Harry and Meghan #93 God Save Our Queen

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Apologies for reposting my post - I can't edit it now. Just wanted to add: find skippyv20's Tumblr blog and use the search bar to look up London scoop. There's a lot more to be read. This is an intriguing titbit, for example, posted on 7th May 2018:

"I keep being told that the wedding is not the core of this story. I’m still not certain who was meant by the ‘who’ from my last post, but it ultimately is not MM. Believe it or not, while she appears to be the scheming mastermind of all this, she is actually just a player who is stupid and arrogant enough to think she’s the star. I believe we understand who the person behind her is, but there is another/others behind him. (I have no idea who). Those people will not go down. MM thinks she is more than she is, but the person who has cultivated her friendship over the years will have no problem walking away from her when this is over if need be. All of the side players in this game are just shallow bonuses who are willing to go along for the fame. They haven’t a clue.
So as I understand it MM was the perfect combination of thirsty who failed in her career designs but believes she is deserving of stardom. Someone souless enough to cultivate a circle of other thirsty under achievers, simple enough to fall prey to false flattery and participate in this farce. What I don’t understand is who or what is the actual target and why."

There's skippyv20 on Tumblr who's been saying forever that H's W has had 'backers' from the beginning. Look for the 'London scoop collection' that was being put out in 2018. I'm pasting some of it here, hopefully with spoiler as it's very long. I can't work out where this info was coming from but it's intriguing.
London Scoop Collection 1
March 27, @iamstillskippy
Hello again :) I have a bit more information. The bits about H come from the gentleman with the phone I spoke of last mssg. He, I think is the highest ranking of the group. What he has to say comes through my friend who, as I told you has more personal access to him. The other information comes from a wife and a fiancee of two others. That was shared directly with me as I actually undertook some studies with the sister of the wife. I didn’t know her beyond classes, but enough that I was able to start conversation without it seeming intrusive. (Hope I haven’t confused you yet). The sister actually has a position at BP. She also goes temporarily to another royal location of business which I won’t name to protect the source. Her position does not put her in regular direct contact with any of the family, but it is clear that staff gossip between locations. The biggest thing upsetting staff is the cost cutting and personnel changes. As for KP, William’s personal secretary has resigned after ten years. A lot of staff have and are planning to leave. This sister said that senior staff have been quite stern about not discussing personnel changes. They’re being told that any changes that might affect them would be announced at an appropriate time, so it hasn’t been denied. He was more stern about not discussing new duties that PA is preparing for.
Information from the fiancee has to do with how MM is being judged/treated by their social set. They would not refuse to include her nor turn down invitations from her if it included someone from the family. There is no way they’d risk losing association with them. But she is not being invited to participate in any private functions. She has not been personally befriended by them. No one has even seen her about London so that’s not been too troublesome. There as yet has been nothing said about wedding invitations being received, but there is down the nose criticism about the announced wedding plans. None of the expected high end vendors for wedding and personal preparation have been engaged. It’s as though they are hiring off the radar.
Also, not sure if I should include this as it comes from one of the men who heard it from another woman he knows…Zara was asked if she had met MM and her response was to roll her eyes. Zara has her own big event coming up and is above caring about publicity, but she makes remarks like “good god” when something is said about M&H being in the press. I’m told.
I’m going to split my mssg in two because of the length. So part 2 is coming up.
I hope you know how much we appreciate what you bring us! Thank you so much!😁❤❤❤❤
March 27, @iamstillskippy
