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Double Florin

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Camilla seems to be so lovely. I was delighted for them on their wedding day. They radiated happiness. I loved Diana but Camilla is the love of Charles's life, anyone can see that. The more I learn about her, the more I like her. I agree, I think she would definitely love to clip Harry around the ear😂 No better woman😂
He is a legend!
A good friend of mine recently died of cancer having been ill for a long time. She was married but had no children or family and really struggled with that. She used to write to Camilla and Camilla always replied, not short polite notes but long and interested letters. When she died her her husband wrote to Camilla just to let her know, and he had a letter by return, within a couple of days, that was so touching it made me cry. She really is lovely.
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Can't remember where I saw it but there was an article or something saying imagine it was role reversal.

A princess gets swept off her feet by a D list actor who climbed the greasy pole through questionable means. He love bombed her but there were rumours of his bad temper and arguing with his in-laws and new family. And then this older man cuts off his princess from her friends and family all the while she blindly admits she has major mental health issues since the death of her mum.
He isolates her more and moves her to LA, and it's tactical to make more money out of her connections and title.
And not to mention the trail of devastation he left with his own family and exs
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So my husband just came up with this thread title and I forgot that I was having a nose at the rave thread and accidentally posted it there 😩🤣🤣

Harry and Meghan #75 Hostage Haz out for show, blink once for yes and twice for no
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I can totally believe William is done with Harry unless something changes remarkably in Harry's attitude and he dumps that witch. William was the one Diana leaned on and parentified during his childhood, William was the one who looked out for Harry as a younger brother his whole life. William is the one who gently tried to get Harry to slow the fuck down with his relationship with Meghan and typically, in the grand tradition of good deeds not going unpunished, Harry has behaved like a spoiled, stupid, resentful brat and thrown everything in William's face. They're too old for this anymore. It comes to a point in life with certain family members - and I think a lot of people here will recognise this - when you realise that they will never change, that you understand their character flaws and while you may love them, you utterly despise them for their behavior and just distance yourself from them.

The photos that came out of Kate and William's visit to the school the other day (with Kate in the pink coat) said a lot to me. They were in my mind a very nice, subtle propaganda coup. They ended up front page looking like a regal, united couple, doing an engagement amongst children and adults of normal status in this country, compared to two shady, shift weirdos stuck in a mansion on the other side of the world, crapping on about their precious sad feels and desire for titles and their love of and need for more money. And herself in her 5K dress while Kate stole the show in a £300 coat and a £40 Boden top. Hahha. Kate outglams that bint constantly while spending far, far less, probably because she realises labels don't make you stylish. Meghan has no fucking style of her own, it's utterly peculiar. She comes off like an influencer who has a new 'holy grail' product or garment she's obsessed by every three days.

The photo that appeared on some front pages with them sat on chairs positioned like thrones - boom - William looking fairly stern and don't fuck with me, their body language showing a united couple, no weirdness or shiftiness, was a rea coup. Both of them out to face the world sans and the British press in broad daylight without filters or edits, and answer some crass questions. No hiding behind mansion gates with a tame billionaire who refuses to ask anything difficult or a single challenging follow-up question. William wasn't even diaried to be at the event but clearly came out to support his wife and show the world what he's made of. He looks more and more like a future king - a man who knows who he is and what his duty to the nation is. Kate looks more and more like a future queen. I'd prefer them to succeed Liz any day over Charles who I think means well but is flawed in way that can show a lot of weakness. Anyway, they presented a clear and obvious contrast to the two shifty Hollywood cunts in their designer rags and Marie Antoinette chicken coop antics.
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I heard someone say that a white person can never legitimately say they are not racist because they've never been on the receiving end of racism and our white privilege means we can never understand their 'truth'. 🤷‍♀️
As a child of Irish parents who settled in England, I grew up a thinking my dad was actually called Paddy ( he was Eammon) that being one of 11 children was something to be laughed about.
We were disadvantaged in that we squashed into a house too small, because the council didn't build bigger houses. we slept 3 to a bed. We had free school meals, and had to hold our hands up and say 'free' when the dinner money was collected. We all of us, left school at 15 to work in unskilled jobs.
We all of us, went to night school, to college, to university.
We are all employed in professional roles, we have Teachers, nurses, police officers and a solicitor amongst us.
Recently a UK holiday company announced that they had blocked bookings from people with our surname. No big debate took place, just a few mumblings and that was it.
As there was never a whisper of the R word when we grew up, we didnt have chips on our shoulders and no woe is me attitude,
We just quietly did what we describe as 'bettered ourselves'.
All of us had a common aim, to make the lives of our children a bit better.
Let them have a bed each, if not a room each.
Were we victims of racism.Should we have shouted about the racism around daddy's given name, being replaced by what is now seen as a derogatory one?
Being white and under privileged, still ranks low on any ability to be included in the racism debates.
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You've got to give it to Narc-kel she's played an absolute blinder here, she's played to her audience and used the race card and the mental health card knowing full well that these are touchy subjects that are not easy to refute without looking like a wanker. I feel like i'm watching a case study of a narcissist and their victim right before my eyes. She has manipulated Harry's mind so much that he is now almost as toxic as she is.
I can't believe he's had the best education this country has to offer, surely Harry has come across enough narcs in his realm of society to spot one a mile off, he's surrounded by them ffs, he even has them in the family. She's so obvious to me it frustrates the hell out of me that others can't see it. Check out HG Tudor on you tube for a great series about Megan Narckel and her narcissistic personality disorder.
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She reminds me of my grandma, my gran died 6 years ago, my gran adored TQ.

