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She's 100% on the beg for it!

I'm pretty sure she mentioned her kitchen is from B&Q and I'm sure they have that storage stuff there too. I also think she "designed" her kitchen too but I'm sure B&Q even have people that help you design it (pretty sure it's free too?) but Shan is Little Miss Knowitall........ NOT! 😂 Also the state of the top of that cupboard which is probably the work surface 🙈

She obviously hasn't for a pot for a rainy day fund but she she saves £100/month for Christmas so it's all OK...... Actual idiot.
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She said a while ago that she had him checked out by doctors and all sorts and that they thought it was down to a magnesium deficiency so she was giving him bananas to compensate.

Though judging by her latest shopping she's skimping on those now. If they helped - why stop? 🤷🏻‍♀️
I thought she was giving him bananas as they helped with sleep? She's a poor excuse for a mother!
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She says that "we are all trying our best". But I guess some try harder than others...
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Oh you are so right!! Any time they so much as make a noise she’s classes that as being screamed at.

I can’t see her going back to work to be honest, she always banged on about how it was so difficult working and managing childcare when solo parenting, she will stick both kids in nursery and have plenty of time to herself. I’ve worked 4 days and managed childcare/parenting alone while my partner works away during the week for almost 2 years now and my weeks are a breeze, there’s not a single part of her that I can relate to. She even had the luxury of working at home all the time which many don’t so I really fail to see what was so unbearably difficult. I don’t think there’s a single part of parenting she actually enjoys.
My bet is, there is an increased expectation for her to be in the office more and she has the hump about it. It’s now 40% for civil servants (it’s only just been increased to this) so she’d likely have to commute in for 1.5 - 2 days rather than the 1 she was doing which she admitted was quite expensive and took around 2 hours each way in all once she’d parked up etc. She’s frantically trying to make it work for her as a big influencer. If we are to believe that she earns about 20k per year on top of her 30k CS salary, she’s on a good wage. If she drops to just that 20k then there’s a lot more pressure on them as a family and she will absolutely stick H in nursery which will eat that wage up in no time. She knows that she can’t make stay at home parent, with both kids in full time nursery, with (pipe dreams of) a massive influencer lifestyle and can’t work out what needs to give YouTube obviously
So Halle was pulling herself up to stand last week but still goes in the trolley baby seat at 10 months old?!
😂 so true
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G is just the perfect age to be helping around the house. It is a bit of hindrance but they follow you round with a cloth chatting your head off and showing you all the ways they've helped it's just the cutest thing ever. I always have a kid hanging off me when I'm trying to do housework. Mopping the floor is my middles favourite activity. Crawling after the vac and laughing at it for no reason is my babies favourite activity.
Right?! I think most parents have the common sense to do this, they love helping out. My 2 year absolutely loves helping with stuff around the house and in the garden and me and his dad always encourage it. It means I don't feel guilty about getting little things done because I know he will help and enjoys it. It gives them a bit of independence too by giving them little tasks to do. It is more of a hindrance at first but the more they do it it does actually help you out as well as being fun for them.
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Why on earth did she expect to get a shop within the weekly budget when YOUR ARE HOSTING A BARBECUE?!??!?!!? Thank goodness she has the birthday pot to dip into to help cover the cost.

Wasn't there some random article floating around recently about a mum who charged parents who attended her kids party to cover costs of hosting it? Genuinely think Shan would do that. Definitely can't see her having very exciting parties when G and H are a bit older.
I can absolutely see that! Or the woman who charges for playdates including how lay times they flush the toilet or sit on the sofa (wear and tear!)
Another ‘danger nap’ no wonder the poor boys still awake what isn’t she getting! No doubt he’ll be exhausted then emotional in the morning while she rolls her eyes and ignores him then is tired so she lets him nap and it’s repeats itself!
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Don't worry, everything is just a phase! 🤣🤣
My partner said tonight at bedtime that he heard it was meant to get easier as they got older, I nearly choked on my drink. I was like I don't think it gets easier I think it's just different challenges. The tantrums a year ago were because he couldn't speak and tell us what's wrong, but now he doesn't shut up and tell us word for word his complaints or repeats the same phrase over and over and over and over until we eventually give in and do what he wants 😂😂
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In her latest reel she says she thinks she was at at softplay 104 last year. That's nearly twice a week?!?! It's not just me that thinks that's excessive? I don't mind going with my toddler but even to me that seems a lot?!
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Chatty Member
I’m sure I have seen her mention him saying he’s had sore legs before in the middle of the night a good few months ago and again blamed it on a growth spurt
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I think as you become a parent or have a busy life, you prioritise what needs doing immediately versus what can be left until later. So to me, clearing up food mess would be done right away but maybe leave folding laundry until the children are in bed. I get the feeling Shan wants everything done while the kids are awake so she can do what she wants for herself when they're asleep, which is usually a "pamper" session which she can vlog to tag skin&me.

