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I don’t see much wrong with the number of toys out she has. There isn’t a lot of living / playing space so it’s easy for kids to throw things around and get cluttered. I say this because my front room looks like this regularly when my kids are on one. You can try and tidy up behind them and they will get something new out the moment you’ve put something on a shelf or in a box. It so important to try and support them with putting a toy away before getting a new one out but the mess happens 🤷‍♀️. It doesn’t mean G has SEND because he has a short attention span either. He’s three years old! It’s his job to move around and play with different toys and get fed up easily. Sustained play comes a bit later on. She wants his to be much more accountable than he should be for a small boy.
I was saying this the other day and someone suggested she could easily do the trip to drop off and pick up the kids on time for nursery. But how, if you have to travel 2 hours each way? It's going to be a nightmare.

I don't believe for a minute she is on 20k a year from her social media work. She might have done that once in her heyday but she is faaar from that now.

If she wanted to be an influencer full time she would need consistent growth of her channel and earnings at a good rate to ensure sustainable income. She is nowhere near there. If anything her brand is on the decline.

She hasn't made it on TikTok (reportedly the easiest channel to "make it"in). Her subscribers and views on youtube keep dropping. And as a trend they are similar or equal than 2 years ago and going down-down-down. You only see new subscribers grow by 100 here and there - proof that she is just buying them to counter the drops. Her largest "sponsorship" is from HelloFresh, which she's had since the beginning and would practically take anyone on board.

She'll have to get back to work once her savings are gone, whether she likes it or not.
Ahh sorry - must have missed your post! Have to see now if she pops up on TikTok. That’ll be a sure fire way to know if she’s had a peep on here.
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Why does she say the same phrases so much. Being in the trenches of motherhood, her children humbling her, mummy uniform. Blah blah blah wish she’d shut up
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Chatty Member
Strangely, it's become a bit of a trend to whinge about the kids you decided to have and find motherhood oh so difficult.
I'm not saying that it isn't hard but the way people go on is getting ridiculous. As usual shan has jumped on the trend. Getting out of the door is perfectly doable for thousands of mums every day. She's a wet wipe.
I agree with all of this! I have a two and a half year old boy and an almost 3 week old baby girl. I wouldn't say it's easy at all but I don't feel completely exasperated and stuck in a hell hole like these insta mums make out 🥴🥴 I manage to get my boy to nursery 3 mornings a week no problem and to the park/soft play/coffee shop etc on the other days 🤷‍♀️ not saying it doesn't come with its dramas some days but a bit of organisation is usually all it takes!
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In the new vlog where she’s talking about George in soft play where he had the beanbag and threw it at the table of squash, if she’s asked him several times to stop it and he hasn’t why hasn’t she gone over, taken the beanbag off him and moved him from where he was. No point being gentle if he isn’t listening because that’s not teaching him. The parents must have been more shocked at her parenting not him throwing it 🤯
I thought exactly the same. If I ask my toddler twice and she doesn't listen then I'm intervening. Shan just doesn't want to deal with a tantrum.
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Filming an insta story as a passive aggressive way to talk to your child is next level insane narcissist behaviour wtffffff

Wonder if she actually realises her brand now is “shit manic parent” I mean just look at her feed
Wow well spotted!!! I was LOLing so much looking at that snapshot of her feed you posted 🤣 Her brand is whinging and complaining about her eldest kid which misbehaves as a result of her lack of parenting skills.
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Where do I even start...? For anyone that is blocked:

- Keeps complaining about kids being 'a lot' rather than remotely considering being grateful for her great family life, even if it's just the once.

- Mentions how a Lidl shopping trip is like a 'spa day' as if being away from the children is the best thing that ever happened to her.

- keeps talking about kids screaming at her as if this is a choice they make and it isn't her fault

- has paused her HelloFresh to see how much her shopping would cost (pretty sure it'd be cheaper).

