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Ah ok - I honestly don't think she is saving to deprive them now. She spends a fair bit on cr@ppy toys for G and Halle only so she can later the amazon kickbacks :D I think she doesn't like or want to do family holidays or experiences. Even if we all know it would help her content.

I've taken my kids to a Gruffalo trail, the Zoo, aquarium, beaches, and all sorts of different experiences. Shan either doesn't like those or hasn't got the creativity to think of things to do!
The list is endless. So much to do with toddlers that they will love, but no, if George is lucky enough to be taken anywhere it’s to the same old soft play week after week 🤯
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She blocked me on ig a few weeks ago so this latest vlog is the only thing I've seen, I'm 12mins in and i can't watch the rest. That little boy has no rules or boundaries the whinging at everything and then the "i want" for his toy, i might be picky but I'd be correcting that straight away to "please can i have" especially after the whining. And her asking him to get dressed and he got distracted and she instantly gave up instead of telling him no and to come back. She 100% permissive i dont understand how she hasn't driven herself mad and got to the point of having enough and just saying no. Also he's nearly 4 maybe if she told him to get dressed himself he'd be more inclined i know with my son who about the same age the first night asked him to try and put his pjs on he was rolling on the floor fake crying acting like it was the hardest task in the world but after that when he realised he could do it there was no problem he doesn't like me helping anymore. She needs to realise hes growing up and it will all get worse if she doesn't change her ways now and his future teachers will be the ones who get the brunt of it too.
What did she block you for? I'm just being nosy 😂

He is so whiny and screechy all the time. The fact she says she gentle parents him is absolutely hilarious, she doesn't parent him at all but every encounter with him she is snappy and irritated by him. It will just be another phrase she knows nothing about but has latched on to it. I wonder if now that her new best mate Liv is sharing her sons SEN journey, Shan will try and latch on to this and try and make it a thing.
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She can't keep anything private otherwise she would have no content.

I'm not anti bed sharing at all, I'm the complete opposite but I absolutely hate she put a picture on her stories with the 3 of them in bed and Halle in the middle with the duvet and between 2 pillows... especially as she can't roll yet!
I bed share with my now 4 year old but was too scared too until she was 2 like you say pillows and duvets next to a 4 year old who no doubt moves constantly in his sleep when she can’t roll isn’t a good mix. I just hate how intrusive it is for those kids even with faces covered to be pictured in bed for all to see.
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I mean I could imagine some people saying the things she does and it being funny but Shan is not funny in the slightest and it just makes her look like a witch and a terrible mother
The thing is, people probably do talk about their kids like this after a bad day, but it's usually to family or friends who will understand why you are saying that. Not documenting it to hundreds of strangers and being online for him to maybe see one day. This is why you need friends in life..... Something Shan doesn't have.
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It's awful!!! It's as if she is using pinterest ideas from 2012 :rolleyes: Black bathroom fittings and herringbone subway tiles are so passé. Has she not looked at any designer bathroom companies catalogues for inspiration? Her whole sense of style belongs to a 40 year old from a small village in Wales. I feel like I am disrespecting them comparing them to Shan too.
As a 35 year old woman from a small village in Wales, I feel I'm close enough to this demographic to be offended 😒🤣🤣
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I know I sound very 'blame Ash' in some of my posts- but comparing them (from what we see) to someone I knew in real life, it wouldn't shock me if the reason she is so hell bent on cleaning is because he expects it because she is always at home and sees that as his god given right to come home to a spotless house. I would not be surprised if he gives her so much shit that she has to prioritise cleaning so that he doesn't kick off when he gets back. It's all speculation and probs boils down to her wanting an Instagram level clean house and her being willing to do absolutely anything and everything to avoid looking after her own kids, but if she came out one day and said Ash was such a lazy entitled prick that he expected his wife to prioritise cleaning the home so it's nice when he gets back from work over anything else, including their kids. I wouldn't be at all surprised.
He cares very little about mess or tidiness. He leaves piles of clothes where it's more convenient, and she documents the way he empties his pockets leaving stuff everywhere. It would be the biggest surprise to hear that he acts like that yet he is the one pressuring her to keep a tidy home. I think it all comes from her. Ash isn't there most of the time.

I think she is just a clean freak as it's the only thing she can fully control. Of course some things do need doing, but if you are prioritising cleaning or tidying non-essential things over spending time with your children, and are willing to leave two little kids unattended for long periods just to get it done, I think it's a problem. Other people develop eating disorders to cope with situations where they feel out of control. Of course it is also speculation but think she has some real mental health issues. A lot of her behaviours, in general, aren't those of a person of sound mind.
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Shan is more likely to be the one who has SEN rather than George :rolleyes: But if he has any I am confident they are the result of all the TV she has let him watch and bad parenting, nothing else.

And geez, she really doesn't know anything about social media, does she? Is she not aware that putting a ton of adverts is going to cause a (further) drop in her views and subscriber numbers, not an increase in revenue? She is not thinking long term for her channel.

Yes her maternity pay has probably reduced a lot as not long ago she was considering whether it was worth going back to work or not based on nursery costs etc. I guess she decided it was best to stay put but didn't tell anyone.

I wonder if Ash will still make her do all the housework when she is back to work and not on maternity though....
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Aaaaaaand.... Here we are 😂😂😂😂😂
I swear she only writes a shares these bullshit things so everyone can tell that to her because her husband doesn't tell her any of this.

