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Was ash even there on the bus trip? If Shan had George next to her, and Halle in front, then Unless ash sat on the other side of the aisle, he wasn’t there…
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The tv is back on for dancing fruit 🙃
Halles turn to now get raised by the TV for her to realise 3 years later it isn't maybe the best thing. As the years go on, I can see her praising and letting Halle do whatever she wants while being a complete bitch to George.
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why should she put his washing away? genuine question
I know she’s said quite a few times that they put their own clothes away. My husband puts washing away, I put washing away and if we do it, we both just do the whole basket to have it sorted. She shouldn’t have to, it’s just an unusual concept to me!
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& seeing her vlogs makes my mind up even more 😂😂😂 it was when she swore in anger in the car that I was like wow she needs some help.
Why and who did she swear at?

You would think those Better Help sessions she talked about so much would be helping her 🤣

I hate influencers that promote stuff they would never use themselves if it wasn't free.
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I've just watched those stories 🤣🤣 she completely contradicts herself..... How does she know that Lidl is the only place she can get a full shop for under £100 if it's the first time she's done it in ages?? 🤔 I don't have a baby so don't need to factor formula but I think £100 is wayy doable! Not sure what she's buying but with cost of living we've just made cheaper choices! Also, as if she's said that kids entertainment is one area she's not willing to go over 'budget' like wtf are you FOR REAL?! Family time is the one area we allow to overspend! It's the most important? Would be interested to know which areas she's happy overspending after hearing that 🙃 at this stage I'm almost convinced that they're a lot more worse off now ash has left the army because with both their wages living in a very 'average' house plus ads and YouTube etc she's incredibly frugal
She's probably not using Hello Fresh because she's not got enough credit to get a free box. 😂
I was going to say this too 🤣🤣 it's 100% the real reason!!!!
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@Jc456 I see! But Shan's job is highly administrative, and most importantly, there is someone with better experience and a higher level of education currently doing her job. It does not sound as a maternity cover - or at least they don't specify it in their Linkedin, so it sounds as if Shan will have to end up doing something else. Cause I can't see this other person job-sharing unless they move them onto another role?
Possibly, my mum did 6 months working for Universal credit before going back to her usual job. Mum's also just had a year off sick and they had someone covering her
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I actually thought that when she shared yet another reel about how hard her life is as a parent but in reality she's just constantly berating George.
Is that the seatbelt one?

She obviously disagrees but unless she chains him to the car, the only other viable solution is speaking to him and explaining things properly. She says words won't cut it, but she doesn't particularly have a great way with words when it comes to George.
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Geez Does everything she ever posts about have to be a way for her to make money?

I knew from the moment I read that first story asking for recommendations that it was going to end up with an affiliate link!

We get it, she's skint and now hasn't got a job. But ffs woman, have some self-respect at least.


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Maybe I am biased in who I follow, but she is one of the very few "influencers" (using that word lightly) that I follow who doesn't seem to care one little bit about the state of the world in general. She only posts menial things that are an issue to her. Which in the big scope of things, aren't that important.

Nothing about Gaza, or the election or the state of the economy, unemployment, or even the gender gap... anything remotely relevant. And she is a civil servant!

Part of me knows she just doesn't have the brain power to truly understand half of these issues but you would think she would care at least slightly, even if it's just for the likes?
I’m sure she’s mentioned before that she has to be careful discussing these issues online or having an opinion politically due to her job.
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@Puffin_island Sorry I couldn't find the link to watch the video without giving views and I didnt want to google it in case it led to some virus or something.

Does she even understand the actual meaning on RAW in this context? She is only using it because she thinks it'll give her more views, how pathetic.
There was nothing raw in that vlog. Be it raw as in unedited footage or raw as in authentic and makes you feel something. Sad fishing Shan as usual.

