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Sorry if this has already been mentioned but I'm glad that people are finally calling out on her toxic behaviour. All this week there's been a Meghan Markle headline and every day something new is coming out - be it from 'regrets' of the Oprah interview or saying she will forgive the RF. It's so distateful, I wish the media could silence Meghan because frankly a lot of us are fed up of her opinions or voice and would rather just respect the death of PP.
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mystic cat

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Re Catherine acting as peacemaker - why. should. she..? Smeggy singled her out as a target of her vitriol in the interview. She trashed the family that Catherine is a key part of. Why do people assume she’s ready to lead the way in ‘healing the rift’? In her shoes I’d be incandescent. She’s entitled to be angry.
If I was Kate, I would be furious at Meghan and would not want to build any bridges with her. As far as Harry is concerned, I think it would be difficult for her to try and act as an intermediary between him and Wills. If I was her, I would stay in the background and get on with my life.
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Prince Philip's passing has me thinking about what Meghan will do when her father dies. Assuming they remain estranged I think it would be disingenuous for her to go but I can see her wanting to play the role of the grieving daughter.
If Thomas Markle dies we will hear how they shared a special bond, how she reached out to him with Noballs to show him their kindness, compassion and Today's Special Mosaic of Resiliance Determination and her jealous half-sister turned Thomas against her so they couldn't visit him with Flatpack Grandson in Rosarito,. "Daddy broke my heart into a million pieces..." She will wear a black net veil, and her beady rodent eyes will be welling up on command for the camera.
Remember when she said in an interview "I am such a fraud!" . I think that's the only honest thing she's ever said.
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Yah, gotta say I've changed my mind re the uniforms. At first I was fuming but actually I wonder if the men in grey suits advised it to avoid baby hazza standing out. Yanno, the lonely black suited mourner stripped of his rightful uniform while the peacocks strut around him, scenario that smeggy and sunshinesux would use to full advantage. Now he is just another figure in a dark suit and they can't whine that he was discriminated against.
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I never thought they'd do this but Brenda had better stand firm and not let these twats back in. Personally I think it would destroy the goodwill and support the RF have

Also how exhausting is all her pr. Someone's death should not be about you.
I don’t think the Queen will reverse any decision regarding those two and their place within the royal business, otherwise what happens if they decided to upsticks again.

Meghan hates England, the fact she’s not top of the pecking order and that Katherine will be the next Princess of Wales.

They’ll never be back.
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Chilli pepper 19

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I never thought they'd do this but Brenda had better stand firm and not let these twats back in. Personally I think it would destroy the goodwill and support the RF have

Also how exhausting is all her pr. Someone's death should not be about you.
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The whole “Meghan’s willing to forgive and move on”. It’s such a typical Narc move to act appallingly, then be all “Let’s put it behind us”. Totally unwilling to take responsibility for their actions or admit they were wrong.
I have to laugh as this statement and all of this puff PR they are putting out, tells me one thing. They have totally stuffed up and they know it. Now they want back in. Their little royalty of America was never going to compare to that of the Real Royalty and they can now see it. So got to backtrack completely and say how much they want to forgive and move on, really meaning move back in again. Of course being the dipshits they are they can’t say that they were wrong and can’t apologise. I know what I’d be saying to them, F@@@ Off, but that’s me.
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Someone mentioned earlier about how they'd never been a 'hater' of the snarklicious pair, but had come to appreciate how very unpleasant they are (to paraphrase).

I never used to hate them, I'm not sure if I even do now (perhaps or indeed very nearly) but their behaviour has been hateful for a long time now. I think its perhaps to do with fairness, in that they seem to get away with everything with no question, while the rest of the RF seem to be being hung out to dry?
Exactly. It seems so unfair to William and Kate, Sophie and Edward etc. I’m sure they would also like the luxury of living like royalty without opening day centres in Hull, meeting factory workers in Bradford, Mrs Smith who lost her house in a flood last year. But they seem to have the humility to realise that they aren’t actually superior human beings than the rest of us by birth or marriage. They realise it’s really all an implicit deal they make with taxpayers - we fund your castles and enable you to keep your traditions and privilege; in return you let us enjoy a glimpse into your family lives, weddings etc and bring some much needed publicity to untrendy causes like day centres for the elderly or hospital volunteers.

Those greedy Harkles have it all arse-about-face though. They seem to truly believe they are superior and have some unique talent; and that British taxpayers should fund their extravagant lifestyle in LA, while they contribute literally nothing in return.
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Here we go 🍿 Any time they’re called out on their shitty behaviour, it’s always someone else’s fault.

The Gruesome Twosome “didn’t want to do Oprah interview”. How long before they start desperately trying to row back from it with ever increasing leaks of how “they asked Oprah to cancel it because of PP being on his deathbed, but that wicked Oprah refused, they were tricked and trapped by her”. Cue Oprah responding with “the interview was agreed in 2018, I asked if they wanted to delay it when PP was in hospital but they said they didn’t give a shit and to go ahead” and the end of any help from Tyler Perry etc.

They’re so invested in their victim hood, they just cannot help biting the hand that feeds them 🍿
In other words she hadn't expect PP and his death to be so internationally recognised and respected. The tributes from the big wigs (she thought they'd match her their first 4 liner one), the news coverage, the credits, respect for PP amazing life service and that the world likes the Queen.
And she's just an angry ant amongst it all.
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While I confess to having found The Twatastic Twosome of Mondeceito good for a sniggle or two in the past, the pointing and laughing stage has passed. It’d be so nice to witness someone - ANYONE - smacking the dumbassery out of both of them.

