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You using the term "tinhattery" is insulting to the many posters on here who firmly believe that there was jiggery pokery around the concieving and birth of archiedoll. Their opinion is as valid as yours so you shouldn't belittle them by pissing on their views from a high horse. They've not called you a sugar nut for being super supportive of the harkles elsewhere, so you need to word your essays more carefully when referring to their beliefs.
I don't follow you on DS, but I certainly have observed those who have been shaking their pompoms for team harkles over the past 18months and been piling on to posters who don't bask in the wondrousness of the treacherous harkles.
OK I think I'll leave it there in case dot dot dot .:rolleyes:
You do you and I'll do me. Bye.
I haven’t seen anyone “piling on” posters re H&M on DS. Not saying it hasn’t happened but, despite what you seem to think, I have not been “super supportive” and didn’t post about them that often and my posts were generally about the fact that I thought they were handling their PR disastrously. I also felt Piers Morgan was letting his personal issue with Meghan lead him to sounding like he was bizarrely obsessed with her.

If people want to believe Archie is a doll they are entitled to and I’m entitled to say I find that ridiculous. If they want to call me a Sugar Nut, that’s fine with me.

To be honest I find the whole adversarial nature of the H&M issue silly with people calling each other names and getting enraged about people none of us know.

You seem to have a particular issue with me. I honestly don’t know why. Maybe we clashed on DS or something. I don’t know because I don’t know who you are as you must have had a different name on there. Anyway yes, let’s agree to disagree.I have no desire to enter into a personal spat with anyone and I’m not going to. I’m just here to contribute to discussions I find interesting. I don’t expect people to always agree with me but neither will I be pressurised into not saying what I think because some people might not like it. Discussion isn’t about everyone agreeing with each other.
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I bring a humble offering from Australian breakfast TV. I get the feeling a certain couple aren't their favourites (see the last little bit of the clip) 😂

I go to sleep early and I wake up to 30 odd pages to catch up on and a new thread? I look forward to catching up :geek:
Love it. MM is the Yoko Ono of the RF :LOL:
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Posts keep getting deleted/reported I've had my 😡,❤, 👍 emoji ready only to be met by "oops... response".😂 Btw I haven't watched the Oprah interview for the same reasons 🙂

On topic - even back when I was "pro" H&M I thought it odd that their wedding date was so close to Louis' planned birth. I know people don't plan weddings around pregnant women, but this wasn't a regular wedding. Say if Kate was overdue or had c section and even how rubbish a new mum feels!
How do you report a post, please? I can only see a "quote" and a "like" button.

Oh and while i'm asking questions, I keep seeing a reference to "richmonds" which I assume is Richmond sausages - but what is the significance of Richmond sausages and Harry, please?
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I'm sure there is an order to this based on succession maybe, but it makes me sad to see Anne so far down the list, his only daughter and by all accounts his favourite child!

ETA the Earl Of Snowdon VERY interesting (I'm fresh from a Crown binge 😂)
It's Margaret's Son, not Ex-Husband!
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Prince fan 1999

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I think the Queen played a blinder with the uniform stuff. She left enough time to make Andrew and Harry sweat like they were in a sauna and all the papers to report that they would be united in civvy wear, before stepping in and retaining the moral high ground by appearing to spare Andrew and Harry's blushes by making everyone wear civvies. She could have said this from the start, but didn't. She's a bloody star with her timing. No-one can play this game better.
PA doesn't sweat, remember 😂
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Cue next batch of press articles:"Harry hurt, Them evil Royals, Evil William not walking with Harry.. "
It's Thursday, they have time to make Harry next to Wills or Charles happen till Saturday.
Yep, still furious.
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I think that labelling people in derogatory ways detracts from constructive discussions about their behaviour. It fuels the contention that they have been the subject of discrimination.

My personal take on Meghan- she met a guy who is known to be charming and decided he was definitely worth hanging on to. I don’t believe for a second that she didn’t know who his family was or what being a member of the royal family would mean for her in terms of personal gain. It’s like meeting the good looking, rich professional- the one your parents want you to bring home- Harry was that on steroids. But unlike a celebrity union, where she could jump on noble causes and save the world à la Diana... she was not marrying the heir to the throne. And I don’t think she fully realised the constraints of her role as a person who would always come below William and Kate. She would not be allowed to cherry pick her causes and she would have to play by the rules.

When that didn’t work- they decided they’d make up their own rules. But I don’t think they checked or at least confirmed what they would be allowed to do as Duke and Duchess in commercial enterprises. As someone just mentioned- they rolled the dice and came up short. Now they are abroad, Covid has hit and no one (not even Canada or Donald) will pay for their security. They have to take what they are given and that’s Netflix and Spotify and whatever other Multinationals who want to pay for an inspirational talk. To be successful in this- they need to become relevant and now that they are not royal in a professional way, they have to become celebrities. So they did the interview. What card (the only card really) does Meghan have left- race. Instead of biding her time until Charles was King and playing by the rules, they went for the jugular- “people were racist about my child”. And the only people that believed them were celebrities of no consequence and some people of colour who were just glad (from my own personal conversations) to see someone talking about institutional racism. The problem- I cry bullshit.

I do think that Harry would have been an awful fool to lie completely- I do think someone may have said “oh what will the kids look like” or even “are you ready for the potential racism the child will face if dark”, but from conversations with my own in-laws, it’s usually meant with curiosity or even concern. I actually don’t think Harry knew she was going to bring that up and I would love to see an unedited copy of the interview. If the duke hadn’t gotten sick, I actually think that the allegations could have gained more traction, but alas- the Queen Mother and her funny jokes. The false statements were picked apart and the unsubstantiated allegations were called just that- unsubstantiated. And fair play to William- “we are very much not a racist family.”

Meghan didn’t come because she’s pregnant and not welcome. It’s both. This week is meant to be about the duke and not two children who threw their toys out of the pram and didn’t get their way. Now she’s back peddling but it’s probably too little too late.
Great post elie-94 and we'll said😉
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One would like to think that this has made her review her relationship with her father but I very much doubt it.
I wonder if it will make her decided to try re unite with her father just as a precaution
Not sure how he is financially but if it all goes moon bump up with Harry
She will need a new cash machine especially if the pregnancies are fake he’s not going to pay child benefits to a child actor lol
If I was her father I would be written her out of the will by now
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liar liar

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Anne, Sophie, Camilla and Kate all have them too though.
Good point - I can see Anne in uniform but not the others... I don't really see why they have to have anything to do with the services if they haven't actually served in them - it is rather old-fashioned to automatically expect a Royal to be the head of these things. Ah well, it may be something that is addressed in the near future.
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Because no Weber much you try to dress a tire it always looks like a turd

Because however much you try to dress a turd it always be a turd
I totally agree Scotch. Andrew has stayed out of the picture for so long that I find it hard to believe this is him speaking. Definitely coming from Harkles camp. As they know H will not be wearing his dress up uniform
Agree also but if the story came from the Harkles camp why have the Daily Mail run it? It's in the Mirror too. I thought DM weren't in the Harkle approved list, so don't understand as it's stirring the pot. I can't see Andrew making this demand publicly, and it just adds to the tension plus anti-Andrew feeling which HM doesn't need right now.
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Compared to a video of their "son" distributed globally in a dirty vest with a full nappy

I do feel for some of the outfits he has to wear. I bet he's secretly dying for a nike tracksuit and converse
Of course, do as I say not as I do is Meghanzoids motto.
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