So I’ll tell you a little story, my gran came to England in the 60s with her youngest kids and the oldest ones stayed in India.

It was the turn of the eldest daughter to come to uk from India and it was a pretty tough to get here, my aunt got to the UK but she wasn’t allowed in immigration wouldn’t allow it.

My grandfather and many others wrote a letter to TQ and she contacted immigration they had to let my aunt and any citizens from the commonwealth countries in to the UK.

She authorised my aunts paperwork and my aunt has lived here for 50 years and that’s because of TQ.

My aunt got to meet TQ a few days later and she said she was the most amazing wonderful woman ever and will always have place in her heart for TQ

Those who say TQ is racist need to fix up, if she was racist my aunt would be still in India right now.
TRF do not have a racist bones in their body.

Right. I know it's been a difficult week, it's Friday, it's lockdown blah blah, but I just watched this and I am SO emotional!! I just want to give the Queen a mahoosive hug ❤. She's sooo lovely - reminds me of my grandma. She's the nation's grandma! How found Harry shit on her like that???
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Wu Tien

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Harry's replied to Oprah's question "If they gave you what you wanted, would you have left?" with "no". In other words, Hazno and Smeg have thrown their toys out the pram because HMTQ wouldn't let them play at being Schrodinger's Royals.

So, the gruesome twosome decided to go down the extortion route: "Nice little Firm you got there, ma'am. Be a shame if anything happened to it." They then poured petrol everywhere, threw in some TNT, lit the match and danced around the fire.

This is just the first step. They are going to continue to extort and blackmail the royals until their dying days.
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Next Thread title suggestion:

Harry & Meghan #75 Harry’s going to get a telling off from Will, but it’ll be nothing compared to the bollocking he’ll get from Phil

Can only imagine Phillips response to the Queen being softly softly to Harry, I bet the air was blue
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For people who wanted a timeline of irritations

1. video of her as teenager a) slagging off her dad, b) driving down calling out all the fashion houses and dissing people not dressed to her satisfaction

2. her Working Actress blog, saying how other women were competition, and casting directors (such as HMTQ would be) needing to be manipulated by remembering details about their kids and birthdays and dogs, and how to find tidbits about where influential Hollywood people hung out so you could "bump into them"

3. mailing rings back to husband. Losing childhood BF- suss. UN speech lies about paying her way through college. Lies about her being the one to write to ask company to not say women were cleaners age 12 - her dad prompted that and she even said that in her speech! Copying all her friends into emails about adopting a dog and suggesting cos she was famous she should get it over

4. wedding. Bad stories leaking. Claiming she didn't know Harry etc. The fact she was upset the interviewer wasn't warmer (!!!) wtf she was lovely. No family. Leaving das in hospital with heart attack and refusing to speak to again - seriously holds a grudge this one

5. changing the ring Harry lovingly chose for more diamonds. Obv

6. not doing that many engagements

7. the Africa interview. Not the time and place. Poor people, rape victims. A princess complaining about herself. Complaining about British culture - well Britain is allowed to be different from Hollywood, and a lot of the issues would have been more easily solved by a slower adjustment period. Palace been doing this a long time and know how to navigate

8. Up and leaving, staying in huge mansions quite different to their "camping trips" and "little cottage", blindsiding everyone, being all secretive and weird and stroppy with the press, actually writing that the queen didn't own the word royal they were trying to trademark like Jesus daughter in law from hell

9a Disney thing, H was meant to do a military engagement. Instead tries to strong arm Disney into employing Mm. I mean it was so embarrassing,

9. saying they wanted to escape privacy then literally being in the news incessantly, talking about miscarriages, suicide, really personal family conversations (never actual poor people though, or the less fortunate)

10. the lavish spending on baby moon, baby shower, engagement dress, private jets, luxury holidays, lying ridiculously when didn't need to like saying couldn't fly Archie to balmoral but then could to Elton John.

