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I don't know why these 'influencers' need to emphasise the words REALISTIC in their vlogs when it's their 'usual' content?! It's like trying to make every video seem more authentic than the last one 🤣 winds me up!
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@Puffin_island BEST summary I've ever read! That's exactly how. And she also uses all her kickbacks and discount codes to buy any stuff she actually needs.

The funny thing is that Shan has NIL knowledge of finance or budgeting. For example, if she is saving towards a car in the next couple of years, it makes more sense to put it in an ISA or a savings account with a high return, but she never talks about how she invests the money she saves.

Or it would make sense to pay off more off her mortgage if she isn't putting any money towards her pension. So at least the money is invested in something that is likely to bear a long-term return. She mentioned she is averse to financing/debt. But if you can get low interest debt and invest it at a higher return, it's a great way to make money. She literally has no clue further than putting money in pockets.

For anyone that is interested, here's a small influencer I follow for finance tips (she's an actual accountant which helps);
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They’ve had a nice family day out and she’s STILL moaning about George. You can’t really let a 3 year old in a gift shop and expect them to want a sticker book over a toy really
He's never going to go to for a sticker book, he probably already knows that wherever he places the stickers that his mum will comment that they aren't "in the right place" as she's comes across to me as that kind of person. He's 3, he really doesn't care that the triceratops has gone into the diplodocus page. He also hardly has any toys so of course he'll want one!

Also, the only time she ever mentions books or reading with George is bed time. We have kids books everywhere and my LG will always go round picking one up and bringing it over to read together. He only seems to have a Julia Donaldson set from whenever she mentions books. But then again, reading with your child involves spending time with them so of course Shan can't do that.
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I literally just came on to say the same thing. I’m only 4 minutes in and it’s already clear that’s why. Not to do the pick ups! She basically says that her content doesn’t reach a wide enough audience in focusing on motherhood so she wants to “branch out” snore.
This made me LOL so hard 😂 She has no hobbies, no friends, no social life. What is she going to branch out into exactly?? 😂 She can't even do skincare as she has no actual knowledge other than how it makes her skin feel. I'll be very curious to see what she goes into.
I'm so shallow 🤣 probably going against the grain but I don't compare myself to social media influencers. I know its lies but I still want to see it 🤣 I don't want to see sweaty softplay and piles of washing I can just look at my own lovely life for that.
Totally with you on that. I don't want a "realistic" influencer's house. I want to see a perfectly colour-coordinate grid so I can dream about what my house could look like if it was tidy 😂
...but with Shan specifically she is clearly only taking the year out so she can churn out more content with the aim of getting more brand deals and followers so she can finally call herself a full time influencer and ditch the day job altogether.

She is NOT doing this to be with her kids- she's doing it because she's deluded herself into thinking if she did this full time for a year her channel will grow significantly and she can finally be the influencer she's desperate to be.
Precisely. I can nearly bet money now that she won't make it in a year's time. All the time in the world won't make a difference to her lack of personality.
The amount of fruit is shocking to me, I spend a huge amount on fruit and veg for my daughter, why would she want to ‘bulk out’ their snacks with rice cakes and bread sticks to save money when she isn’t short on cash!
The fruit thing really annoyed me to be honest. She is hardly struggling money-wise, why try and skimp on nutrients her kids need and give them empty calories like bread sticks and rice cakes? No wonder G exhibits ADHD behaviours with such a diet! She literally doesn't even know the basics of nutrition that she needs to feed her children. And she wants to branch out?
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Why is she so insistent all of a sudden to highlight the fact that ash vapes? Posting twice in a row what’s in his pockets? Very bizarre.. I wonder if she still vapes herself.
Is she trying to make a new thing to go viral, like when vloggers years ago would share a "what's in my handbag" video?!

