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I also fully think she was letting him run amock and endangering babies in the baby area used to drive me insane as like others say it’s always those parents who aren’t paying attention or won’t say no to their kids. If I didn’t give my 4 year old a countdown when we are leaving what we are doing she’d probably kick off at leaving places but there are ways to help. I get the feeling she blames everything on ‘boisterous boy’ behaviour.
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Chatty Member
She’ll do anything to save money!

Also noticed no full fat milk for G. Skimmed milk doesn't contain enough fat or calories for young children, so isn't recommended as a main drink for children under 5. Not that she cares.
Imagine her "branching out" into toddler nutrition/meals. And people following that. She is dangerous :(
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Imagine Hello Fresh went under, wonder what she'd do for food then! 😂 It'd be like when she constantly banged on about whirli but then said nothing when it went under and eventually bought George some toys.

I thought she mentioned she was going to calculate she how munch a week of having no hello fresh vs hello fresh was? Or did I make that up? We know she won't as she'll have to admit she doesn't get it at full price then!
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I also appreciated the comment someone out that no amount of money saved is worth buying battery hen eggs!
She’ll do anything to save money!

Also noticed no full fat milk for G. Skimmed milk doesn't contain enough fat or calories for young children, so isn't recommended as a main drink for children under 5. Not that she cares.
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Love that Shan made such a big deal about this Liv girl being her new bestie but Liv hasn't mentioned Shan once 😂
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One of mine has literally reduced me to tears today. And I'm sat here like I could have handled this better, I should have done that, etc. Not slagging him off on the Internet to strangers.
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Sophie Lou Taylor recently said that you choose how many ads go with your videos (YouTube recommends an amount but she scales them down so people don’t get bored and click off) This one of Shans had sooo many! Who wants to see that many adds! Maternity pay must be running out… 🤪

Edited to add that I fucked it off in the end after counting 6 ads in less than 9 minutes (of a 48 minute long video)

I’ve heard the same. The ads at the start/end are YouTube putting them there but the ones in the middle are the creator and you can also set when in the video they come on.

I have noticed in the past she has timed her adverts in video before to try and create a ‘cliffhanger’ - though not really! So it’s a conscious choice!
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She also couldn't sit up at all and now all of a sudden she can do that too 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

She won't take George out of nursery, She will be getting 30 free hours now so she won't give that up and even if she decides not to go back to work she will still get 15. I think she's using it as context for something to talk about
The issue was probably more about how much her costs will increase once she also puts H into nursery as her maternity leave runs its course, and whether with two children in childcare it made more financial sense for her to go back part time, full time, or not at all.

I found it ironic coming from someone whose financial advice on how to afford maternity leave was simply 'put 2K aside for every month you are off' and then proceeded to show off about how much spare income she has and is able to save.

Yet she is counting pennies about whether she can afford to return to work. I can imagine her doing a spreadsheet about this 😂

But with so much spare income, couldnt she just use it to pay for nurseries?
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Does anyone else think Halle looks so uncomfortable in the baby carrier? Her legs are almost backwards! Shan, if you read this please make sure you’re scooping Halle in the carrier so her knees are ABOVE her hips in that M shape.
Dissapointing she tags the brand but they’ve not corrected her. It’s not Halle being hyper mobile it’s just you know using the carrier properly. Try rotating her bum so she’s sitting back into it if that makes sense. Like a scoop!
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Oh grow up shan no one is actually judging your parenting, especially in bloody soft play where all kids are mad.
Apart from me. I am judging it. 🤣
Halle isn't even 1 year old yet - why is she giving her cow's milk? Cow's milk can lead to iron deficiency in children under 1 year old as it doesn't have enough of iron nor vitamin E, zinc, and essential fatty acids. The fat in cows milk can also be really hard for little ones to digest. In can even lead to intestinal bleeding in some cases. Halle also needs the fats of full fat milk for brain development and at least the additional vitamins it has over skimmed or semi skimmed
To clarify, she was giving her semi in the fritter things she was making. Not in her bottle. I don't want to spread fake news.
If it was me H would be having full fat in her porridge and fritters though.
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Are the comments still on her YouTube I need to take a look. Why not take the negative criticism on board and do something about it. Instead she’s super defensive. No we’re not all having a hard time. I have an 11 year old & a 6 month old and I absolutely love it. Yes there are stressful times but that is life and with everything. She is such a pick me.
This!! They are stressful but it's not stressful all day long. I've had a great time with my boys today been making me laugh all day long. They make me laugh more than they annoy me.
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It annoys me that she promotes is because firstly, she isn't a skin/beauty influencer. You can be a mumfluencer and be into your skin products and have a great skincare routine but Shan doesn't even do that. Ever. I'd love to see a pic of her bathroom to see what stuff is in there but I doubt there'd be anything remotely groundbreaking. The only time she talks about anything to do with skin is when she has to promote it.

Similar with the food stuff. She talks openly about how she tries to get the absolute cheapest shopping basket possible, but promotes HelloFresh, which at full-price, is a rip-off. She would never in a million years buy it herself. It's so disingenuous.
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I think she tried it because she thought she should without bothering to meet her child where he was at.
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Just watching the start of her new vlog and she’s been sponsored by some clothing brand. The way she’s prancing round in all the trousers and swinging them about it’s so weird and uncomfortable to watch. I felt like she was going to cry about the material 😂 she’s put me off the trousers because she’s so geeky about them 🤢
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Am I the only one who disagrees with “the bare minimum is enough” like of COURSE there will be days where you do all those things she mentions in her reel but… for the most part if you’re doing the bare minimum everyday then I think that’s a sign you need help?
Or I can understand it if you’re working long hours but she’s not, there’s no excuse not to be out with kids and cooking for them (again, not saying you can’t have days where you cba)

like I’m not here for normalising being miserable as a mum or in the trenches or complaining about it all the time, it shouldn’t be normal!
The bare minimum is quite a vague term I think. Someone's bare minimum might be someone else's maximum effort.

But I agree that she could definitely do more in some areas (like organising activities with the kids) and less of others (vlog after vlog) and balance things out a little better.
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The way she starts ads is such an ick like the pose with her arms crossed or drinking from a straw like we’ve just stumbled across her
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The chaos that is the routine cards! I couldn’t look at the cards without getting a headache, let alone expecting a three year old to. She needs two cards tops and be changing them all the time but of course they would require a bit of effort throughout the day and she wouldn’t do it.
She only did the Q&A about toys and included those cards so she could make money off the affiliate links, using whatever recommendations she gets. She gets so desperate for money, I dont know how her followers can't see past that.

Nothing she post is 'real' or 'realistic. Kinda ironic.
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So she took G to Download this weekend. While I'm so impressed she did, i can't decide if I'm just being judgey purely because it's her and not sure why she actually did?!

It's not known to be the most child friendly festival and I'd be frustrated that I couldn't enjoy seeing the bands I'd want to. There's loads of festivals that now have areas for young kids so they actually enjoy it. Granted they may not have the line up like Download may but you have to compromise somewhere?! 🤷🏽‍♀️
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He is going to need a whole bunch of bananas a day if he is crying at morning and night. Poor little thing. Give him a frigging supplement at least.
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