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Isn't this statement from Gayle King just vile?
Harry is so stupid, does he think he can be on good terms with his brother again if he runs to Oprah and Gayle to report every single word?

Will and Kate should do a revenge interview:

Oprah: So, Kate - you made Meghan cry! How did you do that?
Kate: It was before her wedding when I told her that Harry now ranks behind newborn Lois and is further from the throne as ever before.

Oprah: So, Will - you and your father are very trapped!
Will: Oh yes, our sleeves get caught on these antique Royal very valuable door handles occasionally, very annoying and trapping.
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For hazza to be manipulated by a d-list American actress he must be extremely stupid and so easily manipulated. Good news every single person in my work is team royal (we spoke about it today) and it’s all mixed ages. The CEO actually said that smeggy is Wallis Simpson 2.0
Lucky you that people you know in real life are team Queen! Wallis Simpson had more class in her little finger than M will ever have.

H is thick, no doubt about it. But it doesn’t make you thick to be taken in by a narc. They are incredibly manipulative and can destroy your soul. Harry seems like a lost little puppy. He seems like a good man, but he’s very angry and scared. M exploited his weaknesses, especially around Diana, m’s lifelong obsession.

It’s really gross, and M fans constantly say Diana would have loved Meghan. I’d actually hazard a guess that she would have despised her, and if Diana was still alive H wouldn’t be the sort of man to fall for M’s shit.
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How on earth can anybody at the Palace have a conversation with Handbag now? It's ridiculous as everything will be reported back to Hag then relayed to the world. It's disgusting.

BP, William, Charles, everyone, should refuse all communication with them now and get their lawyers to deal with them. Make all communication as dull and dry as it possibly can be.

Dump the swine. Handbag's a write off.
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Little Princess

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Long time lurker but this thread has kept me so entertained over the last few months!

The interview, the fact she has ‘receipts’ and now the leaking of Harry’s calls to William and Charles, who is now going to trust her?

She hopefully will rue the day as I cannot see anyone who is anyone - The Clooneys, Hollywood stars and even politicians etc. wanting anything to do with either of them. Who wants to be friends with a person who records your calls and keeps emails etc. just in case they may become of some use in the future to blackmail with?

They will end up being surrounded by z listers but I think (hope), their boat has sailed and will now never be accepted by the people who in their minds matter!
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Feel really sorry for William he looks terrible , this is clearly putting a strain him & kate
It’s despicable what those two have unleashed!
If I were William I’m afraid that Harry would be cut off, brother or not, he’s certainly made it clear where his loyalties lie! 🤬
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I can definitely see this. I also read that they secretly married in Botswana? All so confusing.
Botswana wedding, Welby back garden wedding, London wedding... that's 3 so far ...
View attachment 483851

I don't know if the top photo from 2017 is actually Meghan or someone else, but I feel like that's the image she projected to Harry...a down to earth, caring humanitarian who wanted to help him fulfil his dreams. The picture below is basically the opposite- a smug, entitled Hollywood narcissist.
That wasn't Minge with the sedated elephant, and Hazzno had to admit it later. But at the time they tried to pass it off as Minge. She's a vet as well as a lawyer and faux philanthropist...
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Gayle King isn’t friends with Meghan. She’s a journalist using her for headlines. Same as Oprah used her to make money. It’s going to be seen how quickly they ghost her when she’s no more use.
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Why is this type of information coming from Meg’s pals and not from the palace themselves???

Prince Harry and William speak for first time since Oprah chat but talks were ‘unproductive’, Meghan Markle’s pal claims

Because she is a bitch, am I allowed to say that. William probably told Harry to friggin tell your wife to stay the fuck away from Catherine. so yes unproductive,
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I suspect talking to Gayle maybe a step too far for some people, who may have not made up their minds. I think they may very well have shot themselves in the foot:m
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I'm still way behind, way behind but...