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I think its if both parents are working? I know the 2 year funding is for working parents. Unless churning out a shit vlog once a week counts as working
She'll be classed as "self employed" so no doubt will get the funded hours..
unemployed as a thumbnail for click bait 🙈 when she is still going to earning money - honestly.

I think she needs to go back to work, I recon she would be a better present mum if she did.
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So instead of waking him up and potentially dealing with a tantrum she's moving him to the sofa to continue napping?? Then when he doesn't sleep tonight she can complain about him tomorrow 🤔
I genuinely don't understand why she doesn't make the food in the day then it just needs reheating when it needs to be served to George.
Has being a parent for nearly 4 years taught her nothing?!
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She's just posted a reel about what she spent in May. So because they had to get a locksmith out and that was paid from the joint expenses, she then had to use HER OWN MONEY to cover groceries that would have normally come out of the joint budget. What the actual F?!?! I'm surprised she didn't take the locksmith money out of George's savings seeing as it was apparently "his fault" the locksmith had to be called out 🙄
It doesn't make sense. It all sounds very fishy. She also spent her money on her own birthday meal? and buying something fror Ash from Screwfix that was like £60. Why pay for that out of her own money but the locksmith from the joint account? Either Ash is on less than minimum wage so she has to pay for everything, or she is using her earnings from social media to pay for things for both of them or that's the money they both spent in a month rather than just hers?

Whichever way, it doesnt sound honest.

At least she called herself 'self employed' this time. I'm 99% certain she has quit her main job or she didn't like the options they offered her to return to work.


Unrelated but I noticed George's room is a mirror copy of Liv's boy's room. Is it intentional?!
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She spends more time than necessary talk to the camera than doing a 5-10 minute task of tidying up, she could film herself tidying up and voice over it at a later time/date. She needs to give herself a routine/discipline to tidy her house. It’s by no means fun, but spend 10-15 mins of nap time tidying then have a coffee and edit vlogs. If it’s that upsetting for her she needs to change things up.
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Where is the common sense too busy filming cringy reels yet won’t watch her children eat to ensure their safety!
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I think anyone that gives Shan any ounce of attention, she calls them a bestie because she has no concept of what an actual friendship is.

Also, her latest reel!?!? A boy George's age having that much energy is absolutely normal.
The problem is that SHE is not giving him the right outlet to release it. It probably doesn't help he has no sleep hygiene to help his circadian rhythm so naturally wakes at stupid o'clock and wants to run around and play. Will she ever realise that most the problems she is facing is her own doing and not the children's fault?!

I see she's sticking to her plan of not oversharing information about her children......

Also, her new vlog is 55mins!!!! I know I usually take a hit for the tattle team but I can't face this. Maybe 3 of us can take 20mins (at double speed obvz!) and share the essentials 😂
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I've just started listening to it on double speed while cleaning. I will share my thoughts later 😅
So, just adding to what @graceanatomy has mentioned from the Q&A vlog...

Said she can be absolutely herself with her better help therapist. Shouldn't you also be able to be like that with your partner? I appreciate partners may not be able to give suitable advice but if your partner doesn't know you are struggling or you aren't telling them everything, then how do they know what they can do to help the situation?!

Basically implied newborn baby sleep and breastfeeding are linked with each other.

Said she can't watch vlogs of when baby when George was newborn as realised she was probably being a smug git.

Potty training still not consistent, even in the day and at nursery. Expects him to just go for a poo on his own accord. Has finally realised when she mutters something like "oh god why did you do that?" is affecting his confidence.

Shares tips for how to adjust with 2 kids as if she has come up with the stuff she's done. She's obviously read things to help which is good but given any credit to where she got it from to help others.

RTW. Due back Sept/Oct. Has the option to take an years unpaid break. She's undecided what she wants to do. I wouldn't be surprised if she really ramps up churning out content to try help cover incoming and take extended unpaid leave. But then I'm also not sure she would so that as she's too money greedy.

She mentioned that if anyone is local to her to"bit her up" to make mum friends. 😂

I think only mentioned Ash once in the a 40min vlog. At this rate she might aswell just market herself as "single mum of 2".
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I mean, it's just naff as hell whatever it is, never mind the fact it doesn't make sense 😂 and why did it go on so long 😂
How embarrassing. She got a reply from a more famous influencer and had to post the receipts.
Pretty sure Ellie buys hers followers, no way she has that many from filming the same video cleaning her sink every week 😂
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Yes I know their is nothing wrong with saving for your child’s future, but I don’t think that should not be in place of spending it on their actual childhood and depriving them memories/taking them nice places when you can afford to do so (maybe I should of said that in the initial post) We manage do both so i’m more than sure she will be able to do that too, which she absolutely doesn’t. As I said I haven’t watched the vlog and don’t intend to so don’t know how much she is saving but just my opinion.
Ah ok - I honestly don't think she is saving to deprive them now. She spends a fair bit on cr@ppy toys for G and Halle only so she can later the amazon kickbacks :D I think she doesn't like or want to do family holidays or experiences. Even if we all know it would help her content.

I've taken my kids to a Gruffalo trail, the Zoo, aquarium, beaches, and all sorts of different experiences. Shan either doesn't like those or hasn't got the creativity to think of things to do!
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