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Scotch Mist

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IMHO the only reason the Queen hasn’t removed their royal titles is because of the elephant in the room called Andrew.
If she takes away their titles then there will be calls to strip Andrew of his and she doesn’t want to do that.
If the accusations toward Andrew had never happened, I believe their titles would have been long gone by now.
The sugars bleat on about Andrew but imho I think his “situation” (for want of a better word) is the only thing stopping Harry and Meghan from losing everything.
I agree and it's a tricky one because although we know Andrew is a seedy arrogant tosser he hasn't been charged or convicted of a crime (yet).

I do hope that all channels of communication have been cut off for Meghan. It's hard to believe that any member of the family would want to talk to her ever again. Kate will certainly have her number blocked!

My view is that none of them should contact the Harkles- only through lawyers. They need some good advice on how to deal with the blackmailers and this should be done through legal channels.
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Huh?????? Can I take time of work when I'm happy too?

"Alex has been so overwhelmed by the support he had to have a few days off work and he’s currently exploring all of his options."
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Chatty Member
I still don't get why it's not being called out that she supposedly has documents to back up all of her claims, but couldn't produce evidence for her court case...
Side note, I'm absolutely disgusted with some of the comments on social media/news outlet comment sections about PP leaving the hospital. Whether you like or agree with the monarchy, or the Markle "interview", or not is irrelevant, the basic fact is that the man is 99 (a hell of an age to get to!) and to hear people say "who cares? Should've died a long time ago" and "already looks dead" is truly disgusting. I'm sure they'd be the first people to complain if someone made disparaging remarks on their elderly grandparents. I'm only 35 & I despair of the world my teenage son is entering (soz for derailing a bit!)
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I already posted this in another thread but I would like your opinion.

Today I finally realised what pxxxes me off about MM. Woman in her 30ies portrays herself as naive ingenuine from a french cloister, like some Jane Austin heroine.
Never heard of google?!? I completely agree. She had a team of publicists, agent etc who did the search. She maybe stalked IG or FB or twitter:). I cyber search kid's potential boyfriends and she, little simple girl, didn't know anything about him or his family.

That is so humiliating for me as a woman, to have an adult woman playing such games. Than is not a sign of empowered feminist, for me that is a sign of serious issues.

Think of a picture she sends to her followers: It's ok to lie, it's ok to represent yourself as stupid, you don't have any responsibility for your actions...
This is the main problem for me with M- her claims of naivety and innocence.

We know she has a lifelong obsession with Diana, we know she knew about the royals by doing numerous blog posts about Kate. She’s a barefaced liar.
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That's feeling like a bit of a subtle fuck off I'm team queen

If I remember correctly Michelle had this bitch sussed from the get go when meagain tried to gatecrash her London book tour, also the Queen absolutely adored the Obamas so I like to think they're on Lizzies side
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I have been on these threads for a while now. Sorry to say it, but I am getting really fed up of the same old arguments going round and round. Tell me to sod off if you disagree, and I will.

The same things keep being questioned over and over again. The same things are being rehashed again and again. People keep dropping in asking about things that have been discussed to death weeks and weeks ago. Some just jump in as brand new posters who have made no effort at all to read previous threads and expect someone to give them all the answers. And people do.

Those lookalike outfit photos of Di and Smeg have been shared about twenty or thirty times over today and yesterday’s threads, as have Smeggy’s suspect moonbump photos. They take up so much space on the threads, yet they keep being posted over and over again to prove a point. I find myself having to keep scrolling, and scrolling on by to get past them. No wonder these threads are filling up so quickly...half of the posts are repeats and have been posted many, many times before.

These threads used to be great but they seem to be slipping into an echo chamber of ‘we hate woke people’. I am certainly not ‘woke’ but I don’t feel comfortable at all reading extreme opposite views, either. Especially, when they are littered with insults.

I think I am in the middle of the wokes and the non wokes. Some of the very strong views that have been expressed on here today and earlier last week about race, sexuality, and gender have really surprised me, particularly from posters who are a lot younger than me. I have had to scroll on by as I didn’t want to get into an argument on a Meg and Haz thread. I can sort of understand why occasional visitors to Tattle might read some of those comments out of context and go away thinking, “OMG! What a bunch of hateful bigots they are on Tattle!”

As a nearly 50 year old woman, and the mother of two teenagers (a boy and a girl), I believe there has to be some middle ground or we can never move forward. A bit of tolerance on both sides. Not slinging insults and disparaging comments back and forth over the fence. Stooping to Smeggy’s level is never a good look.

I hope I won’t be ‘cancelled’ and subject to a load of ‘fuck off if you don’t like it here’ comments. I am just expressing my frustration at how these threads are going. They are moving very quickly but a lot of the info is not new. It is repeats of the same things being posted over and over again on each and every thread. It is not enjoyable or interesting when you have seen it all before months ago. I am not sure whether anything can be done but, hopefully, people who feel the same might want to have a discussion about it. Perhaps a separate thread for brand new info / news articles, as opposed to historical stuff, could be set up for those who no longer wish to keep rehashing the surrogate, Lady Di copying, and narcissism discussions?
I have to say that I have been uncomfortable with some of the comments that have been on this thread recently. I am not woke by any stretch of the imagination and I tend to just carry on and ignore things I don’t like.
Some subjects I also have no idea about so I don’t tend to comment on them (trans right etc) so I tend to skip past those too.
Don’t worry Strawberry! I won’t cancel you 😊
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Meghan Markle is arrogant.

