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I have more respect for Camilla the more I hear about her. This was very generous of her to be known by the lesser title because obviously Diana is the ONLY princess of Wales for everyone. I think she has been good to those boys as well, probably wants to give Harry a clip round the ear.
Me too. This is my very basic take on Camilla and Charles/Diana. Diana was introduced as we all know as a young lady of 19, beautiful looking, clever and blue blooded. She fell for Charles, he was ‘fond’ of her. The rest is history. I’ve seen the most insane things on social media calling Camilla ugly and ‘crusty’ and whatever. Love is love. Camilla is a charismatic, intelligent lady.

Camilla and Diana in another context would have been good friends, I think. Diana deserved better of course, but that wasn’t the hand that was dealt to her. What did she do? Complain, throw her toys out the pram and trash talk the family? NO. She persevered, carried on her duties and was the most remarkable, inspiring woman.

The ‘Diana: in her own words’ doc on Netflix is fantastic. The standout quote for me was at the end where she said she was strong and, “ I can do this on my own”. She wasn’t a whiny, professional victim. She was a young woman who stuck to her guns and won everyone over with her kindness and charm. Meghan isn’t even fit to polish her boots.
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Thanks for the new thread guys. Is it me or did that one go a teensy bit slower?

@Tui just wondering if we are due a Tattle baby anytime soon? Hope we've given you plenty of name suggestions👶 X
Yea, felt like that. Their shining star goes down quickly. Less than a week after Oprah, and they are already boring.
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the tragic and hideous story of Sarah Everard is knocking all M&H stories out of the headlines... for good reason. it is heartbreaking, frightening and desperately sad.

M must be livid. O as well. H is probably in his dungeon on his 3rd bong. Fuck him.
m is twisted and sick and desperate enough that after the
"racist" (George Flloyd),
"miscarriage" (Teigen),
"sm abuse" (Flack),
"kidnapped princess" (Dubai),
"climate change" (Greta/Kween of Chunga Chunga, his dad, his brother, everyone and their dog),
"suicide" (diana)
and other bandwagons that she has jumped on/themes that she has plagiarised to generate headlines/airtime, I wouldn't put it past her to make something up along the lines of attempted murder (current headlines and tinhat conspiracy theorists' Diana).

The only thing we are missing are "DV/DA/SA/SV" (Stealing Camilla's thunder), LGBTQ and alien abduction/paranormal activity.... (whereupon she says she was visited by Diana who told her to shove gay, abusive Harry out of the closet).
Copied from another group:
It’s actually sad how so many Women are using Sarah’s tragedy to score some points and push their agenda against Men. None of these Women have actually stopped for a second and thought about Sarah’s Male family members especially her Father and Brothers and what they are going through. Seeing all these anti Male posts when they too are Men and they don’t know the fate of their Sister/Daughter who has been missing for over a week. Absolutely selfish human beings. Using a poor Woman’s tragedy to make it about themselves and point score."
Seems MM employs a similar strategy in everything she does.
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In those DM comments, laptop girl in the top best rated comments. I am ok with this!

Laptopgirl, Perth, Australia, 11 hours ago

Hey Megs...Where did Doria find 9 million dollars to buy a mansion...wheres all the Charity money gone ?

