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Maggoty fundamentally misunderstood the Royal Family in every possible way. She thought they were like celebrities what she could bully and manipulate. She thought she could come in and take over as ‘top dog’. She thought it was a popularity contest. She had no grasp at all of the weight and majesty, nor the international prestige of the British monarchy. The idea that a D-list actress could take them on and win is laughable.

Also - do you think the real reason Farmer Maggot didn’t come is because they could only afford one ticket?
I think that labelling people in derogatory ways detracts from constructive discussions about their behaviour. It fuels the contention that they have been the subject of discrimination.

My personal take on Meghan- she met a guy who is known to be charming and decided he was definitely worth hanging on to. I don’t believe for a second that she didn’t know who his family was or what being a member of the royal family would mean for her in terms of personal gain. It’s like meeting the good looking, rich professional- the one your parents want you to bring home- Harry was that on steroids. But unlike a celebrity union, where she could jump on noble causes and save the world à la Diana... she was not marrying the heir to the throne. And I don’t think she fully realised the constraints of her role as a person who would always come below William and Kate. She would not be allowed to cherry pick her causes and she would have to play by the rules.

When that didn’t work- they decided they’d make up their own rules. But I don’t think they checked or at least confirmed what they would be allowed to do as Duke and Duchess in commercial enterprises. As someone just mentioned- they rolled the dice and came up short. Now they are abroad, Covid has hit and no one (not even Canada or Donald) will pay for their security. They have to take what they are given and that’s Netflix and Spotify and whatever other Multinationals who want to pay for an inspirational talk. To be successful in this- they need to become relevant and now that they are not royal in a professional way, they have to become celebrities. So they did the interview. What card (the only card really) does Meghan have left- race. Instead of biding her time until Charles was King and playing by the rules, they went for the jugular- “people were racist about my child”. And the only people that believed them were celebrities of no consequence and some people of colour who were just glad (from my own personal conversations) to see someone talking about institutional racism. The problem- I cry bullshit.

I do think that Harry would have been an awful fool to lie completely- I do think someone may have said “oh what will the kids look like” or even “are you ready for the potential racism the child will face if dark”, but from conversations with my own in-laws, it’s usually meant with curiosity or even concern. I actually don’t think Harry knew she was going to bring that up and I would love to see an unedited copy of the interview. If the duke hadn’t gotten sick, I actually think that the allegations could have gained more traction, but alas- the Queen Mother and her funny jokes. The false statements were picked apart and the unsubstantiated allegations were called just that- unsubstantiated. And fair play to William- “we are very much not a racist family.”

Meghan didn’t come because she’s pregnant and not welcome. It’s both. This week is meant to be about the duke and not two children who threw their toys out of the pram and didn’t get their way. Now she’s back peddling but it’s probably too little too late.
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Pair of thick cunts who cannot take responsibility for their own choices and actions.

Still, a hilarious attempt at backpedaling because it's finally sinking in that in the eyes of much of the press and the public, they're self-absorbed filth, and that the moronic, narcissistic festival of lies interview pretty much destroyed any credibility they had left.
So much for 'What's done is done' they were peddling at the time of the interview while PP was in Hospital.. M didn't account for the outpouring of support and sympathy not just from the British people but from other monarchies, public leaders, world figures. Probably thought no one is going to come out in support of a 'racist' old white man.....boy was she wrong.

She has finally realised that she and H need the RF more than the RF need them!!! it is showing with all of these leaks
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I thought we were allowed to give our opinions on here. It‘s my opinion that the stories about fake kids are Tinhattery. Others are perfectly entitled to disagree.

If you followed me properly on DS you would see that I have been consistent in saying I think they have handled their situation badly and I got significant stick on there for saying I thought the Oprah interview was a mistake.

I have also said in this thread that I don’t hate them or feel as negative towards them as some people on here clearly do. The truth is I fall somewhere in the middle. I think they had some valid problems but have handled the situation extremely badly and now need to stop digging.

