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If its the predicted date I'm going to have to cancel my plans to work on the elections. Just hope I can sell my tickets 😢
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Thanks @LadyMuck 💂‍♂️
BookWorm is not interested in conspiracy theories about individual Royal Family members. Most of them are like us, and must be appalled at what's written about their family. Some members are better than others.
It's sad to see what the Monarchy has become, as it is supposed to be a buffer and protect the people, not be a divisive force. The list of people hurt, destroyed or even dead because of their association with the RF is very long.
We didn't ask for this appalling treatment from the Sussexes.
BookWorm quoted misleading and stirring headlines about Hugh van Cutsem.
The York sisters are not receiving money from the Privy Purse nor do they receive government funding. Our Late Queen paid PA's security, now Beatrice and Eugenie pay their own way. Eugenie and Harald have always been close, but BookWorm doesn't think she's a mole. What's there to mole and spy about?
Who's to say Eugenie gave the Ho permission to use August's photo? Doubt it. The Ho uses what photos she fancies and we've seen lots of different Fffarks. BookWorm isn't prepared to speak ill of the York girls based on rumours.
Thank you Cinny.

Much appreciated.
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Fancy that.
The police said they they "were already aware of this channel".

Oh...the power of getting scores of people to play their parts....
Yes, its an interesting tale to follow.

Not least because some of those becoming involved are that wet dream of the security services "right wingers".
Oh the irony that the Harkles are attracting such people to their cause.
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Shade. And you?

Well-known member
I spent some time (years ago in the 80’s) in Pompano Beach. I remember one day we decided to check out the beach in Boca Raton & the cops had it all closed off because a ton of packages washed up on the beach filled with cocaine! 😆

Enjoy your time there, cj 👍🏻
This has been happening of late in and around Sydney (Australia). Crazy.
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It keeps growing on me. At first I was like WTF but it definitely is thought provoking which is always a good thing to me
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I thought I had seen a part of this before but not the start where she shows all the pictures ‘little Meg’ ? Really ? But skips over the baby photo - who is that then Smegzy?
so many questions ! gawd she is as fake as f***

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Dooley Doo

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Kookaburra…no, I’m not and never have been, although I adore them and place them up in the stratosphere with all other kingfishers. Only ever been an NZ Kingfusher ( Kotare) .. That said , I am blown away you mentioned our laughing avian friend. I am literally just watching a YouTube video of kookaburras being found in Scotland on a golf course. Also, where I live in NZ, we do have introduced kookaburras, although in a very limited geographical spread. Yesterday one dear wee one committed hare kare on my living room glass doors. So what’s the chances of all that coincidence? Should I change my moniker?
PS. You’re not at all batty btw 😉, well maybe just a bit.
We get a few Kookaburras as we are in the hills in West Aus.
They like the bird bath but they are a bit crazy.
During summer the kookaburras will fly and land in the pool and somehow fly out and onto the fence to dry off and have a preen of their feathers.
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"The Sussexes have secured invitations to visit three more Commonwealth countries, and have been given permission to do so by the Royal Household in the UK."

Ah, so the tactic is to give them all the rope they need to make utter arses of themselves. Brilliant. Let them bumble around insulting nations and cultures, gathering dodgy friends and murky cash streams.
And the RF will stand well clear of shit splatter when it all explodes.
But no Padparadascha, this would mean TOO MUCH free rein to insult towards, and grift from Commomwealth countries. Speaking as a citizen of one: "Hell No!" Also as a flow on this would mean derision and disrespect for the Monarchy, I don't believe the shit splatter would not taint them. Especially if they have "given permission" to the Stoats.
I 'm starting to wonder ( admittedly I've Been at the Turps, as we say here) if KC3 would quite like such a slimmed down Monarchy that it would be Just Him (" apres moi, le deluge"?) plus the nice chaps at the WEF.
No, get sober, Ticker! Specially since the spellchecker changed "moi" to "moisture"..!
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My fave YouTuber …. Love Daniel ….. he doesn’t pretend to know anything or have sources, he just gives his own opinion on topics …… Oh and he makes me laugh more than any of the others! 😃
Same here - he's hilarious, and takes the piss out of himself as well.
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I'm just glad we only have 6 weeks of election campaigning not like you poor tattlers in USA where it seems to be about 18 months
The ho will be cursing as it will keep her off the front page however it does give Catherine a break
She is probably begging for a chance to speak at the DNC convention in August. They had about 36 over 4 days last time…including a Republican who hated Trump…so it is possible. Not probable…but with Newsom’s favorite Nigerian Princess …anything is possible.
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I live in a little village in a former red wall constituency. Labour never did anything for round here because they knew they were guaranteed to be voted in.

The conservatives got in at the last election and promised lots of improvements to the local area which, at the end of their term, has amounted to the grand total of absolutely nothing.

Doesn't matter who I vote for... if I vote. Labour is going to be back in :cautious:

Back on topic: when everybody laughed at Brian Rachel's jam, did she cry one tear left eye go or did she gently sink to the floor weeping? :unsure:
She more than likely threw a teapot filled with hot water, then the whole tea set, complete with scones, cream and jam…..
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