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That would’ve been the perfect opportunity to make a video about how we can offer support to loved ones during this time and how to celebrate under restrictions. Ideas on how to have fun over zoom etc.
Exactly, literally anything. My first thought for a quick, last minute video idea was listing her top 10 favourite Christmas films or something. Just anything but showing the footage.

I did actually watch the apology (not the whole vlog) and the fact that she says: "If you are annoyed and disappointed, that's fair enough, but maybe don't watch the vlog if it's going to annoy you." BUT SHE'S GENUINELY SORRY, GUYS.

Surely, the best thing to do would be to acknowledge the change of hair, apologise and then say something along the lines of: "And because I don't want to upset anyone further, I won't be showing any of the footage from yesterday and will be doing an entirely different video for today's vlog."
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Why can’t people just stay at home if they’re lucky enough to do that especially with a job you can work at home with and no children? Go for a walk outside, get your food shopping, yes fine but seriously it’s not fucking hard. The better we all stick to the rules, the quicker we’ll be out of this mess! My fella is a store manager for a supermarket and he’s been working non stop since it all began. We’re so lucky he hasn’t caught it yet (after numerous scares) and bought it home to me and our one year old.

I don’t mind Helen but she’s really annoyed me this whole pandemic with how she’s acting as if it’s nothing. Come on! Be creative, pick up a hobby! Write more music, start knitting, buy a peloton bike I don’t bluddy know 😂
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It's so annoying when these influencers curate how their audience see them.
Any sign of criticism?? Deleted
Any comment of concern?? Deleted
Anything that isn't singing their praises?? Deleted
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"Erugh! There's sumfink really mouldy and smelly in the fridge" probably the longest sentence I've heard Filwhip say so far...
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Someone else is getting that wrapped up for Christmas
Well, her nieces would probably love them.
If she's a size 14 I'm a kipper.
She's not always a 14, sometimes she's a 10.

I lost it at ‘cut to the back of Fil’s greasy hair’ and couldn’t stop laughing as I read the rest of the summary 😂😂 Pushing him the freezer 😂😂 EGG. 😂

Amazing as always Luna 👏
it's nice to see they are still making an effort around one another isn't it.
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She looks like she has a freshly shaved undercut when you just glance at her hair in that video. Actually an undercut would be a brilliant way to get that bald patch back to health but I doubt Miss Alternative 2020 would go for something so ‘radical’.

I didn’t think a video could get more pointless and boring than yesterdays spreadsheet extravaganza but today’s came in a very close second. I am so curious as to if she’s aware that it’s terrible content or she really believes it’s decent. She is both bored and boring.

The way she was talking to Phil when they were icing the cupcakes was terrible - she is so bossy and controlling. Has she always been like that? The poor guy probably just wanted a nice quiet, relaxing hour on COD after doing a day’s real work and instead he’s roped into cake decorating on her vlog where she proceeds to squawk at him and suck any joy he may have experienced out of the experience.
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My entire family make lists and we all take turn looking at them and crossing off what we've got someone, then pass the list onto the next person. I hate getting tacky things I know people won't have a use for. I've got my brother a tank driving experience for christmas, I've got my uncle a beer making kit. Both things I know they'll love and use.

I skipped through her gift guide in the video, but is she really gifting on a lot of the things that she got gifted herself? how cheap..
You know she did that speech about holding a giveaway for the dyson hair wrap - how is that any different to giving paid ads etc to friends and family for christmas?
View attachment 334544
"If Dyson would of gifted me"

How is this woman allowed to step foot in a college to teach?
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What annoys me the most about her is she goes from seeing one person to another to another. We know she doesn't wash her hands or have any sense of personal hygiene. Even if I was in tier one, I would only see one set of people from the same household and give it a few days, a week before seeing a different set of people.
She's just using the rules to suit her selfish needs instead of using common sense, which is what they actually need to work.
She is probably the carrier of 95% of the covid spread around Norwich.
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"If I knew I was wrong or being a jerk, I wouldn't have said anything about going..." get your hair done? Something that would be really fucking noticeable on top of your head? "Oh look guys my hair magically changed!" 🤣

Hope she enjoys her new COVID regret hair. Dickhead.
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I’m so tempted to comment on her vlog saying ‘No sign of the Tropicana you’re claiming to love over on your Instagram?’ But I’d get too aggravated by her response 😂
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That vlog was the most I'd ever heard Fil speak - he seems like a normal enough guy. I feel like her editing had made him seem like a bit of a odd mute before? Not sure if I'm making sense. But that was the first time I'd thought "Oh he seems alright".
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If these are genuinely all her gifts I honestly think that’s sad. Most of it sounds like stuff she was keeping? Also she must make a decent amount of money, she certainly spends a lot, so why isn’t she treating the people she loves?
I just think it’s all tat (surprise). It’s just random shit mildly related to peoples interests. Maybe it’s nit picky of me to say, but I feel like gifts should either be something someone’s wanted for ages, something that makes their life easier, or something handmade & personal.
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So TW: calories here, please skip by if you're upset/trigger by calorie/diet talk.

