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A news item here in Kiwiland about the Queen on a zoom call, then the newsreader said Liz hasn't had the best week due to allegations "by her grandsons wife" 🤣🤣
Her grandson's wife, the cat's mother.

Interesting tidbit there about Melissa Toubati, the ex-PA who had previously worked for Madonna and Robbie Williams:

Melissa has worked for Robbie Williams and Madonna and was noted as one of the best in business. Melissa now works with the billionaire Livingstone family.
Yep, that sounds like someone who simply couldn't handle the role or a demanding client, like the Sugars imply. The fact she is now employed by a billionaire family suggests nobody believes that story put about that she was dismissed for gross misconduct. More likely everyone in the world Melissa moves in knows about Meghan's reputation and behavior toward staff.

Also I find it laughable how she said she didn't even know who Harry was... like surely she knew when she was posing in front of Buckingham palace or better yet when she was stalking him and trying to get close to ever Brit who knew him so she could "casually" meet him. I do believe the thing about her researching and wearing Diana's favorite perfume on their first date.
Oh yeah, her friend spoke about the perfume in 2018! Penhaligon's Bluebell, quite a quaintly old-fashioned kind of scent range, and certainly not one that would normally have appeal to Markle's type of gal. Scent is one of the most powerful emotional and memory triggers though, so it's fairly obvious why she used it around him. Clearly had him pegged as someone with a psychosexual yearning for Mummy.
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All I can say is thank you - see you tomorrow
Congrats on the new thread to Ruby and Rayne.:m
@rivermonster from the last thread, as promised.
Ok, so this is the video that talks about her real sex tape, not the faked one doing the rounds.

The interesting bit starts at 16 mins in, BUT it is worth watching the stuff before that to get the feel of how these guys have been around the block, know their stuff re these things and this is their 'job' (as it were).

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Sick of the bs

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Right. I know it's been a difficult week, it's Friday, it's lockdown blah blah, but I just watched this and I am SO emotional!! I just want to give the Queen a mahoosive hug ❤. She's sooo lovely - reminds me of my grandma. She's the nation's grandma! How could Harry shit on her like that??? Can you imagine doing that to your Granny? 😠
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If Meghan can complain to Offcom about what’s being broadcast over here so can I!!

Slanderous, baseless and false allegations were broadcast against the British Royal Family without any evidence by Oprah Winfrey in her interview with Meghan & Harry which aired on ITV at 9pm on 8th March 2021.

Highly defamatory claims were made against our Monarch and the royal establishment along with misleading and false headlines alleged to have *all* been published by our U.K. media which is entirely false. Associated Newspapers is already planning to pursue a legal case against CBS for this.

These deeply troubling allegations were allowed to be made without any challenge, any fact checking, any questioning of their veracity, any proof or evidence and lastly gave the accused no right of reply.

In light of this what ITV aired was clear propaganda and goes against official OFCOM guidelines which states it will: "Ensure that Broadcasters avoid unjust or unfair treatment of individuals or organisations in programmes".

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Considering all their bitching about not being able to afford security, It seems to me they ought to be cutting down on what they give away. Just a thought.
And what she spends on clothes, which are obviously more important to her than her paying protection for her son
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You've got to give it to Narc-kel she's played an absolute blinder here, she's played to her audience and used the race card and the mental health card knowing full well that these are touchy subjects that are not easy to refute without looking like a wanker. I feel like i'm watching a case study of a narcissist and their victim right before my eyes. She has manipulated Harry's mind so much that he is now almost as toxic as she is.
I can't believe he's had the best education this country has to offer, surely Harry has come across enough narcs in his realm of society to spot one a mile off, he's surrounded by them ffs, he even has them in the family. She's so obvious to me it frustrates the hell out of me that others can't see it. Check out HG Tudor on you tube for a great series about Megan Narckel and her narcissistic personality disorder.
Sadly not many people fully understand narcissistic personalities until they have had dealings with one. Narcissists can be absolutely charming and completely hoodwink people into thinking they are absolutely amazing people. However, behind every “ amazing “ narcissist is a trail of broken and damaged people they have left behind. You don’t want to EVER get on the wrong side of a narcissist.
I would love her ex husband to speak out, but know he refuses to. But I read he was completely broken they way she upped and left him, just sending her wedding ring to him in the post!!
Harry will be completely under her spell right now, and in full on narcissistic control from her.
When she decides it’s time to move on to victim ( sorry, husband ) #3, he will the realise what a controlled and manipulative relationship is like with a narcissist.
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The only people Meghan should be compared to

View attachment 480072 View attachment 480074
I honestly believe that Wallis Simpson was far more genuine. Didn’t she try and convince Edward not to abdicate for her? I read a quote about her ‘begging him to let her go’. She wasn’t so fame hungry and shameless as Meghan, in my opinion. She had some class.
And I think Sarah Ferguson gets a bad rap. She seems a good person and is clearly still well liked amongst the family. She’s also stood by Andrew, rightly or wrongly. She’s not some kind of trashy traitor.
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That’s the sad thing, not a boomer I’m 22! I feel in the minority of people around my age by rejecting this disgusting ideology. If anyone gets a spare hour or so this is a really good watch that explains the indoctrination of wokeness (and gives a bit of hope because the woman talking about it Keri Smith got out of it, what she describes as a cult).
I would hate to be 22 now. I am almost 40 and thankfully I don't have any woke people in my circle. Good for you for having the courage of your own convictions. The world needs all the people like you that it can get. The woke are so blinkered.
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Great post and this is what a lot of people fail to understand. I would say that Britain definitely has a class divide and that has always been a problem.