- mentions how only Aldi (or Lidl?) is cheap enough that she can get her shopping done for under £100. For someone that boasts about being financially savvy, she sure does not understand the basics of 'shopping around'. You can get your shopping done in a couple supermarkets and just choose what is cheapest from each.

- has just discovered doing free activities with the kids. Geeez!! Isn't she a mum-fluencer? surely finding out cheap activities to do with the kids should be part of her content? So much easier to flog out overpriced PJs and cr@ppy toys from amazon though.

She ends with a thank you to some follower that approached her and 'made her day'. When we all know she will never speak to her again and probably ignore her next time.

Basically if you've not followed her for a while, nothing has changed.


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I saw this on Instagram yesterday and immediately thought of Shan with all her "I'm with you/you're not alone" bullshit reels.
She definitely doesn't have a willing partner.
This is so true! One thing I never see on social media when it comes to lightening the load of motherhood is that both mum and dad need to compromise somewhere, something I can't imagine Shan or Ash doing.

@cosmicstar I bet even if she had the time to do a day to herself, she would probably go shopping in Home Bargains (buying tatt for G & H and claim she felt guilty leaving them), get her nails done, after trying to beg for a freebie by "asking for recommendations" and have a "pamper session" in her bathrooms as she sure as hell won't want to spend money going to a proper spa.
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Her asking how your meant to get through the day with George being sick and wanting cuddles and Halle wanting to be with her 24/7, just shove her on the floor or the table like you always do 😂
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13mins in she's just talking to the camera while in the car with hallie, taking about the house and it being an "absoulute shithole" she is defiantly struggling and I get it mother hood is hard she defiantly needs to see a doctor x
Because G “runs around like a tornado”. I wonder if she thought the HV was going to diagnose G with something and that would solve all her problems.

Her husband needs to get his arse into gear and help out. Meanwhile, she needs to spend money out on things that will support her. Get out to baby groups / stay and play / pay for the peanut app. Hire a cleaner once a week. Get back to work - she clearly enjoys working vs being a stay at home parent - and there’s nothing wrong with this. She must be so isolated without any friends or family nearby.
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It's madness me and my husband have naturally put all our earnings together its never been a conversation or an issue, i would never dream of asking him to pay for something because i want to keep my money separate i know not every couple share money but when your married with kids and a mortgage isn't it normal!!??
As time has gone on, I've learnt how insane some couples are with their finances and it blows my mind with some of the stories I've heard.
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Chatty Member
This is another case of Shan diagnosing herself/her kids due to a lack of context and experience.
Takes a few months conceiving - Struggling to conceive/infertility
Hallle can't sit upright soon enough - It must be she and Halle has hypermobility (for reference, real hypermobility is crippling and restrictive. Shan does NOT have it and Halle is too young to be diagnosed by any doctor). Kids with hypermobility have serious struggle meetiing gross motor milestones so I'm confident Halle doesnt have it either.
Halle won't play by herself when Shan wants to do her videos - she must be a 'velcro baby'. If she had any real mum friends instead of the virtual 'village' she claims she has, she would have some real context as to what a true velcro baby is.

Long story short - Shan needs more friends 🤣
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So we have Youtube premium so I don't have to tolerate the adverts.
Just had the vlog on double speed while doing some tidying. Here's what I took from it and sharing so others don't have to endure it 😂

Complains about kitchen still a mess from breakfast. Was editing vlogs while H was napping, could have have maybe tidied up?!

Talks for about 15 mins (edited, so probably much longer originally) while H is just on the floor, surely she could either play with her or maybe go tidy the post lunch mess she also talks about if she doesn't want to spend time witth H.

Mentions she's trying to reduce H bottle of milk. She's only 9 months and milk is still their primary source of nutrition until they are 1, so why?

Says how the kids are "ganging up on her" when they both wake up at night. Yes Shan, they do it completely on purpose. 🙄

Says how difficult it is to vlog with kids. Sadly she still manages too. Then says she doesn't know how to blur faces on videos. I mean, learn how to if you want to actually do it properly?!

Claims she isn't sharing much personal information about the kid but we know that's not true and continues to share personal stuff later in the vlog.

