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I love his tone, I hope he opens the convo with him with “One is absolutely sick of your shit Harry, and if you’d have listened to me in the first place about slowing down so Meghan actually knew what we was about all of this could have been handled differently” I’m glad that William has albeit briefly spoke out like that, he will not appreciate the interview undermining any of his own work with his patronage’s and public as well as the wider commonwealth implications.
Even just from this short clip and William’s tone ( :ROFLMAO: ) I get the impression that if he and Kate came out and did a short interview giving their side, it would hold much more weight than creepy over dramatic narc Meghan and weak Harry’s did. William is a good speaker, strong and dignified, and Kate is quieter, very warm and softer spoken- both come across genuine and without all the dramatics. I doubt this interview would ever take place but it would do the RF a lot of good, I think.
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As an Indian woman the whole thing with Ranvir pissed me off yesterday I’m disgusted by her especially her racism to white people.
My boyfriends white so let me guess he is automatically racist it’s riddiculous. He’s been told by so many wokies he’s racist for his opinion and when he said well my girlfriend is Indian they say well that doesn’t mean he ain’t racist.

Paul Burrell was part TRF for 21 years he knows a lot more then that sour face lemon, she needs to fuck off man .. the dirty look she gave Paul Burrell to.
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Seeing William and Katherine today. Just putting on the stiff upper lip, and carrying out their duties in spite of all the snarling and sniping about them over the last few days, my thought was: whilst it is ok speak out about racism, bullying, abuse and your poor mental health, in doing so Meghan and Harry have knowingly pushed others into a crisis with their own mental health.
Is that ok?
If you don't get support and help when you need it, wouldn't you want to avoid causing someone else to face that situation?
Kate looks like she has the worries of the world on her shoulders today.
William will 'speak to his brother soon'. Harry won't be allowed that call in private will he.
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You stated a biological fact. He IS male. He's just an autogynophile at best and probably just a transtrender in reality. He spent decades introducing himself onstage as a transvestite and making sure you didn't think he was a transsexual. He'd patronisingly explain it to every audience. Now being trans means huge publicity and advancement, he's suddenly decided he's trans. A friend of mine who is a serious runner dropped that Women's Running mag like a stone when they featured him as their female runner of the week or whatever. They and he are a joke. "I'm a woman now", so of course he runs marathons in Barbie Pink lipstick, because women = gaudy make-up on all occasions, even athletics. Fucking joker. Utter caricature.
I read somewhere he defended Rowling though. I suspect he has a rather healthier approach to the matter as comedians are being cancelled/gagged left right and centre.
On a separate note, for you veteran Tattlers who remember the story about my OB/gyn.... guess who I'm seeing tomorrow. AT THE PORTLAND (and no I am not knocked up. Just that time of year). Hopefully I return bearing tea
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Omid has posted the most incredible bile-filled rant on Harpers (basically RF = racist gaslighting bullies. No need to click - there's nothing factual about it other than 'Meghan's recollection of events)

Hé must be looking for a legal fight. I'm astonished Harpers have published this.
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I see Charles and Philip in Harry more, William looks more like Diana, he deffo got her smile.

My husband thinks it’s all going to come out that Harry isn’t even Charles son. Ohhhhh, to be fair he looks nothing like Charles and definitely more like the Spencer chap. I highly doubt anything will be exposed about that though.
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Scotch Mist

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Undercover with the Harkles..... oh dear Haznoballs has spat his dummy out again...... not even a roast chicken will cheer him up 😉

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Oh for fucks sake. Feel for you! Eddie izzard has only decided he thinks he’s transgender very recently no? He was just a transvestite before. These people constantly move the goalposts so you are potentially being ‘offensive’ at all times.
This person kept saying “she’s so brave” I was like “oh for goodness sake, he’s a man” and apparently that was hate speech. Luckily my boss found it ridiculous, but others may not. It’s scary.
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The Queens insisted on silence because she recognises if her staff 'leak' anything Megain will retaliate.
She's a canny old bird
It’s kind of ridiculous that MM fans are saying Meghan’s won, she ‘spoke her truth’ and has been vindicated, that the Queen’s relative silence/short statement speaks volumes blah blah blah. Fgs, the Queen is a wise, intelligent and scrupulous monarch of nearly 70 years. The RF is a centuries old institution. They know how to play it. Meghan is no more than a jumped up, lying, arrogant nobody who thinks she’s got it all sussed.
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Chilli pepper 19

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When I initially saw the headlines of the palace reaching out I was furious but I've been thinking and actually it could be a masterclass.

JCMH is finished in the UK and will get booed whenever he's in public. I don't know but I suspect his beloved army also now dispise hjm for slagging off the Queen. What Merkin has shown since sending her friends out to continue talking about something they said they weren't talking about is she wants a war. She was desperate for the palace to dispute the facts so she could then keep talking about it. But instead they told her she's a liar (in a ridiculously polite way) and that they love them.

The interview was as much a stitch up for JCMH as the palace otherwise why wasn't he there for the whole thing. She wants to destroy his relationship with his family and as much as I hate him at times he looked angry, shocked or lost. But not someone living their best life.

I think the RF know he's in a seriously desperate state and want to rescue him. Also how much will it piss Merkin off if he reconciles with his family and the woke crowd can't complain about the cruel family. If she continues the war it just looks malicious and her bullying will come out and be evidenced based and devastating.