Just added this all up, an being generous assuming she did a reasonable amount of butter on her toast, she's got no sugar in her teas and coffees, she did a 10g portion of perrinaise and she made the Gusto stew to be 1 portion as per their website, she was at 2123 calories for the day. Which would sound average, but she's a 5'3 woman who's pretty inactive (I don't care how much bootcamp she claims to do).

I'm a 5'2 woman and my TDEE is 1600. So that means Helen's probably around 1700-1800 calories TDEE. So if this is an average day she's already 300-400 calories above what she needs. 3500 calories = 1lb of fat. So if she eats like this every day, that means 2.5lbs gain every month. And we all know she normally drinks a hell of a lot more. And she loves a mini Magnum and a B&J tub. So this probably isn't an accurate representation of her diet.

I'm not trying to say food = bad, but I'm just trying to convey how even her "normal" eating is still too much for her without solid exercise. Her advent calendars, kit kat and celebrations were 400 calories alone.
Continued TW here,
I feel like she’s one of those people who don’t realise how many calories are in those little bits they pick at. She probably eats a mini magnum and thinks it’s not many calories because it’s small, and its true that it isn’t many calories if it’s your one treat for the day. You can tell she does it with a lot of stuff, she doesn’t realise how many extra calories she’s adding having a bigger portion. It’s the same with how she adds loads of condiments to everything, has extra stuff on the side, has a few drinks a night. When you keep excusing certain things because they’re physically small you’ll continue to gain weight.

I’m calorie counting right now (1 stone down as of this week!) and I’m not “restricting” at all, I just make sure I stick to my TDEE. I honestly don’t find it very hard because I just buy the lighter versions of things and eat smaller portions of what I was eating before. I still get plenty of treats, I have a takeaway once a week or every two weeks.

I wouldn’t care what she ate if she wasn’t so dishonest all the time.
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Sorry to bring this up again, but I l'm only catching up on the drama.

It pisses me off that she considers any form of criticism bullying. I am a teacher and honestly I'm constantly critiqued; my plans are checked weekly, I'm observed monthly, I have yearly CPD targets to meet. I can't imagine saying to my boss "not every opinion needs to be shared because it"s upsetting.";😂 What is even more funny, is the way she claims to be a teacher. I wonder how she copes 😂

I watched Niomi Smart's video and it's like polar opposite of Helen. Niomi's fiance left her suddenly, she had the wedding booked and organised. I wish Helen would be more honest, like Niomi and admit what happened to her was traumatic. Rather than doing her whole Ross from friends "Im fine" act
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I think so many influencers like Helen are stuck in their ways. They aren't offering anything new to their followers who've been with them since their early days. Your audience has grown up, grow up with them. I really like how Zoe London has become a substanable blogger without being pushy. Zoe always come across like an actual friend, she's replied to me in the past even if posed awkward questions. Helen never has. I feel there are influencers who see this as a lifestyle and others as a side gig/hobby. Really irritates me when all posts become ad ad ad with no genuinty (like a newish on scene plus size gal)

Helen, you need to evaluate where you want to be, who you are and why we should keep following you because you've lost the touch of so many of us.
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Convenient that she’s not posted any Instagram stories today while she’s in London.
I am ready to go ham in the comments on her next video, fucking selfish bitch
Yeah I usually just ignore her shit and don't comment but really tempted to call her out and ask her to justify her trip to London when there are hairdressers in Norwich. See what she can come up with.
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View attachment 334905

You won't be saying "oh dear" when Lola and Dee end up with Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) and have to get surgery, dipshit.

View attachment 334906
Wow I’m amazed at her response. There’s nothing ’oh dear’ about it, they’re living animals with feelings. She should know it’s dangerous for them! She’s had Lola for like 7 years, plenty of time to learn about conditions that can affect her breed 🙄🙄 so selfish it’s unbelievable
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I completely aggress with all you guys about this!!
The next scary thing I’ve noticed some influencers talk about when sharing links to their ‘favourite’ erm no paid to push sales items is things like klarna?! Actually showing people who may be avoiding or not know about basically to tick on get into debt I can’t believe them.
The klarna and Clearpay shilling really gets me. It’s hard to but things outright anymore, it’s all designed to get you into debt. They’ve made every individual item so expensive that to buy more than one thing you HAVE to use a split payment plan. Being honest I’ve used them a few times and I’ve never had problems but I think people who have a lot of money don’t realise it only takes one missed payment in a lot of cases. I honestly think these influencers don’t take a single moment to think about anyone in a worse financial position than them.
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