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Wow that advert just feels so random and not "on brand" or anything to do with her channel.

Obviously just for the money...
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In all honestly the colour is nice but she should just get all that length off forget the extensions. That leather shirt thing needs to be burned, her dress sense has gotten worse the last few weeks. That horrible outfit makes her look massive!!!
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That singing is a hideous David Brent/Spinal Tap hybrid. But nowhere near as funny as either of them.
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She said in her replies to the comments she was going to "investigate" it - aka "I'm just going to ignore it and never address it again, but in the meantime keep watching the video with 7 ads, a bitch needs to get paid"
She probably googled "lush trans" and then went "oh well" and chucked a bath bomb in her bath!
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Tom cruise needs to give her a good shouting at

stupid cow still doesn’t get what’s going on and it’s been 9 months!
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I didn’t even get that far, turned it off after the Friends puzzle. She’s already done her Christmas shopping but is giving all of the free gifted stuff to her friends and family as their gifts? How does that work?

I cannot stand “tat” presents. I might be someone that people hate for this but I make a list every year. Personally I don’t enjoy receiving gifts tbh, makes me feel awkward 😂 I really don’t enjoy getting presents that I don’t want. I know it sounds ungrateful but I hate the idea of someone spending their money on me for me not it enjoy/like/use said gift. It’s a lose lose. I’m also a compulsive declutterer, if I’m not using it it’s going to the charity shop.

Surely her friends/family know they just get free gifted crap for their presents? I’d begrudge buying her presents if I was them.
I find all the influencer gift guides very bizarre. They tend to steer away from practical gifts, but I love them. My mum always includes a couple of kitchen utensils in my gifts at Christmas so I can build a collection of stuff slowly without having to fork out for them all at once, and I think it’s great!
Besides that I don’t see how it’s hard to think about your friends hobbies and buy something in alignment with that. Do none of her friends and family collect anything or have any actual hobbies? Just because someone likes Friends doesn’t mean they want a Friends puzzle. Maybe they hate puzzles??
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Helen wants to know how we're coping, how we're all doing, how lockdown has affected us, are we having a good time and how have we had to adapt our christmas to the lockdown with the tiers and everything

Oh honey...I could write her a whole essay
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Active member
that has got to be one of the worst apologies of all time 😂🤣

she says she “has a sense of responsibility” and she “takes the rules seriously” and she “wouldn’t be purposefully irresponsible” 🥱
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All day in work we’ve had the radio on so I’ve had nothing but Christmas songs in my head.

helens vlogmas content is so so unimaginative or festive, and she’s a bloody singer, why hasn’t she thought to do some covers or film a music video (AT HOME) for a Christmas song? How the FUCK is this her job but shes incapable of doing anything beyond buy off ASOS or drink fizz.

I needed to rant this thought has really fucked me off.
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I thought this too. I love Excel and learning how to use it properly changed my life (not even joking!). It's brilliant, yet she may as well just use a pen and paper based on what she's shown.
She obviously doesn't know how to make tables on her iPhone notes app, it would save her a lot of time rather than having to trundle down to her office to switch on her computer, open up her pathetic little file, just type "buy more booze" in excel... 🤣
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Vlogmas Day 4 - Ya Filthy Animal

"I'm so blogger right now I got my Starbucks" Says Helga, coming into the room as if it was the first time, yet she already been in setting the camera up to capture this magical shot

"I never normally get Starbucks and bring it home, but I could today"

She struggles to remember that it's vlogmas day 4. She's been up eary to get her nails done at 8:15am (what's the betting that she begged to be squeezed in?) and now she's getting in the habit of treating herself to a Starbucks on the way home "it's like a double whammy of treats, nails and Starbucks."

She says that yesterday was a bit of a fail - It was the "worst luck" day of her trying to get her work done, she had a cry and her period started today.

She got up nice n early to edit her vlogmas and her computer was being fucky. So she had to go to all the effort of doing it on her laptop. What a hard life.

She the went off to PT - cue a flashback of her setting her camera up outside the gym, walking in and shutting the door yelling "HELLLLLOOOOOOO" I fucking hope one day someone will nick her camera when she does this shite 🤣Now footage of her shockingly poor form on the rowing machine while she's busy chin wagging to Kat with an over the top almost fake happiness. Next exercise and she's still yapping away saying how much she likes Kat's xmas decorations. She's enjoying being back at the gym and doing something different than running because she's 'been running LOADS recently'

She then sat on the sofa doing 'some sort of work stuff' on her laptop and uh oh! flash back to her telling her story about her camera just magically flew across the room and flip out screen is hanging off. "Luckily it's not coming off too much, too much" and Fildo is going to fix it for her when she gets home. What a good EGG.