PS. @freda19 is my hero for her post about Princess Alice.
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I love that HMTQ's horse Tactical won nicely, what an appropriate name. To all those on here saying that the Monarchy has to do this that and the other. Don't forget that HMTQ has been the Monarch for almost 70 years. She's probably learned a thing or two about negotiation tactics.
I remember the days of Diana and the immediate reaction to her death, plenty of people were calling for an end to the Monarchy then, HMTQ has weathered far worse storms than this, I'm sure that the Palace will be keeping a close eye on public opinion.
Also the Queen watched her parents deal with the fallout of the Abdication, she will have learned from that shitshow.
When Diana died, as we all know, the family stayed at Balmoral .Brenda and Phil came back when the public mood , via the media was turning against the family for not returning soon enough and appearing aloof to the upset that was swirling around the country.

Brenda made her TV speech, live iirc and it was as if she turned the whole mood around , just by appearing, saying the right thing very kindly but with authority.

She’s utterly priceless and we should cherish the time we have her for.
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She better not show up and let PP have his day and let HMTQ say goodbye without that interfering sket trying to get her two pence in somewhere.
If it wasn’t for the virus she probably would, but US citizens can’t freely travel to the UK (I think) so she will most def need some permit. If only she had become a UK citizen then she can come and go on private jets in the middle of the night.

Breaking News in the morning from Montecito: “It has been revealed by a close source to H&M that Prince Phillips last words were “Megan was my favorite, forget my wife of 73 years and my dear children and grandchildren. The couple reveals that no, they didn’t hear Philip actually say those words because they were nowhere near him, but Megan had such a strong bond with the late Prince that she could feel his spirit while tending to the chickens. The chickens were rescued by the way, and Megan makes lovely organic waffles with a waffle maker that Phillip hand picked just for her right out of Tescos”.
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I don’t feel the hatred for them that I see on these threads and I think the whole fake Archie thing is total tinhattery. But I do think the pair of them are much too self absorbed and incapable of seeing how their comments and actions will be perceived. Harry is very much his mother’s son - very emotionally fragile. And Meghan is too American ever to understand the way the British aristocracy operates. Together they both manage to make each others faults worse and dig themselves into a deeper and deeper mess.
"Tin hattery"? Really? That's a bit dismissive and superior.
No need to be so rude about genuine beliefs on here regarding the mysterious markle child.
Of course you don't feel the hatred, you have been very vocal in defending them on DS so I'm not really sure why you grace us with your presence when this is evidently an anti smeggy and haribaldi thread. Not to be sarky and no offence intended whatsoever but there is a rave thread for them that truly might be more your style amelia.
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Meghan and Harry,
Lay down upon the riverbank.....
Harrys heart was all a'quiver..........
As he slowly undid her suspender....

And her knackered minge fell into the river.

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Mock Turtle

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I'm a bit of a history geek and it's shocked me that the RF didn't know not the treat JCMC differently so he wouldn't resent being the spare. Off the top of my head, William ii, Henry ii, Edward ii, Richard ii, Henry iv, Edward iii, Mary I, James ii all had either younger siblings or close cousins either attempt to kill them or even succeed. All because people below couldn't accept the fact they weren't going to be king

Harry hasn't learnt and his family haven't either from history. Nothing can change and he's just going to die lonely, resentful and angry. I really hope William and Catherine finally learn from their history and raise Charlotte and Louis to understand their privilege and also limitations. Poor Louis will never be allowed to marry.
The Royal Family did know all about second son syndrome. It’s well known for obvious reasons in aristocracy circles. It was Diana who adamantly refused to bring them up any differently and according to many, actually indulged Harry far more than William because he would never be king. She let them both run wild and Charles did not have it in him to fight her anymore. She was a truly overpowering character who dominated all family decisions. Harry was never punished, never really even scolded, certainly never faced with the consequences of his actions. He was told by her constantly that he could have whatever he wanted in life. While I understand Diana’s sympathy for him as the spare, she actively made it far far harder for him to deal with. We’re dealing with the results of her poor parenting today. Kids need rules and boundaries to feel safe and secure. They want to know someone else is in control. Diana mollycoddled him to such an extent that she ruined him.
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Chatty Member
The more I hear about Haz the more I think William is the true victim here.

To grow up knowing that everyone was bending over backwards for your feckless brother, smoothing over his japes and high jinx along the way and pandering to his whims and tantrums along the way, while he was expected to always behave as a future king (not saying that he hasn't had his moments, but it must have been drummed into him from a pretty young age). To have your mother's death brought out at every opportunity by said brother, while writing you out of the history and ignoring how you might feel while you bleat on about how mean everyone is to you and how you feel. And then to leave you to it to take the workload while skiving and slagging off your whole family, including your wife who he was always so close to but still expecting them to pay the bills. AND then having to publicly deny your family is racist. I honestly can't see a way back from them for this, which is absolutely devastating. I feel so bad for William. Cannot WAIT til he holds the purse strings (can't believe the Harkles have never thought this far ahead but they aren't the sharpest tools in the box now are they 🤣)

I LOVE that photo of the Queen and Phil with the great grandkids. I always think Charlotte looks so like the queen and she always has a wickedly cheeky grin. She's very natural in front of the camera, George always seems a little more reserved.

Pretty disgusted that they've backed down over the uniforms to appease Haz (or Andy). Chaz needs to step up and start putting his foot down.
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There is no way in hell that Catherine would or should even try to breach the gap between her husband and Harry. Essentially she was the first victim in that interview and if anything I think William, if he desires to speak to Harry, should start with what the hell are you playing at? 🤬 Do you have any idea of the shitstorm you have caused and how you have hurt Catherine, by letting that wife of yours vent her spleen? I would kill to be the fly on the wall, but I have to settle with doing my body language interpretations, fantasies and wait for Lady C to spill. 😆
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