I don’t know why you’re making this personal. If you disagree with my views fine but I don’t think attacking me personally and basically telling me not to post here is either necessary or fair. I have no desire to get into an adversarial situation. You’re entitled to your views and I to mine and we should be able to disagree with each other without making it unpleasant or personal.
You using the term "tinhattery" is insulting to the many posters on here who firmly believe that there was jiggery pokery around the concieving and birth of archiedoll. Their opinion is as valid as yours so you shouldn't belittle them by pissing on their views from a high horse. They've not called you a sugar nut for being super supportive of the harkles elsewhere, so you need to word your essays more carefully when referring to their beliefs.
I don't follow you on DS, but I certainly have observed those who have been shaking their pompoms for team harkles over the past 18months and been piling on to posters who don't bask in the wondrousness of the treacherous harkles.
OK I think I'll leave it there in case dot dot dot .:rolleyes:
You do you and I'll do me. Bye.
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Prince fan 1999

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The fact is that she slithered into his DMs on twitter, asked for introductions and invites to 'names' and events, then closed the 'friendship' down once she bagged numb nuts hazza.Iced. Ghosted. Those are the facts. Not just HIS truth, but THE truth and he has the messages (or receipts, if you prefer that meghanism).
He no longer bothers because now we all see that he nailed her MO before most other people saw the light. Find, use, discard.
Nor would he still be in the harkle camp if she was still kissing his arse. He is team Brenda all the way and would have eventually told her to fuck off, especially over the racism accusations directed at the UK and royals.
She must have shit herself with glee when she realised Piers had actually followed her on twitter, therefore allowing her to open up the lines of 'friendly' communication with someone way, way higher on the UK and US media/entertainment foodchain than herself. Friendly communication that was quickly exploited and turned into a nice profile-raising appearance on GMB for herself. Such is how the industry operates, very little to do with raw talent, and very much to do with who knows who and who owes who.

This is the woman who wrote blogs about cynically sucking up to casting agents to make sure they remembered you, and how other actresses were competition. Piers got both barrels of her personality in very short order; the original charm offensive, the career opportunities briskly milked from him off the back of it, and the abrupt ghosting when no longer useful.

It was rather dumb of her in retrospect not to keep Piers semi-sweet given his high media profile, contacts and longstanding power in the media. She could have faded him out gently, kept him in the loop just enough to appease him in various ways, but she needed to belittle him and cut him off as if he were well beneath her in the industry. She basically treated a UK media A-lister as if he were a runner. She made the mistake of her life thinking someone like Piers was as forgettable and as disposable as her ex-husbands and boyfriends and relatives. She didn't seem to realise that dating and marrying a royal may have raised her own status temporarily, but didn't diminish his one whit. And that everyone whose head you tread on as you ascend the slippery pole is waiting to shank you when you inevitably fall back down it again.
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Chatty Member
I think the Queen played a blinder with the uniform stuff. She left enough time to make Andrew and Harry sweat like they were in a sauna and all the papers to report that they would be united in civvy wear, before stepping in and retaining the moral high ground by appearing to spare Andrew and Harry's blushes by making everyone wear civvies. She could have said this from the start, but didn't. She's a bloody star with her timing. No-one can play this game better.
I think making everyone wear morning suits will make Hazno look even more of a prick. You know like when the whole class got a detention for something you did.....and the hate that followed. 😉 She’s played a blinder.
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Mock Turtle

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Well, I was quite pissed about the whole suits thing but I now can’t help but think long term it will please us Tattlers. Hazno and Andy have shown themselves to be the same arrogant, grasping, self-involved twerps we knew them to be. The fact they’ve even done so in this week of all weeks will, I believe, have hardened family hearts firmly against them. Whereas I was wondering if the family would ever act decisively and finally against them both the way we want, now I think it’s highly likely. They have both shot themselves in the foot long term for the sake of a short term tantrum and Prince Philip would have been ashamed of them both.
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I think Eugenie's statement is lovely. Much better than Harry's and they aren't really the same. PP was known for his BBQing even by the public and everyone knew he liked a drink.

Harry's leaned too hard on trying to sound like "old cheeky" Harry and bring up their Marines connection which co-incidentally Harry abandoned and had rightly taken away from him. He was trying to be the anti William. Eugenie's just sounds like a grieving but very proud grand daughter. Her's is less formal than William's because she's not going to be Queen.
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So I think we are definitely starting to see the cogs come off with Megan and her PR machine and her 'friends' are scrambling to make her the gracious hero in this now that she has already played the victim card with the Oprah interview. We all know she is without a doubt a narcissist and as I have said on a previous thread she can only ever been seen as the victim or hero never ever the villain.