Now, from the top gent. Apparantly this Marcus, despite whatever job title he has, acts much like one of those concierges who can get anything/make anything happen for customers. Big names don’t dismiss him for two reasons: what he can do for them, and what he knows about them. They do not, however see him as a friend or equal. Marcus knows this. This is where MM comes in. She stopped really caring about her acting career several years ago. Her true goal is being on top of the power/fame pyramid. She kept acting because of the connections etc it offered, but her energies went much more into who she could associate with. And it wasn’t other actors. I mentioned before how this gentleman says that H continues with M because it is the socially virtuous thing to do, to be seen as color blind. What started as a hook up became more, she acted well enough for that. By the time things soured she and Marcus had enough evidence of a relationship (between M&H) to make it real to the public. Harry dithered. M and Marcus began stealth charitable activities. Making visits to places like Grenfell, other low income and ethnic localities, under the pretense of royal backing. It reached the point whereby if Harry backed out of the marriage they would be able to unleash a racial tidal wave of anger at the family. They even have people, some being heads of organizations willing to speak (lie) on M’s behalf, to say that Harry dumped her on orders from the Queen. They also benefit from this whichever way it goes. Please understand that this is something the royal family would never be able to overcome, the hatred of the majority of their subjects believing them to be racist, believing them to have destroyed poor, innocent Meghan who just had the bad luck of loving a white prince.
So Marcus gets revenge for years of sucking up to and standing along side but never being part of the privileged people. If it didn’t work out though, he’s really none the worse for it. For Meghan it is an all or nothing move, but one she feels certain she will win. It doesn’t matter if people speak out about who she really is, the herd mentality of racism will drown it all out. The horror of it all being that Harry is not racist.
Now, all of that said, the one important thing my friend did not think to ask this gentleman is what battle plans the family might have. I hope to be able to tell you something about that within the next few days, but I wanted to get this out now. I apologize for the length, but I’ve had several days of conversation and wanted to be sure I got it all down.
Please don’t feel the need to apologize….I love your writing style, such a pleasant read, and the information fascinating! Thank you!😁❤❤❤❤
March 28, @iamstillskippy
Just a quick note before I head out for the morning. In response to a few remarks made about my submissions, I should explain some of the words I used. I tried to summarize a lot of second hand conversation in as clear a way as possible and it would seem I failed. When I said M wanted power/fame, I didn’t mean power in terms of “I will rule the world”. It’s more the power that anyone with more wealth or status or fame has over someone with less. Given where she started, (lower class commoner) marrying into the royal family gives her quite a bit of that.
By threatening to accuse the Queen of racism, it appears I didn’t convey that correctly at all. The word as told to me was ‘the Crown’. I said ‘the Queen’ but I think the thrust was the monarchy in general. I’ve been trying to not interject my personal opinions here, but have to say that I don’t think Meghan has any understanding of royal or aristocratic dynamics at all. She doesn’t understand that accusing Charles or William or Harry IS actually accusing the Queen, in the end. But that is how it was presented to me, that she/they would damage the monarchy with accusations of racism. Not directly, but with 'other people’ leaking stories. To give an additional personal opinion, I do believe that she has visited various groups in secret based on the gentleman saying he’d given that information to an individual who could inform the 'necessary parties’, but that those parties already knew.
I hope these clarifications help. I think that it’s difficult sometimes to see that there are differences in cultural perceptions between Americans and us.
Yes there are things that Americans don’t get…having not been exposed to the Monarchy all their lives. I do understand what you are saying. Thanks for coming back to clarify. For me right now, I dont see a big conspiracy, with big names….I see two commoners who were very well connected….found an in and went for it. Thank you!😁❤❤❤
March 28, @iamstillskippy
Wow. To chiefbarbariantriumph who felt it necessary to shout in super sized font at me, I am quite well aware of the royal family’s interactions/relationships with people of color. Whew, off my chest lol. Now, is it is normal procedure to shoot the messenger when reading unwelcome news? Or am I taking this too personally. I’m just a working student with access to people who have much higher connections than I likely ever shall. I try to present what I’m hearing in a way with which the readers might put together the truth. It will always be second hand to me, but I believe valid. When I see I’ve not been clear I will always attempt to correct that. If I ever find that I’ve been led down the garden path I’ll wring my own virtual neck!
