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General election called, woohoo!

The NHS may survive after all! Despite the Tories trying so hard to get rid of it.
Loved the backing track 🤣
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Ah but, in Spare, whenever Brian Rachel met with adversity she would "sink to the floor gently weeping"

i.e. wrong tiara = floor gently weeping, refused lipgloss = floor gently weeping, Harold farts = floor gently weeping etc. etc.

N.B. I've not actually read Waaagh so my recollection of the actual reasons for the tears may vary ;)🤣
Of course I was forgetting that she's a perfect Disney Princess
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Oh no, you quite misunderstand.

From now until polling day everyone in Britain will be glued to their televisions and radios, eager to imbibe the wit and wisdom of the intellectual heavy-weights that make up political and media class.

No one dare risk the slightest of distraction - such as walking the dog or taking children to the park - lest they miss the latest thing that may not be said, or for which nothing can be done, and why this or that should be banned.

It's all too thrilling to allow those who wish to watch Trooping the Colour.
BIB - Indeed!

It is not often that we have the privilege of seeing and hearing so many cerebral titans offering the outpourings of their great brains.

The entire country is breathless with anticipation, and popcorn slaes have already gone through the roof! It's thrilling - everyone I meet agrees and with tears pouring down their faces, they all echo the same refrain . . . "WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE"
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In 1917 UK Parliament passed an Act to remove Titles as they finally realised that several British Peers and Princes of the Realm were actually fighting for the - German! - army. There was quite a large group of European relatives of the British monarch, who decided to fight against, rather than for the UK.

It took parliament a while ( maybe they were busy with other more pressing things like a world war! ) but they eventually - and sensibly - realised that despite all of the urgency of other pressing matters on Parliament's time, it was beyond ridiculous that these distant German Royal family members were still holding holding titles. These titles werre some of the highest honours Britain could bestow.... and they were being held and used by people who didn't prioritise Britain, or our monarchy, or our values, or our people. In fact - they were actively against us.

Moving forward to modern UK, we now have a Princess ( albeit by marriage, but a princess of our realm none-the-less) and her Prince (without a country ) openly mocking us by refusing to "set foot" in Britain and calling Nigeria her motherland, all as she holds a USA passport.

Hapless Harry has likewise rejected us, but isn't American, nor Nigerian...which leaves me wondering if a Prince without a country is really a Prince at all?

Where is he a Prince of, one wonders?

And let us not forget, the title of Prince is an honour that is allowed by us, the people he is supposed to be loyal to, and bestowed by parliament and the monarch, and it is a title that can be removed. See above.

Let us be clear....only his eligibility to be a Prince is a birthright.....his actual title is NOT. He has no automatic or continued right to his title whatsoever. None.

Our Kings and Queens pledge service to us. They inspire love and respect through their duty to us. Their lack of political ambition, their grace and dignity. Truly regal. We expect them to act in this way. Adhering to those centuries old traditions. Not everyone could do what they do. I couldn't. They are multi-millionaires in their own right. They could simply ....walk away...and leave us with corrupt politicians vying to be Head of State instead.

And yet they don't walk away, they don't abandon their role. I hugely admire that sense of duty. It shows a fortitude of character and respect for our country that goes above and beyond. I think the majority of people sense that. It inspires us, and gives us a sense of national pride and identity. It is why we wave flags and cheer the Royals. No current modern politician could unite us in the same way. The Royal Family should always be above politics for this reason.

But H&M have indeed walked away. They have abandoned their roles, and the "rules". Which is a big deal... because if you abandon the role and flaunt the rules, you shouldn't get to still keep the job titles. And so their HRH status was taken, and QEII ( RIP) wisely said NO to the half-in half-out deal.

...but it isn't just the abandonment of the roles and duties, now is it? If they had flown to freedom and truly had become the next GOOP, or become succesful film directors and podcasters by their own merits, hardly anyone would have cared. They would still have masses of support in the UK, too. But instead, they have demeaned our thousand years of heritage, disrespected the honour we bestowed on them by allowing them to call themselves by these BRITISH (UK) titles. If their titles had merely opened a few doors, and they had never said a word against the monarchy or UK and had simply worked hard proving themselves a successful author, guest speaker or jam maker , no-one would have cared. They could have even come back occasionally and been cheered. But instead, they have attacked the RF over and over again. The UK, and the people, too.

And now - they have literally pledged allegiance - in front of the world - to another country. And as she holds a different passport? They have refused to sing our national anthem! On a cos-playing "Royal" tour, no less!

How ....JUST HOW.... has someone not said.. NO to this??

You simply shouldn't disrespect my country like that. Their first - AND ONLY - priority should be the UK. Or forfeit the titles. It is that simple. If being Nigerian, or American is more important, then that's totally fine - but you need to give up the titles and honours that you carry from this country.