11. Oprah. Never seen anything so despicable and mean, doing everything they say hurts them, to other people. A woman savaging another woman. Another mother. Someone clearly obsessed with gossip rags - as though all celebs haven't had nonsense written about them J Lo. Beyoncé, Jen Aniston, Angelina Jolie etc etc why would the palace stoop to answering these it's endless nonsense and only confirms therm tbh when you know Palace culture. Presenting Us tabloids as U.K. press. Doctoring comments to go into headlines. Saying Prince titles (lol couldn't make it up!) denied cos of colour when documents over 100 years old specify the rules / insinuating but not providing evidence. No humility or self awareness in that interview.
12. suing everything that breathes - just not a good look. She says she doesn't want to be seen as angry or aggressive and yet she constantly seems angry and is always writing to people to suggest people should apologise, lose their job, or ultimately, do what she wants.
13. Using her friends to constantly leak stuff, note using her friends. Friends who couldn't possibly be identified in U.K. court case (because MM didn't want that to go to trial) but now puppeteering them. Amazing they all have to speak out in press now.
14. Trying to get journalists fired oh dear oh dear not a good look
15. All the bullying allegations which will come out
16. Complaining about not getting security even though taxpayer would have to do it (remembering 20% of U.K. lives in poverty, and can't afford to be safe as rough housing areas/gang culture). Yet can spend thousands/millions on mansions, clothes, court cases, PR - friends being free obv
17. Trying to get herself all over the commonwealth in interviews, PR and other nonsense - it's the Queen's baby, she dedicated her life to it age 21, on a tour with her beloved father before he died, and was one of few times she got to travel!

a point I haven't seen said yet - H made point RF is scared of press and public opinion. The Tsar of Russia was the cousin of the Queen's grandfather. Her grandfather spent his reign terrified of public opinion, more so of course after the slaughter of the entire royal family, in their own home, their bodies disfigured with acid and dumped in the wood. Women and children too. Of course Harry lost his mum and feels unsafe etc. I don't dispute those things. But he can't see there are reasons HMTQ fears public backlash - the IRA also killed her much beloved cousin Dickie. Blew him up, whilst fishing with two children. She has had assassination attempts. Princess Anne has been attempted taken hostage at gunpoint.

what did H think he was doing putting his family in the firing line? It's really not acceptable. It goes far beyond a petty public family spat (which is self indulgent and inane AF), to openly inciting hatred. I'm not sure why he thinks that's ok, or hasn't read history, and I don't believe it was the "one compassionate act at a time" drill MM has plaster all over Archewell (alongside pictures of her, not the people she's trying to help ofc).

if people don't want to see what's in front of them, that's their prerogative. But none of the above is about her race, or her gender, I never expected H to marry a guy. I thought it modern, glam and inclusive to marry an interesting, educated, biracial girl, who seemed kind and dedicated.

instead it's been non stop self indulgent, litigacious vengeance from start to finish. If you really don't believe in class and imperialism, step one is to get rid of duchess title, and not to moan about HRH or Prince.

she shows herself every time she opens her mouth. This is all going to go horribly wrong for Meanie Markle.
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You've got to give it to Narc-kel she's played an absolute blinder here, she's played to her audience and used the race card and the mental health card knowing full well that these are touchy subjects that are not easy to refute without looking like a wanker. I feel like i'm watching a case study of a narcissist and their victim right before my eyes. She has manipulated Harry's mind so much that he is now almost as toxic as she is.
I can't believe he's had the best education this country has to offer, surely Harry has come across enough narcs in his realm of society to spot one a mile off, he's surrounded by them ffs, he even has them in the family. She's so obvious to me it frustrates the hell out of me that others can't see it. Check out HG Tudor on you tube for a great series about Megan Narckel and her narcissistic personality disorder.
Genuinely think there will come a time where people see the light with her. Things always come out in the wash. You can’t dupe the entire world forever. Especially not a low rent American actress with no talent, class or integrity to speak of. People are acting like this is a Meghan win but a) it’s been a matter of days and b) this is what happened with Jussie Smollett.
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I’m actually a two spirit demi-chair. Don’t deny my lived experience that’s so bigoted :mad:
Up to today I thought I identified as a fully grown woman but turns out Cadbury's Dairy Milk share bars identify me as a family of 4 😄
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Oprah is popular because she cares about feelings and not facts. Oprah didn't happen overnight and her show that made her popular was based on another show-- he was a white guy named Phil Donahue. Oprah's was dumbed down a little and she was better with empathizing with guests and her audience. She also got into merchandising and other media, something Donahue never did. Gail is popular because she is Oprah's friend and she rode Oprah's coattails to where she is now.

If the cost of anything they're paying for is exorbitant, it's their own fault. I know this has been hashed out before, but they live in one of the most expensive states in the union and it's just getting more expensive, they're blowing money on these stupid PR people and on the text generator (Scobie), and she seems to spend $5000 a day on clothing. IT ADDS UP. Move to some other state and home that you can afford or STFU.
I just love how people on social media have been saying things like ‘Oprah is a mood’ ‘love Oprah’ ‘good for oprah helping Meghan to speak her truth’ all that juvenile bollocks. She was best mates with Harvey Weinstein! Lots of other shady rumours about her too, but on that basis alone, Why is she being celebrated!
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I'm hoping someone also complains to Viacom and ITV about the irresponsible discussion of 'suicidal thoughts', lack of a trigger warning, lack of follow up after the programme to notify viewers of advice and support lines....
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