My questions though are, what should I do if I feel I’ve gotten valid information that is not exactly what people want to hear? If you feel I should hold that back I will. If you’d rather I state my personal opinion I’d be happy to do so! Separately. I just felt that it would interfere with the objective conclusion. And, why am I being cautioned about what happened to winkie? What DID happen to winkie and how do I prevent it lol? Honestly, I see how much effort you all put into this issue and admire the loyalty, good sleuthing and debate. Seeing people argue the info I’ve given helps me to know a better direction to getting further info. (It is hard though to not be influenced by my own growing bias). Thank you Skippy!
Whoa! That was not “chiefbarbariantriumph” who did that! I posted that, it was a comment, I posted it! So no blame to anon! The reference to Winkie was to make all aware that we do get imposters, to stir things up…and to watch out for Winkie and London Scoop imposters! No one said or implied that’s what YOU were. I told you we appreciate the info you provide. That said, the idea that race card is part of the plan….anons are saying…good luck Idiot, it will never work….here is why…..
March 29, @iamstillskippy
Hope I am not jumping the gun on this info, just received it. Part of the reason for the slow and strange wedding plans might be that the top choice vendors have been *graciously requested* to be otherwise engaged on 19 May.
Fair warning: I have not yet asked around to verify this. It just seems like deliberate stumbling blocks. It’s either that or the wedding planner has very poor taste.
Thank you…we will take it😁You are the best!❤❤❤❤
March 29, @iamstillskippy
I am told that an independant web site developer has been engaged by KP and to expect to see a major launch of ??? within 3 months. Not being told what it is for, only that it will be a new approach to a previous undertaking and that regular staff have been shut out of it. Specific info about MM is limited to confirmation of her presence at KP offices, refusal to say if she is actually domiciled there. Question about the family’s cooperation with MM got me the answer of “one or the other”. I’m so sorry, I have no idea what that means. I don’t know whether it is the gentleman we speak with or his contact who is being so tight lipped. I have my suspicions but I’d be guessing.
I have heard of the web designer but it’s for Baby 3 …..there may be strange things going on at KP right now…but letting her start up the Atig isn’t one of them….why the secrecy though? Thanks so much London Scoop!😁❤❤❤❤
April 4 , @iamstillskippy
Hello again. I tried last week to look into the availability of wedding vendors for 19 May without success. After phoning 3 I realized they weren’t going to speak to me unless I was a planner. (One said no straight away, the other 2 said they’d have to get back to me about the date, took my name but didn’t ask for a number to call back). A friend pointed out that they weren’t interested in someone making their own arrangements. The word from a more connected source (about those announced) said “if you were marrying a prince would you want flowers that could be ordered from Selfridges by just anyone? And the cake would be more appealing if it came from the market stall they started out in”. Rather harsh, but the general opinion from what I gather. Now, the only conversation I’ve had for over a week with the main gent started out with a joke. I asked him if he’d received his invite to the big wedding. He laughed and asked if I was familiar with the poem Jabberwocky. I am, and for those who aren’t it’s an old poem made up of basically nonsense words. (Lewis Carroll) I know I said I wasn’t going to slant my info with personal opinion, but I think he was saying that the invitations are made up things. I just don’t know if that means their existence is made up, or the words on them don’t mean anything. I joked back at him, saying “you aren’t going to let slip any state secrets, are you?“ His answer to that was that you wouldn’t want spoilers to a hit show, would you? Not much, I know. Later on I overheard one say “A lot of effort for a bit part”, and before they left one made a toast “to fallen comrades”, which they all drank to. Any other conversation I could hear wasn’t interesting at all. Sorry for how little I have to share and that it’s not very specific. I hear much more these days from people who don’t actually know anything more than they read.
Thank you so much London Scoop! Any info is great, and appreciated!😊❤❤❤
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I read Harry to take paternity leave as Harry to take paternity test 🤣🤣.