I had to leave a job some years ago when it was made plain to me that I didn't fit in with my privileged co workers who had all been to private schools and top universities. I felt like a fish out of water when a lot of them were talking. So I know what it's like to feel like an outsider. I've also worked somewhere where I wasn't included by the women of colour in their conversations and lunch dates, they made it plain that they didn't want to get to know me. They never said why but I can put 2 and 2 together.

I'm a resilient person and if people don't like me frankly I couldn't give a fuck but I do know what it's like to feel that you don't fit in.
Yes. In my opinion in the UK, Class is a far bigger divide than race. But that doesn't allow people like Meghan to get the sympathy vote. She could hardly say the RF are snobs when she herself is. Her accusations were very carefully chosen to silence, rather than open a discussion. I watched BBC QT last night and saw the panel floundering, blustering, and evading, all because they were more concerned about saying 'the wrong thing' than responding to the questions asked.
The little mermaid may have found her voice, but she has silenced millions of others. Winner, winner chicken dinner.
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Looks like the Gofundme page has been removed. Guess they'll just have to pay for the mansion themselves :(
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Check the video below the first tweet. She spots her when walking past and stops for a hug. So lovely and genuine warmth.

Kate is a wonderful woman. Shown herself to be reliable, dignified and kind over 10 years of being a royal. So angry and sad to see her being trashed online.
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On those chickens

Of course, the Cambridges have a chicken coop at Anmer Hall, and the children collect eggs from the hen house. So yet another Copy Kate.

Those hens in the Oprah film do not look like rescue battery hens (how they were described). Battery hens are really sad creatures, thin legged, bald and the 'hen pecked' phrase is real. There's also no way that a pregnant woman would put her hands in chicken poop. That scene was faked up on so many levels. Probably why they went over the top with the 'Archie's Chicken Shed' sign (or whatever it said).

The fact that they let the film of vacant Harry staring gormlessly at the chickens, while his wife told the story about their 'real wedding with the Archbishop' is incredible. He showed no reaction at all until he heard his cue to sing 'Just the Three of us'. It's alarming. He's not all there and I wouldn't think he even knows what year it is half the time. There's no way he could be considered a reliable witness to events or conversations...
The chicken coop sign says established in 2021. Best looking rescue chucks in the whole world.In the space of 3 months they are now laying eggs, doesn't it take ages for feathers and laying to get better.
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The brass neck of her to get Piers sacked from ITV now people have had time to see it I think 90% of people I know all think its a act from here she is a vile person If she has also made up the bit about her mental health to make her look even better in the states and to try and abolish the royals she is indeed a mentality ill person
The only reason she’s complained about Piers is because she’s scared of him. His quick wit, platform and personal knowledge of her! People seem to forget Piers knew Meghan for a time. And her fans have tried to say that the only reason Piers ‘hates’ Meghan is because she ghosted him/didn’t want to sleep with him. A) piers is a married man with an attractive (IMO far more so than MM) educated wife b) he wasn’t annoyed at being ghosted he was just pointing out her pattern of seeking out well connected people and milking them for info then dropping them.
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already has. In the US it is out of control. Here in the UK it seems to be still only in the Universities but still. My teen gives me hope as he tells me those from his age group ignore the woke-warriors that are squawking regularly in class. Fingers crossed
This is such a worry. The name “woke” is relatively new. But the ideas behind it are the reason we had Rotherham going on for years. No one would be brave enough to call out the abusers for fear of being called racist. Those who did call it, just weren’t listened to by the people who could help the poor girls. We’ve seen it wasn’t just Rotherham, it has been every town in every part of the country. We have to be so careful, to still be able to judge someone on behaviour not colour.
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I think, and this is just my opinion, that it’s reaching boiling point. Most ordinary people won’t be able to stand it any longer. If you think about it it’s only really been like this since about 2016/17. I don’t think it’s here to stay I think it’s a ridiculous and disgusting fad.
That is what I’m hoping, anyway.
I think the way they're pushing it, it's going to end up in violence, even race riots. People are going to boil over at this rate.

I don't care what colour someone is as long as they're a decent and honest person, which Gobble Hag isn't. I'm not going to be forced to hate myself because I'm white though. Nobody should be expected to hate themselves.
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She was living with Cory when she met Harry?
Not sure about the living arrangements but was most certainly dating him and had been for some months. He's a top chef and mingled with the wealthy, so he was a good catch till hazza partook of her battered old venus fly trap. Then the chef was french toast.:m
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Fuck Biden. Nobody gives a shit what he says ... not that he speaks much anyway, just says his linesand fucks off to have his nappy diaper changed.Every one with half a brain knows he's just Harris's mouthpiece.
He was on an old episode of Law and Order the other night :eek:.
Biden is a vehicle to get Harris in within the next 2 years there I said it 💁‍♀️ Sorry to derail, not MM and H related as such but I think it’s important to say
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