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No Drama Llama

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People just seem to be speculating, which is what Meghan and Harry must have intended by chucking this unsubstantiated ‘comment’ out there. They can’t confirm who it is because it wasn’t anyone, it just serves to be incendiary and cast suspicion on every member of the RF.
Considering the only two senior members of the royal family who have ever been accused of racism are Prince Philip and Prince Harry and they've confirmed it wasn't Prince Philip, they've made themselves look a tad stupid.
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Wow - for William to speak out like that is quite unusual. He must be at the end of his tether with Harry.

I can just imagine Meghan complaining now that they never spoke up like that in defence of her!
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I don't think this has been posted yet, no matter what you think about his politics he's on the money with this

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Thank you for picking my thread title again I feel empowered.

Waiting for a cease and desist from sunshine Sachs tomorrow now
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I don’t think he has a vendetta against her, actually. I think he can’t stand her and has been the only person willing to call her out. Nobody else will because they’re cowards who are scared of being called racist.

I think he knows that she is big, big trouble & genuinely dislikes her. That’s not a vendetta.

But I agree with your analysis. She smarmed on to him because he was a well known British journalist & she thought he’d be useful. She even asked him to interview her! Why...who the hell was she?? I think he’d be saying all the same stuff about her now with the same volume even if he’d never met or heard of her just might have taken a little longer.
Oh, she absolutely used him. Knew exactly who he was and his status in Britain on a major morning show, and slid into his DMs in a friendly fashion to get herself an invite on GMB when she was over there looking for a husband. I suspect he was totally taken in by her act and when she just cut him off dead after extracting what she wanted from him, he realised he'd been had and how big of a dubious operator she was. His ego wouldn't like what happened, but it's also obvious he sees through her superficial manipulative bullshit, having experienced it.
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I have faith that The Queen knows exactly what she is doing. Keep your friends close, your enemies even closer.
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Do you know what, I think he does look like Charles and is getting more like him as he gets older 🙈 don't shoot me 😂
I agree, Harry has a matching wing nut and the bridge of his nose and his eye position. I'm convinced he's the son of chuck. Also, Earl Spencer is ginger. 🤷‍♀️
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A few positives while were all fed up:

• they will never be welcome in the UK now and will get booed if they try (more Harry, I don’t see Meghan ever coming here)

• they may have won the battle but they haven’t won the war, hopefully the Queen will out manoeuvre them again

• they weren’t addressed by their titles in the statement. Even if they get to keep them it’s hilarious if the queen refuses to acknowledge those titles anymore

• woke ITV have lost the main reason why people tune in to GMB, let’s hope Piers spills the tea on the ITV lovies like schofield while he’s spilling the tea on Meghan now he’s got nothing to lose and a good excuse
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Game on. Brilliant PR, leak all the positive stuff they did for her while she is still pregnant and then leak all the shit behaviour from Smegs Smollet after crotch goblin 2 appears.
It needs to be widely circulated. Show people who snipe about the royal family being so racist. Ask them why Meghan claimed 'nobody helped her' when she had a staff of twelve and three people PERSONALLY assigned to show her the ropes, including a woman who worked for the Queen herself, and a black veteran. A first generation immigrant from West Africa, no less.

This guy is the business. Look at his background. How DARE she shit on him, and the rest, and say she had no-one to teach her anything? How dare she pretend she was living like some fucking prisoner of conscience of whiteness where her 'person of colour' (lol, she is practically white compared to this guy) experience could not be understood? Typical disengenuous woke cunt, throwing anyone under the bus to serve her personal agenda of professional victimhood.


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I had someone on Facebook take screenshots and send them to my employer. Because I said Eddie Izzard is male 🙄
I'm off of most social media under my real name and what I do post under it is innocuous stuff about makeup and dogs. I use burner phones, designated PCs and VPNs for everything else. There's a war going on out there and I'm not going to be a casualty.
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Have you seen this ?
Does anyone else get the feeling that there's an element of one side demanding to have their ass kissed in all this? And maybe you're just not an ass kisser, so you're never going to bend the knee, and it's always going to be like this-- one side demanding an ass kiss, us telling them to fuck off, and riots every summer.
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Look at this! The little swine has the RF backed into a corner. Blackmail demands to be met? What do you think?

Queen will reach out to Prince Harry for peace talks as she issues 'three-line whip' on Palace staff | Daily Mail Online
The Daily Mail can reveal there is genuine hurt that the couple have perpetuated the image that Meghan was cut adrift and left to fend for herself.

In fact, sources say, the duchess was given a string of the Queen’s most senior staff as ‘mentors’ after the couple became engaged, as well as being allowed to hand-pick her own 15-strong team of loyal and talented private office staff.

‘It is very disingenuous to make such a sweeping generalisation,’ one insider said. ‘There was a brilliant team of very experienced and loyal aides to help them. Sadly, she and Harry were willing to listen to no one. And that is the honest truth.’

The Queen even personally persuaded her long-standing and extremely popular former deputy private secretary Samantha Cohen, who had just handed in her notice after working for the Royal Household for the best part of two decades, to stay on and work for the couple.

She was their first joint private secretary, running their private and public lives rather like a chief of staff.

One of her main roles was to help navigate Meghan through the wedding and prepare her for royal life. These included regular tutoring sessions on everything from royal etiquette to diplomatic protocol at Kensington Palace.
Australian-born Mrs Cohen, a mother of three, was considered the safest pair of hands possible. Having begun her career in the press office, rising to press secretary, and then moving to the Queen’s private office in 2010, she was the most senior woman in the household and one of the Queen’s key advisers, seen in the palace corridors as belonging to a more modern breed of royal executive.

