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I have to admit this one was a struggle to get through - almost switched off in the middle it was soooo fucking dull. At least the spreadsheet vlog I could laugh at because it was so ridiculously stupid, but this was zzzzzzzzzzzz
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I don’t even understand what she’s trying to say about not knowing the rules? She knew London is going into tier 3, she knows that’s the highest tier. It shouldn’t matter what the rules are because even her peanut brain should be able to tell that tier 3 = high covid rates
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Is anyone else surprised she didn’t jump on the animal crossing train everyone was on at the beginning of lockdown? She takes up every other hobby as soon as it’s trending, dunno why she skipped that one.
Probably couldn't get a Switch for free at the first launch then wasn't able to buy one because they were sold out.

I can imagine her furiously emailing Nintendo asking when they'd be restocked or sent to her because she needs one to promote to her 596, 595, 594, 593k followers. I mean who better to share the new Kirby game?
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"ITINARY" this is hurting me. I'm such a lurker here but I had to comment. I used to really enjoy Helen's vlogs too but they are feeling incredibly pedestrian lately.
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maybe this has already been posted and I just missed it, but I only just noticed the lip bite at the end 🤢
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Honestly I’ve replayed the beginning of the blog 3 times now and no one can convince me she’s not high. Her mannerisms while she’s talking before she starts getting ready are so obvious to me, because it’s exactly how I get. The way she keeps blinking for a really long time, wiggling back and forth, and how she keeps moving her face. It’s that feeling of “my body feels funny when I move like this, but it’s kind of nice. Will it feel funny when I do it again?”
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Lurker but had to post to say, I hate how she shames Phil for everything he eats, yet it's okay for her to have McDonald's and drink 2 bottles of prosecco to wrap presents.
She is really projecting onto him. It's quite sad really.
100%. Imagine if he was saying these comments to her.
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Chatty Member
Just imagine her chubby fingers all over the tubes, picking up all sorts.

Get to the salon and she’s got her sausages fingering her gob.

spluttering everywhere as she’s shouting to her hair dresser FANKS TOM MAYTE, ITZ ASSENTIEL INNIT!
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She really is a lazy twat - not only is her vlogmas content piss poor, it’s not properly executed. Other YouTubers plan their content and film at least some of it in advance of December. She clearly can’t be arsed so I don’t know why she bothers - she’s showing herself up.

The state of her house on that last vlog too :sick:. That wasn’t just untidiness, it was a proper lack of basic cleanliness. She has absolutely no excuse, she’s mooching round that house all day, she has plenty of time on her hands. My house isn’t always spotless but I sometimes don’t have a lot of time or energy during the week depending on how full on work is. But even on the busiest weeks I don’t leave dirty dishes festering in the kitchen etc. It’s also pretty disturbing that she was proud to show off her filthy house in a video.
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Well people are commenting about the Lush controversy on her video, but so far she's not bothered to respond. I bet she just ignores it.
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I guess gleam clearly thought it was time for her first ‘apology’ video. Yeah... put apology in the title but don’t forgo the usual shitty vapid content, like 26 people will like that,

She says in the video “I still wanna share the vlog of my day of getting my hair done because I had a nice day with Tom and this was fun to get thisthis is the best non apology since that Laura Lee girl. I’m surprised there wasn’t a fake tear here or there 😒😒😒
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Interested to see how she copes at Fwil’s parents this Christmas. Especially given her she treats her poor mother. I can’t imagine that behaviour will go down well with the potential in-laws!!. The dozy cow is bound to upset the apple cart this year.

on another note I don’t see Fwil going anywhere. I think he is allowed to play his games and eat what he wants without living under his parents roof. Helga mother’s him and provides the permission so he can continue to live his best teenage boy life.

of course that will all change when she accidentally gets pregnant. New year baby anyone?
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I've seen a few blogs this week (not just Helen) with people going to London to shop or for ’a nice day out’. Ffs it makes me so angry!
A nice day out catching covid and being super spreaders 😍😍 so instagramable!! 🤘🔥

Vlogmas Day 15
My Current Favourite Everyday look GRWM

[DESCRIPTION: For today's vlogmas I wanted to share my current favourite everyday look. Enjoy!]