I work in a, let's just call it, a well known public sector organisation, we "delete" emails after 30/60 days, yep, we "delete" them, but we also ARCHIVE them,so they're saved forever, but just not active in the inbox. Trust me, every one of those emails are saved forever.
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And to continue, on my rant today, I don't think she ever meant to integrate herself into the RF. Megsy didnt seem to understand the institution and what her role in that was. Never seemed interested in the people, the history, culture of the UK. Never wore UK designers, except high street, to overseas events. Why on earth was she wearing Italian/French/American designers? She represents the UK! But the boring, dreary stuff was no good for her. Only fancy dress up events where there would be press. Rainy day in Sunderland, forget it! For someone so "intelligent", she did a terrible job learning what her role, and expected behavior would be. I am an american who lived in UK for many years, and married a british man. I am so saddened as to the way she has destroyed all the goodwill the public had, and has made Harry a laughingstock.
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Chatty Member
there was an article from a palace insider that TQ directly received 700 letters at BP in one day demanding that they lose their titles in full. it was commented that it was the first time in history that the Queen had received such a singular demand and the BRF is absolutely taking notice. This is going to involve parliament - I am willing to bet on it
I'm in Aust and have just logged on and the first thought I had when I read the talk had been "unproductive" was Where's the bloody Act of Parliament? hurry it along. Cut everything off from them. Unproductive to me means they didn't get their way. Very much 'it's my way or the highway' and clearly no interest whatsoever in attempting to sort it all out. Harry is deluded and seems brainwashed by her, it's cult like.

Piss off, us Commonwealth countries don't want you.
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Ooh looks like the Mail have taken the gloves off 🤣🤣🤣

“No one in the Royal family have talked to Meghan yet”

And here, out of everything that’s been said in the past week by her minions is one of the most telling statements as to her predicament following the interview. MM must be livid that she is being shut out of any conversations. I hope it’s part of the RF strategy to not deal with her.At.All. That must REALLY be getting under her skin.
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I'm not a robot

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I have been on these threads for a while now. Sorry to say it, but I am getting really fed up of the same old arguments going round and round. Tell me to sod off if you disagree, and I will.

The same things keep being questioned over and over again. The same things are being rehashed again and again. People keep dropping in asking about things that have been discussed to death weeks and weeks ago. Some just jump in as brand new posters who have made no effort at all to read previous threads and expect someone to give them all the answers. And people do.

Those lookalike outfit photos of Di and Smeg have been shared about twenty or thirty times over today and yesterday’s threads, as have Smeggy’s suspect moonbump photos. They take up so much space on the threads, yet they keep being posted over and over again to prove a point. I find myself having to keep scrolling, and scrolling on by to get past them. No wonder these threads are filling up so quickly...half of the posts are repeats and have been posted many, many times before.

These threads used to be great but they seem to be slipping into an echo chamber of ‘we hate woke people’. I am certainly not ‘woke’ but I don’t feel comfortable at all reading extreme opposite views, either. Especially, when they are littered with insults.

I think I am in the middle of the wokes and the non wokes. Some of the very strong views that have been expressed on here today and earlier last week about race, sexuality, and gender have really surprised me, particularly from posters who are a lot younger than me. I have had to scroll on by as I didn’t want to get into an argument on a Meg and Haz thread. I can sort of understand why occasional visitors to Tattle might read some of those comments out of context and go away thinking, “OMG! What a bunch of hateful bigots they are on Tattle!”

As a nearly 50 year old woman, and the mother of two teenagers (a boy and a girl), I believe there has to be some middle ground or we can never move forward. A bit of tolerance on both sides. Not slinging insults and disparaging comments back and forth over the fence. Stooping to Smeggy’s level is never a good look.