Laptopgirl, Perth, Australia, 11 hours ago

Hey Megs..when do you plan to apologise to the young staff member that you threw hot tea at, on your Australia tour...worst kept secret!
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I completely agree, Kate has been vilified by the media, it's completely one sided to say that Meghan has suffered and Kate hasn't. I'm ashamed of my generation for this wokeness and political correctness we have caused, unfortunately it's going to get worse and worse. I truly believe there will be a war one day in our own country, crazy as it sounds. The recent example being of Piers saying a comment about Meghan and it being racist because she isn't white, but he never was racist and even follows the BLM movement and slammed Tommy Robinson on GMB. I feel eventually people will grow angry and tired and there will be big problems.
@Miss98 I don’t know how old you are, but I’m 22. (That age comment sounded so rude lol sorry I meant as in your take on things) And I feel utterly ashamed of my generation. A load of pathetic, professional victims. And dare i say it, narcissists. Expecting everyone to validate your ‘lived experience’ every 5 seconds, it’s vile and embarrassing. My grandfather was a Major in the Second World War and was a decorated engineer, working on tanks and vehicles for the army. He passed away in 2016, aged 92, but he would be ashamed of this woke crap. These people don’t know what true hard work, hardship and discrimination even means. Shameful, awful people.
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I got blocked by Scobie Doo for telling to stop climbing in Meghan's arsehole 😂. No ban overall for me yet though.
I've had a fair few suspensions for wrongthink. Usually connected to my belief that only straight men want to put their penis in a vagina and Lesbians don't have a penis.
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Freda you don’t mince your words :ROFLMAO: he is a spoiled cunt but I honestly believe he’s been brainwashed. It’s happened to better people. Doesn’t make you thick or evil yourself to be taken in by a narcissist.
Aye but he was clearly evil enough to shoot at the pets of locals with his purdeys and ride a pregnant pony so hard that she later died, plus he left the flanks of another pony ripped and bloody and got a HUGE bollocking from another player in front of everyone. Plus smeggy dumped one of her mutts because hazza didn't get along with it and another of her dogs mysteriously ended up being treated by Noel Fitzpatrick for two, TWO broken legs. Plus the corgis all hated him. Animals know a wrong un. So yeah, if you can kill and abuse innocent pets then you're an evil cunt in my book.
As for thick. He had to repeat a year at school. Diana was told by his house master that he was thick too slow for Eton but chose to ignore it. Kind of her version of "What Di wants, Di gets"

Diana ...In seeking to assert her preferences in all corners of her failing marriage, she chose Eton, the school of her father and brother, for Prince William over her husband's alma mater Gordonstoun. And because Prince William went there, so too should Harry.
But when the Princess approached William's housemaster, Dr Andrew Gailey, to talk about her youngest son he gently warned that there could be problems ahead.
Harry, he said, had learning difficulties which could prove devastating for him in a school where excellence is a byword, and where preferential treatment for bluebloods has long since disappeared. Charles and Diana went ahead anyway and Dr Gailey's fears were fulfilled.
Where William proved a success, Harry had difficulty in keeping up from the start. Had Diana lived, she might well have been forced to the tough but ultimately sensible decision - one reached by many parents - to take her younger son out of Eton and place him somewhere where the culture was less competitive.
But Diana died and Prince Charles - a loving but not a hands-on parent - had his attention focused elsewhere. Soon Harry was coming bottom or near-bottom in his classes, and was struggling badly.

Now, learning difficulties like dyslexia I get, you cannot help that and it doesn't make you thick and can be overcome to a huge degree when handled properly. Hazz was not dyslexic. He was just a lazy shit happy to coast by on being a prince and teachers doing his exam work to get him into Sandhurst."what Harry wants ..." etc. He cannot remember basic lines in zoom calls and looks like a twat, so mummy smeggy holds his hand and does her best to baby him along, cos she knows he's thick.
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If it all turns out to be lies and bad mouthing the other RF members ,however are she and Haz ever,ever going to be able to face anyone again.
I think she will double down once things get difficult. This is what a narcissist does.
If you have seen the movie "Gone Girl" its a different storyline but the principle remains the same... She creates total fake chaos and continues to watch the reaction from a distance with a meticulous plan in place based on the reactions that exist, when to release new information, when to activate the next trap and so on.

I can honestly see her tossing Harry under the bus at the most opportune moment, once she is satisfied he is of no further use to her.
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This is what we need to hear more of, a black person defending Brenda and the firm!