Essentially, Shan's biggest priority in everything she does is sharing it on Instagram or in a vlog. Like @Emsie says, rather than deal with the task which probably takes 2 minutes to do, she pisses about taking a photo and uploading it with text, which probably takes the same time, then George probably comes in and stomps on it, no doubt unintentionally, but she'll say it was on purpose then has a bigger mess to take a photo of tidy up.
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Chatty Member
Just watched her latest reel :rolleyes:

She had a bad night sleep. How does that justify that many stories? She has 2 kids. All of us with children have bad nights sleep. Does she really not have any better content to post?

She is asking followers whether she should do long or short videos - OMG. She should just look at her own youtube stats, instead of asking. Do they drop off after a while? Do they skip certain parts? Do her shorter videos get more views? Hardly rocket science...

How is she washing a 4 year old in a kitchen sink?? And what was the point of them going away if the bathroom isn't even close to being finished? I thought she was going to be updating us with progress on Ash's work :rolleyes:😂 Or was that the plan and now suddenly they had to go and ask the professionals?? 🤣
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Chatty Member
Oh my goodness I've just watched the car seat video. She is really lost. I'm all for being gentle where possible but not when a child is unbuckling themselves while the car is moving. She tries to bribe him with sugar - this makes it seem like it's a negotiation and he'll get a treat whenever he does it. Then says we'll stop for 5 minutes and have a cuddle - now he knows he can get 5 minutes of cuddles whenever he fancies if he unbuckles himself.

I've been incredibly fortunate that my 4 year old only ever unbuckles himself once we're parked and the engine is off (we've explained why this is critical and he understands) but if he did this and being stern didn't work I'd show him videos of car seat safety tests and what happens to unrestrained passengers in accidents. She loves to play the victim and make out that she's tried everything and he can't be stopped, but this is basic safety and it's her job to figure something out even if it's hard.
Exactly- it’s common sense that you explain to the child the consequences of unbuckling themselves- ie you could die. He probably doesn’t realise why it’s so important not to unbuckle himself cos she’s never actually explained why….
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Won’t state the obvious that she should’ve had the kitchen designed professionally to utilise the corner cupboard but the state of the bottom of the counter top…her “dream” kitchen truly looks awful in and out.
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She gives Halle green milk too. I would give her a pass for G as he is probably drinking water (or squash knowing her) but H should still be having full fat.
I'm pretty sure that fairly recently they said semi skimmed was fine to give babies from the age of 1 but I'd still give full fat.
Skimmed milk is basically water, it's completely pointless in my eyes. Like Shan's content 😂
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I think for Shan, any sort of noise that comes out a child is probably classed as "screaming at her" 😅 Halle can only communicate by crying and George has to make it obvious he's after her attention because her face is probably staring into her phone.

I'm definitely interested to see what she does in regards to going back to work. 👀 She definitely couldn't hack SAHM life as she'd still want to send them both to nursery for most of the time.

I'm guessing her shitty social media "business" which she does an awful job at classes her as self employed so she can use that to still claim the 30 free hours childcare for George? If so that really winds me as up as I could neglect my child and make shit reels and get more childcare hours. But then again I enjoy the time I get to spend with my child over embarrassing myself online.
Oh you are so right!! Any time they so much as make a noise she’s classes that as being screamed at.

I can’t see her going back to work to be honest, she always banged on about how it was so difficult working and managing childcare when solo parenting, she will stick both kids in nursery and have plenty of time to herself. I’ve worked 4 days and managed childcare/parenting alone while my partner works away during the week for almost 2 years now and my weeks are a breeze, there’s not a single part of her that I can relate to. She even had the luxury of working at home all the time which many don’t so I really fail to see what was so unbearably difficult. I don’t think there’s a single part of parenting she actually enjoys.
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Well-known member
When will this absolute idiot realise that he just needs a bloody bedtime routine and that it is the source of the majority of her complaints! He's almost 4 for fuck sake there's no way he would be needing to nap if he had enough sleep at bed time. Is she genuinely this much of a thick shit and still doesn't realise this or does she just deliberately make life difficult? If there was an award for the shittest mum it would be handed to her without a second thought.
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