I hope I won’t be ‘cancelled’ and subject to a load of ‘fuck off if you don’t like it here’ comments. I am just expressing my frustration at how these threads are going. They are moving very quickly but a lot of the info is not new. It is repeats of the same things being posted over and over again on each and every thread. It is not enjoyable or interesting when you have seen it all before months ago. I am not sure whether anything can be done but, hopefully, people who feel the same might want to have a discussion about it. Perhaps a separate thread for brand new info / news articles, as opposed to historical stuff, could be set up for those who no longer wish to keep rehashing the surrogate, Lady Di copying, and narcissism discussions?
Thank you. I feel exactly the same, I have said before how much I love this thread, but feel the last 2 have just been people re-hashing old news again and again, in order to prove their point. I have always scrolled past the bits I didn't agree with, but on the whole, the reason I used to love this thread was that people would apply critical thinking and not just blindly post anything they have read, which is then stated as fact or taken out of context. This is very much the type of thing MM herself does, and is the reason I dislike her, so to find this thread displaying the same behaviour is not good.
Like you, I have been wanting to say this for some time, but feared the backlash
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If Diana were alive I feel Harry would have wound up marrying either a high ranking doctor or a lawyer, someone a bit like Kate (an English rose) but who could really tame Harry but still let him be the cheeky Harry we all used to love.
I reckon he’d have married someone like Zara, who’d have taken the piss out of him in private and been the impeccable duchess in public.
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Saw this in one of my fb groups
View attachment 483508
I've dated a narcissist before and at first it is all sunshine and rainbows. Than soon you start to see their erratic behavior as the red flags they are but than your partner spins it against you and makes you seem like your the one who's imaging things (which than causes you to feel guilt). In the end when the narc gets what they want (often take large sum of money from you and emotionally drain you) they discard you and act like you don't exist. When you finally see them for who they are everything you've ever doubted (that they previously gaslighted) suddenly isn't your imagination anymore. Than you think about all the people such as close friends and family who've warned you (who you now distanced yourself from because you were convinced that they were "feeding you lies" in order to sabotage your relationship) suddenly make sense and you realize they warned you because they saw the red flags you can now clearly see, from the start.

This is what's also going to happen to Harry. I just hope when he does reach that realization phase (after she does him dirty and leaves) he cuts her off for good because narcs always find their way back into their victims life but as long as the victim is firm and blocks off contact from them they are no longer fuelled and will seek someone new to repeat the whole process. Mark my words... this whole marriage will end in crocodile tears.
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Scotch Mist

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The other quote from Gayle this morning is that the Harkles 'just want healing' and 10 million dollars in their Cayman Islands bank account.

So that confirms that Harkles are still sending out their propaganda, speaking about private conversations (that may or may not have happened) and need to be CUT OFF AND IGNORED>

Wow full quote from Gayle is quite sinister and threatening...

She said: 'Well I'm not trying to break news, but I did actually call them to see how they were feeling, and it's true, Harry has talked to his brother and he has talked to his father too. The word I was given was that those conversations were not productive. But they are glad that they have at least started a conversation.

'And I think what is still upsetting to them is the palace keep saying they want to work it out privately, but yet, they believe these false stories are coming out that are very disparaging against Meghan, still.

'No one in the Royal family has talked to Meghan yet, at this particular time. And I think it's frustrating for them to see that it's a racial conversation about the Royal Family when all they wanted all along was for the Royals to intervene and tell the Press to stop with the unfair, inaccurate, false stories that definitely have a racial slant.

'And until you can acknowledge that, I think it's going to be hard to move forward. But they both want to move forward with this and they both want healing in this family. At the end of the day, that is Harry's family.'

She added: 'The bullying thing was raised in 2018 and now there's an ongoing investigation about bullying from Meghan Markle, when anyone who has worked with her will tell you exactly who she is.

'You know, she's really a very sweet, caring person.
And as I say, Meghan has documents to back up everything that she said on Oprah's interview. Everything.'

That's really a chilling statement to make on national TV.
I agree that it is rather sinister. They sound like a bunch of blackmailers. What bloody evidence? Charles will be able to prove how much money he's sent them. If Meghan emailed HR about getting help for her mental 🤪 problems and was turned down, surely they would have explained that their resources were for staff !

I really hope that the royal family get some shit hot lawyers on to this and start action against them.
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