My tired eyes playing tricks on me.

They want back in, predictable.
Katie Nichol:
Again her:
Covert blackmailing and pressure tactics, by their PR.
Evil Kate and William didn't even.. insert some response to baby.
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Did he look like this? I've never dabbled in drugs but when I see people like this, I wonder if I've really missed out?!;):cautious:

Exactly. Catherine got a lot of positive posts from the funeral. Being credited with being the peacemaker so what do we see a day later, H wife the peacemaker. She is truly the most jealous cow. I’m waiting for the pix of her sitting in a car staring out the window wearing a black hat and pearls.
Or staggering along the Monteshitto cobblestones on her carrion crow legs, wearing 5" killer heels, ropes of pearls, black net hat, short skirt to expose carpet burn knees, and clutching an onion to make herself well up again and again, me me me!! Look at Meee!!
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It's written by a tech CEO type with a huge bleeping chip on her shoulder, Michelle Ruiz.

"She is co-founder and CEO of BiasSync, a SaaS technology company that helps organizations identify and eliminate biases in the workplace."

You know, one of those grifters who makes six or seven figures out of selling packaged witch hunting racial divisiveness to idiot corporations.

Look at who is quoted in that article; that bellowing sack of shite for brains Shola and some dumbass author of some GO KWEEN GURLZ type pseudo empowerment bollocks. bleeping Bunty for Kweens.

It's clearly partisan, and 100% hagiographic where Markle, the chosen avatar of these types beef with white people or this dubious, invented concept of 'whiteness' (see Noel Ignatiev for that one, Communist and then late in life race baiter academic) which they will have you believe is seperate from white people , is concerned. The British royals seem to set these US 'empowered' race baiters and grifters off like nothing else, despite them probably having given them zero thought before Markle joined them.

Pathetic, really.
Hahahaha, Bunty for Kweens ... I'm dying here.😅😂🤣 I shall blatantly steal that.
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Hah, you know, I was thinking about Jackie Kennedy Onassis in just this context the other day. How bizarrely golddiggish that Onassis marriage was basically despite her education, grace and stylishness, because nobody, but nobody would marry that vile, ugly, brutish pig Aristotle Onassis unless they were after his fortune or the kind of outlandish lifestyle it could buy. Terrible man, unattractive man, scandalous man, and publicly known to be a truly bad character of a man, nothing secret about his enjoyment of being a brute or a rude pig to the women about him. Jackie saw the hard side of him when he got wind of her writing to an old male friend regretting the marriage, thought she may dare cheat on him, so he arranged for a pap to get the now notorious snaps of her sunbathing nude on Scorpios. Told the photographer when and where she sunbathed there. He did it to humiliate her in a way he knew would really hurt her and her reputation. Nude pap shots back then were a huge deal, a severe scandal and humiliation to someone of her class and stature.

I highly doubt a typical modern shallow trophy hunting billionaire would touch Markle though. Too old, too many kids, her being an abject, obvious and cynical operator, her value lying only in being notorious via marriage rather than a trophy in and of herself. Jackie was definitely a huge trophy for Onassis, his ego loved bagging world famous. talented and beautiful women (Maria Callas being another) then destroying them.

Thing with Jackie is she was world famous and widely admired during her marriage, and considered an admirable and iconic woman, rather than reviled or at least highly controversial like Markle already is. Jackie is the one who charmed Nikita Khrushchev into complete soppy admiration at a very tense point in the cold war, let's not forget. Although JFK cheated on Jackie constantly, there was no real scandal on Jackie herself and the marriage ended through his death, rather than a scandalous divorce.

I don't doubt if Markle divorces, she'll be on the hunt for the next mark, but I highly doubt anyone in the billionaire class will be biting, unless they're looking for trouble.
I don’t see Henry’s Wife ever leaving him, she’s married to real life royalty albeit a fractured and disturbed relationship down to them.

If she did get fed up, who’d have her and who would she chase?
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Nice one about Kate, by a former Economist writer:
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I tend to think she’s already got her claws dug into some Silicon Valley bag of cash.
She seems to have the contacts there, for sure. Through CHIMPO hubby and her CEO 'sisters' and through Serena and her ex-Reddit founder husband. Elon Musk and his type will not be looking her way though, that I can assure you.