Admits her only personality is "being a mum" 😂 😂 😂 but even then she's rubbish at that.

Says she doesn't have time to make "good quality content" because of being a mum. No Shan, you are just to lazy. So many others do it and do it well.

Doesn't want to talk about George maybe having additional needs..... Well don't mention it at all?!

Sayingnshes selling all of Hs old clothe son vinted, but I'm sure she said when she was pregnant a friend gave her them all, so I assume free? If so, she's making money from that rather than just pay it forward.

Shares a video of George literally screaming and wailing when he wakes up at night, vlogs while getting his calpol. Oh wait, it's ok she said she doesn't share things that are personal or private for George.

Thinks giving him magnesium will solve his sleep, attention span and reduce hyper activity.

Says the kids were tag teaming at night waking Shan up. Goes on about why they were waking.

Repeats about the magnesium supplement she's ordered, probably trying to blag a freebie from the company. Think she thinks it'll be an overnight fix.

Ash is out for about 12 hours a day for work, sometimes in weekends too. Spends the weekends doing adult tasks so they hardly get family time. So as someone already said she's basically worse off being on "civvy street" that she was so excited for.

Shares a video with both of them upset (just the sound) and keeps recording rather than switch it off .....

George asks to take something and she tells. George to not lose it, but if he does tell him to "not get angry with me"

Says she may make a website about Temu or if it's a scam and stuff, but temu is old news so she's not even sharing new information.

She's trialling a new position for the dining table because it was getting in the way. It's been shoved over a metre or two and basically still in the way.

Her whole vlog is just proof she has nobody to talk to about life to release some steam.
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I just find their money set up so blood weird!! I can’t get my head around it

I was less clinical than her with finances with flatmates let alone with my husband 😭
I absolutely agree!

I appreciate the importance of budgeting but she's very fortunate to have a decent income so you'd think they would have some flexibility in income to accommodate unexpected expenses like the locksmith to not impact the weekly shop?!?! She definitely isn't as open about her finances as she claims to be.

Also, i find it hilarious she had to spend her own money to treat herself to a spa day on her birthday. I generally ask for vouchers or money for presents, couldn't someone have given her that towards the spa day?!? This just shows how she has very few friends or family she's actually close to.
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Realitively new here...what do her and her partner do that she's able to save £500 in a month? Me and my oh both have decent jobs, mortgage, share a car and have a child but wouldn't be able to save £500 a month if I tried (and I'm v savvy with money)
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No one should feel sorry for her on the basis of being a solo mum. She is far from it and and insult to real single mothers.

She is a 'solo mum' who is not working at the moment and has one child in nursery, at the very least part time, and family nearby to help her sometimes (like her mum when she went to Haven).

Real single mums work, many full time, and have to support two children with that one salary. Shan has two incomes (main job plus social media) plus Ash's which is how she can afford some me time, and a good lifestyle which real single mums don't get.

If one of the children cries at night she has the option of telling her useless husband to get up for once so she can get some sleep. And maybe 1 time out of 10 he might do. Single mothers don't have that choice.

Her whole 'woe is me' persona because her husband wont help her enough is really tiresome.

I don’t agree - she isn’t far from being a single parent at all when ash is completely absent. As much as they have money (but we know they don’t share so that doesn’t really count) but that doesn’t help with lack of sleep / feeling burned out.

She might be a total dick to her kids but there’s no denying her life is a riot and she has no support system at all, which is affecting her and in turn her kids.
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I mean those muffin things were okay at best?! Fine to have them in the freezer on busy days but what's she having 3 muffins a day?!
This maybe a reach because she gets on my nerves but who would want a carrot and cinnamon muffin for breakfast. Just give H some toast fingers and calm down.
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In her video she also says she budgets £50 a month for days out, museums, that kind of thing. Considering she documents everything she does, she literally must never use or add to the “pot” because they do sod all at the weekends, apart from her escaping to Aldi.
I bet half of that budget goes on her coffee at soft play
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