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Following on from a comment on the last thread about Archie becoming Duke of Sussex one day....

No, he won’t. Harry’s dukedom is a royal one, not a hereditary one. He can’t pass it on to Archie, it dies with him. George could also never be the Duke of Cambridge for the same reason.

Because it’s not hereditary, the eldest son gets to be styled with his father’s second most senior Lord Dumbarton. He can keep this for life, but can’t pass it on to his childrem.
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Wackie Jeaver

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This guy was great on GMB too. Spoke after that hideous ‘Dr’ Shola, really made her look like a hysterical bully and total fool. It’s not a coincidence that non wokes speak in a measured, intelligent way and wokes have to screech and shout over people fighting back angry tears. Pathetic people.
View attachment 479312
Johnson Beharry is an actual hero... I just want to make that absolutely clear!
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Not sure if it has been mentioned

(sorry had to skip so much, the threads were moving so fast!)

BUT do you think the chickens are to try and tug at Charles, who we know loves organic farming etc and is a real friend of the earth, so he gives them some dosh?
On those chickens

Of course, the Cambridges have a chicken coop at Anmer Hall, and the children collect eggs from the hen house. So yet another Copy Kate.

Those hens in the Oprah film do not look like rescue battery hens (how they were described). Battery hens are really sad creatures, thin legged, bald and the 'hen pecked' phrase is real. There's also no way that a pregnant woman would put her hands in chicken poop. That scene was faked up on so many levels. Probably why they went over the top with the 'Archie's Chicken Shed' sign (or whatever it said).

The fact that they let the film of vacant Harry staring gormlessly at the chickens, while his wife told the story about their 'real wedding with the Archbishop' is incredible. He showed no reaction at all until he heard his cue to sing 'Just the Three of us'. It's alarming. He's not all there and I wouldn't think he even knows what year it is half the time. There's no way he could be considered a reliable witness to events or conversations...
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Scotch Mist

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Digital black face anyone?
I'm actually beginning to feel a little afraid. Tattle seems to be the only place on the internet where we can freely dislike Hazno and Smeggy but I do fear it won't be long until forces are out to stop us.
So now we can't make jokes? Okay we are rather bitchy here but noone is actively wishing harm against them like some of the vile posts you see on twatter against the royal family.
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Is Camilla the Princess of Wales? If so then it is very dignified of her not to use it. I know PC is prince of Wales but I’m not sure on the protocol does the fact Diana passed mean Camilla got the title?
Just looked it up, she is the princess of Wales. Maybe I’m interpreting it wrong but I think that shows respect to Diana that Camilla never takes on this title and is only ever known as Duchess of Cornwall?
I have more respect for Camilla the more I hear about her. This was very generous of her to be known by the lesser title because obviously Diana is the ONLY princess of Wales for everyone. I think she has been good to those boys as well, probably wants to give Harry a clip round the ear.
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So I’m having a very good convo with a close mate of mine over on insta, I put up a post about the Migrane situation and how’s she’s a lying cow and he replied thank you someone who’s smart lol 😂.

Anyway he told me he and his wife had an argument about it, he’s white and his wife is black and because he didn’t agree with her he’s racist.

He said he’s a white man married to a black woman with mixed with mixed race children, how does it work him being racist ? Her response oh because he doesn’t believe Meghan Markle it makes him racist 🤣🤣🤣.

He hasn’t spoken to his wife all week and is considering divorcing her.

Meghan markle is now also a marriage wrecker 😭😭😭.
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Scotch Mist

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So what have we got to look forward to.....

Smeggy apparently has evidence to back up her spurious claims of victimhood but wasnt able to produce any evidence for the court 🙄😡 yeah right!

So when will this information be released to the world or is this a blackmailing bluff hoping Charles will fork out for another mansion?
Cuntface fails to realise that blackmail is a criminal offence and most people will find it repugnant.

Smegatron thinks she's riding high with her blackmailing and threat of juicy outtakes from the interview to be put out in future. Again cuntface fails to realise that in the long run putting other people down to try and make yourself look good is never a good look. It's bullying behaviour and makes others wary of interacting with you.

