and got married at 22 but we didn't have kids until our mid-30s. In the meantime, I travelled through 4 continents, lived in 3 different countries, visited 43 of them, set up my own (actual) business... This of course, isn't the only kind of thing that makes you mature, but I think that experiencing the world, travelling, meeting people with experiences different to yours, whether that's in other countries or even if they live down the road, those kind of things are what make you become an "adult". And she is far from that still. Her very very small friends circle only accepts "clones" of her like Liv. I can't even imagine her ever having any friends of different races, different social backgrounds or levels of education. That includes those that are considerably more educated than her!

I wouldn't say she has a small business. She is a self-employed sales rep. She sells for large corporations like Amazon and HelloFresh. Or anyone that'll give her free stuff. I'll be the first one to support actual small businesses, specially if ran by women. Like the lady that did that jumper for Halle. Shan doesn't really produce anything herself, comparable to the whole Kardashians "being famous for being famous" thing.

100% agree, she just wants the glory and easy money rather than a "real" career.


I wonder what "pot" buying followers comes out of 😂 Just noticed an insane amount of growth lately that's totally unjustifiable, meanwhile, her engagement rate on IG is very very poor at 0.87%. That is poor for a huge influencer but for a microinfluencer like her it's even poorer. I wonder what stats have led her to believe she can do this full time...

Her youtube stats are even more laughable. Anyone else notices a trend here...?

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See if having a wild child is making her money, I'm going to start blogging and sticking an emoji over my wains face. Mine is a different level sometimes. I mean this weekend alone could have seen me in a psychiatric facility but I kinda just expect that's what parenting is like and one day he'll move out and I'll miss it 🤷🏼‍♀️
Don't worry, everything is just a phase! 🤣🤣
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Chatty Member
This is how she does friendships 😂 she stalks them until they agree to be her friend.
So true. She is ONLY interested in friendships if it's a friendship with a fellow 'influencer' who she can show off online (ahem...and leech off their brand) to boost her own profile. She's dying to be friends with and become one of the super popular mummy vloggers with a huge following and unless she can boast about being friends with you, she isn't interested in your friendship. Trouble is she's a shit content creator and and even shitter parent and everyone with a braincell can see that, so I can't imagine her platform will ever reach the heights she hoped or thought it would.

Never mind Shan....I know having another baby for content and constantly moaning about your kids to look 'relatable' didn't work out for you, but don't worry you can still ram your Hello Fresh code down everyone's throats every few weeks and pretend that's only exclusive to the best vloggers 😅
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Sorry but if a doctor fobbed me off with “ah probably a magnesium deficiency” for a toddler who can’t sleep for the amount of pain his legs are in, and who wakes up screaming??? Nope! I’m not buying that even happened tbh. Did she definitely say a GP told her this? Or was the magnesium thing just something she read online?
I don't remember the exact words she used but she did mention she had taken him to the doctor/GP and had some tests. I assume they all came back normal and she said the result is that it probably came down to a magnesium deficiency.

I agree that it doesn't sound like a believable story but then again most of what she says doesn't so I wasn't even fazed anymore 😂
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Chatty Member
Has a one watched to vlog and found out why the current week was so damn hard?
I haven't but every week of her lifetime is the hardest. Because she's got two children, doncha know? yaaawn
Blimey 😳 my toddler only gets half an hour a day 🤣
Maybe she could try talking to him about his feelings when he's upset instead of just cuddling him
This is precisely what I thought. She is giving us that stare through the camera like 'look at me, I'm cuddling my own crying infant. I should be mother of the year.' When its all the same fake acted BS she always tries to shove in everyone's face to prove she actually likes George (when she really doesn't). We all know she had to set to the camera first to film it. Could it be any more unnatural?

Shan, if you were a really caring mum, you would help George talk through his feelings and eventually he would learn to manage them and be an easier toddler. You filming yourself hugging your son after a tantrum makes you the opposite of a good mother.
As a 35 year old woman from a small village in Wales, I feel I'm close enough to this demographic to be offended 😒🤣🤣

Apologies to anyone close to that demographic! If anything, it's Shan who should be ashamed of her taste. I bet my bottom dollar yours is 1000% better 😜
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Is it just me who thinks that if my son has told me he has "sore legs" middle of the night a few times my first reaction would be to take him to the doctors and just blame it on a growth spurt?
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Chatty Member
So she took G to Download this weekend. While I'm so impressed she did, i can't decide if I'm just being judgey purely because it's her and not sure why she actually did?!