Harking back to Jackie O again ... Markle reminds me more of a low rent, Home Bargains version of Wendi Deng, the staff-abusing, husband-beating, marriage-destroying, rank cock climber who at her peak bagged Rupert Murdoch then made his life an utter misery with her domestic violence and her unpleasant and controlling nature. Wendi went on to duck Tony Blair behind his wife Cherie's back on some billionaire's estate (thus destroying her husband's support for Blair), and is now seen on various superyachts with her daughters, who are just getting old enough to begin to groom and dangle as billionaire bait themselves these days. Terminally grotesque character, started her cock climbing in college by destroying the marriage of the Amerian couple who hosted her for her US study by bleeping the husband and when they divorced, insta-marrying the male half, then insta-dumping him when she got her green card, which was clearly the goal all along. The naked financial ambition expressed through simpering cock wrangling, husband-snaring then brutally dumping, really reminds me heavily of Markle as does her inability to hide her true psycho character from people with eyes in their heads.
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I gave up reading that article once they quoted Diane Abbot 😱
Yanno what? The sugars and the stick-up-their-arses in other twee threads on here imagine we are raving mentalists fuming and frothing 24/7 over Mr and Mrs Cuntchops, but I swear I get the best laughs ever from posters on here. Honestly, some of the articles are just unintentionally hilarious I get cringe by proxy and wonder who the duck takes them seriously.

Oh and welcome. Jump in, the water is fine. Have a welcome mushy.:m
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"Meghan is going to take some maternity leave.

"She did not have much maternity leave last time around, she was really busy launching a clothing collection for Smart Work, she was putting the finishing touches to her Vogue issue."

What the duck? She was working instead of maternity leave 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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The songwriting pair Harkle and Markle have just dropped their latest single, which is best sung to the accompaniment of smashing china and Simon and Garfunkle's Sound of Silence:

Hello, ATM, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a duchess softly creeping
Wrote her screed while I was sleeping
And the message that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the aim of merching

In Windsor streets I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a streetlamp
I said hello to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of an iPhone light
That split the night
And touched the aim of merching

And in the morning light I saw
A thousand dollars, maybe more
Trustees talking without listening
Trustees hearing without talking
Meghan writing letters that she needs to share
No one dared
Disturb the aim of merching

"Fools," said I, "You do not know
My overdraft like a cancer grows
Heed my word so that I might warn you
Heed my pleas so that I might save you."
But my words like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the aim of merching

And Netflix bowed and prayed
To the yachting star I made
And the palace flashed out its warning
In the war that I was forming
And the sign said, "The words of the duchess
Are written on the toilet walls
And castle halls
And whispered in the aim of merching."
Brilliant Wu Tien you can serenade Hfwm on her Birthday
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Harking back to Jackie O again ... Markle reminds me more of a low rent, Home Bargains version of Wendi Deng, the staff-abusing, husband-beating, marriage-destroying, rank cock climber who at her peak bagged Rupert Murdoch then made his life an utter misery with her domestic violence and her unpleasant and controlling nature. Wendi went on to duck Tony Blair behind his wife Cherie's back on some billionaire's estate (thus destroying her husband's support for Blair), and is now seen on various superyachts with her daughters, who are just getting old enough to begin to groom and dangle as billionaire bait themselves these days. Terminally grotesque character, started her cock climbing in college by destroying the marriage of the Amerian couple who hosted her for her US study by bleeping the husband and when they divorced, insta-marrying the male half, then insta-dumping him when she got her green card, which was clearly the goal all along. The naked financial ambition expressed through simpering cock wrangling, husband-snaring then brutally dumping, really reminds me heavily of Markle as does her inability to hide her true psycho character from people with eyes in their heads.
Um. I’m getting the sense you don’t believe Wendi Deng is altogether nice...
It’s good this place to here to get these little rants out of our systems!
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Yanno what? The sugars and the stick-up-their-arses in other twee threads on here imagine we are raving mentalists fuming and frothing 24/7 over Mr and Mrs Cuntchops, but I swear I get the best laughs ever from posters on here. Honestly, some of the articles are just unintentionally hilarious I get cringe by proxy and wonder who the duck takes them seriously.