Starting off the vlog looking at her naked chubby legs and scabby heels as she strips off and gets into the bath

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Now we're cutting to her sitting down getting ready.

She's already lost count on what number she's up to on vlogmas. Really?

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For today's vlogmas she wants to do a chill 'get ready with me' just coz.

"Im really liking my routine at the moment" she mumbles whilst fingering her spots around her mouth

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"so I wanna film it" she shrugs, CLEARLY out of ideas for vlogmas. She wipes her nose with the same fingers she just rubbed all over her spots.

So far today she went to bootcamp, walked the dogs, tidied the WHOLE house - she said she took her time with that and it took a while.

Now she's scratching the nape of her neck.

"Just coz" she rolls her eyes.

"I dun ma emails n ad sum lunch and then got ready" So wait, have we already skipped the getting ready part?

"now I'm getting ready" dammit.

"Don't really av much to do today, which is quite kewl"

"not been too busy today. I'll pop out later" of course you will, when are you never off out somewhere during a pandemic?

She's quite excited about getting ready and had her bin bag shirt in mind for what she wanted to wear - she got another freebie from Megan Ellaby and she's wearing that underneath the bin bag.

"dis is lyke a fake levva shirt fing, just fil kewl"

Here we go with shoving a bunch of shit on her face. I can just feeeeeel CHRISTMAS being ENCAPSULATED into EVERY VLOG.


"LA ROSHHH POSSSSAY" She tries to pronounce her vitamin C serum

"I'm gettin' ma 'air dun tomorrow n I'm reallly excited" she says "I woz worried cuz Landan is going into tier free, but 'airdressers n shops are still lyke.... PERSONAL SERVICES and shops are still stayin' open... It's just pubs n restaurants n stuff lyke dat av gotta close"

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She gives us a full nostril view.

"I'm Im I'm a little bit nervous...." she says after just saying how excited she is about it, "bout goin' ta Landa naow they're going inta tier free..."

"I.... I know that gettin' yer 'air dun isn't essential... but I'm just finkin' about going.... lyke.... DRIVIN' there, so I'm in my car, going straight there and back again" sure that will fool old Covid if you're in and out of London in a flash, Helen

She says that she KNOWS the salon is super clean and safe. Sure, Jan.

"WOTEVA. It's just.... it's just a bit NERVY"

"Once the vitamin C is in my face... SORRY!!!! I FEEL REALLY CHILL TODAY!!!! So I'm just REALLY like 'YEAHHHH MANNNN'" She sways like she's high on something.

"No reason though! Don't worry!" she quickly says

"I'm not on anything" she half opens her eyes

"I'm just feeling really chill"

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Shoves on some more products - does a weird "YEAAAAAY" at her Bare Minerals freebies she got sent

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"Smoothness.... SMOOTHNESS!!!!"

She reads out her new free products as if she was advertising them.... 🙄


She itches her ear with her spot/nose prodding finger

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"This other stuff came from another brand" she grabs more product to advertise.

She got some anti aging stuff "coz I'm gettin' old"

"I don't really talk about skin care that much" she sticks another finger in her ear,

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"just kinda a bit basic wiv it, like sum people are really really really gud at skincare" she throws her head back and shows us her nostrils again

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"and they tawk abaowt it like their pashin' whereas I'm just, well, I just use wot I need" or use what is free you mean.... "It's just not that exciting!" neither is this video, Helga.

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She turns into a toad.

She says how she likes sticking to the same shit "maybe I should talk about it more? I dunno?" she shrugs. Please don't Helen, your skin is shit.

She then backtracks and thinks she wouldn't be good at it as the field is already saturated with people who actually know what they're talking about.

So Christmassy.

Shoves some more shit on her face. Says her bare minerals shit she has to be careful when she puts it onto her brush as it has fallen off before and landed on her clothes.

She worries that sometimes when she wears make up it just sits on top of her face (it does) but this Bare Minerals shit feels like its going in

"AHHHH! LOOOOVELY!" she squeals

Puts on concealer next but wonders why it's got a lot of crap all over the bottle - there's no method to putting this on, she just slaps it ALLLL over.

Bronzer time. "I've been lovin' doin' vlogmas by der way... I woz really nervous and like fort it woz gunna be a really dauntin', overwhelmin' crazy fing to do. To be honest, it's been quite managable" That's what happens when you put no effort into it and take 2 days off every week for a month long filming and uploading every single day challenge, idiot.