It's not known to be the most child friendly festival and I'd be frustrated that I couldn't enjoy seeing the bands I'd want to. There's loads of festivals that now have areas for young kids so they actually enjoy it. Granted they may not have the line up like Download may but you have to compromise somewhere?! 🤷🏽‍♀️
She only went because Ash is into it. It's not her kind of music. Why did they have to bring G? Did she intentionally misspell Limp bizkit to make it "cute" like G was pronouncing it? I'm more likely to believe she has no clue how to even spell it herself. What is she even wearing?! Doesn't fit in with the Download vibe, looks like she is going to take the kids to the playground at the park more like.

I've always been into emo/punk/rock/metal and I've been to a ton of festivals but I wouldn't in my wildest dreams think of taking my toddler alongside me. You can't really experience it as it should with kids. It's not meant to be for children. If Ash is really into that sort of music, I would feel a bit short-handed to be able to go to Download but have to go wherever my toddler wants to!

And wtf was that rant about "Download people" being non-judgemental 😂, as if they are all one single type of people. It's a frekking festival, of course everyone's in a great mood (some for different reasons than others :rolleyes:) and of course no one is going to judge anyone. She is so out of place.
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One of the pics she posted says "letting the dad's do the hard graft for once" which is just proof that Ash is not involved with much parenting.

She also tagged her SIL so naturally I went to snoop. SIL Insta is private but links her work page. It seems Shan had a lash lift and tint back in March..... What happened to the brilliant false lashes she always banged on about.... 😂 I hope she got charged full price and not free coz they're "family".


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I remember when my baby was little she used to rock her bouncer so hard she'd tip it forward.
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I actually think she has always deleted negative comments which I find really annoying. I would have more respect from her if she left them/replied and said that's fine you don't see us all the time etc.
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Well-known member
Sophie Lou Taylor recently said that you choose how many ads go with your videos (YouTube recommends an amount but she scales them down so people don’t get bored and click off) This one of Shans had sooo many! Who wants to see that many adds! Maternity pay must be running out… 🤪

Edited to add that I fucked it off in the end after counting 6 ads in less than 9 minutes (of a 48 minute long video)
She could quite easily sort some of her sleep deprivation out by not pissing around wasting time setting up camera shots and editing vlogs (haven't watched it but I can guess she repeats herself a lot) when she could use that time to nap/relax. Perhaps she could prep meals so they just need reheating when it's time to eat if she's getting snappy at Halle when she's obviously hungry but not got her food ready.

I was waiting to see how long it would be until she mentions George maybe being "additional needs" when he's more than likely just being too needy for her to want to deal with.
Yea. Because he best mate liv mentioned it about arlo
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I wondered the exact same thing! There's no way he is going to get it all done by himself in just the couple days they are away. And it doesn't seen like she has two bathrooms. Its going to be interesting when they get back... Maybe he is aiming to have the bathtub area done by then? It still seems like a struggle.
Even if the tub is usable, it still seems so impractical and potentially dangerous! She loves lying H on the floor while she does her own thing in the bathroom and we know in the past has left Geroge unattended while in the bath. He could so easily climb out now too!
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I know he doesn't want to be on social media, but it's the weekend and there didn't appear to be any sign of Ash during this "treat" outing.

I suppose if their marriage ends, she'll be used to living like a single parent already. 🙃
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Surprised to see Halle with no pramsuit/ blanket/ hat/ cardigan, has it really been that warm in London? She seemed to just be wearing a romper and tights and Shan had a jacket on.
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G is just the perfect age to be helping around the house. It is a bit of hindrance but they follow you round with a cloth chatting your head off and showing you all the ways they've helped it's just the cutest thing ever. I always have a kid hanging off me when I'm trying to do housework. Mopping the floor is my middles favourite activity. Crawling after the vac and laughing at it for no reason is my babies favourite activity.
My eldest is 2ish and does this already! Loves tidying up, cleaning and putting things away. If Shan had bothered to include George in her cleaning and tidying up routine from young(er) or if she made it fun, he could even help her. He would love the attention too.
She needs to deactivate all of her accounts and focus on being there for her children. Influencer life is not for her. She's shit at it and in her repeated attempts at trying to flog a dead horse she's actually neglecting her children
She has just agreed to an unpaid career break until next Sept where social media is her only job so she is unlikely to be quitting any time soon!

When H starts nursery in September with her free 15 hours, she'll be even more ignorant of her kids (if that's actually possible)
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