I think he's at nursery 4 days a week!! So she has absolutely no excuse at all.
I can't remember exactly but think she dropped his days while on mat leave. Not sure if it was down to 2 or 3. Probably 2 to save money. Even then that's still 2 days she could have taken Halle swimming.
she makes the excuse of having 2 children is the reason she hasn’t taken Halle swimming but George is in crèche at least 2 days a week… can’t she take her then or they can go as a family at the weekend (imagine 😱)
She saves the weekends for her spa days in Lidl 😂😂😂
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I truly can’t imagine ash coming home from work and bringing peace and serenity to their household, he seems like just an absolute liability for Shan
If he brings any serenity is because he goes to bed instead of looking after the children 🤣
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While she may do the bulk of the parenting I don’t think it’s comparable to a solo parent, small things like being able to nip to shop while h was napping, going ti her exercise classes etc there’s none of that as a solo parent as I’m sure others are. I get no support financially, physically or emotionally there’s no breaks, it’s not the same . She has it better than most George is in long days at nursery 3-4 times a week! She could make her life easier by stopping dicking around on Instagram filming cringy reels, hire a cleaner for an hour a week to help, do activities with the kids. Ash is clearly useless but she chose him and chose to have a second child. Georges behaviour seems very normal she’s said herself he was such an easy baby I think she’s shocked it’s not as easy anymore.
Agree, I'm a single mum. No financial support (I'm meant to get £4pw maintenance but doesn't pay lol) , no one to run anything past, no one to rant at if you've had a bad day, not able to nip out without taking the kids, can't leave the house after bedtime. The term solo parenting annoys me tbh
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I know I sound very 'blame Ash' in some of my posts- but comparing them (from what we see) to someone I knew in real life, it wouldn't shock me if the reason she is so hell bent on cleaning is because he expects it because she is always at home and sees that as his god given right to come home to a spotless house. I would not be surprised if he gives her so much shit that she has to prioritise cleaning so that he doesn't kick off when he gets back. It's all speculation and probs boils down to her wanting an Instagram level clean house and her being willing to do absolutely anything and everything to avoid looking after her own kids, but if she came out one day and said Ash was such a lazy entitled prick that he expected his wife to prioritise cleaning the home so it's nice when he gets back from work over anything else, including their kids. I wouldn't be at all surprised.
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I guess on the plus side, least when they split up and she has the kids on her own, she'll already be used to that life.

Also, I looked back at old threads to see if I could find a screenshot of the message I was referring to. I couldn't (tbh I didn't try very hard, bit like Shan's content 😅) but I did see while scanning that apparently she had seen that bananas can help with sleep (supposedly high in magnesium but also filling) so used to feed George a banana before bed and was apparently helping. This was about a year ago. Wonder what happened to that?! My first thought was she probably got fed up of having to pay for bananas as they don't come in a hello fresh box 😂
That was my first thought when she mentioned supplementation, shouldn't she have tried increasing the minerals in his diet first? Banana isn't the only way, G needs to have more greens but can also have fortified cereals and loads of other healthy foods.

Once again Lazy Shan attacks.
At the risk of taking us back the 50s I would say it does matter. Your dog could be eating toxic food off the floor, your kids need clean clothes. It does matter if those things aren't done.
And as she is home all day, only leaves once or twice a week and has a husband there isn't any reason why these things aren't done. You don't have to be Mrs Hinch but come on get the shit up off the floor.
Its not a question of IF, you/we should do those things, it's the when you do these things. And if you have two kids, a dog and in my case also a full time job, some of that cleaning and tidying doesnt get done straight away. And you kind of have to be ok with it and not panic like Shan does because some of it is unavoidable - your kids will always be priority over chores.

Of course if there's chocolate or something with onion/garlic which is poison for dogs, I wont wait picking it up. Or if my eldest had a wee accident (we are potty training), I wont let them sit in their own pee. But the majority of the chores get done at night when the kids are in bed and Im ok with that. No point crying over spilled milk.
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The government claims some of those jobs can be automated with AI. I think a lot of what Shan does can easily be, (diary scheduling is a clear one) but that would mean some additional investment in technology - and we all know how likely that is to happen with this government... 🤣

She is a broken record. Doesn't really have any other topics to talk about - and isn't particularly inventive. 🤷‍♀️
I think Shan is a higher grade than my friend. My friend should be worried as she tells me she barely does anything. Says things like all I did today was send 2 emails or added a few things onto a spreadsheet. Even if her job isn't taken by AI it sounds like it's something than another person could easily take on top of their own work.
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It surely isn't something like that though because the last thing you'd do is take a years career break 🤣
But it's not really a career break. She is self-employed and just dedicating more time to social media work. I think she must make more money than him still and that's why she pays for more things. She is basically the breadwinner.
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