If cuntface had walked away and always been polite and kind about the royals people would have more respect for her. Instead she has shown herself to be a petty vengeful and vindictive woman. Who in their right mind would want to interact with this egomaniac?

I do hope that the royal family have instructed some lawyers to go after the vipers regarding the lies they have told. 🐍
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Chatty Member
Honestly, Meghan reminds me of Regina George from Mean Girls. She pretends that people are bullying her, and then stands back and watches the carnage.



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I have just asked my children if one of them could set me up with a twitter account and explain to me in dippet terms how to use it.

First born :- No Mother.

Second Born :- Are you mental? Fuck no! You'd be banned and fucking arrested within 30 minutes!

Me :- Oh go on, it'll be a laugh

First Born:- I fucking said NO, what part of NO don't you understand? (I knew that would come back to fucking haunt me)

Second Born :- Do what you want, you usually do, don't fucking blame me when you're in jail!

Guess I can't go tell that Shola bint she's a cunt then, or say something smart to all those posting about Kate...... what do I know, I'm white and old 🤷🏻‍♀️
I got blocked by Scobie Doo for telling to stop climbing in Meghan's arsehole 😂. No ban overall for me yet though.
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Thanks, my aunt is upset with what Meghan has done and she goes who does this stupid woman think she is, if you’ve ever seen an angry Indian lady my aunt is the definition of her 🤣.

I told this story to someone else the other day an ex friend of mine now.

They were like to me oh but your aunt isn’t black so obviously she was gonna get help. If it was a black person she wouldn’t have helped them.

I was like are you actually for real, I’m a person of colour and my aunt is a person of colour so tell me what’s the difference between a black person and brown person, I was absolutely raging at this.
This is such a good point. Black people who suffer with the woke affliction (not all black people, goes without saying) never mention other minorities. I’m generalising, but I never hear about Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Chinese, Japanese, South Korean, Malaysian people you name it, complaining of racism like this. They seem to come here, do a fantastic job integrating and make a success of themselves (on the whole, again generalising). It seems to be a black-only issue, this supposed inherent racism by white people. Interesting I think.
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Chatty Member
Lets be honest if TQ got through that handshake, she can get through Meghan poxy Markles smear campaign. The Womans hard as fuck and then there's Megs "no one asked if I was ok, mean words were said and Kate made me cry so I ran away". She should be fucking embarrassed.
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I think so too. My prediction is that he’ll marry a sweet Home Counties type of limited intelligence, retreat to a farm house in Gloucestershire and have a second family.
Honey child he could marry a house brick and it would still be smarter than him.;)
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If M can forgive H for his nazi outfit and racist terms, how come she can't forgive her father? Compassion begins at home smegs
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So I just heard that apparently Meghan is now ranking lower then Prince Andrew lmao imagine being that hated that a n*nce is liked more then you are 🤣
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Sorry, not directly on topic but go ahead and tell it like it is telegraph!!
(Edited because maybe he's not well...)

Jesus, a blind man on a galloping horse could see he was just the figurehead. A battering ram used to get KH into the White Cancelled House.
He was declining throughout the campaign and nobody gave a shit. God forgive his wife permitting it and playing along with the charade. Just pray he doesn't mistake the nuclear button for the IV button that controls his valium.
Like he gives a shiny shit about cuntchops markle, that was KH's words, she has no class,(just like her niece) no idea of how to remain aloof from shitty showbiz gossip and interference in other countries Royal Family issues. Unless it involves bombing or cheering on the lying cunt smeggy.
They should be ashamed of themselves using that clearly declining man. No wonder they won't let him answer questions. I doubt he knows his own name some days. That's not me being nasty, I truly believe he's been ill for ages and they are hiding it to let this lot get safely bedded in before hustling him quietly out the back door. Bastards. Let the man go live out his days in Florida ffs! :mad:
And smeggy is still a cunt
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I've met this man, and he is amazing. Fun, diligent and service driven. An absolute pleasure, and he is Educated, savvy, and empathetic. We're lucky to have him
But he’s a black man with the wrong opinion so they don’t listen to him. He’s successful, hardworking and clearly very highly respected, and isn’t playing the victim. This is proof if you need any that the woke shit isn’t even actually about race- it’s about indoctrination and brainwashing into the cult that is Social Justice Warriors.
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