This guy was great on GMB too. Spoke after that hideous ‘Dr’ Shola, really made her look like a hysterical bully and total fool. It’s not a coincidence that non wokes speak in a measured, intelligent way and wokes have to screech and shout over people fighting back angry tears. Pathetic people.
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I have just realised something. Megbeth says she had no idea about the royal family prior to meeting Harry. She lived in Canada for seven years and they have the Queen's face on their 20 dollar money bills! Such proclamations make not only her look stupid (and a liar) but everyone else, especially Americans, who refuse to do their due diligence and are chewing up every lie she spouts. We are better than the Markles. C'mon!
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Scotch Mist

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I think it's a primitive warning instinct that senses something off with Minge that comes across even on tv or zoom etc. It's part of the brain that recognises danger but we've advanced so far that it's difficult to recognise or explain in words, but people feel it strongly as you can see in these posts. For me she is just bad, really bad. Some people are born that way and I don't think being spoiled was the cause.
Psycho eyes 👀
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Mind control?
He's certainly looking like a victim of spousal abuse.
I'm furious that the horrendous murder of poor Sarah Everard is being used to push the 'all men are evil' trope. When I was 18, I was in a pub (in the UK) and separated from my friends. I found myself surrounded by 5 or 6 men who began to crowd in on me, making suggestions as to what they were going to do to me. It was frightening. It was also a MAN who rescued me. He pushed into them, telling them exactly what he thought of them and led me back to my friends. The majority of men are decent human beings.
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It's a dammed if you do and dammed if you don't situation with the royals atm, if they don't say anything they're racist, if they do say anything they're racist!!

How about all these gen z kids go back to crying about not being able to identify as a chair?!🙄🤦🏻‍♀️
I’m actually a two spirit demi-chair. Don’t deny my lived experience that’s so bigoted :mad:
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I've said it here before but I'll say it again...

I would just LOVE to be sitting down with all the ladies in the family, drinking wine and listening to them dish the dirt! Must be so frustrating not to be able to publicly sling the mud and tell their side but I'd say it's a right howl behind closed doors when the gloves come off and the corks are popped 😅🙌
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Something really made me realise how bad things were today.

This interview has been a huge cultural moment, and might possibly define the decade, and will almost certainly come to be seen as the turning point of the Queen entering her final years. This is a huge moment for Britain and the press coverage has been almost unlike anything else. We'll all remember where we were when the interview broke in the same way we remember Diana's death and 9/11.

It's hard to overstate how big this has been for all of us.

And yet we can't talk about it. At work today someone jokingly asked what we thought of it, and was met with silence. We all realised how dangerous it would be to mention our thoughts in a professional environment.

We're not allowed to give our opinions in public. A huge cultural moment for every Brit - and we can't talk about it. People have made the situation so toxic that we can't pass comment.
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It pisses me of how Meghan and Harry have the audacity to compare Meghan to Diana. That is plain disrespect and Meghan is clearly delusional.
There's a HUGE difference between Diana being depressed and suicidal and Meghan being an absolute drama queen (who got called out for her BS behaviour). The main one being that Diana actually cared for the British people and the public (Meghan had zero respect for her duties as a public servant and was abusing the system). Meanwhile Diana's husband cheated on her and she felt alone. Diana was a child bride who was forced to grow up too fast and had no one when she was at her lowest. Whereas Meghan got everything she desired ("Meghan gets what Meghan wants"), the Queen even made so many exceptions for her (things Will/Kate/Harry don't even get) and has a husband who loves her. She saw Harry as her ticket to stardom in Hollywood and that was her end goal all along even if it meant splitting her husband from his own family. What a vile and sick woman. Diana was never corrupt and evil, she was pure and a people's person. There is no comparison. One of them is the rose of England and another one is Hollywood trash (a D-list actress/suitcase girl).

Her claiming she never knew who Harry even was shows how easy it is for her to lie. She obviously knew him when she stalked and hunted her prey (Harry).
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