Her highlight yesterday was doing her promo for the new JBL Party Box - she spent the evening she spent the evening serenading aka bothering Fil by screeching down a microphone with her speaker strapped around her

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Fil slinks out of shot. He just wants to get dinner cooked. Fuck now she's turned to the camera and is screeching songs at us....

Why does it look like she hasn't done the zip up on her dress?

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Fuck me, this wailing is going on for agessss

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Life must be pretty dull if this is the highlight....

Back to present day Helga, this is her new favorite toy, she might even go busking with it.... Jesus Christ.

She spent the rest of the evening watching Sons of Anarchy and taking loads of pictures of her and the dogs on the sofa - because clearly the sofa rule was fucking stupid and didn't work.

Today, she's going to tidy the house because she's got to that point where she likes to get the house "so disgustingly untidy, where I'm almost really ashamed of myself... PURPOSEFULLY" so she can have the satisfaction of having it clean again.

"CUE MESS MONTAGE!" - which is of course in slow motion cos this video needs to get over the 10 minute mark.

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"I know what you're probably thinking.... 'Elen yer 'ouse is mingin' wot on earf are yer playin' at?' Well, you know what? It's a house that's lived in" she says, while strangling whatever hair she has left on her head

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She ain't gonna feel bad about letting her place get into a shit hole - but DAMN ANYONE ELSE MESSING UP HER SHIT AHEM FIL AHEM JOSIE AHEM

Now she constantly repeats how she's going to clean and we're starting with the kitchen!

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Now she's explaining how she uses Zoflora.

She's leaving the mess in the dining room because she's going to be editing her vlog in the house cos the internet is better in the house than it is in the office.... so much for the new office Helz...

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Living room now and what she 'reaaaaaally didn't appreciate' is Fil putting his "nut crumbs" straight on the coffee table because there's a ridge in the table and when you try to scrape them off it gets stuck in the ridge and OH MY GOD THIS IS SO BORING HELEN.

"Erugh it's rank" says Helen, inspecting the ridge.

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Guys, hold on to your hats. She's gunna have ta 'oover them out.

Now she's showing off all her yankee candle plug ins. She hasn't got it plugged in at the moment as her laptop is plugged in. 😴

Bed making time and we're done

She's off out now to go to do the recycling and she's taking a weight she borrowed back to bootcamp - because she couldn't possibly do that the next time she's there for her work out.

She's nattering to her self about all sorts of shite while driving around, wobbling about. Now she's back home having a celebratory cup of tea. She feels well good "creating....tidying" the house back to how it should be for the weekend ahead.

"Sometimes you've got to let it get messy, so when you do do it you just feel lovely and satisfied and great"

And that's it now until Monday. What a fun vlog. 😴😴😴
@Lunamoon22 you deserve a pride of Britain award for your services to us you really do
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I’m honestly BAFFELD she’s 30? Like based on her appearance I truly genuinely believed she was 34/35 (I started to watch her content this summer). Mentally I would say she’s 9 years old.
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Well-known member
i don’t understand why she doesn't use these companies to help, if sainsburys gifted you something, why not see if you can work with them to do a giveaway for at least your UK followers, something to ease one or two people in this tough time is better than nothing
she doesnt show any form of compassion for others and that sucks
its all greed
Or to go directly to a food bank ?
So many people are struggling right now, the economy is in the shorter - food has never been so hard to obtain and yet .. no action towards helping anyone else.
But this isn't surprising to any of us, she did one small post about the music industry - multiple venues in my small city have closed down - my favorite movie theatre just announced they're closing as of 2021 - no mention of how to help small businesses or the arts .
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Again just shows how insincere her apology is, only keeping the comments praising her for apologising and deleting any comments criticising her.

Also, it's actually scary how many people in the comments see absolutely nothing wrong with her taking a non-essential trip to a Tier 3 area. People saying they would've done the same etc. No wonder we're still in lockdown :cautious:
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I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt and trying to think the best in her 🤣
Whilst I would never wish anything bad on anyone, I find I have much less sympathy for Helen these days after witnessing all the bullshit she's done / continues to do during the pandemic. She doesn't give a shit about anyone but herself.

#sorrynotsorry Helga​
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