Calling another country "home" and "in-laws" and "motherland" ??? What will it take before we say enough is enough? They even still used the HRH titles in Nigeria - which is supposedly forbidden. A Prince and Princess grabbing gifts? Why are we allowing this?

Parliament needs to strip those honours immediately.

King Charles cannot do this - his authority is limited to banishing them from the Royal Court....which perhaps doesn't have the same impact that it once did 500 years ago! It is Parliament who need to get rid of those titles. KCIII, however, with the flick of a pen, he could strike them from the Most Noble Order of the Garter.

Sadly, that wouldn't mean much in the scheme of things...but it would be one hell of a loyal gesture to us. Distance the monarchy and by extension, the UK, from the antics of this disrespectful duo. His ancestor King George V was brave enough.. King George V struck off the war traitors 2 years before Parliament got around to officially removing their titles ( despite still being preoccupied with a world war) Our current Parliament has no such excuse.

It is a huge INSULT to everyone who swears allegiance to the King for their job ( army/law courts etc) that these 2 still bear titles - at the same time as pledging their allegiance to other countries, rather to us and the monarch here.

PH in particular, sees being a Prince as his "right".

It isn't Hazno, it really isn't - only your place in the queue to the throne was your birthright, not the permanent right to the title of Prince. Just ask the French Royalty if you don't believe me.

He should still be behaving with the loyalty, decorum and duty that the honour of his titles should inspire....or face losing them.

Time to strip them of their titles. I shall be petitioning my MP. It's time these two traitors face the consequences of their selfish disregard of our country.

As ever, My opinions only, feel free to seek your own truths.

Oh and my apologies for the extra long post!
It won't happen because the will is not there, so Seely's proposal was squashed immediately. We posted about this some months back.

The Guardian, 9th December 2022 on Bob Seely's Bill
"..... The Conservative MP has said he is planning to bring forward legislation in an attempt to strip the Duke and Duchess of Sussex of their royal titles. Bob Seely told the PA news agency he could propose the short private member’s bill early next year in an attempt to amend the 1917 Titles Deprivation Act.
If passed, it would see MPs vote on a resolution that could give the privy council the power to downgrade Harry and Meghan’s royal status.", 7th December 2023
Under fire
"As well as coming under fire from local politicians, the Island’s MP Seely has even received criticism from Melanie Phillips, columnist for The Times newspaper, who believes that his attempts to have the law changed would shut off any future reconciliation between Harry and his father, King Charles III.
Although a strong critic of Harry and Meghan, Melanie Phillips says the move “risks looking petty and vindictive”, and that “slamming the door on him [Harry] would be lacking in compassion”.

Here's the killer...
"It's also worth noting that this proposed Bill is something Downing Street said they would not support when it first appeared a year ago."
"Dec 9, 2022 — Rishi Sunak does not back a proposed new law to strip Harry and Meghan of their Royal titles, Downing Street said on Friday."

Parliament will not go against the will of the Monarch.
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Chatty Member
Rishi is getting grey super quick .

I am a tad worried about Labour getting .in because if they run the country like they run My town it will be a complete shitshow They have had overall control of the town council for two years the town is a mess shops closing pot holes everywhere and we are nearly bankrupt .
I shouldn't worry it's a conservative run town council here with a conservative MP and it's dire 🙄
I think it's the same everywhere tbh 🙄
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I'll be right there with you @Mothballs. Did someone say 'road trip'???

Having said that, why would they come all the way to the "ass end of the world" and only go to WA? I know that Western Australia have long wanted succession, perhaps the Harkles are scouting a new location to set up their alternative royal court?

Suddenly Catherine Tate's Queen of Oz ain't so far fetched!

Also typed and deleted my snarky joke about the possibility of the flatpacks coming, the rather large dingo population and the invisikids fairy tale ending. I am sure you can join the dots.
Good grief, don't say that even in jest. Trying to imagine MM settling in Perth with its little western suburbs 'elite' all vying for a piece of her. She'd be suicidal again to have sunk so low. Perthites would be foaming at the mouth with excitement though, especially as having her here meant the eastern states missed out. Lilibet would be enrolled in St Hilda's and Archie at Christ Church Grammar. There'd be rowing on the Swan and polo and the good life in the never-ending sun. A small pond in which they'd be able to set up their alternative court.
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So many gems in this one @Chaotic Artist!!!!!! Oh, how I needed this laugh! 😊 (Had a reconstructive bone surgery April 12th which didn't work and am facing another surgery this Friday. Blech.)

What a gift this forum is, making connections with people from around the world.

Except Montecito. :mad:
Tell me again @DoubleOld, which model of Smegs nose were you hoping to get last time that didn't work? 🤔🤪

Only joking I hope all goes well for you this time and you have a speedy recovery. ❤
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