We have to wait until she's had the baby until they unleash everything, which is why she announced it. But this approach will be sending her nuclear as all she wants is the titles and the security money which comes with both and I don't see that being made. She should know that in chess the Queen always wins.

Also anyone heard from the Obamas yet????
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I am so sick of them. I am hoping their buzz will die down in the US soon. I am sure US will find something to hop on about. US always find shiny new things to talk about. Once everything start to open up again, people will be occupied with travel/gatherings and they will be old news.
As a note of current events in the US... the trial of Derek Chauvin, former Minnesota police officer, has begun for the death of George Floyd last summer. Jury selection is underway. The issue of racism is very raw and IMO at a critical tipping point.
I think that Harry & Megan may be flaming the fire and I find that to be very sad and unforgivable. It's not what's needed.
As I said before, they wasted their platform for being positive change. Instead they chose to incite more hate and division.
I'm typically a very positive person but my faith is certainly wavering. :cry:
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I've always thought that he looks much more like Prince Philip and I don't believe that Diana would have been that stupid.
Diana was still in love with Charles and would never have risked an affair and possible out of wedlock baby when she thought their marriage was still strong and durable.

He’s Charles’ boy but inherited the stroppy petulant streak of the Spencers , look at Diana and her brother.
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Her Ariel anecdote - cringe! 😖
I've never liked Disney's Ariel princess. She's a spoilt brat and will get what she wants, is vain, collects someone else's treasures, puts her friends in awkward situations, determined to get the prince, sells her voice to a witch, falls out with her dad and still gets the big wedding 😳🤔
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Chatty Member
Can we not talk about trans people anymore? I get that people feel strongly, but this is a Harry and Meghan thread and it's kind of off topic. I only feel half-welcome here as I am left wing and socially liberal (some would even say woke!) but I'm sick of H&M and also don't agree with critical race theory etc.
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How on earth did BP let it get this far. Was it Harry that they underestimated. I do believe, at least, hope they had megabitch worked out early on but I guess as with most families, they totally didnt think Harry would ever do this to them. It scares me that TQ is reaching out to Harry, how can she possibly trust him. Damage control but how does that work with these two.

Because the Queen knows all too well how in all her communications putting Harry in the place of dominance will piss Meghan off.

In the statement putting Harry first, speaking to Harry. She is putting Meghan down.

That will probably piss Meghan off even more and hopefully lead her to make a mistake she can't undo.

Sometimes the best weapon is to simply let the idiot talk and give then enough rope to hang themselves.
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The BP statement said that things will be addressed in private - probably with The Hag recording the call - so God knows how anything is going to be resolved. They can't trust Handbag at all now.

I think everything should be in writing and kept to the formal minimum. I don't think any family members should have any further personal conversations with Handbag from now on. He is treacherous.
I think Megbeth and Hazza aren't going to be a part of that investigation as they aren't a part of the bullying investigation despite their vehemence for the same. The Palace has made it very clear.
One thing I’m sick of seeing are these influencers and home accounts spouting that they stand with Meghan. Saying they want the Royals abolished. Anything to stay relevant.
No offence but most of them are Americans and Americans don't get a say in the matters of the British public. They can support Meghan all they want because she is, and was throughout her marriage, American- she never gave up her citizenship, further proving she never had any intention of staying in the UK. But the most interesting part is the American political figures commenting on this. Why are they commenting about an interview with a talk show host?
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VIP Member
The BP statement said that things will be addressed in private - probably with The Hag recording the call - so God knows how anything is going to be resolved. They can't trust Handbag at all now.

I think everything should be in writing and kept to the formal minimum. I don't think any family members should have any further personal conversations with Handbag from now on. He is treacherous.
Imagine needing to start a telephone conversation with a grandchild with “Can you assure me this conversation is not being recorded?” I mean dear lord....I‘m not even a royalist but that poor woman 😞 No amount of money, titles, or privilege can protect you from the pain of a family rift.
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Chatty Member
I want to let you know that a lot of people cannot stand this two-bit actress and the irreparable damage she's caused the Monarchy. Why are people not actively speaking out against her on social media? Because the radical left has overtaken society, especially the media in all forms and to speak out against Meghan right now, even backed by factual points, will get you labeled as a racist bigot. The woke mob will come after you, take screenshots of your well laid out arguments, twist things to suit their narrative, and try to cost you your job, family, and friends. We saw it happen to Piers, we've seen everyone and anyone get cancelled by the woke police, and no one wants to be in the firing line. The best thing we can do is not let their lies infect us and our families and be good people. Vote for change, don't support racist woke celebrities, support businesses and people who are doing the right thing, and know that common sense and decency will eventually prevail. The monarchy and dignity has survived for centuries. Lying d-list grifters usually fade into obscurity faster than you think.
Gosh, you took the words right out of my mouth; but I could not have said it as eloquently. Part of why this issue bothers me so much is what is going on around us in socitey, in the media, etc. We can't even freaking have an opinion on Meghan Markle without being chastised by the woke police (on that other thread). I come here to escape the craziness of social media (I have quit facebook) and we can't even voice our opinions without them being twisted and spun into an entirely different issue. On a gossip site.

Just wanted to say thanks, this was reassuring to read. Sometimes I think there are not many who feel the same way about these things, it can make one feel rather isolated.
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