Oh and welcome. Jump in, the water is fine. Have a welcome mushy.:m

Ha ha, Iove it😂😂
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well said DoubleOld nice to hear honest views from our chums over the way and do hope that our acerbic and sweary posts do not offend you. She is completely bloody cuckoo and lives in a weird, twisted fantasy world in other words she is doo lalley, complete nutter.
Nuttynana, the weird, twisted fantasy world you speak of is called Hollywood and it is where the Hollywood Royalty and the Hollywood Elite rule and dominate.😖 (Pay no attention to what goes on in Washington, D.C. haha). No one who is true HR or HE want anything to do with the MM and PH dog and pony show. Yes, PH is a novelty for us Americans but he is viewed here as a one hit wonder. Seen him once and seen him enough. Like his wife, he really does not bring anything to the table. It is actually embarrassing for us to watch him/them and as soon as his wife realizes this she will dump him for some one higher up in the Hollywood brass. I predict her next husband will be an older, wealthier business man looking for eye candy which she would be more than happy wiling to provide. I hope I am not speaking out of turn as I am an outsider, but I do truly worry for H when he is unceremoniously dumped. He doesn't seem "all there."

A bit about my user name: I am not only the mother of adult children but also have grandchildren. I am old enough to realize Shakespeare was right: "There is nothing new under the sun." You can pull the wool over my eyes as much as you can Lady Colin Campbell's. I am also old enough to have been around when PH wore his Nazi uniform. Is the boy that dense and crass?

Don't worry about offending me; the acerbic posts are like a breath of fresh air. I'm more worried about unintentionally offending you. Please do let me know if this happens.

PS: The terms "Hollywood" and "LA" mean the same thing here because most of the HR and HE actually live in 10, 000+ square foot manisions in LA after coming home from their filming in Hollywood. Very few actually live in Hollywood proper anymore.
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Just spotted this and it made me think. I know he was reported to have brought his own security and that UK police took over when he got to UK. But why?
His taxpayer funded security was removed when he stepped down. He hasn't stepped back up. So why are we paying for his bloddy security again? He has his own. They didn't escort him for a holiday. Make them do his work.

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Um. I’m getting the sense you don’t believe Wendi Deng is altogether nice...
It’s good this place to here to get these little rants out of our systems!
Haha, I KNOW Wendi Deng isn't a good character. Plenty out there on record about her. In fact, Vanity Fair broke the story about her bleeping Tony Blair! Full circle!
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How does smeggy feel that Kim K is now pursued by royals and billonares after divorce? :ROFLMAO: Smeggy has nothing to offer post-divorce other than vegan word salad. She is definitely going to abandon the chicken and her dogs after she divorces Chimpo.

Wallis2.0 can have Kanye
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I think...
Firstly - it was her major appearance on US TV, she believes she's more important than H so he was irrelevant.
Secondly, She didn't want H taking her limelight.
He was only brought out so to endorse the interview.
Thirdly, she wanted to get all her truths out and he wouldn't have supported all her truths - even him staying silent would be more supportive to the RF.
Fourthly, she knows how boring or unintelligent he would come across in an interview, she needs him to be marketed as super royal man.
Her first spoken major appearance on TV, btw. Hahaha! I bet she put that on her IMDb, which of course for her stands for " I m da Bomb!"
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I am getting desensitized because of the amount of sugary PR she puts out there. I have no sympathy for her anymore. Same with hazzo. It's nauseating to see the same tit faces in the tabloids every day. Sometimes, I just want to punch them in the face. 🙊
I feel like that most of th time with these two runts

Haha, I KNOW Wendi Deng isn't a good character. Plenty out there on record about her. In fact, Vanity Fair broke the story about her bleeping Tony Blair! Full circle!
horrible thought bleeping Tony Blair two rabid dogs on heat
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Or staggering along the Monteshitto cobblestones on her carrion crow legs, wearing 5" killer heels, ropes of pearls, black net hat, short skirt to expose carpet burn knees, and clutching an onion to make herself well up again and again, me me me!! Look at Meee!!
5 inch? More like 7 inch. Her heels were out of control which was one of the reasons she would clutch at H and H would stare at her feet when they walked together anywhere unless it was carpeted. Im astonished she didn't face plant during her "walk" before meeting Chuck at her wedding.
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