She continues piling on the bronzer. Her cheeks must be sore from all this rubbing.

"normally I would be going to Landaaaan"'re going there tomorrow Helen...

"I'm glad that it's going down well" girl... have you SEEN your VIEWS???

"the support in the comments is sooo nice. I do I do I do get nervous about uploading these days. Not as strong as I used to be guys." she couldn't hold in that laugh.

She opens her blusher "God, make up is GROSS innit?"

"Bitta Pat Trick Tarr blush"..... wait.... did she fuck up saying PATRICK STAR?! Jesus Christ.

"mine dirteee" she complains, seriously she's not even saying words properly now....

"It's just got bits of finga prints on n everyfing"

She's trying to figure out how she's going to upload on Christmas, she might do from the 23rd onward as one loooong video, as she doesn't want to work and do editing. She can't believe some people do their 'what I got for Christmas' videos all filmed, edited and uploaded on Christmas day. (dem's the people who get the views Helen, if you want them - you gotta work for them!)

"I mean that's not being disrespectful..... like do wot you want, but I just don't understand, me I'm like just enjoy the bloody break, have time with yer family, like av a break from uploadin for the day, I'm sure that can wait..... that's just me though coz I fink it's really important to really have a lovely chill time on Christmas day and I fink like, yeah, it's like GIVE IT A REST lol GIVE IT A REST"

Reminds us that Christmas eve is Fil's birthday and that they're going away for it.

Continues to yap on about how she's going to film and upload around her relaxing holiday

She's shoving on her eyebrows now

"I'm I'm I'm I've kinda of, I'm at peace now with the current situation in terms or restrictions and lock down" she lieeees, "yeah, I've kinda had my peace with knowing now that I won't be able to see as many people as I'd like as I'd like to or like my family and I am just excited for Christmas now"

This vlog is soooooo dull

She says Fil's all excited and every night when they go to bed they're all eeeee! excited! She's glad that she's with someone who's excitable.

She fingers her nude eye shadow, slams her finger into her eyelid and swirls it around. Gross.

She says that restrictions in a way takes a lot of the pressure off of being here, there, and everywhere - so THAT'S the silver lining for her, the fact that she can be chill.

Complains that her mascara is covered with concealer

"you know wot the secret to ma eye lashes are? Cos they're lookin' PENG.... LVL lash lift"

Lip gloss slapped on takes off her hairband, and "ahhh!" she got her hairband caught in her skanky hair extensions

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"errr bloomin' 'ell" she says

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"Ewww look at that"

She now tells us how she looooove wearing her hair up in a low bun now, something that she 'could NEVER do before' (but has done before)

"I neva fort I could pull off day chill, cool girl, easy going vibe" still can't Helga.

"I can do wot I want, I can be who I want, yer just gotta OWN it"

Now she gets her dyson air wrap, and slaps some free Matalan earrings in her "cat bum" she says

Struggles to get her earrings in her second holes "WOT YER SAYIN!" she yells at it, the earring isn't saying anything.

"I feel really TRENDY when I look like this" She says, while her bin bag top rustling around

"my style's quite eclectic and I don't want people to fink I'm a fake.... but I really like this"

Rings are shoved on to her sausage hands and she's done

She's going to edit this now and go to the post office and then run some errands (aka go shopping and meet up with people most likely)

And that's it, another SUPER CHRISTMASSY vlog. Such festiveness, such encapsulation, much Christmas.
Those hair extensions on her poor bald patch. Does she not understand trying to conceal it like that is going to lead to more tension alopecia? I had a bald patch along my parting due to a number of reasons so I just switched it to the other side and left it alone. Lo and behold I no longer have a bald patch, never was I stupid enough to think YEAH I’LL WHACK SOME TAPE INS ON ALREADY FRAGILE HAIR, MUCH BETTA

Sorry guys now I’ve made the comparison to Baga I’m fucking crying
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The cupcake decorating was difficult to watch. But it made me think how would she be with a child! You have to let them just do their own thing to enjoy activities. Cakes are never going to look perfect! But its fun 🙃.
I am feeling sorry for Phil.
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