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VIP Member
the tragic and hideous story of Sarah Everard is knocking all M&H stories out of the headlines... for good reason. it is heartbreaking, frightening and desperately sad.

M must be livid. O as well. H is probably in his dungeon on his 3rd bong. Fuck him.
m is twisted and sick and desperate enough that after the
"racist" (George Flloyd),
"miscarriage" (Teigen),
"sm abuse" (Flack),
"kidnapped princess" (Dubai),
"climate change" (Greta/Kween of Chunga Chunga, his dad, his brother, everyone and their dog),
"suicide" (diana)
and other bandwagons that she has jumped on/themes that she has plagiarised to generate headlines/airtime, I wouldn't put it past her to make something up along the lines of attempted murder (current headlines and tinhat conspiracy theorists' Diana).

The only thing we are missing are "DV/DA/SA/SV" (Stealing Camilla's thunder), LGBTQ and alien abduction/paranormal activity.... (whereupon she says she was visited by Diana who told her to shove gay, abusive Harry out of the closet).
RIP Sarah Everard. Absolutely awful news.

Oh you’d be surprised at the shit MM fans have already come out with- you mention Diana ‘visiting’ her. I saw a tweet regarding the story that Archie apparently says ‘drive safe’ when someone leaves the house. Someone said ‘from the mouths of babes. Diana speaking through him❤’ what a deluded, offensive, ridiculous comment😭😭
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I have just asked my children if one of them could set me up with a twitter account and explain to me in dippet terms how to use it.

First born :- No Mother.

Second Born :- Are you mental? Fuck no! You'd be banned and fucking arrested within 30 minutes!

Me :- Oh go on, it'll be a laugh

First Born:- I fucking said NO, what part of NO don't you understand? (I knew that would come back to fucking haunt me)

Second Born :- Do what you want, you usually do, don't fucking blame me when you're in jail!

Guess I can't go tell that Shola bint she's a cunt then, or say something smart to all those posting about Kate...... what do I know, I'm white and old 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Iconic Member
I cannie keep up 😂😂😂
I’m getting thread FOMO anxiety here 😂


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I just read that apparently William saying his family aren’t racist, is a racist thing to say.
Seriously, please someone educate me as I truly do not understand that. I’m not being sarky, am I missing something?
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apart from giving away cars,
how exactly are Oprah (and Gail) as popular as they are?
Like 9 million for a basic conversation, because that wasn’t an interview that was a pre scripted conversation with an actress.....

(can I side note this by saying I’m not being racist, now a days it’s needed 😶)
Oprah is popular because she cares about feelings and not facts. Oprah didn't happen overnight and her show that made her popular was based on another show-- he was a white guy named Phil Donahue. Oprah's was dumbed down a little and she was better with empathizing with guests and her audience. She also got into merchandising and other media, something Donahue never did. Gail is popular because she is Oprah's friend and she rode Oprah's coattails to where she is now.

A bit of the truth from the unnamed "friends"

"They now pay for their own protection after moving into their own mansion in Montecito.

The couples friends are reported to have said the cost of the bodyguards is 'exorbitant'."
If the cost of anything they're paying for is exorbitant, it's their own fault. I know this has been hashed out before, but they live in one of the most expensive states in the union and it's just getting more expensive, they're blowing money on these stupid PR people and on the text generator (Scobie), and she seems to spend $5000 a day on clothing. IT ADDS UP. Move to some other state and home that you can afford or STFU.
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It's a dammed if you do and dammed if you don't situation with the royals atm, if they don't say anything they're racist, if they do say anything they're racist!!

How about all these gen z kids go back to crying about not being able to identify as a chair?!🙄🤦🏻‍♀️
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Thanks, my aunt is upset with what Meghan has done and she goes who does this stupid woman think she is, if you’ve ever seen an angry Indian lady my aunt is the definition of her 🤣.

I told this story to someone else the other day an ex friend of mine now.

They were like to me oh but your aunt isn’t black so obviously she was gonna get help. If it was a black person she wouldn’t have helped them.

I was like are you actually for real, I’m a person of colour and my aunt is a person of colour so tell me what’s the difference between a black person and brown person, I was absolutely raging at this.

What an amazing story! That’s amazing they actually wrote to the Queen and she personally handled it. This is the sort of thing that needs to be put out there about our amazing Queen. The RF are not racist and do not deserve that branding at all.
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You've got to give it to Narc-kel she's played an absolute blinder here, she's played to her audience and used the race card and the mental health card knowing full well that these are touchy subjects that are not easy to refute without looking like a wanker. I feel like i'm watching a case study of a narcissist and their victim right before my eyes. She has manipulated Harry's mind so much that he is now almost as toxic as she is.
I can't believe he's had the best education this country has to offer, surely Harry has come across enough narcs in his realm of society to spot one a mile off, he's surrounded by them ffs, he even has them in the family. She's so obvious to me it frustrates the hell out of me that others can't see it. Check out HG Tudor on you tube for a great series about Megan Narckel and her narcissistic personality disorder.
Agree completely. If you even mutter a word of anything other than support when it comes to racism or mental health you’re a heartless cow. I will shout from the rooftops if I see or hear racism happening and have taught my daughters to do the same. My eldest is very passionate about it and I think that generation in general is. However, until these idiots give actual facts and names and it is proven we cannot take anything at face value. It is just so unfair to put this kind of picture out there when no-one knows what or how it was said. The whole thing stinks !
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Eh? Why are they even allowed to complain to ofcom? They don’t live here anymore, did he have to lie and put Gan Gan’s address down
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If Meghan is as desperate for her children to be Prince and Princess , I really really hope the Palace make it impossible.