The British royal family, in fact all royalty in general, have extensive connections in every sector of the world, and to treat the British royalty as a game for Hollywood publicity is not only stupid, but potentially dangerous. Meghan is making enemies out of a lot of powerful and influential people, more powerful than Oprah Winfrey. There's a reason why even Michelle Obama is being diplomatic about this situation, you're dealing with powerful people here. The other royals and diplomats of the world are keeping quiet, and the ones who have spoken are showing a lot distaste.

I know many people, even in political circles, only treat royalty superficially, but royals have a lot of diplomatic influence, and they know what goes on behind closed doors. At least, the senior royals. Harry clearly is clueless about all of it.
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Also Meghan having constant talks with journalists like Gayle King proves that she wants to stay in the news and that the topic of the feud comes back again and again.

How Harry feels about that? Wasn't he blaming some of his family members to keep contacts with journalists in the interview?
Exactly. Megz realised that she had dropped out of the headlines, so back she comes like a Whinge-in-a-box, popping up to complain about the Royal Family yet again.
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Huh?????? Can I take time of work when I'm happy too?

"Alex has been so overwhelmed by the support he had to have a few days off work and he’s currently exploring all of his options."
When we watched him have go at Piers, I actually said to my husband that he was just trying to make a name for himself.
Seems I was correct.
Quick Alex, run after that woke bandwagon - the man who took down Piers Morgan. :rolleyes:
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The Queen isn’t going to call them now she knows it’s going to be released everywhere via friends
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Lucky you that people you know in real life are team Queen! Wallis Simpson had more class in her little finger than M will ever have.

H is thick, no doubt about it. But it doesn’t make you thick to be taken in by a narc. They are incredibly manipulative and can destroy your soul. Harry seems like a lost little puppy. He seems like a good man, but he’s very angry and scared. M exploited his weaknesses, especially around Diana, m’s lifelong obsession.

It’s really gross, and M fans constantly say Diana would have loved Meghan. I’d actually hazard a guess that she would have despised her, and if Diana was still alive H wouldn’t be the sort of man to fall for M’s shit.
I’ve been a fan of Diana since she was Lady Di, I don’t think she’d be happy with the current situation at all. She was a monarchist to her core.
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Was looking at the Oscar noms today was really disappointed that there were non for Megan because her life is one big act
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Scotch Mist

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Smeggy's sainthood has been postponed while we ponder her lavish spending during her last pregnancy and the fact that she spent nearly half a million on badly fitting maternity clothes (when she wasn't even pregnant) 🙄


I wonder if they've managed to scale down the spending now they don't have access to the bank of Charles?
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Oh this is exactly it. Little short story time for everyone. I recently graduated from a good uni in England, not saying this to brag but I mean you’d expect people would have a basic level of intelligence and critical thought.

Anyway my best friend and I moved in with two people to a gorgeous central flat, we couldn’t believe our luck. We quickly learned they were super woke, vegan Drama/Theatre students.

My best mate and I (both female) were talking about how we were excited to have babies in future and we were talking about painting nurseries pink/blue and the toys you’d buy (sounds a bit of a wet wipe conversation but you know what I mean!). The woke girl we lived with said ‘Um guys, that’s a bit uncomfortable, you’re actually going to impose a gender on your children?!’

Woke ideology is a cancer of our society.
My reply in this situation would be “the gender would depend on what genitalia the baby has” 🤣 I would probs get lynched
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I agree with @StrawberrySeed and @keylimepie and feel that these threads are not what they used to be! I was actually thinking of quitting and going cold turkey the other day View attachment 484432

We used to have a laugh on here taking the piss out of the Harkles. I find myself skipping over loads of posts now and I'm also sick of long discussions on stuff that is really off topic.

Nearly everything posted now I've seen before and I'm not going to justify my belief that Smeggy used a moonbump one more time.

Can we please get back to having a laugh? 😁
Been a busy busy day for me so just on and not read past page 20 yet :ROFLMAO:
Try this for a chuckle.(unless it has already been posted, in which case ignore.)

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No Drama Llama

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Diana was a royalist. She took her duties seriously and said herself that she was raising William to be a compassionate, strong leader.

She wanted her boys to always stick together. This narrative that she would have liked Meghan and be ‘proud’ of what Harry’s become, is sickeningly untrue.
Diana would probably only have had one question concerning Meghan - is she nice? ;)

Seriously though, all the people saying Diana would have loved her really have no clue - she would be devastated to see the rift between the brothers and also how sad Harry looks all the time. Diana had her problems with Charles but she was a royalist through and through and was bringing both boys up to respect their birthright and positions - William as king and Harry helping him.
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