I think she got a rude awakening when she saw the outpouring and love and support for PP and TRF and I without a doubt think the statement from Obama , which I though was full of shade directed at the Harkles, really rattled her. So now she is back peddling furiously.

Megan's down fall is she played to an American audience ,who no offensive to any Americans on this thread, have very little idea about the royal family and what they stand for. They , like her, assumed the royal family were like the Disney films , not an institution.

'Ariel' has never quite gotten that she is not nor never will be the centre of attention when it comes to the royal family. The monarch followed by his or her successors are. She could have done so much for POC and WOC if she had just reined her ego in and actually been a role model. Rather than a stage 5 clinger who took to writing positive affirmations on bananas. Her ego and her need to feed it has and always will be her downfall.
The recent articles in the DM talk about how PP gave Catherine some advice about dealing with all the attention - and that was to never think it was about you personally, you are not a celebrity and they are here to witness the institution that is the RF. Oh, and never look at the camera, Liz doesn't.

Can you imagine how much Meghan would be dying inside to even contemplate that as a way of being let alone accepting and applying it ?

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Chatty Member
We had a child in ICU and while waiting for a transfer our doctor was like you'll never guess who made me coffee last week - (I think he was trying to distract us). He was doing a refuel stop at a base in the UK and they were delayed. He said some guy came in and asked the Irish crew who wanted refreshments. Our doctor was like I know this guy but couldn't place him so was very unphased and having the chats. Afterwards someone said you've had your tea from a future king and he was kicking himself for being so laid back and not copping.
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On uniforms - if Andrew is having a hissy fit he should be sat down by his big brother and told to behave. PP would not want the uniforms disrespected by being worn by those no longer entitled to do so. Rules is rules. Queen bent one for Harry to have a beard at his wedding which I don’t think she should have done really. Uniforms matter a great deal to the armed forces, as well as having ceremonial heads that stand up for them. The Marines are being badly let down at the moment to save poor Harry’s feelings.
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Ok so thinking now at her ridiculous statement about forgiving the family? What is she supposedly forgiving them for?
In the interview -
I thought it was the HR people in the palace who wouldn't help her when's she felt suicidal.
I thought it was the press who were soo racist.
I thought earlier (Harrys farewell speech) it was the British public that were racists.
I thought it was staff or whoever that didn't teach her how to be a duchess.
What do the family need to apologise for??
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Here we go 🍿 Any time they’re called out on their shitty behaviour, it’s always someone else’s fault.

The Gruesome Twosome “didn’t want to do Oprah interview”. How long before they start desperately trying to row back from it with ever increasing leaks of how “they asked Oprah to cancel it because of PP being on his deathbed, but that wicked Oprah refused, they were tricked and trapped by her”. Cue Oprah responding with “the interview was agreed in 2018, I asked if they wanted to delay it when PP was in hospital but they said they didn’t give a shit and to go ahead” and the end of any help from Tyler Perry etc.

They’re so invested in their victim hood, they just cannot help biting the hand that feeds them 🍿
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HMtQ's horse Tactical won nicely in a decent race at Newmarket earlier. Hope that cheers her up a bit.
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Digital spy , chat forumslike here , I left last year as I was getting attacked by someone relentlessly ( please forgive my spelling I know is is terrible )
Yah. If you post anything remotely not worshipping smeggy and hawwy or show anything but deep joy at the idea of women being forced to share one of the few man free spaces they still have (Women's Toilets) with men who self identify as weemin then you get piled on and harassed. The loonies on there love banging the report button.
It's been a shit hole for years and has now down sized due to being repetitively boring and moderated by fuckwits who think that having control of the ban hammer gives them super hero powers and the right to talk to you like shit.

But that's off topic. OOH, I have another image dot dot dot BRB.

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Right - who had a wee sneaky smile when the photo of the Queen, Prince Phillip and the great grandchildren was published 😀😀😀

What a gorgeous photo.

And it highlighted how thick ginge and cringe are. If it had been me, I would have made sure I 'suffered' a couple of holidays at Balmoral and Sandringham and got plenty of photos with the old dears for this very moment.

Instead this pair of numpties flounced off at the first opportunity. So all they have is that one photo with them and Dora.

I initially thought that she'd never return to the UK but having seen these photos, I defo think they'll be angling for a Balmoral invite 🙄🙄🙄
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