The interview with Oprah was their big moment in the spotlight and they’ll never have it like that again.

They have no power or longevity. Complaints about what they didn’t get will wear thin and they’ve got fuck all else to offer.
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Anyone who is getting depressed about Insta and Twitter likes and comments from the Sussex Cult fans, these are mostly bots, mostly organised and many are simply bought and paid for. The genuine support is quite low and will fade away until the Harkles pick their next fight with the Royal Family for attention. The silent majority can see exactly what they are up to. As another poster said, there was some genuine support for them wanting to live a quiet life in California, but they've killed that with all their attention-seeking antics, and the vicious, obvious attacks on the RF and the genuinely popular Duchess of Cambridge have done for them now.

The RF do have a problem though. There will be another Oprah interview, there's a Harry book coming, Megz is threatening to write a book, the friends are dropping hints about letters and texts. The rumour is a long time ago that Harry threatened to attack the RF with accusations of racism and also to campaign for the removal of the monarch and replacement with a Republic, if he didn't get everything he wanted. If it walks like blackmail and talks like blackmail, then it's hard to find another name for it. They call it 'negotiation' though. 💰

What are they after? It feels like a long, long list. Guarantees of Prince and Princess titles for the kids. Royal status for every big photo op. A huge cash payment. Life time security for every family member. Commonwealth positions to abuse. Unlimited expenses. They probably want Sandringham (bigger than Anmer Hall) and Windsor Castle thrown in for good measure. And a choice of tiaras for the next coronation.... The demands won't stop, so the RF might as well shut them down now.
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Up to today I thought I identified as a fully grown woman but turns out Cadbury's Dairy Milk share bars identify me as a family of 4 😄
I laughed so hard at this 😂😂 And while we’re on the subject- resealable packaging on chocolate - who on earth needs that??? 😂😂😂
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Meghans like a dog with a bone with this whole Piers thing. Not content with him getting sacked because he wouldn’t bow down, she’s now gone to Ofcom. Anyone would think she isn’t living the American dream as she’s so concerned trying to get a British journalist and broadcaster completely cancelled
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From the last thread @mylifeisasillymoviefail posted this article

It's a strange one, but it seems to reinforce that they are currently negotiating/blackmailing the RF about two things: titles for the mini-Harkles and life-long Rolls-Royce security for all of them. Incidentally this story calls Prince Charles 'The Duke Of Cornwall' several times. Not sure if that's sloppy PR or an intentional insult by using a lesser title, but it's really unusual, he's always called Prince Charles, sometimes called The Prince of Wales.
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It has begun.

Harry and Meghan, the inconvenient truth | Daily Mail Online

"In the space of almost 90 minutes the reputations of the monarchy and of individual Royal Family members were dismantled.

Yet even the most egregious of the couple's inflammatory remarks, such as those about racism, were allowed to escape serious scrutiny.

It is hard to imagine a Dimbleby, a Paxman or a Humphrys allowing so many damaging statements to pass without drilling down to find context and perspective.

By any stretch of the imagination, the Harry and Meghan claims demanded to be properly and thoroughly investigated.

Here, the Mail lays bare the contradictions and inaccuracies at the heart of their interview, untangling fact from fiction."
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I love Joe Lycett I can’t stop laughing, the fact he commented this on Oprah’s post and the sarcasm is brilliant 🤣🤣
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VIP Member
the tragic and hideous story of Sarah Everard is knocking all M&H stories out of the headlines... for good reason. it is heartbreaking, frightening and desperately sad.

M must be livid. O as well. H is probably in his dungeon on his 3rd bong. Fuck him.
m is twisted and sick and desperate enough that after the
"racist" (George Flloyd),
"miscarriage" (Teigen),
"sm abuse" (Flack),
"kidnapped princess" (Dubai),
"climate change" (Greta/Kween of Chunga Chunga, his dad, his brother, everyone and their dog),
"suicide" (diana)
and other bandwagons that she has jumped on/themes that she has plagiarised to generate headlines/airtime, I wouldn't put it past her to make something up along the lines of attempted murder (current headlines and tinhat conspiracy theorists' Diana).

The only thing we are missing are "DV/DA/SA/SV" (Stealing Camilla's thunder), LGBTQ and alien abduction/paranormal activity.... (whereupon she says she was visited by Diana who told her to shove gay, abusive Harry out of the closet).
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