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the patronages will not give a rat's ass about her departure as she has done NOTHING for them. Not a zoom call, nothing. SmartWorks? That would have been a great opportunity to show support for women who have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-related financial and job losses. But no. They are probably more humiliated at her resounding silence as it suggests that they're not worthy -- only entitled mushroom latte entrepreneurs are worthy.
His departure from RFL and England Rugby? everyone - and I mean everyone - will cheer. Bye dickhead. Departure from the military? I suspect that there will be a sigh of relief that the charade is over. Invictus>? I feel bad for them as there WAS momentum and the idea wasn't a bad one - and they've been left with literally nothing. Sentebale? I think the folks there had long ago seen that Hazno was of zero value. Ziltch. Nada. and just using them to look like a caring humanitarian but his last stunt where he used the Sentebale evening at the Ivy in Chelsea just afterannouncing Megxit showed they were just being used. The ENTIRE story was about the contents and direction of his speech which didn't say a single word about the cause. It was all about "poor harry". Marathon? Peh - no one even remembeered that Harry was even remotely linked to that. No one cares. Frankly Prince George would be a better patron for the London Marathon. At least he LIVES in fucking London. and wears shoes.
Sentebale means "forget me not" in Sesotho.... name chosen as a memorial to our well as a reminder to us all not to forget Lesotho or its children"
Prince Harry speaking at the Concert for Diana
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It’s interesting that there have been no royal social media congratulations at all. Silence. Only Mayhew,Invictus and Wellchild I think have commented. Zero from the royals - I wonder why? It’s obvious that people would notice. What is going on I wonder?
I saw a congratulatory post from the Smartworks charity that bigs up her mate Nonoo's clothes designs as well
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Sorry if it’s been mentioned before but does anyone else follow Skippy on Tumblr? She is adamant that Harry is NOT with Meghan & she is photoshopping all their pictures together. I think they are together though.
That picture of Harry on the bus without Meghan is California. And it looks like Harry.
They may not be together, but, he was definitely in California.
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:) As bizarre as it sounds that could explain why we haven't seen Doria in a while. She appears very fit and healthy for her age - it is not unheard of for women of this age to have carried from donor eggs and successfully birthed. However İ don't think she would be up for it, based on what we know of her grifting personality.
It’s not that bizarre a theory at all. It’s certainly happened before but usually the grandmothers are younger women. However if there was an issue with Archie and the surrogate keeping him back or making noises about being unhappy, using Doria this time would ensure it didn’t happen again.

Im sure she would he well compensated for being the surrogate and maybe she’d like the idea of getting one over on the RF.

I don’t think Doria is the surrogate but it isn’t a crazy idea and it’s certainly been done before. In fact, using a (young) grandmothers egg and having her as the surrogate, has been done before as well.

It’s not as crazy as some of the theories swirling around these two!
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:) As bizarre as it sounds that could explain why we haven't seen Doria in a while. She appears very fit and healthy for her age - it is not unheard of for women of this age to have carried from donor eggs and successfully birthed. However İ don't think she would be up for it, based on what we know of her grifting personality.
Doria would be up for it if she was promised something, like the right amount of money. Or the promise that Prince Charles will reward her with a title, when he ascends the throne, perhaps. I didn't know that women Doria's age *could* carry babies to term.
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Is there anything new that Meghan can say to Oprah? Although maybe she will give her the exclusive about when the baby is due?

I'm sure it will be a high rating money spinner....just because of the subject matter.....but what can she say that we don't already know?

But these dates are tight....She only found out she had won against the DM on Thursday, It still isnt completely settled, Judge Warby gives his second judgement on the 2nd and this interview is being aired in the US on the 7th March.
She almost had to get the pregnancy announcement out at the weekend to get a bit of advance publicity for the interview!

Has the programme been sold to a British outlet at all? Or will someone like The Mail cover the whole interview in advance, and clips put up on you tube so we don't need to watch it in the UK? (Im wanting to watch this new Britney documentary...but it hasn't yet been released in the UK, so it can be complicated!)
Sky Documentary is showing the Britney documentary
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From the Skippy tumblr blog, (hopefully the link takes you to a page with writing from London PR) this source claims to have worked for a company that MM tried to hire when first moved to UK. Read from bottom to top.

One thing for sure....PR is such mud hole...even to the point that I'm reading the above, and the cynical me is wondering if that's someone from PR doing the PR (under the disguise of an anonymous insider). Such a murky world...not sure what the truth is regarding Thomas? If he was involved at the beginning and part of the whole charade to create a certain narrative for M, surely it somehow went wrong? And while M might have been a useful distraction for BP at times, I don't think they have "sourced" her so to speak. She's definitely giving them a headache now...

Thomas Markle appears to have spoken. Looks like he's also been on CBS.

(yes, I'm getting all my MeAgain news from the Daily Star now!)
Aww...a big reunion on Oprah on the cards??? 🤦‍♀️
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I'm not well versed about Diana - would someone mind giving a wee explanation of what Bashir means please?
Bashir is Martin Bashir who did very famous interview with Diana where she said there were ‘three people in her marriage ‘ meaning Camilla and Charles affair. Widely believed to have manipulated Diana into giving the interview on TV.

I can't find the interview on you tube and being in the US I don't know if it would even be available to you. It's out there if you look around enough.
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Definitely not. I totally disagree. That would feed the "They're racist in the UK, won't let her voice be heard!" stans.
The Firm need to treat it like other shitstorms they've weathered ... heads up and getting on with things ignoring her.
Any publicity is good publicity in smeggy world. Give her the attention she deserves ... nothing. Zero. Nada. Zilch.

My hope is that Oprah does her party piece on the introduction and goes arse over tits .

Maybe......But which channel would show it?

If they want to show it in march, they will have to move schedules around a bit, and probably pay Oprah through the nose, for the priviledge

But maybe I am not thinking enough of all the Meghan stans! clamouring to hear from their hero!
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