‘The Queen gave her Sam, her most trusted, her safest set of hands,’ a source said. Yet Meghan told Oprah Winfrey that while the Queen had personally been ‘wonderful’, she hadn’t received any guidance on how to behave as a royal – leaving her forced to google the National Anthem.

‘Unlike what you see in the movies, there’s no class on how to... how to speak, how to cross your legs, how to be royal,’ she said.

‘There was none of that training that might exist for other members of the family. That was not something that was offered to me.’

‘Nobody prepares you?’ asked Miss Winfrey.

Meghan confirmed this adding: ‘I’m sorry, but even down to, like, the National Anthem. No one thought to say, “Oh, you’re American. You’re not gonna know that”.

'That’s me, late at night, googling... I don’t wanna embarrass them. I need to learn these 30 hymns for church.

'All of this is televised. We were doing the training behind the scenes ’cause I just wanted to make them proud.’

She also revealed that on the first occasion she met the Queen, at Royal Lodge, Prince Andrew’s Windsor home, his ex-wife the Duchess of York – with whom he still lives – had to teach her how to strike a ‘deep curtsey’ as she had no idea what she would be required to do that in private.

Harry backed up his wife’s claims, saying one of the main reasons for their decision to quit royal duties was a ‘lack of support and lack of understanding’.

But several sources have told the Mail that their account ‘is not one anyone recognises’.

‘No one wants to get into a tit-for-tat but it is important to stress that this idea the duchess wasn’t helped with protocol, that no one taught her to curtsey, she had to google the National Anthem herself, isn’t true,’ said one.

It was alleged last week that Mrs Cohen was one of those members of staff who experienced bullying at Meghan’s hands, which has been denied by the Sussexes’ lawyers.

As well as being given the services of Mrs Cohen, Meghan was also put on speed dial to the Queen’s equerry, Ghanian-born Lieutenant Colonel Nana Kofi Twumasi-Ankrah of the Household Cavalry.

Equerries are senior officers who help organise the Queen’s diary and official functions, often appearing at her side.

The Mail also understands that Meghan was able to lean on one of the Queen’s most senior ladies-in-waiting, Lady Susan Hussey, the widow of former BBC chairman Marmaduke Hussey and one Prince William’s godparents.

She has been the loyal friend and companion to the Queen since she joined the court in 1960 following the birth of Prince Andrew.

Like all ladies-in-waiting, Lady Susan accompanies Her Majesty on engagements and organises her diary, as well as dealing with her correspondence.

She is not paid for her services.

‘Like Sam Cohen, there couldn’t have been a safer sounding board for the duchess to use,’ said a source.
Meghan Markle is a truly egregious, psychopathic liar. She has one of the Queen's most trusted advisors called out of retirement, a top equerry (of colour!) and a lady in waiting running around trying to teach her the ropes. She bullied Sam Cohen the advisor into quitting and ignored all of their attempts to teach her.

Utter cunts. Rot.

ETA: Oh, and here's a photo of the Equerry during Trooping the Colour. He's also a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan. Nice of her, the Strong Woman of Colour to spit on an actual black man (he's Ghanian by origin). Too black for ya, Meggers? Threatening?


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Well-known member
I agree, Harry has a matching wing nut and the bridge of his nose and his eye position. I'm convinced he's the son of chuck. Also, Earl Spencer is ginger. 🤷‍♀️
However, I would LOVE for James Hewitt to crash a press conference with captain woke and lady megbeth to claim Harry as his own while the camera zooms in on megs face. Just for the entertainment value, and karma for any lies she's told.
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As an African I was deeply dissaponted.

They got to see some of the most amazing bits of South Africa and even got the taste some of the most diverse foods we have and I was saddend to see how they acted to the food.

South Africa is beautiful ... People are wonderful. Granted we have issues as everywhere does. But they turned it into a pity party.

Even meeting Desmond Tutu was turned into all about Meghan for a secondary interview.

She made that all about her. The work they were here doing was secondary to her playing the victim.

Not the causes they were here to highlight.
I thought Meghan had angered me as much as she could, but that Africa "no-one asks if I'm ok" interview still makes my blood pressure hit the roof. The utter selfishness when she had met children orphaned by HIV, been to a memorial for a young woman who was raped and murdered and seen people with unspeakably difficult lives, defies belief. The cruelty of Harry and Meghan whinging actually made me cry. I had been deeply moved by the strength of people's spirits and the scale of kindness and determination from those trying to help. As a woman, I especially felt great empathy towards women, so many of whom were hugely inspiring. I felt humbled and I thought everyone would.

The H & M Africa interviews were truly sickening. They were insulting to those who have real problems and also so very nearly reduced the entire tour to the Harry and Meghan "what about us" tour. It was contemptible.

On a more positive note, South Africa is a very beautiful country and I really enjoyed seeing different places. Learning more about the culture was fascinating and I would really love to visit. The joy of the dancing was contagious and I loved seeing all the children and of course Desmond Tutu. Lots of us will remember the tour for the appalling behaviour of H & M, but also for an insight into a beautiful country with some of the bravest, strongest, kindest and joyful people in the world. x
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I have to agree with @freda19 and I feel a sense of deflation regarding the current situation.
Unable to disagree with a person of colour because you will be labelled a racist is something that I find difficult.
I find the world a very strange place at the moment and feel that anything that I may say in disagreement with Meghan may give me a label that I don’t deserve and is untrue.
Just because I don’t fully believe Meghan was telling the truth does not mean I am dismissive of her because of her colour.
Meghan has created a divisive culture within our country due to her own agenda which is such a damn shame.
Britain is a multi cultural country with all manner of faiths and ethnicities living together in communities which the vast majority embrace.
Sadly, I feel that others may not see how progressive Britain has been with race relations due to an American actress telling her truth and her lived experience for sensationalist journalism.
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