Maybe “tradie wife” is going to be her next thing
This is probably her next port of call. "very realistic day in the life of a tradie wife and sahm of 2" 🙄
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I guess the plus of her sending him back for 4 days is that he's not plonked in front of the TV which is what was happening otherwise.
I think that’s why she overdoes the screen time at home because she justifies it to herself that he’s in childcare all day so screen time is fine, except that leaves no time for quality family time because as far as I can see, he eats all meals alone still whilst she dicks about on her phone. Though he doesn’t face the fall anymore, which is a bonus.
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Are the comments still on her YouTube I need to take a look. Why not take the negative criticism on board and do something about it. Instead she’s super defensive. No we’re not all having a hard time. I have an 11 year old & a 6 month old and I absolutely love it. Yes there are stressful times but that is life and with everything. She is such a pick me.
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it could be, which makes him awful if she isn’t allowed to wake him up but also I manage to interact with my newborn at 3am etc and not wake my partner.
I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if this was the case. I think it was around 7.30am in the vlog, so if he's still asleep at that time yet has 2 kids and a wife and not at work yet, he needs to sort himself out. Unless he'd had come in from a night shift.
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Banging on about him not needing a nap but needing to still nap and it’s just not the case. The boy is nearly four and he’s needed to drop his nap for about a year. The boy doesn’t need a nap, he needs a solid routine.
Exactly he needs to have a proper bedtime routine!
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Halle has gone from not taking to weaning to having French toast in the space of a week 😂🤷🏻‍♀️
She also couldn't sit up at all and now all of a sudden she can do that too 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
If she did give up work she’d have no nursery fees (would be better for George to still be in nursery part time for his sake though) wonder if ash would have to pay exactly half what childcare would cost down to the penny to her if she did cancel nursery!
She won't take George out of nursery, She will be getting 30 free hours now so she won't give that up and even if she decides not to go back to work she will still get 15. I think she's using it as context for something to talk about
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Having a few days away from her phone because the signal is patchy, not because she actually wants too
If signal is patchy, I fail to believe there is no WiFi where she's staying. I bet Ash told her to not share anything while they're away because he knows she's already given away in the past where their house is and publicising the house is empty. 😅
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The housework stuff is exactly what I was saying a while back and someone replied that it HAS to be done 🤯 That hugely depends on the situation but in Shan's case if it's producing such levels of stress for her, she has to learn to let go a little bit or get Ash to help her. At least she has the option of shouting at Ash to do so.
It was me that said it has to be done. The kids need clean clothes. The food needs to be picked up off the floor so the kids can walk and crawl safely about. Saying it doesn't have to be done is silly. It does.
I also said that it doesn't need to be Mrs Hinch standards.
As someone who is very houseproud telling me to lay off the housework wouldn't be helpful at all. What she needs to do is tell her good for nothing husband to help her. Or use one of those pots for a cleaner.
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Won’t show her children’s faces but will happily get George changed on camera in his pants 🥴
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Re: all the chat about Halle's milestones... Didn't she announce that Halle is hyper mobile and that's why she hasn't achieved the gross motor skills yet? If that's genuine and not an excuse... You'd think the physio/paediatrician would give her exercises that she should be doing with Halle, would you? Surely they don't just diagnose her as hyper mobile and send them on their way?!
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The thing is, she has a huge tv in her bedroom too so I fail to believe he hasn't had any tv unless that remote has been lost too.
Imagine Ash actually hid it from her so she stops using the TV as childcare. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

She's going to be gutted when his behaviour improves with less screen time and more human attention and he doesn't have possible SEN or attention problems. What can she use for content then?!
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So in her latest real she says the only thing that scares her more than going out with her kids is staying home alone with her kids? If this is how she feels why an earth does want more than a year off work? She clearly hates being at home with them.
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Am I the only person irritated by her continuing to call George a toddler?
He’s a little boy now, not a toddler.
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I haven't watched her recent vlog but with all the chat, I'm kinda excited 😅

I only have one but everyone tells me that the transition from 1 to 2 is the hardest (and this is from people thst have more than 3 kids too!) Shan definitely wasn't ready for a second and to me the only reasons she chose to have anther was because she wanted a particular age gap for her to make her "ideal family" situation.

The mess thing is definitely a her issue too. She should definitely either get ash to pull his finger out and do some chores otherwise get a cleaner. I am a sahm but I said if I went back to work, even though I'd come away with significantly less after childcare costs, if definitely get a cleaner so I could spend time with my child instead or cleaning. But we know Shan doesn't want to spent time with her children or spend money that isn't on herself burying cheap temu and halara crap.

She needs to get her head out of her phone, go make friends if she can't build relationships with family. Have all the venting about how hard motherhood is with them and not have them arse lick how she's still doing a great job. She's probably has been told by real life people she maybe isn't doing a great job (I'm going to guess Ash's family seeing as we never hear any mention of them 😅) and probably argued and cut them off, she definitely comes across as that type of person to do that.
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